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This standard defines an interface definition language, Web IDL, that can be used to describe interfaces thatare intended to be implemented in web browsers.


This section is informative.

This standard defines an interface definition language, Web IDL, that can be used to describeinterfaces that are intended to be implemented in web browsers. Web IDL is an IDL variant with anumber of features that allow the behavior of common script objects in the web platform to bespecified more readily. How interfaces described with Web IDL correspond to constructs withinJavaScript execution environments is also detailed here.

Concretely, Web IDL provides a syntax for specifying the surface APIs of web platform objects, aswell as JavaScript bindings that detail how those APIs manifest as JavaScript constructs. Thisensures common tasks, such as installing global properties, processing numeric inputs, or exposingiteration behavior, remain uniform across web platform specifications: such specifications describetheir interfaces using Web IDL, and then use prose to specify API-specific details.

The term "JavaScript" is used to refer to ECMA-262, rather than the official term ECMAScript, since the term JavaScript is more widely known.

2.Interface definition language

This section describes a language,Web IDL, which can be used to defineinterfaces for APIs in the Web platform. A specification that defines Web APIscan include one or moreIDL fragments thatdescribe the interfaces (the state and behavior that objects can exhibit)for the APIs defined by that specification.AnIDL fragment isa sequence of definitions that matches theDefinitions grammar symbol.The set ofIDL fragments thatan implementation supports is not ordered.SeeIDL grammar for the complete grammar and an explanation of the notation used.

The different kinds ofdefinitions that can appear in anIDL fragment are:interfaces,partial interface definitions,interface mixins,partial mixin definitions,callback functions,callback interfaces,namespaces,partial namespace definitions,dictionaries,partial dictionary definitions,typedefs andincludes statements.These are all defined in the following sections.

Eachdefinition (matchingDefinition)can be preceded by a list ofextended attributes (matchingExtendedAttributeList),which can control how the definition will be handled in language bindings.The extended attributes defined by this specification that are language bindingagnostic are discussed in§ 2.14 Extended attributes,while those specific to the JavaScript language binding are discussedin§ 3.3 Extended attributes.

[extended_attributes]interfaceidentifier {  /* interface_members... */};
Definitions ::ExtendedAttributeListDefinitionDefinitions    ε
Definition ::CallbackOrInterfaceOrMixinNamespacePartialDictionaryEnumTypedefIncludesStatement

The following is an example of anIDL fragment.

[Exposed=Window]interfacePaint { };[Exposed=Window]interfaceSolidColor :Paint {attributedoublered;attributedoublegreen;attributedoubleblue;};[Exposed=Window]interfacePattern :Paint {attributeDOMStringimageURL;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceGraphicalWindow {constructor();readonlyattributeunsignedlongwidth;readonlyattributeunsignedlongheight;attributePaintcurrentPaint;undefineddrawRectangle(doublex,doubley,doublewidth,doubleheight);undefineddrawText(doublex,doubley,DOMStringtext);};

Here, fourinterfaces are being defined. TheGraphicalWindow interface has tworead onlyattributes, one writable attribute, and twooperations defined on it. Objects that implement theGraphicalWindow interface will expose these attributes and operations in a manner appropriate to the particular language being used.

In JavaScript, the attributes on the IDL interfaces will be exposed as accessor properties and the operations as data properties whose value is abuilt-in function object on a prototype object for allGraphicalWindow objects; each JavaScript object that implementsGraphicalWindow will have that prototype object in its prototype chain.

Theconstructor operation that appears onGraphicalWindow causes aconstructor to exist in JavaScript implementations, so that callingnew GraphicalWindow() would return a new object that implemented the interface.

Allinterfaces have the [Exposed]extended attribute, which ensures the interfaces are only available inrealms whoseglobal object is aWindow object.


Everyinterface,partial interface definition,namespace,partial namespace definition,dictionary,partial dictionary definition,enumeration,callback function,callback interface andtypedef (together callednamed definitions)and everyconstant,attribute,anddictionary member has anidentifier, as do someoperations.The identifier is determined by anidentifier token somewherein the declaration:

Note: Operations can have no identifier when they are being used to declare aspecial kind of operation, such as a getter or setter.

For all of these constructs, theidentifier is the value of theidentifier token with any leadingU+005F (_) removed.

Note: A leading U+005F (_) is used to escape an identifier from lookinglike a reserved word so that, for example, an interface named "interface" can bedefined. The leading U+005F (_) is dropped to unescape theidentifier.

Operation arguments can take a slightly wider set of identifiers. In an operationdeclaration, the identifier of an argument is specified immediately after itstype and is given by either anidentifier token or by one of the keywords that match theArgumentNameKeyword symbol. If one of these keywords is used, it need not be escaped with a leadingunderscore.

interfaceinterface_identifier {return_typeoperation_identifier(argument_typeargument_identifier /* , ... */);};
ArgumentNameKeyword ::asyncattributecallbackconstconstructordeleterdictionaryenumgetterincludesinheritinterfaceiterablemaplikemixinnamespacepartialreadonlyrequiredsetlikesetterstaticstringifiertypedefunrestricted

If anidentifier token is used, then theidentifier of the operation argumentis the value of that token with any leadingU+005F (_) removed.If instead one of theArgumentNameKeyword keyword token is used, then theidentifier of the operation argumentis simply that token.

Theidentifier of any of the abovementionedIDL constructs (except operation arguments) must not be "constructor","toString",or begin with a U+005F (_). Theseare known asreserved identifiers.

Although the "toJSON"identifier is not areserved identifier,it must only be used forregular operations that convert objects toJSON types,as described in§ toJSON.

Note: Further restrictions on identifier names for particular constructs can be madein later sections.

Within the set ofIDL fragments that a given implementation supports,theidentifier of everyinterface,namespace,dictionary,enumeration,callback function,callback interface andtypedef must notbe the same as the identifier of any otherinterface,namespace,dictionary,enumeration,callback function,callback interface ortypedef.

Within anIDL fragment, a referenceto adefinition need not appear afterthe declaration of the referenced definition. References can also be madeacrossIDL fragments.

Therefore, the followingIDL fragment is valid:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceB :A {undefinedf(SequenceOfLongsx);};[Exposed=Window]interfaceA {};typedefsequence<long>SequenceOfLongs;

The followingIDL fragment demonstrates howidentifiers are given to definitions andinterface members.

// Typedef identifier: "number"typedefdoublenumber;// Interface identifier: "System"[Exposed=Window]interfaceSystem {  // Operation identifier:          "createObject"  // Operation argument identifier: "interface"objectcreateObject(DOMString_interface);  // Operation argument identifier: "interface"sequence<object>getObjects(DOMStringinterface);  // Operation has no identifier; it declares a getter.getterDOMString (DOMStringkeyName);};// Interface identifier: "TextField"[Exposed=Window]interfaceTextField {  // Attribute identifier: "const"attributeboolean_const;  // Attribute identifier: "value"attributeDOMString?_value;};

Note that while the secondattribute on theTextFieldinterface need not have been escaped with an underscore (because "value" is not a keyword in the IDL grammar), it is still unescaped to obtain the attribute’sidentifier.


IDL fragments are used todescribe object oriented systems. In such systems, objects are entitiesthat have identity and which are encapsulations of state and behavior.Aninterface is a definition (matchinginterfaceInterfaceRest) that declares somestate and behavior that an object implementing that interface will expose.

[extended_attributes]interfaceidentifier {  /* interface_members... */};

An interface is a specification of a set ofinterface members (matchingInterfaceMembers).These are themembers that appear between the braces in the interface declaration.

Interfaces in Web IDL describe how objects that implement theinterface behave. In bindings for object oriented languages, it isexpected that an object that implements a particular IDL interfaceprovides ways to inspect and modify the object’s state and toinvoke the behavior described by the interface.

An interface can be defined toinherit from another interface.If the identifier of the interface is followed by aU+003A (:)and anidentifier,then that identifier identifies the inherited interface.An object that implements an interface that inherits from anotheralso implements that inherited interface. The object therefore will alsohave members that correspond to the interface members from the inherited interface.

interfaceidentifier :identifier_of_inherited_interface {  /* interface_members... */};

The order that members appear in has significance for property enumeration in theJavaScript binding.

Interfaces may specify an interface member that has the same name asone from an inherited interface. Objects that implement the derivedinterface will expose the member on the derived interface. It islanguage binding specific whether the overridden member can beaccessed on the object.

Consider the following two interfaces.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceA {undefinedf();undefinedg();};[Exposed=Window]interfaceB :A {undefinedf();undefinedg(DOMStringx);};

In the JavaScript language binding, an instance ofB will have a prototype chain that looks like the following:

[Object.prototype: the Object prototype object]     ↑[A.prototype: interface prototype object for A]     ↑[B.prototype: interface prototype object for B]     ↑[instanceOfB]

CallinginstanceOfB.f() in JavaScript will invoke the f defined onB. However, the f fromA can still be invoked on an object that implementsB by

Theinherited interfaces ofa given interfaceA is the set of all interfaces thatA inherits from, directly or indirectly. IfA does notinherit from another interface, then the set is empty. Otherwise, the setincludes the interfaceB thatAinherits from and all ofB’sinherited interfaces.

An interface must not be declared such thatits inheritance hierarchy has a cycle. That is, an interfaceA cannot inherit from itself, nor can it inherit from anotherinterfaceB that inherits fromA, and so on.

Thelist ofinclusive inherited interfaces of aninterfaceI is defined as follows:
  1. Letresult be « ».

  2. Letinterface beI.

  3. Whileinterface is not null:

    1. Appendinterface toresult.

    2. Setinterface to theinterface thatIinherits from, if any, andnull otherwise.

  4. Returnresult.

Note that general multiple inheritance of interfaces is not supported, andobjects also cannot implement arbitrary sets of interfaces.Objects can be defined to implement a single given interfaceA,which means that it also implements all ofA’sinherited interfaces.In addition, anincludes statement can be usedto define that objects implementing aninterfaceA will always also include themembers of theinterface mixinsAincludes.

Each interface member can be preceded by a list ofextended attributes (matchingExtendedAttributeList),which can control how the interface member will be handled in language bindings.

[extended_attributes]interfaceidentifier {  [extended_attributes]consttypeconstant_identifier = 42;  [extended_attributes]attributetypeidentifier;  [extended_attributes]return_typeidentifier(/* arguments... */);};

The IDL for interfaces can be split into multiple parts by usingpartial interface definitions(matchingpartialinterfacePartialInterfaceRest).Theidentifier of a partialinterface definition must be the sameas the identifier of an interface definition. All ofthe members that appear on each of the partial interfaces are considered to bemembers of the interface itself.

interfaceSomeInterface {  /* interface_members... */};partialinterfaceSomeInterface {  /* interface_members... */};

Note: Partial interface definitions are intended for use as a specificationeditorial aide, allowing the definition of an interface to be separatedover more than one section of the document, and sometimes multiple documents.

The order of appearance of aninterface definition and any of itspartial interface definitions does not matter.

Note: A partial interface definition cannot specify that the interfaceinherits from another interface.Inheritance is to be specified on the originalinterface definition.

The relevant language binding determines how interfaces correspond to constructsin the language.

The following extended attributes are applicable to interfaces:[CrossOriginIsolated],[Exposed],[Global],[LegacyFactoryFunction],[LegacyNoInterfaceObject],[LegacyOverrideBuiltIns],[LegacyWindowAlias], and[SecureContext].

The following extended attributes are applicable topartial interfaces:[CrossOriginIsolated],[Exposed],[LegacyOverrideBuiltIns], and[SecureContext].

Interfaces must be annotated with an [Exposed]extended attribute.

Thequalified name of aninterfaceinterface is defined as follows:

  1. Letidentifier be theidentifier ofinterface.

  2. Ifinterface has a [LegacyNamespace]extended attribute, then:

    1. Letnamespace be the identifier argument of the [LegacyNamespace]extended attribute.

    2. Return theconcatenation of «namespace,identifier » withseparator U+002E (.).

  3. Returnidentifier.

CallbackOrInterfaceOrMixin ::callbackCallbackRestOrInterfaceinterfaceInterfaceOrMixin
InterfaceOrMixin ::InterfaceRestMixinRest
InterfaceRest ::identifierInheritance{InterfaceMembers};
Partial ::partialPartialDefinition
PartialDefinition ::interfacePartialInterfaceOrPartialMixinPartialDictionaryNamespace
PartialInterfaceOrPartialMixin ::PartialInterfaceRestMixinRest
PartialInterfaceRest ::identifier{PartialInterfaceMembers};
InterfaceMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListInterfaceMemberInterfaceMembers    ε
InterfaceMember ::PartialInterfaceMemberConstructor
PartialInterfaceMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListPartialInterfaceMemberPartialInterfaceMembers    ε
PartialInterfaceMember ::ConstOperationStringifierStaticMemberIterableAsyncIterableReadOnlyMemberReadWriteAttributeReadWriteMaplikeReadWriteSetlikeInheritAttribute
Inheritance :::identifier    ε

The followingIDL fragment demonstrates the definition of two mutually referentialinterfaces. BothHuman andDog inherit fromAnimal. Objects that implement either of those two interfaces will thus have aname attribute.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceAnimal {attributeDOMStringname;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceHuman :Animal {attributeDog?pet;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceDog :Animal {attributeHuman?owner;};

The followingIDL fragment defines simplified versions of a DOMinterfaces and acallback interface.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceNode {readonlyattributeDOMStringnodeName;readonlyattributeNode?parentNode;NodeappendChild(NodenewChild);undefinedaddEventListener(DOMStringtype,EventListenerlistener);};callbackinterfaceEventListener {undefinedhandleEvent(Eventevent);};

Plain objects can implement acallback interface likeEventListener:

var node= getNode();// Obtain an instance of Node.var listener={  handleEvent:function(event){// ...}};node.addEventListener("click", listener);// This works.node.addEventListener("click",function(){...});// As does this.

It is not possible for such an object to implement aninterface likeNode, however:

var node= getNode();// Obtain an instance of Node.var newNode={  nodeName:"span",  parentNode:null,  appendChild:function(newchild){// ...},  addEventListener:function(type, listener){// ...}};node.appendChild(newNode);// This will throw a TypeError exception.

2.3.Interface mixins

Aninterface mixin is a definition (matchinginterfaceMixinRest)that declares state and behavior that can beincluded by one or moreinterfaces,and that are exposed by objects that implement aninterface thatincludes theinterface mixin.

interfacemixinidentifier {  /* mixin_members... */};

Note:Interface mixins, much likepartial interfaces,are intended for use as a specification editorial aide,allowing a coherent set of functionalities to be grouped together,and included in multiple interfaces, possibly across documents.They are not meant to be exposed through language bindings.Guidance on when to choosepartial interfaces,interface mixins,orpartial interface mixins can be found in§ 2.3.1 Using mixins and partials.

