Living World

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Living World Seasons 2, 3, and 4

Level 80 isn't the end of your journey. Experience the ever-changing world through Living World stories and adventures. You can access Living World episodes in your story journal.

— Level 80 rewards.

Living World, originallyLiving Story, are series of paid content upgrades inGuild Wars 2. Unlikeexpansions, Living World are post-expansion content that continue existing stories and systems from the preceding expansion that then setup the following expansion. They introduce new content exclusive to them, includingstory chapters,explorable zones,masteries, andmounts. They can be purchased as standalone products as long as the related expansion is owned; however, the stories are not standalone as allGuild Wars 2 story releases follow one continuous narrative.

As of February 28, 2022 with the release ofEnd of Dragons, the Living World content model was discontinued. Post-expansion content were previously separate and not included with expansion purchase. They were instead permanently unlocked for free upon logging into acharacter during the release period, or purchased withgems after the period if not claimed. Now, all future post-expansion content are included for free upon purchase of the respective expansion. Access to Living World remain unchanged, however, and are still standalone purchases.[1][2]

As of November 8, 2022, all players can now re-experience the entirety ofLiving World Season 1 for free permanently.[3] This season was previously unavailable to play due to the nature of the original 2013-2014 releases. The re-release includes most of the original content but with adjustments.

List of Living World Seasons[edit]

This is a list of all major releases applicable to the Living World content model: the core game, expansions and Living World seasons. These are ordered by their respective release dates as well as the story order.

  • Expansion 3 & beyond:EoD Texture Trans.pngEnd of Dragons and future expansions(February 28, 2022 and beyond)
    • Instead of separate Living World releases, additional post-expansion content is automatically bundled with expansions for free upon purchase.

Unlocking Living World[edit]

Where to claim episodes inside the Story Journal.

Each season is split into episodes, each of which can also be purchased separately or bundled along with the purchase of an entire season. All Living World seasons, except Seasons 1 and 2, additionally require their related expansion to purchase them.

Other than Season 1, which is unlocked for free upon reaching level 80, Living World is unlocked by the following methods:

  1. Purchase theGuild Wars 2: Elder Dragon Saga—Complete Collection.
    • This includes the first three expansions as well as Living World.
    • Not to be confused with the related Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate editions offered forArenaNet tag.pngArenaNetaccounts, which all do not include Living World.
  2. Purchase the Living World Season Complete Pack in theGem Store.
  3. Purchase via theStory Journal for 200 Gem as indicated by the image.
    • This is not recommended as it is cheaper to purchase all episodes with a Living World Season Complete Pack rather than individually.
  4. Log into a character during the episode's initial release or re-release period.
    • Release periods last until the next episode is released. Episodes are generally released on a 2-4 month cadence.
    • Episodes re-release periods generally do not occur, with the last free access period being the 2021Living World Return.

Features overview[edit]

See also:Expansion#Features_overview

Story steps[edit]

See also:Story Journal#Storylines

Season 1

Living World Season 1 logo

Flame and FrostNew Friends, New Enemies →The Battle for Cragstead →Alliance Investigation →Molten Furnace →A Quiet Celebration
Sky PiratesCeremony and Acrimony →Hard Boiled →No More Secrets →Aether Investigation →The Aetherblade Retreat →Case Closed
Clockwork ChaosThe Opening Ceremony →The Queen's Address →Clockwork Invasion →Scarlet's Playhouse →Picking Up the Pieces
Tower of NightmaresThe Nightmare Unveiled →Making the Antitoxin →The Tower of Nightmares →The Nightmare Incarnate →The Nightmare Ends →Awake and Allied
Battle for Lion's ArchThe Twisted Marionette →Connecting the Pieces →Escape from Lion's Arch →The Battle for Lion's Arch →Battle on the Breachmaker →Scarlet's End →After the Battle →Dawn of the Next Journey
← Previous:Personal storyNext:Living World Season 2
Original release (January 2013 — March 2014)
The Lost ShoresLost Shores(Invasion of Lion's ArchThe Lost Shores)
Flame and Frost: The RazingBraham: Help from the Legions →Braham - Eirsson →Braham - Retake Cragstead →Rox: Critical Mission →Rox - The Hatchery
Flame and Frost: RetributionMolten Facility →Braham: Avenger of the Dispossessed /Rox: Avenger of the Dispossessed
Last Stand at SouthsunCanach's Lair (se) →Contractually Obligated
Dragon BashCeremony and Acrimony →Hard Boiled →Every Piece Matters →No More Secrets
Sky Pirates of TyriaAetherblade Retreat →A Future in Politics
Bazaar of the Four WindsStrangers from the Sky
Cutthroat PoliticsAudience with the Master →Candidate Trials
Queen's JubileeOpening Ceremony
Clockwork ChaosClosing Ceremony →Scarlet's Minions Invade! →Scarlet's Playhouse
Tower of NightmaresThe Nightmare Unveiled
The Nightmares WithinTower of Nightmares →Nightmare Chamber →The Nightmare Incarnate
FracturedFractals of the Mists
The Nightmare is OverThe Nightmare Ends →The Dead End
The Origins of MadnessThe Origins of MadnessTwisted Marionette Weapon Test →The Origins of Madness: A Moment's Peace →Scarlet's Secret Lair
The Edge of the MistsEdge of the Mists →Advanced Warning →A Study in Scarlet
Escape from Lion's ArchEscape from Lion's Arch →Lion's Arch (Under Attack!)
Battle for Lion's ArchBattle for Lion's Arch →Lion's Arch (Enemy Controlled) →Scarlet's End
Battle for Lion's Arch: AftermathAftermath
Festival of the Four WindsLion's Arch: Honored Guests
Season 1 History LessonRemembering Scarlet's War

