ZenGL Tutorial 2
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This tutorial show how to create a ZenGL Font (.zfi) and how to draw text.
Create ZenGL Font
To create a ZenGL Font you need to downloadZenFont that is a Font generator.
When you got ZenFont open it and you will see something like this:
Agency FB-Regular-18pt.zfi
Use the options to customize your font and then press "Save font" and chose the filename you want (some filename is generated automatically with
the font name and size). The files generated are the .zfi file with some .tga images.
Once we have a font created we need to follow those steps to draw in the ZenGL window.
Create program
- Create a new pascal program and add reference to ZenGL like was explained in the first tutorial.
- Create those directories:
- Save your project in "projectname\project".
- Put the font you has created in "projectname\data"
- Go toProject > Options > Paths inTarget file name write "..\bin\project1".
Add code
vardirRes:String{$IFNDEF DARWIN}='../data/'{$ENDIF};// this is the directory where resources are placedfnt:zglPFont;// this is the font we will use
Load the font in a variable:
procedureInit;beginfnt:=font_LoadFromFile(dirRes+'Agency FB-Regular-18pt.zfi');end;
Draw procedure (here we will draw our text with the loaded font):
procedureDraw;varrect:zglTRect;begintext_Draw(fnt,0,0,'Sample Text. Press ESC to EXIT.');text_DrawEx(fnt,32,32,1.5,0,'Sample Text with DrawEx - Scale 1.5 - Alpha 150',150);rect.H:=128;rect.W:=400;rect.X:=0;rect.Y:=96;pr2d_rect(rect.X,rect.Y,rect.W,rect.H,$FFFFFF,100);text_DrawInRect(fnt,rect,'Sample multiline text in rect.'+#10+'Sample multiline text in rect.'+#10+'Sample multiline text in rect.');end;
This is some code to exit our application pressing ESC:
You can see text with the font we created and other text scaled with alpha.
The resulting code is something like this:
programproject1;{$IFDEF WINDOWS}{$R *.res}{$ENDIF}{$DEFINE STATIC}uses{$IFNDEF STATIC}zglHeader{$ELSE}zgl_main,zgl_screen,zgl_window,zgl_timers,zgl_keyboard,zgl_font,zgl_text,zgl_textures,zgl_textures_tga,zgl_primitives_2d,zgl_utils,zgl_math_2d{$ENDIF};vardirRes:String{$IFNDEF DARWIN}='../data/'{$ENDIF};fnt:zglPFont;procedureInit;beginfnt:=font_LoadFromFile(dirRes+'Agency FB-Regular-18pt.zfi');end;procedureDraw;varrect:zglTRect;begintext_Draw(fnt,0,0,'Sample Text. Press ESC to EXIT.');text_DrawEx(fnt,32,32,1.5,0,'Sample Text with DrawEx - Scale 1.5 - Alpha 150',150);rect.H:=128;rect.W:=400;rect.X:=0;rect.Y:=96;pr2d_rect(rect.X,rect.Y,rect.W,rect.H,$FFFFFF,100);text_DrawInRect(fnt,rect,'Sample multiline text in rect.'+#10+'Sample multiline text in rect.'+#10+'Sample multiline text in rect.');end;procedureTimer;beginifkey_Press(K_ESCAPE)Thenzgl_Exit();key_ClearState();end;Begin{$IFNDEF STATIC}zglLoad(libZenGL);{$ENDIF}timer_Add(@Timer,16);zgl_Reg(SYS_LOAD,@Init);zgl_Reg(SYS_DRAW,@Draw);zgl_Enable(APP_USE_UTF8);wnd_SetCaption('Sample Text');wnd_ShowCursor(TRUE);scr_SetOptions(800,600,REFRESH_MAXIMUM,FALSE,FALSE);zgl_Init();End.