Aninterface mixin is a specification of a set ofinterface mixin members (matchingMixinMembers),which are theconstants,regular operations,regular attributes, andstringifiers that appear between the braces in theinterface mixin declaration.

Theseconstants,regular operations,regular attributes, andstringifiers describe the behaviors that can be implemented by an object,as if they were specified on theinterface thatincludes them.

Static attributes,static operations,special operations, anditerable,asynchronously iterable,maplike, andsetlike declarations cannot appear ininterface mixin declarations.

As with interfaces, the IDL forinterface mixins can be split into multiple parts by usingpartial interface mixin definitions(matchingpartialinterfaceMixinRest).Theidentifier of apartial interface mixindefinition mustbe the same as theidentifier of aninterface mixindefinition.All of themembers that appear on each of thepartial interface mixindefinitions are considered to bemembers of theinterface mixin itself,and—by extension—of theinterfaces thatinclude theinterface mixin.

interfacemixinSomeMixin {  /* mixin_members... */};partialinterfacemixinSomeMixin {  /* mixin_members... */};

The order that members appear in has significance for property enumerationin theJavaScript binding.

Note that unlikeinterfaces ordictionaries,interface mixins do not create types.

Of the extended attributes defined in this specification,only the [CrossOriginIsolated], [Exposed], and [SecureContext] extended attributesare applicable tointerface mixins.

Anincludes statement is a definition(matchingIncludesStatement)used to declare that all objects implementing aninterfaceI (identified by the firstidentifier)must additionally include themembers ofinterface mixinM (identified by the second identifier).InterfaceI is said toincludeinterface mixinM.


The firstidentifier must reference ainterfaceI.The second identifier must reference aninterface mixinM.

Eachmember ofM is considered to beamember of eachinterfaceI,J,K, … thatincludesM,as if a copy of eachmember had been made.So for a given memberm ofM,interfaceI is considered to have amembermI,interfaceJ is considered to have amembermJ,interfaceK is considered to have amembermK, and so on.Thehost interfaces ofmI,mJ,andmK, areI,J, andK respectively.

Note: In JavaScript, this implies that eachregular operation declared as amember ofinterface mixinM,and exposed as a data property with abuilt-in function object value,is a distinctbuilt-in function object in eachinterface prototype object whose associatedinterfaceincludesM.Similarly, forattributes, each copy of the accessor property hasdistinctbuilt-in function objects for its getters and setters.

The order of appearance ofincludes statements affects the order in whichinterface mixin areincluded by theirhost interface.

Member order isn’t clearly specified,in particular wheninterface mixins are defined in separate documents.It is discussed inissue #432.

Noextended attributes defined in this specification are applicable toincludes statements.

The followingIDL fragment defines aninterface,Entry, and aninterface mixin,Observable. Theincludes statement specifies thatObservable’smembers are always included on objects implementingEntry.

interfaceEntry {readonlyattributeunsignedshortentryType;  // ...};interfacemixinObservable {undefinedaddEventListener(DOMStringtype,EventListenerlistener,booleanuseCapture);  // ...};EntryincludesObservable;

A JavaScript implementation would thus have anaddEventListener property in the prototype chain of everyEntry:

var e= getEntry();// Obtain an instance of Entry.typeof e.addEventListener;// Evaluates to "function".
CallbackOrInterfaceOrMixin ::callbackCallbackRestOrInterfaceinterfaceInterfaceOrMixin
InterfaceOrMixin ::InterfaceRestMixinRest
Partial ::partialPartialDefinition
PartialDefinition ::interfacePartialInterfaceOrPartialMixinPartialDictionaryNamespace
MixinRest ::mixinidentifier{MixinMembers};
MixinMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListMixinMemberMixinMembers    ε
MixinMember ::ConstRegularOperationStringifierOptionalReadOnlyAttributeRest
IncludesStatement ::identifierincludesidentifier;

2.3.1.Using mixins and partials

This section is informative.

Interface mixins allow the sharing ofattributes,constants, andoperations acrossmultipleinterfaces.If you’re only planning to extend a single interface,you might consider using apartial interface instead.

For example, instead of:

interfacemixinWindowSessionStorage {readonlyattributeStoragesessionStorage;};WindowincludesWindowSessionStorage;


partialinterfaceWindow {readonlyattributeStoragesessionStorage;};

Additionally, you can rely on extendinginterface mixins exposed by other specificationsto target common use cases, such asexposing a set ofattributes,constants, oroperations across both window and worker contexts.

For example, instead of the common but verbose:

interfacemixinGlobalCrypto {readonlyattributeCryptocrypto;};WindowincludesGlobalCrypto;WorkerGlobalScopeincludesGlobalCrypto;

you can extend theWindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeinterface mixin using apartial interface mixin:

partialinterfacemixinWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {readonlyattributeCryptocrypto;};

2.4.Callback interfaces

Acallback interface is adefinition matchingcallbackinterfaceidentifier{CallbackInterfaceMembers};.It can be implemented by any object, as described in§ 2.12 Objects implementing interfaces.

Note: Acallback interface is not aninterface. The name and syntax are left over fromearlier versions of this standard, where these concepts had more in common.

Acallback interface is a specification of a set ofcallback interface members (matchingCallbackInterfaceMembers).These are themembers that appear between the braces in the interface declaration.

callbackinterfaceidentifier {  /* interface_members... */};

Note: See also the similarly namedcallback function definition.

Callback interfaces must define exactly oneregular operation.

Specification authors should not definecallback interfaces unless required to describe the requirements of existing APIs. Instead, acallback function should be used.

The definition ofEventListener as acallback interface is an example of an existing API that needs to allow objects with a given property (in this casehandleEvent) to be considered to implement the interface. For new APIs, and those for which there are no compatibility concerns, using acallback function will allow only afunction object (in the JavaScript language binding).

Callback interfaces which declareconstants must be annotated with an [Exposed]extended attribute.

CallbackRestOrInterface ::CallbackRestinterfaceidentifier{CallbackInterfaceMembers};
CallbackInterfaceMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListCallbackInterfaceMemberCallbackInterfaceMembers    ε
CallbackInterfaceMember ::ConstRegularOperation


Interfaces,interface mixins, andnamespaces are specifications of a set ofmembers (respectively matchingInterfaceMembers,MixinMembers, andNamespaceMembers),which are theconstants,attributes,operations, andother declarations that appear between the braces of their declarations.Attributes describe the state that an objectimplementing theinterface,interface mixin, ornamespace will expose,andoperations describe the behaviors that can be invoked on the object.Constants declare named constant valuesthat are exposed as a convenience to users of objects in the system.

When aninterfaceincludes aninterface mixin, eachmember of the interface mixin is also considered a member of the interface. In contrast,inherited interface members are not considered members of the interface.

Theconstructor steps,getter steps,setter steps, andmethod steps for the variousmembers defined on aninterface orinterface mixin have access to athis value, which is an IDL value of theinterface type that the member isdeclared on or thatincludes theinterface mixin the member is declared on.

Setter steps also have access tothe given value,which is an IDL value of the type theattribute is declared as.

Interfaces,interface mixins,callback interfaces andnamespaces each support adifferent set ofmembers,which are specified in§ 2.2 Interfaces,§ 2.3 Interface mixins,§ 2.4 Callback interfaces, and§ 2.6 Namespaces,and summarized in the following informative table:

InterfacesCallback interfacesInterface mixinsNamespaces
Regular attributesOnlyread only attributes
Static attributes
Regular Operations
Special Operations
Static Operations
Iterable declarations
Asynchronously iterable declarations
Maplike declarations
Setlike declarations


Aconstant is a declaration (matchingConst) used to bind a constant value to a name.Constants can appear oninterfaces andcallback interfaces.

Constants have in the past primarily been used to define named integer codes in the style of an enumeration. The Web platform is moving away from this design pattern in favor of the use of strings. Editors who wish to use this feature are strongly advised to discuss this byfiling an issue before proceeding.

consttypeconstant_identifier = 42;

Theidentifier of aconstant must not be the same as the identifierof anotherinterface member orcallback interface member defined on the sameinterface orcallback interface.The identifier also must notbe "length", "name" or "prototype".

Note: These three names are the names of properties that are defined on theinterface object in the JavaScript language binding.

The type of a constant (matchingConstType)must not be any type other thanaprimitive type.If anidentifier is used,it must reference atypedef whose type is a primitive type.

TheConstValue part of aconstant declaration gives the value of the constant, which can beone of the two boolean literal tokens (true andfalse), aninteger token,adecimal token,or one of the three special floating point constant values(-Infinity,Infinity andNaN).

Note: These values – in addition to strings and the empty sequence – can also be used to specify thedefault value of a dictionary member orof an optional argument.Note that strings, theempty sequence[], and the default dictionary{} cannot be used as the value of aconstant.

The value of the boolean literal tokenstrue andfalse are the IDLboolean valuestrue andfalse.

The value of aninteger token is an integer whose value is determined as follows:

  1. LetS be the sequence ofscalar values matched by theinteger token.

  2. Letsign be −1 ifS begins with U+002D (-), and 1 otherwise.

  3. Letbase be the base of the number based on thescalar values that follow the optional leading U+002D (-):

    U+0030 (0), U+0058 (X)
    U+0030 (0), U+0078 (x)

    The base is 16.

    U+0030 (0)

    The base is 8.


    The base is 10.

  4. Letnumber be the result of interpreting all remainingscalar values following the optional leading U+002D (-)character and anyscalar values indicating the base as an integer specified in basebase.

  5. Returnsign ×number.

The type of aninteger token is the sameas the type of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument it is being used as the value of.The value of theinteger token must notlie outside the valid range of values for its type, as given in§ 2.13 Types.

The value of adecimal token is either an IEEE 754 single-precision floating point number or an IEEE 754 double-precision floating point number, depending on the type of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument it is being used as the value for, determined as follows:
  1. LetS be the sequence ofscalar values matched by thedecimal token.

  2. Letresult be the Mathematical Value that would be obtained ifS were parsed as a JavaScriptNumericLiteral.

  3. If thedecimal token is beingused as the value for afloat orunrestricted float, thenthe value of thedecimal tokenis the IEEE 754 single-precision floating point number closest toresult.

  4. Otherwise, thedecimal token is beingused as the value for adouble orunrestricted double, andthe value of thedecimal tokenis the IEEE 754 double-precision floating point number closest toresult.[IEEE-754]

The value of a constant value specified asInfinity,-Infinity, orNaN is eitheran IEEE 754 single-precision floating point number or an IEEE 754double-precision floating point number, depending on the type of theconstant, dictionary member, or optional argument it is being used as thevalue for:

Typeunrestricted float, constant valueInfinity

The value is the IEEE 754 single-precision positive infinity value.

Typeunrestricted double, constant valueInfinity

The value is the IEEE 754 double-precision positive infinity value.

Typeunrestricted float, constant value-Infinity

The value is the IEEE 754 single-precision negative infinity value.

Typeunrestricted double, constant value-Infinity

The value is the IEEE 754 double-precision negative infinity value.

Typeunrestricted float, constant valueNaN

The value is the IEEE 754 single-precision NaN value with the bit pattern 0x7fc00000.

Typeunrestricted double, constant valueNaN

The value is the IEEE 754 double-precision NaN value with the bit pattern 0x7ff8000000000000.

The type of adecimal token is the sameas the type of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument it is being used as the value of.The value of thedecimal token must notlie outside the valid range of values for its type, as given in§ 2.13 Types.Also,Infinity,-Infinity andNaN must notbe used as the value of afloat ordouble.

The value of thenull token is the specialnull value that is a member of thenullable types. The type ofthenull token is the same as thetype of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument it is being used as the value of.

IfVT is the type of the value assigned to a constant, andDT is the type of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument itself, then these types mustbe compatible, which is the case ifDT andVT are identical,orDT is anullable type whoseinner type isVT.

Constants are not associated withparticular instances of theinterface orcallback interface on which they appear. It is language binding specific whetherconstants are exposed on instances.

The JavaScript language binding does however allowconstants to be accessed through objects implementing the IDLinterfaces on which theconstants are declared. For example, with the following IDL:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceA {constshortrambaldi = 47;};

the constant value can be accessed in JavaScript either asA.rambaldi orinstanceOfA.rambaldi.

The following extended attributes are applicable to constants:[CrossOriginIsolated],[Exposed], and[SecureContext].

Const ::constConstTypeidentifier=ConstValue;
ConstValue ::BooleanLiteralFloatLiteralinteger
BooleanLiteral ::truefalse
FloatLiteral ::decimal-InfinityInfinityNaN
ConstType ::PrimitiveTypeidentifier

The followingIDL fragment demonstrates howconstants of the above types can be defined.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceUtil {constbooleanDEBUG =false;constoctetLF = 10;constunsignedlongBIT_MASK = 0x0000fc00;constdoubleAVOGADRO = 6.022e23;};


Anattribute is aninterface member ornamespace member (matchinginheritAttributeRest,staticOptionalReadOnlyAttributeRest,stringifierOptionalReadOnlyAttributeRest,OptionalReadOnlyAttributeRest,orAttributeRest)that is used to declare data fields with a given type andidentifier whose value canbe retrieved and (in some cases) changed. There are two kinds of attributes:

  1. regular attributes, which are thoseused to declare that objects implementing theinterface will have a data field member with the givenidentifier

    interfaceinterface_identifier {attributetypeidentifier;};
  2. static attributes, which are usedto declare attributes that are not associated with a particular object implementing the interface

    interfaceinterface_identifier {staticattributetypeidentifier;};

If an attribute has nostatic keyword, then it declares aregular attribute. Otherwise,it declares astatic attribute. Note that in addition to beinginterface members,read onlyregular attributes can benamespace members as well.

Thegetter steps of an attributeattr should be introduced using text of the form “Theattr getter steps are:” followed by a list, or “Theattr getter stepsare to” followed by an inline description.

Thesetter steps of an attributeattr should be introduced using text of the form “Theattr setter steps are:” followed by a list, or “Theattr setter stepsare to” followed by an inline description.

Note: When defininggetter steps, you implicitly have access tothis.When definingsetter steps, you implicitly have access tothis andthe given value.

Theidentifier of anattribute must not be the same as the identifierof anotherinterface member defined on the sameinterface.The identifier of a static attribute must notbe "prototype".

The type of the attribute is given by the type (matchingType)that appears after theattribute keyword.If theType is anidentifier or an identifier followed by?,then the identifier mustidentify aninterface,enumeration,callback function,callback interface ortypedef.

