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Welcome to the officialGuild Wars 2 Wiki, the comprehensive reference written and maintained by the players.

Current release: “Repentance

Repentance banner.jpg
Repentance banner.jpg

Following the events of “Godspawn,” theTyrian Alliance is now aware of a looming threat hidden within themursaat ruins deep inJanthir. In “Repentance,” the second of three major updates forGuild Wars 2®: Janthir Wilds™, you will venture even farther north into the Isles of Janthir, uncover unexpected perils, and end them beforeTyria is endangered again. There’s plenty of new content to enjoy, so let’s dive into it!

Although the titan threat has been dealt with,Ura was confident to the end, mocking the commander and their allies with an agonizing quandary: "For the door we came through sits wide open." Led by the commander, the Tyrian Alliance, theAstral Ward, and our new allies fromHarvest Den team up to survey one of Janthir's northern isles as the specter of Ura's last words still looms. In order to solve the mystery, they'll need to hunt down clues and confront foes from Janthir's past.

Make your purchase of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds. Pick it up right now through theofficial web store, from the in-game store,Steam, or official retailers.


Gear and equipment

▪ Armor ▪ Relics ▪ Trinkets ▪ Weapons
▪ Prefixes ▪ Ascended equipment
Items andInventory
▪ Consumables (Food,Utility) ▪ Collections ▪ Upgrades (Runes,Sigils,Infusions)
▪ Wardrobe ▪ Dye ▪ Outfits ▪ Minis
▪ Recipes ▪ Materials ▪ Mystic Forge ▪ Legendary equipment
Commerce andcurrencies
▪ Trading Post ▪ Gem Store ▪ Vendor ▪ Vault

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