Game updates

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This page is a copy of recent updates published on the officialforum. Any undocumented changes will be listed under "Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes". Update dates are based on ArenaNet's time zone of Pacific time.

You can reach this page from in-game at any time by typing/wiki gu,/wiki GU or/wiki update into the chat box.

Late Notes - March 25, 2025

Update - March 25, 2025

Note to users of third-party programs: The game may not launch or work properly after we release a new build if you use a third-party program, due to possible incompatibilities. ArenaNet cannot offer support if a third-party modification breaks, interferes with, or prevents you from playing Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2. Our policy regarding third-party programs can be foundhere.



Mount Balrior


Mount Balrior

  • A legendary mode encounter withUra is now available.
  • Decima's challenge mote will no longer appear until thelegendary sentient conduit is defeated.
  • Respawn locations are now correctly updated when engaging and defeating Decima with the challenge mote active.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes allowed a standard or deadly beam attack to pierce a conduit and hit players taking shelter behind it in Decima's challenge mode.
  • Updated Decima's movement behavior during the first and second phases of her challenge mode to reduce cases where she fails to move to a new position.
  • Fixed an issue that caused one of Decima's beam attacks in the second phase of her challenge mode to fire in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed an issue in Decima's normal and challenge mode encounters that preventedFluxlance Fusillade target indicators from properly disappearing. The skill will now fire a beam attack and the target indicator will disappear, even if the targeted character is dead.
  • Fixed an issue in Decima's normal and challenge mode encounters that could cause dancing sparks to begin moving again even when enough players were within range of a spark's damage aura.

Personal Story



World vs. World

Reward Tracks

Reward tracks inWorld vs. World andstructured PvP are being condensed to lower the total number of repeatable tracks. All final reward choices from the old tracks can be found in the new ones.

The following reward tracks will each be condensed into a single track per category:

The old tracks will be available for one-time completion for any players still working on them. These will be removed at a later date.

Map currencies and materials needed to craft generation 2 and 3legendary weapons have been added to theHeart of Maguuma Reward Track, theCrystal Desert Reward Track, and the Canthan Reward Track.

  • The Heart of Thorns Currency Choice that gives a choice ofAirship Parts,Lump of Aurillium, orLey-Line Crystals can now be traded in bulk toskirmish supervisors.
  • The(Weekly) Stonemist Castle Conqueror achievement can now be progressed by capturingStonemist Castle once or defending it three times.
  • TheEmblem of the Conqueror achievement can now be progressed by successfully capturing or defending objectives.
  • The time required to hold an objective beforetactics can be added has been lowered from 10/30/60 minutes to 10/15/20 minutes for tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 tactics respectively.
  • Tier 3 tactics (Emergency Waypoint, Airship, and Siege Dampener) in keeps and Stonemist Castle can now only be activated while the objective is under attack. Tier 3 tactics applied to towers are unchanged.
  • Keep lords' base health has been lowered by 12.5%, andtower lords' base health has been lowered by 25%. Maximum scaling for objective lords in towers, keeps, and Stonemist Castle has been lowered by 16%.
  • The drop rate for siege equipment from theUnsealed Mist-Hardened Lockbox has been increased.
  • Piles of recycled siege can drop from objective lords in towers, keeps, and Stonemist Castle, as well as from defeating players. Additionally, these items are now tradeable.
  • A newKurzick weapon set now has a rare chance to drop from objective lords in towers, keeps, and Stonemist Castle, as well as from players. The item will be a tradeable chest containing a selection of account-bound exotic weapons.
  • Thewarclaw mount's ability to detect damaged walls and gates when using theSniff skill has been split into its own skill.Detect Vulnerabilities will appear on the heal skill slot when mounted in WvW.
  • Some additional test golems have been added to theArmistice Bastion lounge.

Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes

  • Build: 177,641

Update - March 13, 2025

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Complete 15 Survey Events inMistburned Barrens objective in theWizard's Vault from progressing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused theforest wisp infusion to give more power and less agony resistance than its description stated.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from being awarded theMore Than a Little Bit achievement upon completing the "Keep the areas clear while the golems gather samples" event under the required conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused titan rifts in Mistburned Barrens to occasionally stall.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented shroud status from being properly displayed on the health bars of WvW and PvP opponents.
  • Fixed an issue that caused theLowland Expertise effect duration to count down when logged out. Purchasing the effect multiple times will increase the stack up to a maximum of 7 and add 4 hours to the duration. Continuing to purchase the effect beyond the maximum number of stacks will add 4 hours to the duration, up to a cap of 24 hours.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect text string to be displayed during the "Escort the Kodan Wildstalker" event.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the "Keep the areas clear while the golems gather samples" event from concluding properly.

Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes

  • Build: 176,973

Update - March 12, 2025

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented WvW guild selection from being displayed in the Guild panel.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some relics from functioning after defeat.
  • Battle allies summoned by relics will now be dismissed when the associated relic is unequipped.
  • Greer, the Blightbringer, will now properly appear as the final boss ofConvergence: Mount Balrior on alternating weeks.
  • Fixed an issue that caused bloodstone barriers in Mistburned Barrens to teleport players outside the map boundaries.
  • Fixed an issue that could preventCountess Anise from appearing at theAlliance Staging Ground during the story chapterInto the Valley of Shadow.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an announcement to improperly display for any player who exited theMistburned Barrens: Hazardous Research adventure play space and wasn't actively participating in it.
  • Updated Mastery requirements for interacting with bloodstone in the story chapterA Legacy Damned.
  • Fixed an exploitable issue in the "Collect lightning to keep the asura turrets charged" event.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause the pulsing damage inflicted when dropping a bloodstone shard in the challenge modeUra encounter in Raid:Mount Balrior to persist after the shard is picked up.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Complete Convergences or Raids in the Janthir Region objective in the Wizard's Vault from being progressed in raids.

Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes

  • Build: 176,891

Update 2 - March 11, 2025

Bug Fixes

Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes

  • Build: 176,805

Update - March 11, 2025

Note to users of third-party programs: The game may not launch or work properly after we release a new build if you use a third-party program, due to possible incompatibilities. ArenaNet cannot offer support if a third-party modification breaks, interferes with, or prevents you from playing Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2. Our policy regarding third-party programs can be foundhere.


Although thetitan threat has been dealt with,Ura was confident to the end, mocking thecommander and their allies with an agonizing quandary: "For the door we came through sits wide open." Led by the commander, theTyrian Alliance, theAstral Ward, and our new allies fromHarvest Den team up to survey one ofJanthir's northern isles as the specter of Ura's last words still looms. In order to solve the mystery, they'll need to hunt down clues and confront foes from Janthir's past.

Release Highlights

Wizard's Vault

TheWizard's Vault has been updated for the new season! Last season's unique rewards are now available in the vault's Legacy Rewards panel.

  • New special objectives for the season have been added, and more will appear over the course of the season, including special objectives associated withbonus events andfestivals.
  • When it is possible to purchase more than one of a Wizard's Vault reward item, the UI now displays an adjustable range that will allow you to specify how many of that item you wish to purchase. The number can be adjusted by scrolling up or down with your mouse wheel.
  • Legendary Weapon Starter Key—Set 7 is now available with options for two new legendary weapon starter kits and two returning kits.

Trading Post

Quantity input has been updated to match the newWizard's Vault UI behavior:

  • The quantity of an item you wish to purchase can now be adjusted by scrolling up or down with your mouse wheel over the input field, arrows, or quantity range.
  • The maximum price for purchasing items and the minimum price for selling items can be adjusted by scrolling up or down with your mouse wheel over the input fields, arrows, or coin images.


  • To improve client performance, the number of whirlwinds created by theMistburned valravn's Tempestuous Dive skill have been reduced. The whirlwind visual effects have been adjusted.



Mount Balrior

  • A new version ofGreer, the Blightbringer, will now automatically replaceDecima on alternating weeks.
  • Increased the interaction range for theConvergence: Mount Balrior brazier inHarvest Den.
  • Titan Stench will now display matching icons on the compass and in the game.
  • Turning in a single calibrated essence will now give 7 seconds ofWizard's Blessing instead of 6.
  • Red circles on the map will now follow the bosses in the Convergence.
  • Titanspawn in the "Defend the Maw of Balrior thumper" event will now spawn on the correct side of the breakable wall.
  • Dig site markers will now appear after the base camp has been set up.
  • Decima's dancing sparks will no longer display a raid marker on the map.
  • Ropes will now break at 4 stacks ofRope Tension instead of 3.


Mount Balrior

  • Threechallenge motes have been added, allowing players to activate challenge mode versions of theGreer,Decima, andUra boss encounters.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to sometimes be teleported into Decima's arena while the encounter was resetting.
  • The visual effects for Decima'sFulgent Fence skill have been updated to reduce visual noise.
  • Entry to theMount Balriorraid is now consistent with previous raid instances. If the first player to enter the instance has defeated the final boss since the most recent weekly reset, a fresh instance will open instead of a cleared instance.


New rewards have been added:

Deft Lahar now sells four new resource nodes that can be unlocked for your homestead and home instance:

NewHomesteadrecipes have been added with two forms of acquisition:

  • Players can complete the respectiveHome Sweet Homestead achievements found under the Janthir Wilds: Janthirachievement category.
  • Players can purchase the recipe fromDeft Lahar at a premium instead of completing the achievements.

Six newtitles have been added to the game. Players will be able to display the following titles if they have already completed the achievement requirements:


World vs. World


  • Theguild roster UI has been updated to display members who have selected your World vs. World guild in a WvW Guild column.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes allow players to enter a WvW map on the wrong team or on no team at all.

Profession Skills



  • Mind the Gap.png Mind the Gap: Increased the cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Collapse.png Mental Collapse: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 25 seconds and reduced the power coefficient per hit from 0.6 to 0.4 in PvP only.
  • Fractured Glass.png Fractured Glass: Reduced the power coefficient from 0.3125 to 0.285 in PvP only.


  • Instinctive Engage.png Instinctive Engage: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.0 in PvP and WvW.
  • Falcon's Stoop.png Falcon's Stoop: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.375 to 1.25 in PvP and WvW.
  • Neurotoxin Burst.png Neurotoxin Burst: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.5 in PvP and WvW.

Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes

Update - February 14, 2025

Bug Fixes:

Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes

  • Build: 175,396

See also