The type of the attribute, after resolving typedefs, must not be anullable or non-nullable version of any of the following types:

The attribute isread only if thereadonly keyword is used before theattribute keyword.An object that implements the interface on which a read only attributeis defined will not allow assignment to that attribute. It is languagebinding specific whether assignment is simply disallowed by the language,ignored or an exception is thrown.

interfaceinterface_identifier {readonlyattributetypeidentifier;};

Attributes whose type is apromise type must beread only. Additionally, they cannot haveany of theextended attributes [LegacyLenientSetter], [PutForwards], [Replaceable], or[SameObject].

Aregular attribute that is notread only can be declared toinherit its getter from an ancestor interface. This can be used to make a read only attributein an ancestor interface be writable on a derived interface. An attributeinherits its getter ifits declaration includesinherit in the declaration.The read only attribute from which the attribute inherits its getteris the attribute with the same identifier on the closest ancestor interfaceof the one on which the inheriting attribute is defined. The attributewhose getter is being inherited must beof the same type as the inheriting attribute.

Note: The grammar ensures thatinherit does not appear on aread only attributeor astatic attribute.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceAncestor {readonlyattributeTheTypetheIdentifier;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceDerived :Ancestor {inheritattributeTheTypetheIdentifier;};

When thestringifier keyword is usedin aregular attribute declaration, it indicates that objects implementing theinterface will be stringified to the value of the attribute. See§ 2.5.5 Stringifiers for details.

interfaceinterface_identifier {stringifierattributeDOMStringidentifier;};

The followingextended attributes are applicable to regular and static attributes:[CrossOriginIsolated],[Exposed],[SameObject], and[SecureContext].

The followingextended attributes are applicable only to regular attributes:[LegacyLenientSetter],[LegacyLenientThis],[PutForwards],[Replaceable],[LegacyUnforgeable].

ReadOnlyMember ::readonlyReadOnlyMemberRest
ReadOnlyMemberRest ::AttributeRestMaplikeRestSetlikeRest
ReadWriteAttribute ::AttributeRest
InheritAttribute ::inheritAttributeRest
AttributeRest ::attributeTypeWithExtendedAttributesAttributeName;
AttributeName ::AttributeNameKeywordidentifier
AttributeNameKeyword ::asyncrequired
OptionalReadOnly ::readonly    ε

The followingIDL fragment demonstrates howattributes can be declared on aninterface:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceAnimal {  // A simple attribute that can be set to any string value.readonlyattributeDOMStringname;  // An attribute whose value can be assigned to.attributeunsignedshortage;};[Exposed=Window]interfacePerson :Animal {  // An attribute whose getter behavior is inherited from Animal, and need not be  // specified in the description of Person.inheritattributeDOMStringname;};


Anoperation is aninterface member,callback interface member ornamespace member (matchingstaticRegularOperation,stringifier,RegularOperation orSpecialOperation)that defines a behavior that can be invoked on objects implementing the interface.There are three kinds of operation:

  1. regular operations, whichare those used to declare that objects implementing theinterface will have a method withthe givenidentifier

    interfaceinterface_identifier {return_typeidentifier(/* arguments... */);};
  2. special operations,which are used to declare special behavior on objectsimplementing the interface, such as object indexing and stringification

    interfaceinterface_identifier {  /* special_keyword */return_typeidentifier(/* arguments... */);  /* special_keyword */return_type (/* arguments... */);};
  3. static operations,which are used to declare operations that are not associated witha particular object implementing the interface

    interfaceinterface_identifier {staticreturn_typeidentifier(/* arguments... */);};

If an operation has an identifier but nostatic keyword, then it declares aregular operation.If the operation has aspecial keyword used in its declaration (that is, any keyword matchingSpecial, orthestringifier keyword),then it declares a special operation. A single operation can declareboth a regular operation and a special operation;see§ 2.5.6 Special operations for details on special operations.Note that in addition to beinginterface members,regular operations can also becallback interface members andnamespace members.

If an operation has no identifier,then it must be declared to be a special operationusing one of the special keywords.

The identifier of aregular operation orstatic operation must not be the same as the identifierof aconstant orattribute defined on the sameinterface,callback interface ornamespace.The identifier of a static operation must not be "prototype".

Note: The identifier can be the sameas that of another operation on the interface, however.This is how operation overloading is specified.

Note: Theidentifier of astatic operation can be the same as the identifierof aregular operation defined on the sameinterface.

Thereturn type of the operation is givenby the type (matchingType)that appears before the operation’s optionalidentifier.If the return type is anidentifier followed by?,then the identifier mustidentify aninterface,dictionary,enumeration,callback function,callback interface ortypedef.

An operation’s arguments (matchingArgumentList)are given between the parentheses in the declaration. Each individual argument is specifiedas a type (matchingType) followed by anidentifier (matchingArgumentName).

Note: For expressiveness, the identifier of an operation argument can also be specifiedas one of the keywords matching theArgumentNameKeyword symbol without needing to escape it.

If theType of an operation argument is an identifierfollowed by?,then the identifier must identify aninterface,enumeration,callback function,callback interface,ortypedef.If the operation argument type is anidentifier not followed by?, then the identifier mustidentify any one of those definitions or adictionary.

If the operation argument type, after resolving typedefs,is anullable type,itsinner type must not be adictionary type.

interfaceinterface_identifier {return_typeidentifier(typeidentifier,typeidentifier /* , ... */);};

The identifier of each argument must not be the sameas the identifier of another argument in the same operation declaration.

Each argument can be preceded by a list ofextended attributes (matchingExtendedAttributeList),which can control how a value passed as the argument will be handled inlanguage bindings.

interfaceinterface_identifier {return_typeidentifier([extended_attributes]typeidentifier, [extended_attributes]typeidentifier /* , ... */);};

The followingIDL fragment demonstrates howregular operations can be declared on aninterface:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceDimensions {attributeunsignedlongwidth;attributeunsignedlongheight;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceButton {  // An operation that takes no arguments and returns a boolean.booleanisMouseOver();  // Overloaded operations.undefinedsetDimensions(Dimensionssize);undefinedsetDimensions(unsignedlongwidth,unsignedlongheight);};

An operation orconstructor operation is considered to bevariadic if the final argument uses the... token justafter the argument type. Declaring an operation to be variadic indicates thatthe operation can be invoked with any number of arguments after that final argument.Those extra implied formal arguments are of the same type as the final explicitargument in the operation declaration. The final argument can also be omittedwhen invoking the operation. An argument must notbe declared with the... token unless itis the final argument in the operation’s argument list.

interfaceinterface_identifier {return_typeidentifier(type...identifier);return_typeidentifier(typeidentifier,type...identifier);};

Extended attributes thattake an argument list ([LegacyFactoryFunction], of thosedefined in this specification) andcallback functions are also considered to bevariadic when the... token is used in their argument lists.

The followingIDL fragment defines an interface that has two variadic operations:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceIntegerSet {readonlyattributeunsignedlongcardinality;undefinedunion(long...ints);undefinedintersection(long...ints);};

In the JavaScript binding, variadic operations are implemented by functions that can accept the subsequent arguments:

var s= getIntegerSet();// Obtain an instance of IntegerSet.s.union();// Passing no arguments corresponding to 'ints'.s.union(1,4,7);// Passing three arguments corresponding to 'ints'.

A binding for a language that does not support variadic functions might specify that an explicit array or list of integers be passed to such an operation.

An argument is considered to be anoptional argument if it is declared with theoptional keyword.The final argument of avariadic operationis also considered to be an optional argument. Declaring an argumentto be optional indicates that the argument value can be omittedwhen the operation is invoked. The final argument in anoperation must not explicitly be declared to beoptional if the operation isvariadic.

interfaceinterface_identifier {return_typeidentifier(typeidentifier,optionaltypeidentifier);};

Optional arguments can also have adefault value specified. If the argument’s identifier is followed by a U+003D (=)and a value (matchingDefaultValue),then that gives the optional argument itsdefault value.The implicitly optional final argument of avariadic operation must not have a default value specified.The default value is the value to be assumed when the operation is called with thecorresponding argument omitted.

interfaceinterface_identifier {return_typeidentifier(typeidentifier,optionaltypeidentifier = "value");};

It is strongly suggested not to use adefault value oftrue forboolean-typed arguments, as this can be confusing for authors who might otherwise expect the default conversion ofundefined to be used (i.e.,false).[API-DESIGN-PRINCIPLES]

If the type of an argument is adictionary type or aunion type that hasadictionary type as oneof itsflattened member types, and that dictionary type and its ancestors have norequiredmembers, and the argument is either the final argument or isfollowed only byoptional arguments, then the argument must be specified asoptional and have a default value provided.

This is to encourage API designs that do not require authors to pass an empty dictionary value when they wish only to use the dictionary’s default values.

Usually the default value provided will be{}, but in the case of aunion type that has a dictionary type as one of itsflattened member types a default value could be provided that initializes some other member of the union.

When a boolean literal token (true orfalse),thenull token,aninteger token, adecimal token or one ofthe three special floating point literal values (Infinity,-Infinity orNaN) is used as thedefault value,it is interpreted in the same way as for aconstant.

When theundefined token is used as thedefault value,the value is the IDLundefined value.

Optional argument default values can also be specified using astring token, whosevalue is astring type determined as follows:
  1. LetS be the sequence ofscalar values matched bythestring tokenwith its leading and trailing U+0022 (")scalar values removed.

  2. Depending on the type of the argument:

    anenumeration type

    The value of thestring tokenisS.


    Assert:S doesn’t contain anycode points higher than U+00FF.

    The value of thestring tokenis theisomorphic encoding ofS.

If the type of theoptional argument is anenumeration, then itsdefault value if specified mustbe one of theenumeration’s values.

Optional argument default values can also be specified using thetwo token value[], which represents an empty sequencevalue. The type of this value is the same as the type of the optionalargument it is being used as the default value of. That typemust be asequence type, anullable type whoseinner type is asequence type or aunion type ornullable union typethat has asequence type in itsflattened member types.

Optional argument default values can also be specified using the two token value{}, which represents a default-initialized (as if from ESnull or an object with no properties) dictionary value. The typeof this value is the same as the type of the optional argument it is being usedas the default value of. That type must be adictionary type, or aunion type that has adictionary type in itsflattened member types.

The followingIDL fragment defines aninterface with a singleoperation that can be invoked with two different argument list lengths:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceColorCreator {objectcreateColor(doublev1,doublev2,doublev3,optionaldoublealpha);};

It is equivalent to aninterface that has twooverloadedoperations:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceColorCreator {objectcreateColor(doublev1,doublev2,doublev3);objectcreateColor(doublev1,doublev2,doublev3,doublealpha);};

The followingIDL fragment defines aninterface with an operation that takes a dictionary argument:

dictionaryLookupOptions {booleancaseSensitive =false;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceAddressBook {booleanhasAddressForName(USVStringname,optionalLookupOptionsoptions = {});};

IfhasAddressForName is called with only one argument, the second argument will be a default-initializedLookupOptions dictionary, which will causecaseSensitive to be set tofalse.

The following extended attributes are applicable to operations:[CrossOriginIsolated],[Default],[Exposed],[LegacyUnforgeable],[NewObject], and[SecureContext].

Themethod steps of an operationoperation should be introduced using text of the form“Theoperation(arg1,arg2, ...) methodsteps are:” followed by a list, or “Theoperation(arg1,arg2, ...) method steps are to” followed by an inline description.

Note: When definingmethod steps, you implicitly have access tothis.

DefaultValue ::ConstValuestring[]{}nullundefined
Operation ::RegularOperationSpecialOperation
RegularOperation ::TypeOperationRest
SpecialOperation ::SpecialRegularOperation
Special ::gettersetterdeleter
OperationRest ::OptionalOperationName(ArgumentList);
OptionalOperationName ::OperationName    ε
OperationName ::OperationNameKeywordidentifier
OperationNameKeyword ::includes
ArgumentList ::ArgumentArguments    ε
Arguments ::,ArgumentArguments    ε
Argument ::ExtendedAttributeListArgumentRest
ArgumentRest ::optionalTypeWithExtendedAttributesArgumentNameDefaultTypeEllipsisArgumentName
ArgumentName ::ArgumentNameKeywordidentifier
Ellipsis ::...    ε
ArgumentNameKeyword ::asyncattributecallbackconstconstructordeleterdictionaryenumgetterincludesinheritinterfaceiterablemaplikemixinnamespacepartialreadonlyrequiredsetlikesetterstaticstringifiertypedefunrestricted

By declaring atoJSONregular operation,aninterface specifies how to convert the objects that implement it toJSON types.

ThetoJSONregular operation is reserved for this usage.It must take zero arguments and return aJSON type.

TheJSON types are:

How thetoJSONregular operation is made available on an object in a language binding,and how exactly theJSON types are converted into a JSON string,is language binding specific.

Note: In the JavaScript language binding,this is done by exposing atoJSON methodwhich returns theJSON type converted into a JavaScript valuethat can be turned into a JSON stringby theJSON.stringify() function.Additionally, in the JavaScript language binding,thetoJSON operation can take a [Default]extended attribute,in which case thedefault toJSON steps are exposed instead.

The followingIDL fragment defines an interfaceTransaction that has atoJSON method defined in prose:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceTransaction {readonlyattributeDOMStringfrom;readonlyattributeDOMStringto;readonlyattributedoubleamount;readonlyattributeDOMStringdescription;readonlyattributeunsignedlongnumber;TransactionJSONtoJSON();};dictionaryTransactionJSON {Accountfrom;Accountto;doubleamount;DOMStringdescription;};

ThetoJSONregular operation ofTransactioninterface could be defined as follows:

ThetoJSON() method steps are:

  1. Letjson be a newmap.

  2. For each attributeidentifierattr in « "from", "to", "amount", "description" »:

    1. Letvalue be the result of running thegetter steps ofattr onthis.

    2. Setjson[attr] tovalue.

  3. Returnjson.

In the JavaScript language binding, there would exist atoJSON() method onTransaction objects:

// Get an instance of Transaction.var txn= getTransaction();// Evaluates to an object like this:// {//   from: "Bob",//   to: "Alice",//   amount: 50,//   description: "books"// }txn.toJSON();// Evaluates to a string like this:// '{"from":"Bob","to":"Alice","amount":50,"description":"books"}'JSON.stringify(txn);

2.5.4.Constructor operations

If aninterface has aconstructor operation member (matchingConstructor), it indicates that it is possible tocreate objects thatimplement theinterface using aconstructor.

Multipleconstructor operations may appear on a giveninterface.For eachconstructor operation on theinterface, there will be a way to attempt toconstruct an instance by passing the specified arguments.

Theconstructor steps of aconstructor operation that is a member of an interfacenamedinterface should be introduced using text of the form “Thenewinterface(arg1,arg2, ...) constructor stepsare:” followed by a list, or “Thenewinterface(arg1,arg2, ...) constructor stepsare to” followed by an inline description.

