


Celeste 64: the bee-sides

Celeste 64: the bee-sides

A downloadable level pack

Celeste 64: the bee-sides

An all new level pack for the 3D platformer Celeste 64. Created in the spare time of a week by me and some Quake mapping friends. Go hunt for those 22 berries 🍓!

Difficulty in this custom map is assuming you know all advanced movements of the main game. Everything is slightly harder but not by much. It takes probably takes around 1.5 hours to find all berries for a skilled player.

14 x 🍓 8 x 📼

🎮 Controller recommended

💾 The original gamecan be found here (required for this mod!)

Mod is tested on Celeste 64 v1.1.1.


  • wiedo - project lead, level design and texture design
  • sze - made 3 cassette levels
  • JoyModulo- made 1 cassette level
  • potomax- cover art and cassette level concept
  • vayar - playtesting


My Ko-fi donation page. ☕️

Bee-sides v1.1 updates:

  • Made the cassette-/rhythm-block cassette less frustrating
  • Force players the intended route in the final cassette
  • Made more clear what the coins/donuts in the overworld do


wiedo-beesides-v1_1.zip2 MB
wiedo-beesides-v1_1-fuji.zip2 MB

Install instructions

Drag and drop the downloaded files into your Celeste 64 game folder (select overwrite for levels.json). This destroys nothing! Just start the game and a new postcard is there after the title screen.

Optional way to install is using the Fuji - Celeste 64 mod loader. Download the fuji mod files instead and follow the mod loader installation instructions on their website. Put the .zip file in the mods folder.

Development log


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Haven't finish the game yet, but i noticed there is a 'bug' where you can't see 'items' throught this glass walls, if you look closely, you can also see that the walls become invisible too. If that is an intended mechanic, i'm not really fond of it.

it’s an unfortunate behavior of non breakable glass. It’s probably easy to fix when you dive in the code but haven’t done that because I wanted the mod to be non destructive to the main game.

I’ll look into fixing it in the Fuji version in a few weeks, but can’t make any promises. 

Fortunately it’s only happening in two cassette levels, but I do agree it looks weird. 

Could make it like acool feature where you can't see anything behind wich sounds cool. (or make it even  harder)

Olieton1 year ago(4 edits)(+1)

i swear you i have done theBee-side with ease right after i got that one cassette behind the big billboard...buuuuut i can't find the last berry no matter howhard i try, like i have beensearching for half a hour straight and haven't found it at all. I'm on21 berries!! (also great mod to tempt my skill until cea-side releases probably) Please if you can provide information i'd be ecstatic. AlsoW the controller boosting me through all that.[if you really wanna help, dm me at discord, my user's mamastich2 and reply your user here too]

check out Blinks stream he found everything in a little over an hour.


Amazing job Wiedo ! 
It was almost too hard for me to 100% but I managed to do it.

Almost tempted to download trenchbroom now.

if you need any help I can point you the right way. The beginner tutorials of Dumptruck DS on YouTube are probably your friend. 

This is lovely addition, great job <3

Great mod, love the use of advanced movement tech. 

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!·View all by wiedo·Report·Embed
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