Season 2

Living World Season 2 logo

Gates of MaguumaDisturbance in Brisban Wildlands →Fallen Hopes →Tracking the Master of Peace →Cornered →Prosperity's Mystery
EntanglementScarlet's Secret Room →Discovering Scarlet's Breakthrough →The Concordia Incident →Trouble at Fort Salma →The Machine
The Dragon's Reach: Part 1Rallying Call →Uprooting the Iron Marches →The Waypoint Conundrum →Summit Invitations →Plan of Attack
The Dragon's Reach: Part 2Party Politics →Recalibrating the Waypoints →Taimi and the Asura →The World Summit
Echoes of the PastThe Ghosts of Fort Salma →Reunion with the Pact →Caithe's Reconnaissance Squad →Hidden Arcana
Tangled PathsReturn to Camp Resolve  →Tracking the Aspect Masters →Into the Labyrinth
Seeds of TruthThe Newly Awakened →Meeting the Asura →No Refuge
Point of No ReturnArcana Obscura →Pact Assaulted →The Mystery Cave
Mordremoth's Minions Invade TyriaThe Mordrem have invaded Brisban Wildlands(unavailable) →The Mordrem have invaded Diessa Plateau(unavailable) →The Mordrem have invaded Kessex Hills(unavailable)
← Previous:Living World Season 1Next:Heart of Thorns

Season 3

Living World Season 3 logo

Out of the ShadowsEir's Memorial in Hoelbrak →Research in Rata Novus →Blood and Stone →Reaper of Magic →A Shadow's Deeds →Confessor's Stronghold
Rising FlamesTaimi's Game →Destroying Destroyers →Igneous Breach →Trip to the Circus →Machine in the Flame →Old Foes, Old Ghosts →Dragon Vigil
A Crack in the IcePrecocious Aurene →Journey to Bitterfrost Frontier →Frozen in Ice →Elixir Recipe →Elixir Cookin' →The Bitter Cold →Frozen Out
The Head of the SnakeA Meeting of Ministers →Eyes on Lake Doric →Sabotage Fort Evennia →Breaking the Siege →Regrouping with the Queen →Confessor's End
FlashpointTaimi's Pet Project →Arrival and Survival →In Pursuit of a God →Elder Druid Protection →Heart of the Volcano
One Path Ends"Where's Balthazar?" →Shining Blade Secrets →On Orrian Shores →The Flow of Magic →The Last Chance
← Previous:Heart of ThornsNext:Path of Fire

The Icebrood Saga (Season 5)

Living World Season 5 logo

Prologue: Bound by BloodComing Home →Revels & Rivals →Bad Blood →Deeper and Deeper →A Race to Arms
Whisper in the DarkSilence →What's Left Behind →The Wind and Nothing More →The Invitation
Shadow in the IceChasing Ghosts →Still Waters Speaking →Lost Spirits Found →The Hunt Begins →Voice in the Deep
Visions of the Past: Steel and FireForging Steel →Darkrime Delves
No QuarterPointed Parley →Shoulder to Shoulder →Snapping Steel →Distract, Destroy, Distrust →Turnabout
Jormag RisingBehind Enemy Lines →Wrench in the Works →A Simple Negotiation →Pantheon of the Wild →One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion
ChampionsChapter 1: TrucePrimordus Rising →Tidings and Misgivings →Defending Tyria
ChampionsChapter 2: PowerRoaring Flames →Jormag's World
ChampionsChapter 3: BalanceJormag's Madness →Wildfire →Frozen Tide →Flame vs. Frost
ChampionsChapter 4: JudgmentDragonstorm →Champion's End
← Previous:Living World Season 4Next:End of Dragons


  • The Living World was originally introduced as the "Living Story," butArenaNet switched to "Living World" and stopped using Living Story partway through Season 1 (confirmation in July 2013).[4] However, players often continue using Living Story to refer to the Living World releases.
  • The original Season 1 releases of the Living World were largely temporary, but were remade into permanent content that started withFlame and Frost in theApril 19, 2022 game update and ended with theBattle for Lion's Arch in theNovember 8, 2022 game update.
  • Initially, Living World releases were a mix of new story and new features. In Season 2, new features were dropped from Living World updates and were bundled together in releases like theApril 2014 Feature Pack. Starting inSeason 3, this has been reverted and new features are bundled into an update whenever they are ready.
  • Season 1 is currently the only Living World season that is completely free for all players.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]