Theconstructor steps must do nothing, initialize the value passed asthis, or throw anexception.

If the constructor does not initializethis, one can write “Thenew Example(init) constructorsteps are to do nothing.”

See§ 3.7.1 Interface object for details on how aconstructor operation is to be implemented.

The following IDL defines two interfaces. The second hasconstructor operations, while the first does not.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceNodeList {Nodeitem(unsignedlongindex);readonlyattributeunsignedlonglength;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceCircle {constructor();constructor(doubleradius);attributedoubler;attributedoublecx;attributedoublecy;readonlyattributedoublecircumference;};

A JavaScript implementation supporting these interfaces would implement a [[Construct]] internal method on theCircle interface object which would return a new object thatimplements the interface. It would take either zero or one argument.

It is unclear whether theNodeList interface object would implement a [[Construct]] internal method. In any case, trying to use it as a constructor will cause aTypeError to be thrown.[whatwg/webidl Issue #698]

var x=new Circle();// This uses the zero-argument constructor to create a// reference to a platform object that implements the// Circle interface.var y=new Circle(1.25);// This also creates a Circle object, this time using// the one-argument constructor.var z=new NodeList();// This would throw a TypeError, since no// constructor is declared.
Constructor ::constructor(ArgumentList);
ArgumentList ::ArgumentArguments    ε
Arguments ::,ArgumentArguments    ε
Argument ::ExtendedAttributeListArgumentRest
ArgumentRest ::optionalTypeWithExtendedAttributesArgumentNameDefaultTypeEllipsisArgumentName
ArgumentName ::ArgumentNameKeywordidentifier
Ellipsis ::...    ε
ArgumentNameKeyword ::asyncattributecallbackconstconstructordeleterdictionaryenumgetterincludesinheritinterfaceiterablemaplikemixinnamespacepartialreadonlyrequiredsetlikesetterstaticstringifiertypedefunrestricted


When aninterface has astringifier, it indicates that objectsthat implement the interface have a non-default conversion to a string. Stringifiers can bespecified using astringifier keyword, which creates a stringifier operation whenused alone.

interfaceinterface_identifier {stringifier;};

Prose accompanying the interface must definethestringification behavior of the interface.

Thestringifier keywordcan also be placed on anattribute.In this case, the string to convert the object to is thevalue of the attribute. Thestringifier keywordmust not be placed on an attribute unlessit is declared to be of typeDOMString orUSVString.It also must not be placed onastatic attribute.

interfaceinterface_identifier {stringifierattributeDOMStringidentifier;};

On a giveninterface, there must exist at most one stringifier.

Stringifier ::stringifierStringifierRest
StringifierRest ::OptionalReadOnlyAttributeRest;

The followingIDL fragment defines an interface that will stringify to the value of itsname attribute:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceStudent {constructor();attributeunsignedlongid;stringifierattributeDOMStringname;};

In the JavaScript binding, using aStudent object in a context where a string is expected will result in the value of the object’sname property being used:

var s=new Student();;'周杰倫';var greeting='Hello, '+ s+'!';// Now greeting == 'Hello, 周杰倫!'.

The followingIDL fragment defines an interface that has custom stringification behavior that is not specified in the IDL itself.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceStudent {constructor();attributeunsignedlongid;attributeDOMString?familyName;attributeDOMStringgivenName;stringifier;};

Thus, there needs to be prose to explain the stringification behavior. We assume that thefamilyName andgivenName attributes are backed by family name and given name concepts, respectively.

Thestringification behavior steps are:

  1. Ifthis’s family name is null, then returnthis’s given name.

  2. Return the concatenation ofthis’s given name, followed by U+0020 SPACE, followed bythis’s family name.

A JavaScript implementation of the IDL would behave as follows:

var s=new Student();;s.familyName='Smithee';s.givenName='Alan';var greeting='Hi '+ s;// Now greeting == 'Hi Alan Smithee'.

2.5.6.Special operations

Aspecial operation is adeclaration of a certain kind of special behavior on objects implementingthe interface on which the special operation declarations appear.Special operations are declared by using aspecial keyword in an operation declaration.

There are three kinds of special operations. The table below indicatesfor a given kind of special operation what special keywordis used to declare it and what the purpose of the special operation is:

Special operationKeywordPurpose
GettersgetterDefines behavior for when an object is indexed for property retrieval.
SetterssetterDefines behavior for when an object is indexed for property assignment or creation.
DeletersdeleterDefines behavior for when an object is indexed for property deletion.

Not all language bindings support all of the four kinds of specialobject behavior. When special operations are declared usingoperations with no identifier, then in language bindings that donot support the particular kind of special operations there simplywill not be such functionality.

The following IDL fragment defines an interface with a getter and a setter:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceDictionary {readonlyattributeunsignedlongpropertyCount;getterdouble (DOMStringpropertyName);setterundefined (DOMStringpropertyName,doublepropertyValue);};

In language bindings that do not support property getters and setters, objects implementingDictionary will not have that special behavior.

Defining a special operation with anidentifier is equivalent to separating the special operation out into its owndeclaration without an identifier. This approach is allowed tosimplifymethod steps of an interface’s operations.

The following two interfaces are equivalent:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceDictionary {readonlyattributeunsignedlongpropertyCount;getterdoublegetProperty(DOMStringpropertyName);setterundefinedsetProperty(DOMStringpropertyName,doublepropertyValue);};
[Exposed=Window]interfaceDictionary {readonlyattributeunsignedlongpropertyCount;doublegetProperty(DOMStringpropertyName);undefinedsetProperty(DOMStringpropertyName,doublepropertyValue);getterdouble (DOMStringpropertyName);setterundefined (DOMStringpropertyName,doublepropertyValue);};

A givenspecial keyword must notappear twice on an operation.

Getters and setters come in two varieties: ones thattake aDOMString as a property name,known asnamed property getters andnamed property setters,and ones that take anunsigned long as a property index, known asindexed property getters andindexed property setters.There is only one variety of deleter:named property deleters.See§ Indexed properties and§ Named properties for details.

On a giveninterface,there must exist at most onenamed property deleter,and at most one of each variety of getter and setter.

If an interface has a setter of a given variety,then it must also have a getter of thatvariety. If it has anamed property deleter,then it must also have anamed property getter.

Special operations declared using operations must notbevariadic nor have anyoptional arguments.

If an object implements more than oneinterface that defines a given special operation, then it is undefined which (if any)special operation is invoked for that operation. properties

Aninterface that defines anindexed property getter is said tosupport indexed properties.By extension, aplatform object is said tosupport indexed properties ifit implements aninterface that itself does.

If an interfacesupports indexed properties,then the interface definition must be accompanied bya description of what indices the object can be indexed with atany given time. These indices are called thesupported property indices.

Interfaces thatsupport indexed properties must defineaninteger-typedattribute named "length".

Indexed property getters mustbe declared to take a singleunsigned long argument.Indexed property setters mustbe declared to take two arguments, where the first is anunsigned long.

interfaceinterface_identifier {gettertypeidentifier(unsignedlongidentifier);settertypeidentifier(unsignedlongidentifier,typeidentifier);gettertype (unsignedlongidentifier);settertype (unsignedlongidentifier,typeidentifier);};

The following requirements apply to the definitions of indexed property getters and setters:

Note that if anindexed property getter orsetter is specified using anoperation with anidentifier, then indexing an object with an integer that is not asupported property index does not necessarily elicit the same behavior as invoking the operation with that index. The actual behavior in this case is language binding specific.

In the JavaScript language binding, a regular property lookup is done. For example, take the following IDL:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceA {getterDOMStringtoWord(unsignedlongindex);};

Assume that an object implementingA hassupported property indices in the range 0 ≤index < 2. Also assume that toWord is defined to return its argument converted into an English word. The behavior when invoking theoperation with an out of range index is different from indexing the object directly:

var a= getA();a.toWord(0);// Evalautes to "zero".a[0];// Also evaluates to "zero".a.toWord(5);// Evaluates to "five".a[5];// Evaluates to undefined, since there is no property "5".

The followingIDL fragment defines an interfaceOrderedMap which allows retrieving and setting values by name or by index number:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceOrderedMap {readonlyattributeunsignedlongsize;getteranygetByIndex(unsignedlongindex);setterundefinedsetByIndex(unsignedlongindex,anyvalue);getteranyget(DOMStringname);setterundefinedset(DOMStringname,anyvalue);};

Since all of the special operations are declared using operations with identifiers, the only additional prose that is necessary is that which describes what keys those sets have. Assuming that theget() operation is defined to returnnull if an attempt is made to look up a non-existing entry in theOrderedMap, then the following two sentences would suffice:

An objectmap implementingOrderedMap supports indexed properties with indices in the range 0 ≤index <map.size.

Such objects also support a named property for every name that, if passed toget(), would return a non-null value.

As described in§ 3.9 Legacy platform objects, a JavaScript implementation would create properties on alegacy platform object implementingOrderedMap that correspond to entries in both the named and indexed property sets. These properties can then be used to interact with the object in the same way as invoking the object’s methods, as demonstrated below:

// Assume map is a legacy platform object implementing the OrderedMap interface.var map= getOrderedMap();var x, y;x= map[0];// If map.length > 0, then this is equivalent to:////   x = map.getByIndex(0)//// since a property named "0" will have been placed on map.// Otherwise, x will be set to undefined, since there will be// no property named "0" on[1]=false;// This will do the equivalent of:////   map.setByIndex(1, false)y=;// If there exists a named property named "apple", then this// will be equivalent to:////   y = map.get('apple')//// since a property named "apple" will have been placed on// map.  Otherwise, y will be set to undefined, since there// will be no property named "apple" on;// This will do the equivalent of:////   map.set('berry', 123)delete map.cake;// If a named property named "cake" exists, then the "cake"// property will be deleted, and then the equivalent to the// following will be performed:////   map.remove("cake") properties

Aninterface that defines anamed property getter is said tosupport named properties.By extension, aplatform object is said tosupport named properties ifit implements aninterface that itself does.

If an interfacesupports named properties,then the interface definition must be accompanied bya description of the ordered set of names that can be used to index the objectat any given time. These names are called thesupported property names.

Named property getters and deleters mustbe declared to take a singleDOMString argument.Named property setters mustbe declared to take two arguments, where the first is aDOMString.

interfaceinterface_identifier {gettertypeidentifier(DOMStringidentifier);settertypeidentifier(DOMStringidentifier,typeidentifier);deletertypeidentifier(DOMStringidentifier);gettertype (DOMStringidentifier);settertype (DOMStringidentifier,typeidentifier);deletertype (DOMStringidentifier);};

The following requirements apply to the definitions of named property getters, setters and deleters:

Note: As withindexed properties,if annamed property getter,setter ordeleter is specified using anoperation with anidentifier,then indexing an object with a name that is not asupported property name does not necessarily elicit the same behavior as invoking the operation with that name; the behavioris language binding specific.

2.5.7.Static attributes and operations

Static attributes andstatic operations are ones thatare not associated with a particular instance of theinterface on which it is declared, and is instead associated with the interfaceitself. Static attributes and operations are declared by using thestatic keyword in their declarations.

It is language binding specific whether it is possible to invokea static operation or get or set a static attribute through a referenceto an instance of the interface.

StaticMember ::staticStaticMemberRest
StaticMemberRest ::OptionalReadOnlyAttributeRestRegularOperation

The followingIDL fragment defines an interfaceCircle that has a static operation declared on it:

[Exposed=Window]interfacePoint { /* ... */ };[Exposed=Window]interfaceCircle {attributedoublecx;attributedoublecy;attributedoubleradius;staticreadonlyattributelongtriangulationCount;staticPointtriangulate(Circlec1,Circlec2,Circlec3);};

In the JavaScript language binding, thefunction object fortriangulate and the accessor property fortriangulationCount will exist on theinterface object forCircle:

var circles= getCircles();// an Array of Circle objectstypeof Circle.triangulate;// Evaluates to "function"typeof Circle.triangulationCount;// Evaluates to "number"Circle.prototype.triangulate;// Evaluates to undefinedCircle.prototype.triangulationCount;// Also evaluates to undefinedcircles[0].triangulate;// As does thiscircles[0].triangulationCount;// And this// Call the static operationvar triangulationPoint= Circle.triangulate(circles[0], circles[1], circles[2]);// Find out how many triangulations we have donewindow.alert(Circle.triangulationCount);


If aregular operation orstatic operation defined on aninterface has anidentifier that is the same as the identifier of another operation on thatinterface of the same kind (regular or static), then the operation is said to beoverloaded. When the identifierof an overloaded operation is used to invoke one of theoperations on an object that implements the interface, thenumber and types of the arguments passed to the operationdetermine which of the overloaded operations is actuallyinvoked.Constructor operations can be overloaded too.There are some restrictions on the argumentsthat overloaded operations and constructors can bespecified to take, and in order to describe these restrictions,the notion of aneffective overload set is used.

A set of overloadedoperations must either:

Operations must not be overloaded acrossinterface,partial interface,interface mixin, andpartial interface mixin definitions.

For example, the overloads for bothf andg are disallowed:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceA {undefinedf();};partialinterfaceA {undefinedf(doublex);undefinedg();};partialinterfaceA {undefinedg(DOMStringx);};

Note thatconstructor operations and [LegacyFactoryFunction]extended attributes are disallowed from appearing onpartial interface definitions, so there is no need to also disallow overloading for constructors.

Aneffective overload set represents the allowable invocations for a particularoperation,constructor (specified with aconstructor operation or [LegacyFactoryFunction]), orcallback function.The algorithm tocompute the effective overload set operates on one of the following four types of IDL constructs, and listed with them below arethe inputs to the algorithm needed to compute the set.

For regular operations
For static operations
For constructors
For legacy factory functions

Aneffective overload set is used, among other things, to determine whether there areambiguities in the overloaded operations and constructors specified on an interface.

Theitems of aneffective overload set aretuples of the form(callable,type list,optionality list)whoseitems are described below:

Eachtuple represents an allowable invocation of the operation,constructor, or callback function with an argument value list of the given types.Due to the use ofoptional arguments andvariadic operationsand constructors, there may be multiple items in aneffective overload set identifyingthe same operation or constructor.

The algorithm below describes how tocompute the effective overload set. The following input variables are used, if they are required:

Whenever an argument of an extended attribute is mentioned, it is referring to an argument of the extended attribute’snamed argument list.

  1. LetS be anordered set.

  2. LetF be anordered set withitems as follows,according to the kind ofeffective overload set:

    For regular operations

    The elements ofF are theregular operations withidentifierA defined on interfaceI.

    For static operations

    The elements ofF are thestatic operations withidentifierA defined on interfaceI.

    For constructors

    The elements ofF are theconstructor operations on interfaceI.

