Living World Season 1 content

Lost Shores

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HistoricalThis page contains information about a Guild Wars 2 element, mechanic, or feature that has been removed or replaced.
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Notes:This content was only available duringThe Lost Shores (November 16, 2012).

Lost Shores

Event type
Special event (map icon).pngSpecial event

Lost Shores is aspecial event that corresponds with theThe Lost Shores game release.

The event involved researching and discovering a method to harm the karka, a deep ocean race that was driven from their home and have relocated to Southsun Cove, who are protected by armored plates that make them impermeable to normal attacks. Each phase was triggered by a special event, but players were able to enjoy additional content afterwards even if you couldn't make the kick-off time.

The event culminated in a one-time onlyevent chain that ran multiple hours with a finale of defeating theAncient Karka. Players received a special reward at the event completion.


  • Something has been stirring in the Sea of Sorrows.
Phase 1
Phase 2
  • Something has been stirring in the Sea of Sorrows.
  • Speak with Lionguard Tyrro to learn about the mysterious rift.
    • The Lionguard are preparing to test their alchemical weapon on the karka in Lion's Arch.
Phase 3
  • Something has been stirring in the Sea of Sorrows.
  • The Lionguard areengaging the Ancient Karka. Head to Southsun Cove to participate.


  • Players werescaled up to level 80 for the duration of this event, allowing all players to take part.


  • The event was described "as being a 'monster movie, invasion type thing' that will focus on the lore of Lion’s Arch."[1]


Flame and FrostNew Friends, New Enemies →The Battle for Cragstead →Alliance Investigation →Molten Furnace →A Quiet Celebration
Sky PiratesCeremony and Acrimony →Hard Boiled →No More Secrets →Aether Investigation →The Aetherblade Retreat →Case Closed
Clockwork ChaosThe Opening Ceremony →The Queen's Address →Clockwork Invasion →Scarlet's Playhouse →Picking Up the Pieces
Tower of NightmaresThe Nightmare Unveiled →Making the Antitoxin →The Tower of Nightmares →The Nightmare Incarnate →The Nightmare Ends →Awake and Allied
Battle for Lion's ArchThe Twisted Marionette →Connecting the Pieces →Escape from Lion's Arch →The Battle for Lion's Arch →Battle on the Breachmaker →Scarlet's End →After the Battle →Dawn of the Next Journey
← Previous:Personal storyNext:Living World Season 2
Original release (January 2013 — March 2014)
The Lost ShoresLost Shores(Invasion of Lion's ArchThe Lost Shores)
Flame and Frost: The RazingBraham: Help from the Legions →Braham - Eirsson →Braham - Retake Cragstead →Rox: Critical Mission →Rox - The Hatchery
Flame and Frost: RetributionMolten Facility →Braham: Avenger of the Dispossessed /Rox: Avenger of the Dispossessed
Last Stand at SouthsunCanach's Lair (se) →Contractually Obligated
Dragon BashCeremony and Acrimony →Hard Boiled →Every Piece Matters →No More Secrets
Sky Pirates of TyriaAetherblade Retreat →A Future in Politics
Bazaar of the Four WindsStrangers from the Sky
Cutthroat PoliticsAudience with the Master →Candidate Trials
Queen's JubileeOpening Ceremony
Clockwork ChaosClosing Ceremony →Scarlet's Minions Invade! →Scarlet's Playhouse
Tower of NightmaresThe Nightmare Unveiled
The Nightmares WithinTower of Nightmares →Nightmare Chamber →The Nightmare Incarnate
FracturedFractals of the Mists
The Nightmare is OverThe Nightmare Ends →The Dead End
The Origins of MadnessThe Origins of MadnessTwisted Marionette Weapon Test →The Origins of Madness: A Moment's Peace →Scarlet's Secret Lair
The Edge of the MistsEdge of the Mists →Advanced Warning →A Study in Scarlet
Escape from Lion's ArchEscape from Lion's Arch →Lion's Arch (Under Attack!)
Battle for Lion's ArchBattle for Lion's Arch →Lion's Arch (Enemy Controlled) →Scarlet's End
Battle for Lion's Arch: AftermathAftermath
Festival of the Four WindsLion's Arch: Honored Guests
Season 1 History LessonRemembering Scarlet's War