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What's on your Brain.

Objectivity affects what force, before Subjectivity is manifest?

About the Author

some kind of prison

Peruse a list of personal highlights intended to give the reader some insight into the author, @ajaxStardust

Please indulge me, won’t you? I’ve decided to tell you a little about myself.

Jeff's Head

I have been primarily involved in music performance, recording, production, and education.

I have roughly 20 years experience in programming websites with the classicLAMP stack (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) as well as CSS and JavaScript for front-end development. I have experience withVue.js andLaravel.

I develop with Python using such libraries asDjango,Flask,BeautifulSoup4, and many others.

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Web Sites Authored:

A web-tech/ software review/ entertainment/ programming blog I author. I regret my rather whimsically selected domain name / site name. I really don’t appreciate WordPress very much any more. Don’t be fooled. The community stinks. It’s had it’s day. Regardless of the name, there is useful content about all sorts of web development topics.


All about my adventures in Artificial Intelligence Research and Machine Learning engineering. This is new.™

Yet another web log I author prose, poetry. Basically anything I want to publish at any given moment tends to go here. More naked than nude, I suppose.

My WordPress Web Development, SEO Consultant, and web hosting business website.


Experienced, advised guitar teacher in the Penn State University (PSU), University Park, State College, PA area. This link takes you directly my online forum for guitar players and guitar instructors. Join the community and get in on the conversation!

GitHub Projects

A PHP / jQuery powered simple static content viewer meant to be placed in a folder on a web development server, for the purpose of easily locating static files within folders. E.g. Create a folder on-line, FTP upload stuff here and there to share with whomever, whenever, and it basically is a viewer for it. A System Path to HTTP URL conversion tool is convenient for creating hyperlinks from system paths a cinch. Please drop me a line if you try it, and find it useful!

Music Performance/ Recording Artist

In the News

As featured in The Penn State University Daily Collegian newspaper. You’ll find articles about my efforts to promote the State College, PA local, original music scene back in the early 2000’s. It’s stuff about live music in a college town. I hosted and was master of ceremonies for an event I created, Skellerpalooza, which was basically an “Open Mic Night”, for original music bands on tour. Being fortunate to have been well connected in the music industry network– local and national– I used my knowledge and experience to help others gain more exosure!


A band (aka. ‘SONA from Penn State’) I played“The Rockstar” role for several years as lead guitarist


Chronologically after sOna, E-Nation was aFour-piece alternative hard rock band, featuring Scott Everhart, Tal Peretz (aka, just “Taz”. Like Cher, or Madonna … i think?), Seth Richardson, and i was the guitarist!

Jeff Sabarese, Music Artist

A sort of best-of collection there features various ensembles in which I played guitar, sing, or in some manner was responsible for the music production: . This is the recommended URL for an overview of this Author’s work as recording artist.

Guitar and Music Theory Instructor

Of all my achievements in music, public accolades and the like, I must not let that diminish the importance of my career as a Guitar Teacher. I have impacted the lives of countless people of all ages who have learned to play guitar and gone on to have guitar be a major part of their own lives. More than anything, I take pride in my success as a teacher. Take a look atmy guitar lesson website from 2008, when everyone wanted to learn guitar because theGuitar Herogame was so popular. That’s fun!

Consider the aforementioned, a sort of snapshot of my career; my achievements as a musician, a music producer, a music instructor; an author of both educational and creative literature; web design, application development, and web hosting administrator. In any of the references indicated above, the reader might learn something about this author. Please take a moment to visit one or more of the links provided, especially something is related to your own interests.

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