    For legacy factory functions

    The elements ofF are the[LegacyFactoryFunction]extended attributes on interfaceI whosenamed argument lists' identifiers areA.

  3. Letmaxarg be the maximum number of arguments the operations,legacy factory functions, or callback functions inF are declared to take.Forvariadic operations and legacy factory functions,the argument on which the ellipsis appears counts as a single argument.

    Note: Soundefined f(long x, long... y); is considered to be declared to take two arguments.

  4. Letmax bemax(maxarg,N).

  5. For each operation or extended attributeX inF:

    1. Letarguments be thelist of argumentsX is declared to take.

    2. Letn be thesize ofarguments.

    3. Lettypes be atype list.

    4. LetoptionalityValues be anoptionality list.

    5. For eachargument inarguments:

      1. Append the type ofargument totypes.

      2. Append "variadic" tooptionalityValues ifargument is a final, variadic argument,"optional" ifargument isoptional,and "required" otherwise.

    6. Append thetuple (X,types,optionalityValues) toS.

    7. IfX is declared to bevariadic, then:

      1. For eachi inthe rangen tomax − 1, inclusive:

        1. Lett be atype list.

        2. Leto be anoptionality list.

        3. For eachj inthe range 0 ton − 1, inclusive:

          1. Appendtypes[j] tot.

          2. AppendoptionalityValues[j] too.

        4. For eachj inthe rangen toi, inclusive:

          1. Appendtypes[n − 1] tot.

          2. Append "variadic" too.

        5. Append thetuple (X,t,o) toS.

    8. Leti ben − 1.

    9. Whilei ≥ 0:

      1. Ifarguments[i] is notoptional (i.e., it is not marked as "optional" and is nota final, variadic argument), thenbreak.

      2. Lett be atype list.

      3. Leto be anoptionality list.

      4. For eachj inthe range 0 toi − 1, inclusive:

        1. Appendtypes[j] tot.

        2. AppendoptionalityValues[j] too.

      5. Append thetuple (X,t,o) toS.

        Note: ifi is 0, this means to add toS the tuple (X, « », « »);(where "« »" represents anempty list).

      6. Seti toi − 1.

  6. ReturnS.

For the following interface:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceA {  /* f1 */undefinedf(DOMStringa);  /* f2 */undefinedf(Nodea,DOMStringb,double...c);  /* f3 */undefinedf();  /* f4 */undefinedf(Eventa,DOMStringb,optionalDOMStringc,double...d);};

assumingNode andEvent are two other interfaces of which no object can implement both, theeffective overload set forregular operations with identifierf and argument count 4 is:

«  (f1, « DOMString »,                           « required »),  (f2, « Node, DOMString »,                     « required, required »),  (f2, « Node, DOMString, double »,             « required, required, variadic »),  (f2, « Node, DOMString, double, double »,     « required, required, variadic, variadic »),  (f3, « »,                                     « »),  (f4, « Event, DOMString »,                    « required, required »),  (f4, « Event, DOMString, DOMString »,         « required, required, optional »),  (f4, « Event, DOMString, DOMString, double », « required, required, optional, variadic »)»

Two types aredistinguishable ifthe following algorithm returnstrue.

  1. If one typeincludes a nullable type and the other type eitherincludes a nullable type,is aunion type withflattened member types including adictionary type, oris adictionary type,returnfalse.

    None of the following pairs are distinguishable:
  2. If both types are either aunion type ornullableunion type,returntrue if each member type of the oneis distinguishable with each member type of the other,orfalse otherwise.

  3. If one type is aunion type or nullable union type,returntrue if eachmember type of the union type is distinguishablewith the non-union type,orfalse otherwise.

  4. Consider the two "innermost" types derived by taking each type’sinner type if it is anannotated type, and then taking itsinner type inner typeif the result is anullable type. If these two innermost types appear or are in categoriesappearing in the following table and there is a “●” mark in the corresponding entryor there is a letter in the corresponding entry and the designated additionalrequirement below the table is satisfied, then returntrue.Otherwise returnfalse.


    numeric types
    string types
    callback function
    async iterable
    numeric types(b)
    string types(d)
    callback function(c)
    async iterable
    1. The two identified interface-like types arenot the same, and no singleplatform object implements bothinterface-like types.

    2. The types are distinguishable, but there isa separate restriction on their use inoverloading below. Please also notetheadvice about using unions of these types.

    3. Acallback function that does not have[LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull] extended attribute isdistinguishable from a type in the dictionary-like category.

      For example, when converting an ECMAScript value tounion type which includes acallback function and a dictionary-like type, if the value iscallable, then it is converted to acallback function. Otherwise, it is converted to a dictionary-like type.
    4. The types are distinguishable, but when converting from an ECMAScript value,astring object is never converted to anasync iterable type (even if it has a%Symbol.iterator% method), if astring type is also in the overload set or union.

    double andDOMString are distinguishable because there is a ● at the intersection ofnumeric types withstring types.
    double andlong are not distinguishable because they are bothnumeric types, and there is no ● or letter at the intersection ofnumeric types withnumeric types.
    callbackinterfaceCBIface {undefinedhandle();};[Exposed=Window]interfaceIface {attributeDOMStringattr2;};dictionaryDict {DOMStringfield1;};

    CBIface is distinguishable fromIface because there’s a ● at the intersection of dictionary-like and interface-like, but it is not distinguishable fromDict because there’s no ● at the intersection of dictionary-like and itself.

    Promise types do not appear in the above table, and as a consequence are not distinguishable with any other type.

If there is more than oneitem in aneffective overload set that has a giventype listsize,then for those items there must be an indexi such thatfor each pair of items the types at indexi aredistinguishable.The lowest such index is termed thedistinguishing argument index for the items of theeffective overload set with the given type list size.

Aneffective overload set must not contain more thanoneitem with the sametype listsize, where oneitem has abigint argument at thedistinguishing argument index and another has anumeric type argument at thedistinguishing argument index.

Consider theeffective overload set shown in the previous example. There are multiple items in the set with type lists 2, 3 and 4. For each of these type list size, thedistinguishing argument index is 0, sinceNode andEvent aredistinguishable.

The following use of overloading however is invalid:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceB {undefinedf(DOMStringx);undefinedf(USVStringx);};

sinceDOMString andUSVString are not distinguishable.

In addition, for each indexj, wherej is less than thedistinguishing argument index for a given type list size, the types at indexj inall of the items' type lists must be the same,and theoptionality values at indexj in all of the items' optionality lists mustbe the same.

The following is invalid:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceB {  /* f1 */undefinedf(DOMStringw);  /* f2 */undefinedf(longw,doublex,Nodey,Nodez);  /* f3 */undefinedf(doublew,doublex,DOMStringy,Nodez);};

For argument count 4, theeffective overload set is:

«  (f1, « DOMString »,                       « required »),  (f2, « long, double, Node, Node »,        « required, required, required, required »),  (f3, « double, double, DOMString, Node », « required, required, required, required »)»

Looking at items with type list size 4, thedistinguishing argument index is 2, sinceNode andDOMString aredistinguishable. However, since the arguments in these two overloads at index 0 are different, the overloading is invalid. vs. union types

This section is informative.

For specifications defining IDLoperations, it might seem thatoverloads and acombination ofunion types andoptional arguments have some feature overlap.

It is first important to note thatoverloads have different behaviors thanunion types oroptional arguments, and onecannot be fully defined using the other (unless,of course, additional prose is provided, which can defeat the purpose of the Web IDL type system).For example, consider thestroke() operations defined on theCanvasDrawPath interface[HTML]:

interfaceCanvasDrawPathExcerpt {undefinedstroke();undefinedstroke(Path2Dpath);};

Per the JavaScript language binding, callingstroke(undefined) on an objectimplementingCanvasDrawPathExcerpt would attempt to call the secondoverload, yielding aTypeError sinceundefined cannot beconverted to aPath2D. However, if the operations were insteaddefined withoptional arguments and merged into one,

interfaceCanvasDrawPathExcerptOptional {undefinedstroke(optionalPath2Dpath);};

theoverload resolution algorithm would treat thepath argument as missinggiven the same callstroke(undefined), and not throw any exceptions.

Note: For this particular example, the latter behavior is actually what Web developers wouldgenerally expect. IfCanvasDrawPath were to be designed today,optional arguments would beused forstroke().

Additionally, there are semantic differences as well.Union types are usually used in the sensethat "any of the types would work in about the same way". In contrast,overloaded operations aredesigned to map well to language features such as C++ overloading, and are usually a better fit foroperations with more substantial differences in what they do given arguments of different types.However, in most cases, operations with such substantial differences are best off with differentnames to avoid confusion for Web developers, since the JavaScript language does not providelanguage-level overloading. As such, overloads are rarely appropriate for new APIs, instead oftenappearing in legacy APIs or in specialized circumstances.

That being said, we offer the following recommendations and examples in case of difficulties todetermine what Web IDL language feature to use:

When the case fits none of the categories above, it is up to the specification author to choose thestyle, since it is most likely that either style would sufficiently and conveniently describe theintended behavior. However, the definition andconversion algorithms ofunion types andoptional arguments are simpler to implement and reason about thanthose ofoverloads, and usually result in more idiomatic APIsin the JavaScript language binding. Thus, unless any other considerations apply,union types,optional arguments, or both are the default choice.

Specifications are also free to mix and match union types and overloads, if the author finds itappropriate and convenient.

2.5.9.Iterable declarations

Aninterface can be declared to beiterable by using aniterable declaration (matchingIterable) in the body of the interface.

interfaceinterface_identifier {iterable<value_type>;iterable<key_type,value_type>;};

Objects implementing an interface that is declared to be iterablesupport being iterated over to obtain a sequence of values.

Note: In the JavaScript language binding, an interface that is iterablewill haveentries,forEach,keys,values, and%Symbol.iterator% properties on itsinterface prototype object.

If a single type parameter is given, then the interface has avalue iterator and providesvalues of the specified type.If two type parameters are given, then the interface has apair iterator and providesvalue pairs with the given types.

Avalue pair, given a key type and a value type, is astruct with twoitems:

  1. anitem whosename is "key", which is referred to as thevalue pair’skey, and whose value is an IDL value of the key type;

  2. anitem whosename is "value", which is referred to as thevalue pair’svalue, and whose value is an IDL value of thevalue type.

Avalue iterator must only be declared on an interfacethatsupports indexed properties.The value-type of thevalue iterator must be the same as the type returned bytheindexed property getter.Avalue iterator is implicitlydefined to iterate over the object’s indexed properties.

Apair iterator must not be declared on an interfacethatsupports indexed properties.

Prose accompanying aninterface with apair iterator must define alist ofvalue pairs for each instance of theinterface, which is the list ofvalue pairs to iterate over.

The JavaScript forEach method that is generated for avalue iterator invokes its callback like Array.prototype.forEach does, and the forEach method for apair iterator invokes its callback like Map.prototype.forEach does.

Sincevalue iterators are currently allowed only on interfaces thatsupport indexed properties, it makes sense to use an Array-like forEach method. There could be a need forvalue iterators (a) on interfaces that do notsupport indexed properties, or (b) with a forEach method that instead invokes its callback like Set.prototype.forEach (where the key is the same as the value). If you’re creating an API that needs such a forEach method, pleasefile an issue.

Note: This is howarray iterator objects work.For interfaces thatsupport indexed properties,the iterator objects returned byentries,keys,values, and%Symbol.iterator% areactualarray iterator objects.

Interfaces with aniterable declaration must not have anyattributes,constants, orregular operations named "entries", "forEach", "keys", or"values", or have anyinherited interfaces that haveattributes,constants,orregular operations with these names.

Consider the following interfaceSessionManager, which allows access to a number ofSession objects keyed by username:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceSessionManager {SessiongetSessionForUser(DOMStringusername);iterable<DOMString,Session>;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceSession {readonlyattributeDOMStringusername;  // ...};

The behavior of the iterator could be defined like so:

Thevalue pairs to iterate over are the list ofvalue pairs with thekey being the username and thevalue being the openSession object on theSessionManager object corresponding to that username, sorted by username.

In the JavaScript language binding, theinterface prototype object for theSessionManagerinterface has avalues method that is a function, which, when invoked, returns an iterator object that itself has anext method that returns the next value to be iterated over. It haskeys andentries methods that iterate over the usernames of session objects and username/Session object pairs, respectively. It also has a%Symbol.iterator% method that allows aSessionManager to be used in afor..of loop that has the same value as theentries method:

// Get an instance of SessionManager.// Assume that it has sessions for two users, "anna" and "brian".var sm= getSessionManager();typeof SessionManager.prototype.values;// Evaluates to "function"var it= sm.values();// values() returns an iterator objectString(it);// Evaluates to "[object SessionManager Iterator]"typeof;// Evaluates to "function"// This loop will log "anna" and then "brian".for(;;){let result=;if(result.done){break;}let session= result.value;  console.log(session.username);}// This loop will also log "anna" and then "brian".for(let usernameof sm.keys()){  console.log(username);}// Yet another way of accomplishing the same.for(let[username, session]of sm){  console.log(username);}

An interface must not have more than oneiterable declaration.Theinherited interfaces of an interface with aniterable declaration must not also have aniterable declaration.An interface with aniterable declaration and itsinherited interfaces must not have amaplike declaration,setlike declaration, orasynchronously iterable declaration.

The following extended attributes are applicable toiterable declarations:[CrossOriginIsolated],[Exposed], and[SecureContext].

Iterable ::iterable<TypeWithExtendedAttributesOptionalType>;
OptionalType ::,TypeWithExtendedAttributes    ε

2.5.10.Asynchronously iterable declarations

Aninterface can be declared to be asynchronously iterable by using anasynchronously iterable declaration (matchingAsyncIterable) in the body of theinterface.

interfaceinterface_identifier {asynciterable<value_type>;asynciterable<value_type>(/* arguments... */);asynciterable<key_type,value_type>;asynciterable<key_type,value_type>(/* arguments... */);};

Objects thatimplement aninterface that is declared to be asynchronously iterable supportbeing iterated over asynchronously to obtain a sequence of values.

If a single type parameter is given, then the interface has avalue asynchronously iterable declaration and asynchronously provides values of thespecified type. If two type parameters are given, then the interface has apair asynchronously iterable declaration and asynchronously providesvalue pairs with the given types.

If given, anasynchronously iterable declaration’s arguments (matchingArgumentList) must all beoptional arguments.

In the JavaScript language binding, an interface that is asynchronously iterable will have%Symbol.asyncIterator% andvalues properties on itsinterface prototype object. If the interface has apair asynchronously iterable declaration, it will additionally haveentries andkeys properties. All of these methods can be passed optional arguments, which correspond to the argument list in theasynchronously iterable declaration, and are processed by theasynchronous iterator initialization steps, if any exist.

