


Pixel perfect Discord widgets for your website

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Need WidgetBot for a large website or event?

Side Accent #1
Circles Accent

Features, Features, Features!

WidgetBot has everything you expect from Discord, and more, to provide the best experience for your users

WidgetBot replicates Discord's UI to feel familiar to users

WidgetBot lets users switch between your server's channels, just like in Discord. (Gold patrons can enable Single Channel mode)

Users can log in and send as their Discord account, or send messages as a guest (if enabled)

Logged in users enjoy the same permissions as they have in Discord

Guest permissions are inherited from @everyone and can be customized on a per-channel basis

Emojis, markdown formatting, and embeds render as you would expect

Embed it inline, or use Crate to put a small button in the corner of your site

Easy integration with first-class support for sites made with HTML and React

Patrons can customize the colors and CSS of the embed to theme it to their site

Side Accent #1

Numbers don't lie

Join overtwenty thousand servers using WidgetBot