With this in mind, the requirement that all arguments be optional ensures that, in the JavaScript binding,for-await-of can work directly on instances of the interface, sincefor-await-of calls the%Symbol.asyncIterator% method with no arguments.

Prose accompanying aninterface with anasynchronously iterable declaration must define aget the next iteration result algorithm.This algorithm receives the instance of theinterface that is being iterated, as well as theasync iterator itself (which can be useful for storing state).It must return aPromise that either rejects, resolves with a specialend ofiteration value to signal the end of the iteration, or resolves with one of the following:

forvalue asynchronously iterable declarations:

a value of the type given in the declaration;

forpair asynchronously iterable declarations:

atuple containing a value of the first type given in the declaration, and a value of the second type given in the declaration.

The prose may also define anasynchronous iterator return algorithm. Thisalgorithm receives the instance of theinterface that is being iterated, the async iteratoritself, and a single argument value of typeany. This algorithm is invoked in the case ofpremature termination of the async iterator. It must return aPromise; if that promisefulfills, its fulfillment value will be ignored, but if it rejects, that failure will be passed onto users of the async iterator API.

In the JavaScript binding, this algorithm allows customizing the behavior when theasync iterator’sreturn() method is invoked. This most commonly occurs when abreak orreturn statement causes an exit from afor-await-of loop.

We could add a similar hook forthrow(). So far there has been no need,but if you are creating an API that needs such capabilities, pleasefile an issue.

The prose may also defineasynchronous iterator initialization steps. Thesereceive the instance of theinterface being iterated, the newly-created iterator object, and alist of IDL values representing the arguments passed, if any.

Interfaces with anasynchronously iterable declaration must not have anyattributes,constants, orregular operations named "entries", "keys", or"values", or have anyinherited interfaces that haveattributes,constants,orregular operations with these names.

Consider the following interfaceSessionManager, which allows access to a number ofSession objects keyed by username:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceSessionManager {SessiongetSessionForUser(DOMStringusername);asynciterable<DOMString,Session>;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceSession {readonlyattributeDOMStringusername;  // ...};

The behavior of the iterator could be defined like so:

Theasynchronous iterator initialization steps for aSessionManager async iteratoriterator are:

  1. Setiterator’scurrent state to "notyet started".

Toget the next iteration result for aSessionManagermanager and its async iteratoriterator:

  1. Letpromise be a new promise.

  2. Letkey be the following value, if it exists, or null otherwise:

    Ifiterator’scurrent state is "not yet started"

    the smallest username inmanager’s open sessions, in lexicographical order


    the smallest username inmanager’s open sessions that is greater thaniterator’s current state, in lexicographical order

    Note:iterator’scurrent state might no longer bepresent in the open sessions.

  3. Ifkey is null, then:

    1. Resolvepromise withend of iteration.

  4. Otherwise:

    1. Letsession be theSession object corresponding tokey.

    2. Resolvepromise with (username,session).

    3. Setiterator’scurrent state tousername.

  5. Returnpromise.

In the JavaScript language binding, theinterface prototype object for theSessionManagerinterface has avalues method that is a function, which, when invoked, returns an asynchronous iterator object that itself has anext method that returns the next value to be iterated over. It haskeys andentries methods that iterate over the usernames of session objects and (username,Session) object pairs, respectively. It also has a%Symbol.asyncIterator% method that allows aSessionManager to be used in afor await..of loop that has the same value as theentries method:

// Get an instance of SessionManager.// Assume that it has sessions for two users, "anna" and "brian".var sm= getSessionManager();typeof SessionManager.prototype.values;// Evaluates to "function"var it= sm.values();// values() returns an iterator objecttypeof;// Evaluates to "function"// This loop will log "anna" and then "brian".forawait(let usernameof sm.keys()){  console.log(username);}// Yet another way of accomplishing the same.forawait(let[username, session]of sm){  console.log(username);}

Aninterface must not have more than oneasynchronously iterable declaration.Theinherited interfaces of aninterface with anasynchronously iterable declaration must not also have anasynchronously iterable declaration.Aninterface with anasynchronously iterable declaration and itsinherited interfaces must not have amaplike declaration,setlike declaration, oriterable declaration.

The following extended attributes are applicable toasynchronously iterable declarations:[CrossOriginIsolated],[Exposed], and[SecureContext].

theseextended attributes are not currently taken into account.When they are, the effect will be as you would expect.

AsyncIterable ::asynciterable<TypeWithExtendedAttributesOptionalType>OptionalArgumentList;
OptionalArgumentList ::(ArgumentList)    ε

2.5.11.Maplike declarations

Aninterface can be declared to bemaplike by using amaplike declaration (matchingReadWriteMaplike orreadonlyMaplikeRest) in the body of the interface.

interfaceinterface_identifier {readonlymaplike<key_type,value_type>;maplike<key_type,value_type>;};

Objects implementing an interface that is declared to be maplikerepresent anordered map of key–value pairs, initially empty,known as that object’smap entries.The types used for the keys and values are given in the anglebrackets of the maplike declaration. Keys are required to be unique.

Specification authors can modify the contents of themap entries,which will automatically be reflected in the contents of the objectas observed by JavaScript code.

Maplike interfaces support an API for querying the map entriesappropriate for the language binding. If thereadonly keyword is not used, then it also supports an API for modifyingthe map entries.

Note: In the JavaScript language binding, the API for interactingwith the map entries is similar to that available on JavaScriptMap objects. If thereadonly keyword is used, this includesentries,forEach,get,has,keys,values,%Symbol.iterator% methods, and asize getter.For read–write maplikes, it also includesclear,delete, andset methods.

Maplike interfaces must not have anyattributes,constants, orregular operations named"entries", "forEach", "get", "has","keys", "size", or "values", or have anyinherited interfaces that haveattributes,constants, orregular operations withthese names.

Read–write maplike interfaces must nothave anyattributes orconstants named"clear", "delete",or "set", or have anyinherited interfaces that haveattributes orconstants with these names.

Note: Read-write maplike interfacescan haveregular operations named"clear", "delete", or "set", which will override the defaultimplementation of those methods (defined in§ 3.7.11 Maplike declarations). If such regular operations aredefined, they must match the input and output expectations of each method, defined in their defaultimplementation sections.

An interface must not have more than onemaplike declaration.Theinherited interfaces of a maplike interface must notalso have amaplike declaration.A maplike interface and itsinherited interfaces must not have aniterable declaration,anasynchronously iterable declaration,asetlike declaration, oranindexed property getter.

ReadOnlyMember ::readonlyReadOnlyMemberRest
ReadOnlyMemberRest ::AttributeRestMaplikeRestSetlikeRest
ReadWriteMaplike ::MaplikeRest
MaplikeRest ::maplike<TypeWithExtendedAttributes,TypeWithExtendedAttributes>;

Noextended attributes defined in this specification are applicable tomaplike declarations.

Add example.

2.5.12.Setlike declarations

Aninterface can be declared to besetlike by using asetlike declaration (matchingReadWriteSetlike orreadonlySetlikeRest) in the body of the interface.

interfaceinterface_identifier {readonlysetlike<type>;setlike<type>;};

Objects implementing an interface that is declared to be setlikerepresent anordered set of values, initially empty,known as that object’sset entries.The type of the values is given in the anglebrackets of the setlike declaration. Values are required to be unique.

Specification authors can modify the contents of theset entries,which will automatically be reflected in the contents of the objectas observed by JavaScript code.

Setlike interfaces support an API for querying the set entriesappropriate for the language binding. If thereadonly keyword is not used, then it also supports an API for modifyingthe set entries.

Note: In the JavaScript language binding, the API for interactingwith the set entries is similar to that available on JavaScriptSet objects. If thereadonly keyword is used, this includesentries,forEach,has,keys,values,%Symbol.iterator% methods, and asize getter.For read–write setlikes, it also includesadd,clear, anddelete methods.

Setlike interfaces must not have anyattributes,constants, orregular operations named"entries", "forEach", "has", "keys","size", or "values", or have anyinherited interfaces that haveattributes,constants, orregular operations with these names.

Read–write setlike interfaces must nothave anyattributes orconstants named"add", "clear",or "delete", or have anyinherited interfaces that haveattributes orconstants with these names.

Note: Read-write setlike interfacescan haveregular operations named"add", "clear", or "delete", which will override the defaultimplementation of those methods (defined in§ 3.7.12 Setlike declarations). If such regular operations aredefined, they must match the input and output expectations of each method, defined in their defaultimplementation sections.

An interface must not have more than onesetlike declaration.Theinherited interfaces of a setlike interface must notalso have asetlike declaration.A setlike interface and itsinherited interfaces must not have aniterable declaration,anasynchronously iterable declaration,amaplike declaration, oranindexed property getter.

ReadOnlyMember ::readonlyReadOnlyMemberRest
ReadOnlyMemberRest ::AttributeRestMaplikeRestSetlikeRest
ReadWriteSetlike ::SetlikeRest
SetlikeRest ::setlike<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>;

Noextended attributes defined in this specification are applicable tosetlike declarations.

Add example.


Anamespace is a definition (matchingNamespace) that declares a global singleton withassociated behaviors.

namespaceidentifier {  /* namespace_members... */};

A namespace is a specification of a set ofnamespace members (matchingNamespaceMembers), which are theregular operations,read onlyregular attributes, andconstants that appear betweenthe braces in the namespace declaration. These operations and attributes describe the behaviorspackaged into the namespace.

As with interfaces, the IDL for namespaces can be split into multiple parts by usingpartial namespace definitions(matchingpartialNamespace). Theidentifier of a partial namespace definition must be the same as the identifier of a namespace definition.All of the members that appear on each of the partial namespace definitions areconsidered to be members of the namespace itself.

namespaceSomeNamespace {  /* namespace_members... */};partialnamespaceSomeNamespace {  /* namespace_members... */};

Note: As with partial interface definitions, partial namespace definitions are intended foruse as a specification editorial aide, allowing the definition of a namespace to beseparated over more than one section of the document, and sometimes multipledocuments.

The order that members appear in has significance for property enumeration in theJavaScript binding.

Note that unlike interfaces or dictionaries, namespaces do not create types.

Of the extended attributes defined in this specification, only the [CrossOriginIsolated], [Exposed], and [SecureContext] extended attributes are applicable to namespaces.

Namespaces must be annotated with the [Exposed]extended attribute.

Partial ::partialPartialDefinition
PartialDefinition ::interfacePartialInterfaceOrPartialMixinPartialDictionaryNamespace
Namespace ::namespaceidentifier{NamespaceMembers};
NamespaceMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListNamespaceMemberNamespaceMembers    ε
NamespaceMember ::RegularOperationreadonlyAttributeRestConst

The followingIDL fragment defines anamespace.

namespaceVectorUtils {readonlyattributeVectorunit;doubledotProduct(Vectorx,Vectory);VectorcrossProduct(Vectorx,Vectory);};

A JavaScript implementation would then expose a globalVectorUtils data property which was a simple object (with prototype%Object.prototype%) with enumerable data properties for each declared operation, and enumerable get-only accessors for each declared attribute:

Object.getPrototypeOf(VectorUtils);// Evaluates to Object.prototype.Object.keys(VectorUtils);// Evaluates to ["dotProduct", "crossProduct"].Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(VectorUtils,"dotProduct");// Evaluates to { value: <a function>, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(VectorUtils,"unit");// Evaluates to { get: <a function>, enumerable: true, configurable: true }.


Adictionary is a definition (matchingDictionary)used to define anordered map data type with a fixed, ordered set ofentries,termeddictionary members,wherekeys are strings andvalues are of a particular type specified in the definition.

dictionaryidentifier {  /* dictionary_members... */};

Dictionary instances do not retain a reference to their language-specific representations (e.g.,the corresponding JavaScript object). So for example, returning a dictionary from anoperation will result in a new JavaScript object being created from the current values of the dictionary. And,an operation that accepts a dictionary as an argument will perform a one-time conversion from thegiven JavaScript value into the dictionary, based on the current properties of the JavaScriptobject. Modifications to the dictionary will not be reflected in the corresponding JavaScriptobject, and vice-versa.

Dictionaries must not be used as the type of anattribute orconstant.

A dictionary can be defined toinherit from another dictionary.If the identifier of the dictionary is followed by a colon and aidentifier,then that identifier identifies the inherited dictionary. The identifiermust identify a dictionary.

A dictionary must not be declared such thatits inheritance hierarchy has a cycle. That is, a dictionaryA cannot inherit from itself, nor can it inherit from anotherdictionaryB that inherits fromA, and so on.

dictionaryBase {  /* dictionary_members... */};dictionaryDerived :Base {  /* dictionary_members... */};

Theinherited dictionaries ofa given dictionaryD is the set of all dictionaries thatD inherits from, directly or indirectly. IfD does notinherit from another dictionary, then the set is empty. Otherwise, the setincludes the dictionaryE thatDinherits from and all ofE’sinherited dictionaries.

Dictionary members can be specified asrequired, meaning thatconverting a language-specific value to a dictionary requires providing a value for that member. Anydictionary member that is notrequired isoptional.

Note that specifyingdictionary members asrequired only hasan observable effect when converting other representations of dictionaries (like a JavaScript valuesupplied as an argument to anoperation) to an IDL dictionary. Specification authors shouldleave the membersoptional in all other cases, including when a dictionarytype is used solely as thereturn type ofoperations.

A given dictionary value of typeD can haveentries for each of the dictionary membersdefined onD and on any ofD’sinherited dictionaries. Dictionary members that are specifiedasrequired, or that are specified as having adefault value, will always have such correspondingentries. Othermembers' entries might or might notexist in the dictionary value.

In the JavaScript binding, a value ofundefined for the property corresponding to adictionary member is treated the same as omitting that property. Thus, it will cause an error if the member isrequired, or will trigger thedefault value if one is present, or will result in noentry existing in the dictionary value otherwise.

As withoperation argument default values, it is strongly encouraged not to usetrue as thedefault value forboolean-typeddictionary members, as this can be confusing for authors who might otherwise expect the default conversion ofundefined to be used (i.e.,false).[API-DESIGN-PRINCIPLES]

Anordered map with stringkeys can be implicitly treated as a dictionary value of aspecific dictionaryD if all of itsentries correspond todictionary members, as longas those entries have the correct types, and there areentries present for anyrequired ordefaulted dictionary members.

dictionaryDescriptor {DOMStringname;sequence<unsignedlong>serviceIdentifiers;};

ADescriptor dictionary could be created as in the following steps:

  1. Letidentifiers be « 1, 3, 7 ».

  2. Return «[ "name" → "test", "serviceIdentifiers" →identifiers ]».

Eachdictionary member (matchingDictionaryMember) is specifiedas a type (matchingType) followed by anidentifier (given by anidentifier token followingthe type). The identifier is the key name of the key–value pair.If theType is anidentifier followed by?, then the identifiermust identify aninterface,enumeration,callback function,callback interface ortypedef.If the dictionary member type is an identifiernot followed by?, then the identifier mustidentify any one of those definitions or adictionary.

If the type of thedictionary member, after resolving typedefs,is anullable type,itsinner type must not be adictionary type.

dictionaryidentifier {typeidentifier;};

If the identifier for anoptionaldictionary member is followed by aU+003D (=) and a value (matchingDefaultValue), then that gives the dictionary member itsdefault value, whichis the value used by default when author code or specification text does not provide a value forthat member.

dictionaryidentifier {typeidentifier = "value";};

When a boolean literal token (true orfalse),thenull token,aninteger token, adecimal token,one of the three special floating point literal values (Infinity,-Infinity orNaN),astring token, the twotoken sequence[], or the two token sequence{} isused as thedefault value,it is interpreted in the same way as for anoperation’soptional argument default value.

If the type of thedictionary member is anenumeration, then itsdefault value if specified mustbe one of theenumeration’s values.

If the type of the dictionary member is preceded by therequired keyword, the member is considered arequireddictionary member.

dictionaryidentifier {requiredtypeidentifier;};

The type of a dictionary member must not includethe dictionary it appears on. A type includes a dictionaryD if at least one of the following is true:

As with interfaces, the IDL for dictionaries can be split into multiple partsby usingpartial dictionary definitions(matchingpartialDictionary).Theidentifier of a partialdictionary definition must be the same as theidentifier of a dictionary definition. All of the members that appear on eachof the partial dictionary definitions are considered to be members ofthe dictionary itself.

dictionarySomeDictionary {  /* dictionary_members... */};partialdictionarySomeDictionary {  /* dictionary_members... */};

Note: As with partial interface definitions, partial dictionary definitions are intended for use as a specificationeditorial aide, allowing the definition of an interface to be separatedover more than one section of the document, and sometimes multiple documents.

The order of thedictionary members on a given dictionary is such that inherited dictionary members are orderedbefore non-inherited members, and the dictionary members on the onedictionary definition (including any partial dictionary definitions) areordered lexicographically by the Unicode codepoints that comprise theiridentifiers.

For example, with the following definitions:

dictionaryB :A {longb;longa;};dictionaryA {longc;longg;};dictionaryC :B {longe;longf;};partialdictionaryA {longh;longd;};

the order of thedictionary members of a dictionary value of typeC is c, d, g, h, a, b, e, f.

Dictionaries need to have their members ordered because in some language bindings the behavior observed when passing a dictionary value to a platform object depends on the order the dictionary members are fetched. For example, consider the following additional interface:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceSomething {undefinedf(Aa);};

and this JavaScript code:

var something= getSomething();// Get an instance of Something.var x=0;var dict={};Object.defineProperty(dict,"d",{ get:function(){return++x;}});Object.defineProperty(dict,"c",{ get:function(){return++x;}});something.f(dict);

The order that the dictionary members are fetched in determines what values they will be taken to have. Since the order forA is defined to be c then d, the value for c will be 1 and the value for d will be 2.

The identifier of a dictionary member must not bethe same as that of another dictionary member defined on the dictionary oron that dictionary’sinherited dictionaries.

Noextended attributes are applicable to dictionaries.

Partial ::partialPartialDefinition
PartialDefinition ::interfacePartialInterfaceOrPartialMixinPartialDictionaryNamespace
Dictionary ::dictionaryidentifierInheritance{DictionaryMembers};
DictionaryMembers ::DictionaryMemberDictionaryMembers    ε
DictionaryMember ::ExtendedAttributeListDictionaryMemberRest
DictionaryMemberRest ::requiredTypeWithExtendedAttributesidentifier;TypeidentifierDefault;
PartialDictionary ::dictionaryidentifier{DictionaryMembers};
Default ::=DefaultValue    ε
DefaultValue ::ConstValuestring[]{}nullundefined
Inheritance :::identifier    ε

One use of dictionary types is to allow a number ofoptional arguments to anoperation without being constrained as to the order they are specified at the call site. For example, consider the followingIDL fragment:

[Exposed=Window]interfacePoint {constructor();attributedoublex;attributedoubley;};dictionaryPaintOptions {DOMStringfillPattern = "black";DOMStringstrokePattern;Pointposition;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceGraphicsContext {undefineddrawRectangle(doublewidth,doubleheight,optionalPaintOptionsoptions);};

In a JavaScript implementation of the IDL, an Object can be passed in for theoptionalPaintOptions dictionary:

// Get an instance of GraphicsContext.var ctx= getGraphicsContext();// Draw a rectangle.ctx.drawRectangle(300,200,{ fillPattern:"red", position:new Point(10,10)});

The members ofPaintOptions areoptional. IffillPattern is omitted, the definition ofdrawRectangle can assume that it has the given default values and not include explicit wording to handle its omission.drawRectangle needs to explicitly handle the case wherestrokePattern andposition are omitted.


Anexception is a type of object that represents an error andwhich can be thrown or treated as a first class value by implementations. Web IDL has a number ofpre-defined exceptions that specifications can reference and throw in their definition ofoperations, attributes, and so on. Custom exception types can also be defined, asinterfaces thatinherit fromDOMException.

Asimple exception is identified by one of thefollowing types:

These correspond to all of the JavaScripterror objects (apart fromSyntaxError andError, which are deliberatelyomitted as they are reserved for use by the JavaScript parser and by authors, respectively). Themeaning of eachsimple exception matches its corresponding error object in the JavaScriptspecification.

The second kind of exception is aDOMException, which provides furtherprogrammatically-introspectable detail on the error that occurred by giving aname.Suchnames are drawn from theDOMException names table below.

AsDOMException is aninterface type, it can be used as a type in IDL. Thisallows for example anoperation to be declared to have aDOMExceptionreturn type. Thisis generally a bad pattern, however, as exceptions are meant to be thrown and not returned.

The final kind of exception is a derived interface ofDOMException. These are more complicated,and thus described in the dedicated section§ 2.8.2 DOMException derived interfaces.

Simple exceptions can becreated by providing theirtype name. ADOMException can becreated by providing itsname followed byDOMException. Exceptions can also bethrown, by providing the same detailsrequired tocreate one. In both cases, the caller may provide additional informationabout what the exception indicates, which is useful when constructing the exception’s message.

Here is are some examples of wording to use to create and throw exceptions. To throw a newsimple exception whose type isTypeError:

Throw aTypeError.

To throw a newDOMException withname "NotAllowedError":

Throw a "NotAllowedError"DOMException.

To create a newDOMException withname "SyntaxError":

Letobject be a newlycreated "SyntaxError"DOMException.

Toreject a promise with a newDOMException withname "OperationError":

Rejectp with an "OperationError"DOMException.

An example of including additional information used to construct the exception message would be:

Throw a "SyntaxError"DOMException indicating that the given value had disallowed trailing spaces.

Such additional context is most helpful to implementers when it is not immediately obvious why the exception is being thrown, e.g., because there are many different steps in the algorithm which throw a "SyntaxError"DOMException. In contrast, if your specification throws a "NotAllowedError"DOMException immediately after checking if the user has provided permission to use a given feature, it’s fairly obvious what sort of message the implementation ought to construct, and so specifying it is not necessary.

The resulting behavior from creating and throwing an exception is language binding specific.

See§ 3.14.3 Creating and throwing exceptions for details on what creating and throwing anexception entails in the JavaScript language binding.

2.8.1.BaseDOMException error names

TheDOMException names table below lists all theallowednames for instances of the baseDOMException interface, along with adescription of what such names mean, and legacy numeric error code values.

Interfacesinheriting fromDOMException, in the manner describedin§ 2.8.2 DOMException derived interfaces, will have their own names, not listed in this table.

Whencreating orthrowing aDOMException, specifications must useone of these names. If a specification author believes none of these names are a good fit for theircase, they mustfile an issue to discuss adding a new name to the shared namespace, so that the community can coordinate suchefforts. Note that adding new use-case-specific names is only important if you believe webdevelopers will discriminate multiple error conditions arising from a single API.

TheDOMException names marked as deprecated are kept for legacy purposes, buttheir usage is discouraged.

Note: Don’t confuse the "SyntaxError"DOMException defined herewith JavaScript’sSyntaxError."SyntaxError"DOMException is used to report parsing errors in web APIs,for example when parsing selectors,while the JavaScriptSyntaxError is reserved for the JavaScript parser.To help disambiguate this further,always favor the "SyntaxError"DOMException notationover just usingSyntaxError to refer to theDOMException.[DOM]

NameDescriptionLegacy code name and value
"IndexSizeError"Deprecated. UseRangeError instead.INDEX_SIZE_ERR (1)
"HierarchyRequestError"The operation would yield an incorrectnode tree.[DOM]HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR (3)
"WrongDocumentError"The object is in the wrongdocument.[DOM]WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR (4)
"InvalidCharacterError"The string contains invalid characters.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR (5)
"NoModificationAllowedError"The object can not be modified.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR (7)
"NotFoundError"The object can not be found here.NOT_FOUND_ERR (8)
"NotSupportedError"The operation is not supported.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR (9)
"InUseAttributeError"The attribute is in use by anotherelement.[DOM]INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR (10)
"InvalidStateError"The object is in an invalid state.INVALID_STATE_ERR (11)
"SyntaxError"The string did not match the expected pattern.SYNTAX_ERR (12)
"InvalidModificationError"The object can not be modified in this way.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (13)
"NamespaceError"The operation is not allowed byNamespaces in XML.[XML-NAMES]NAMESPACE_ERR (14)
"InvalidAccessError"Deprecated. UseTypeError for invalid arguments, "NotSupportedError"DOMException for unsupported operations, and "NotAllowedError"DOMException for denied requests instead.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR (15)
"TypeMismatchError"Deprecated. UseTypeError instead.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR (17)
"SecurityError"The operation is insecure.SECURITY_ERR (18)
"NetworkError"A network error occurred.NETWORK_ERR (19)
"AbortError"The operation was aborted.ABORT_ERR (20)
"URLMismatchError"Deprecated.URL_MISMATCH_ERR (21)
"QuotaExceededError"The quota has been exceeded.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR (22)
"TimeoutError"The operation timed out.TIMEOUT_ERR (23)
"InvalidNodeTypeError"The suppliednode is incorrect or has an incorrect ancestor for this operation.[DOM]INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR (24)
"DataCloneError"The object can not be cloned.DATA_CLONE_ERR (25)
"EncodingError"The encoding operation (either encoded or decoding) failed.
"NotReadableError"The I/O read operation failed.
"UnknownError"The operation failed for an unknown transient reason (e.g. out of memory).
"ConstraintError"A mutation operation in a transaction failed because a constraint was not satisfied.[INDEXEDDB]
"DataError"Provided data is inadequate.
"TransactionInactiveError"A request was placed against a transaction which is currently not active, or which is finished.[INDEXEDDB]
"ReadOnlyError"The mutating operation was attempted in a "readonly" transaction.[INDEXEDDB]
"VersionError"An attempt was made to open a database using a lower version than the existing version.[INDEXEDDB]
"OperationError"The operation failed for an operation-specific reason.
"NotAllowedError"The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.
"OptOutError"The user opted out of the process.

2.8.2.DOMException derived interfaces

When an exception needs to carry additional programmatically-introspectable information, beyond whatcan be provided with aDOMException’sname, specification authors can create aninterface whichinherits fromDOMException. Such interfaces need to followcertain rules, in order to have a predictable shape for developers. Specifically:

These requirements mean that the inheritedcode property of theseinterfaces will always return 0.

The definition for aDOMException derived interface which carries along an additional "protocol error code", which is derived from what the server sent over some some hypothetical network protocol "protocol X", could look something like this:
[Exposed=Window,Serializable]interfaceProtocolXError :DOMException {constructor(optionalDOMStringmessage = "",ProtocolXErrorOptionsoptions);readonlyattributeunsignedlonglongerrorCode;};dictionaryProtocolXErrorOptions {required [EnforceRange]unsignedlonglongerrorCode;};

EveryProtocolXError instance has anerror code, a number.

Thenew ProtocolXError(message,options) constructor steps are:
  1. Setthis’sname to "ProtocolXError".

  2. Setthis’smessage tomessage.

  3. Setthis’serror code tooptions["errorCode"].

TheerrorCode getter steps are to returnthis’serror code.

ProtocolXError objects areserializable objects.

Theirserialization steps, givenvalue andserialized, are:
  1. Run theDOMExceptionserialization steps givenvalue andserialized.

  2. Setserialized.[[ErrorCode]] tovalue’serror code.

Theirdeserialization steps, givenserialized andvalue, are:
  1. Run theDOMExceptiondeserialization steps givenserialized andvalue.

  2. Setvalue’serror code toserialized.[[ErrorCode]].

Tocreate orthrow aDOMException derived interface, supply itsinterfaceidentifier as well as the additional information needed to construct it.

To throw an instance of theProtocolXError exemplifiedabove:

Throw aProtocolXError whoseerror code is 42.


Anenumeration is a definition (matchingEnum) used to declare a typewhose valid values are a set of predefined strings. Enumerationscan be used to restrict the possibleDOMString values that can be assigned to anattribute or passed to anoperation.

enumidentifier {"enum","values" /* , ... */ };

Theenumeration values are specifiedas a comma-separated list ofstring literals.The list ofenumeration values must not include duplicates.

It is strongly suggested that enumeration values be all lowercase, and that multiple words be separated using dashes or not be separated at all, unless there is a specific reason to use another value naming scheme. For example, an enumeration value that indicates an object should be created could be named "createobject" or "create-object". Consider related uses of enumeration values when deciding whether to dash-separate or not separate enumeration value words so that similar APIs are consistent.

The behavior when a string value that is not a valid enumeration valueis used when assigning to anattribute,or passed as anoperation argument,whose type is the enumeration, is language binding specific.

Note: In the JavaScript binding, assignment of an invalid string value to anattribute is ignored, whilepassing such a value in other contexts (for example as anoperation argument)results in an exception being thrown.

Noextended attributes defined in this specification are applicable toenumerations.

Enum ::enumidentifier{EnumValueList};
EnumValueList ::stringEnumValueListComma
EnumValueListComma ::,EnumValueListString    ε
EnumValueListString ::stringEnumValueListComma    ε

The followingIDL fragment defines anenumeration that is used as the type of anattribute and anoperation argument:

enumMealType {"rice","noodles","other" };[Exposed=Window]interfaceMeal {attributeMealTypetype;attributedoublesize;     // in gramsundefinedinitialize(MealTypetype,doublesize);};

A JavaScript implementation would restrict the strings that can be assigned to the type property or passed to the initializeMeal function to those identified in theenumeration.

var meal= getMeal();// Get an instance of Meal.meal.initialize("rice",200);// Operation invoked as normal.try{  meal.initialize("sandwich",100);// Throws a TypeError.}catch(e){}meal.type="noodles";// Attribute assigned as normal.meal.type="dumplings";// Attribute assignment ignored.meal.type=="noodles";// Evaluates to true.

2.10.Callback functions

The “Custom DOM Elements” spec wants to use callback function types for platform object provided functions. Should we rename “callback functions” to just “functions” to make it clear that they can be used for both purposes?

Acallback function is a definition (matchingcallbackCallbackRest) used to declare a function type.

callbackidentifier =return_type (/* arguments... */);

Note: See also the similarly namedcallback interfaces.

Theidentifier on theleft of the equals sign gives the name of thecallback function and the return type and argument list (matchingType andArgumentList) on the right side of the equalssign gives the signature of the callback function type.

Callback functions must notbe used as the type of aconstant.

The following extended attribute is applicable to callback functions:[LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull].

CallbackOrInterfaceOrMixin ::callbackCallbackRestOrInterfaceinterfaceInterfaceOrMixin
CallbackRest ::identifier=Type(ArgumentList);

The followingIDL fragment defines acallback function used for an API that invokes a user-defined function when an operation is complete.

callbackAsyncOperationCallback =undefined (DOMStringstatus);[Exposed=Window]interfaceAsyncOperations {undefinedperformOperation(AsyncOperationCallbackwhenFinished);};

In the JavaScript language binding, afunction object is passed as the operation argument.

var ops= getAsyncOperations();// Get an instance of AsyncOperations.ops.performOperation(function(status){  window.alert("Operation finished, status is "+ status+".");});


Atypedef is a definition (matchingTypedef)used to declare a new name for a type. This new name is not exposedby language bindings; it is purely used as a shorthand for referencingthe type in the IDL.


Thetype being given a new name is specified after thetypedef keyword (matchingTypeWithExtendedAttributes), and theidentifier token following thetype gives the name.

TheType must notbe the identifier of the same or anothertypedef.

Noextended attributes defined in this specification are applicable totypedefs.

Typedef ::typedefTypeWithExtendedAttributesidentifier;

The followingIDL fragment demonstrates the use oftypedefs to allow the use of a shortidentifier instead of a longsequence type.

[Exposed=Window]interfacePoint {attributedoublex;attributedoubley;};typedefsequence<Point>Points;[Exposed=Window]interfaceWidget {booleanpointWithinBounds(Pointp);booleanallPointsWithinBounds(Pointsps);};

2.12.Objects implementing interfaces

In a given implementation of a set ofIDL fragments,an object can be described as being aplatform object.

Platform objects are objectsthat implement aninterface.

Legacy platform objects areplatform objects that implement aninterface whichdoes not have a [Global]extended attribute, and whichsupports indexed properties,named properties, or both.

In a browser, for example,the browser-implemented DOM objects (implementing interfaces such asNode andDocument) that provide access to a web page’s contentsto JavaScript running in the page would beplatform objects. These objects might be exotic objects,implemented in a language like C++, or they might be native JavaScript objects. Regardless,an implementation of a given set of IDL fragments needs to be able to recognize allplatform objects that are created by the implementation. This might be done by having some internal state that records whethera given object is indeed a platform object for that implementation, or perhaps by observingthat the object is implemented by a given internal C++ class. How exactly platform objectsare recognized by a given implementation of a set of IDL fragments is implementation specific.

All other objects in the system would not be treated as platform objects. For example, assume thata web page opened in a browser loads a JavaScript library that implements DOM Core. This librarywould be considered to be a different implementation from the browser provided implementation.The objects created by the JavaScript library that implement theNode interfacewill not be treated as platform objects that implementNode by the browser implementation.

Callback interfaces, on the other hand, can be implemented by any JavaScript object. Thisallows Web APIs to invoke author-defined operations. For example, the DOM Events implementationallows authors to register callbacks by providing objects that implement theEventListener interface.


This section lists the types supported by Web IDL,the set of values orInfra typecorresponding to each type, and howconstants of that type are represented.

The following types are known asinteger types:byte,octet,short,unsigned short,long,unsigned long,long long andunsigned long long.

The following types are known asnumeric types:theinteger types,float,unrestricted float,double andunrestricted double.

Theprimitive types arebigint,boolean and thenumeric types.

Thestring types areDOMString, allenumeration types,ByteString andUSVString.

Thebuffer types areArrayBuffer andSharedArrayBuffer.

Thetyped array types areInt8Array,Int16Array,Int32Array,Uint8Array,Uint16Array,Uint32Array,Uint8ClampedArray,BigInt64Array,BigUint64Array,Float16Array,Float32Array, andFloat64Array.

Thebuffer view types areDataView and thetyped array types.

Thebuffer source types are thebuffer types and thebuffer view types.

Theobject type,allinterface types, andallcallback interface types are known asobject types.

When conversions are made from language binding specific types to IDL types in order to invoke anoperation or assign a value to anattribute, all conversions necessary will be performed before the specified functionality of the operation or attribute assignment is carried out. If the conversion cannot be performed, then the operation will not run or the attribute will not be updated. In some language bindings, type conversions could result in an exception being thrown. In such cases, these exceptions will be propagated to the code that made the attempt to invoke the operation or assign to the attribute.

Type ::SingleTypeUnionTypeNull
TypeWithExtendedAttributes ::ExtendedAttributeListType
SingleType ::DistinguishableTypeanyPromiseType
UnionType ::(UnionMemberTypeorUnionMemberTypeUnionMemberTypes)
UnionMemberType ::ExtendedAttributeListDistinguishableTypeUnionTypeNull
UnionMemberTypes ::orUnionMemberTypeUnionMemberTypes    ε
DistinguishableType ::PrimitiveTypeNullStringTypeNullidentifierNullsequence<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>Nullasync iterable<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullobjectNullsymbolNullBufferRelatedTypeNullFrozenArray<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullObservableArray<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullRecordTypeNullundefinedNull
ConstType ::PrimitiveTypeidentifier
PrimitiveType ::UnsignedIntegerTypeUnrestrictedFloatTypebooleanbyteoctetbigint
UnrestrictedFloatType ::unrestrictedFloatTypeFloatType
FloatType ::floatdouble
UnsignedIntegerType ::unsignedIntegerTypeIntegerType
IntegerType ::shortlongOptionalLong
OptionalLong ::long    ε
StringType ::ByteStringDOMStringUSVString
PromiseType ::Promise<Type>
RecordType ::record<StringType,TypeWithExtendedAttributes>
Null ::?    ε


Theany type is the union of all other possiblenon-union types.

Theany type is likea discriminated union type, in that each of its values has aspecific non-any typeassociated with it. For example, one value of theany type is theunsigned long 150, while another is thelong 150.These are distinct values.

The particular type of anany value is known as itsspecific type.(Values ofunion types also havespecific types.)


Theundefined type has a unique value.

undefined constant values in IDLare represented with theundefined token.

undefined must not be used as the type of an argument in any circumstance(in anoperation,callback function,constructor operation, etc),or as the type of adictionary member,whether directly or in a union.Instead, use anoptional argument or a non-requireddictionary member.

Note: This value was previously spelledvoid,and more limited in how it was allowed to be used.


Theboolean type corresponds tobooleans.

boolean constant values in IDL arerepresented with thetrue andfalse tokens.


Thebyte type corresponds to8-bit signed integers.

byte constant values in IDL arerepresented withinteger tokens.


Theoctet type corresponds to8-bit unsigned integers.

octet constant values in IDL arerepresented withinteger tokens.


Theshort type corresponds to16-bit signed integers.

short constant values in IDL arerepresented withinteger tokens.

2.13.7.unsigned short

Theunsigned short type corresponds to16-bit unsigned integers.

unsigned short constant values in IDL arerepresented withinteger tokens.


Thelong type corresponds to32-bit signed integers.

long constant values in IDL arerepresented withinteger tokens.

2.13.9.unsigned long

Theunsigned long type corresponds to32-bit unsigned integers.

unsigned long constant values in IDL arerepresented withinteger tokens.

2.13.10.long long

Thelong long type corresponds to64-bit signed integers.

long long constant values in IDL arerepresented withinteger tokens.

2.13.11.unsigned long long

Theunsigned long long type corresponds to64-bit unsigned integers.

unsigned long long constant values in IDL arerepresented withinteger tokens.


Thefloat type is a floating point numerictype that corresponds to the set of finite single-precision 32-bitIEEE 754 floating point numbers.[IEEE-754]

float constant values in IDL arerepresented withdecimal tokens.

Unless there are specific reasons to use a 32-bit floating point type, specifications should usedouble rather thanfloat, since the set of values that adouble can represent more closely matches a JavaScript Number.

2.13.13.unrestricted float

Theunrestricted float type is a floating point numerictype that corresponds to the set of all possible single-precision 32-bitIEEE 754 floating point numbers, finite, non-finite, and special "not a number" values (NaNs).[IEEE-754]

unrestricted float constant values in IDL arerepresented withdecimal tokens.


Thedouble type is a floating point numerictype that corresponds to the set of finite double-precision 64-bitIEEE 754 floating point numbers.[IEEE-754]

double constant values in IDL arerepresented withdecimal tokens.

2.13.15.unrestricted double

Theunrestricted double type is a floating point numerictype that corresponds to the set of all possible double-precision 64-bitIEEE 754 floating point numbers, finite, non-finite, and special "not a number" values (NaNs).[IEEE-754]

unrestricted double constant values in IDL arerepresented withdecimal tokens.


Thebigint type is an arbitrary integer type, unrestricted in range.

bigint constant values in IDL are represented withinteger tokens.


TheDOMString type corresponds tostrings.

Note:null is not a value of typeDOMString. To allownull, anullableDOMString, written asDOMString? in IDL, needs to be used.

Note: ADOMString value might include unmatchedsurrogatecode points. UseUSVString if this is not desirable.

There is no way to represent a constantDOMString value in IDL, althoughDOMStringdictionary memberdefault values andoperation optional argumentdefault values can be set tothe value of astring literal.


TheByteString type corresponds tobyte sequences.

There is no way to represent a constantByteString value in IDL, althoughByteStringdictionary memberdefault values andoperation optional argumentdefault values can be set tothe value of astring literal.

Specifications should only useByteString for interfacing with protocols that use bytes and strings interchangeably, such as HTTP. In general, strings should be represented withDOMString values, even if it is expected that values of the string will always be in ASCII or some 8-bit character encoding.Sequences orfrozen arrays withoctet orbyte elements,Uint8Array, orInt8Array should be used for holding 8-bit data rather thanByteString.


TheUSVString typecorresponds toscalar value strings.Depending on the context,these can be treated as sequences ofcode units orscalar values.

There is no way to represent a constantUSVString value in IDL, althoughUSVStringdictionary memberdefault values andoperation optional argumentdefault values can be set tothe value of astring literal.

Specifications should only useUSVString for APIs that perform text processing and need a string ofscalar values to operate on. Most APIs that use strings should instead be usingDOMString, which does not make any interpretations of thecode units in the string. When in doubt, useDOMString.


Theobject type corresponds to the set ofall possible non-null object references.

There is no way to represent a constantobject value in IDL.

To denote a type that includes all possible object references plus thenull value, use thenullable typeobject?.


Thesymbol type corresponds to the set of all possible symbol values. Symbol values are opaque,non-object values which nevertheless have identity (i.e., are only equal to themselves).

There is no way to represent a constantsymbol value in IDL.

2.13.22.Interface types

Anidentifier thatidentifies aninterface is used to refer toa type that corresponds to the set of all possible non-null references to objects thatimplement that interface.

An IDL value of the interface type is represented justby an object reference.

There is no way to represent a constant object reference value fora particular interface type in IDL.

To denote a type that includes all possible references to objects implementingthe given interface plus thenull value,use anullable type.

2.13.23.Callback interface types

Anidentifier that identifies acallback interface is used to refer to a type thatcorresponds to the set of all possible non-null references to objects.

An IDL value of the interface type is represented by a tuple of an object reference and acallback context.Thecallback context is a language binding specific value, and is used to store informationabout the execution context at the time the language binding specific object reference isconverted to an IDL value.

Note: For JavaScript objects, thecallback context is used to hold a reference to theincumbent settings object at the time the Object value is converted to an IDLcallback interface type value. See§ 3.2.16 Callback interface types.

There is no way to represent a constant object reference value for a particularcallback interface type in IDL.

To denote a type that includes all possible references to objects plus thenull value, use anullable type.

2.13.24.Dictionary types

Anidentifier thatidentifies adictionary is used to refer toa type that corresponds to the set of all dictionaries that adhere tothe dictionary definition.

The literal syntax forordered maps may also be used to represent dictionaries, when it isimplicitly understood from context that the map is being treated as an instance of a specificdictionary type. However, there is no way to represent a constant dictionary value inside IDLfragments.

2.13.25.Enumeration types

Anidentifier thatidentifies anenumeration is used torefer to a type whose values are the set of strings (sequences ofcode units, as withDOMString) that are theenumeration’s values.

LikeDOMString, there is no way to represent a constantenumeration value in IDL, although enumeration-typeddictionary memberdefault values andoperation optional argumentdefault values can be set tothe value of astring literal.

2.13.26.Callback function types

Anidentifier that identifiesacallback function is used to refer toa type whose values are references to objects that are functions with the given signature.

Note: If the [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull]extended attribute is specified on thedefinition ofthecallback function, the values can be references to objects that are not functions.

An IDL value of the callback function type is represented by a tuple of an objectreference and acallback context.

Note: As withcallback interface types, thecallback context is used to hold areference to theincumbent settings object atthe time a JavaScript Object value is converted to an IDLcallback function type value. See§ 3.2.19 Callback function types.

There is no way to represent a constantcallback function value in IDL.

2.13.27.Nullable types —T?

Anullable type is an IDL type constructedfrom an existing type (called theinner type),which just allows the additional valuenull to be a member of its set of values.Nullable types are represented in IDL by placing a U+003F (?)character after an existing type.Theinner type must not be:

Note: Although dictionary types can in general be nullable,they cannot when used as the type of an operation argument or a dictionary member.

Nullable type constant values in IDL are represented in the same way thatconstant values of theirinner type would be represented, or with thenull token.

For example, a type that allows the valuestrue,false andnull is written asboolean?:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceNetworkFetcher {undefinedget(optionalboolean?areWeThereYet =false);};

The followinginterface has twoattributes: one whose value can be aDOMString or thenull value, and another whose value can be a reference to aNode object or thenull value:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceNode {readonlyattributeDOMString?namespaceURI;readonlyattributeNode?parentNode;  // ...};

2.13.28.Sequence types — sequence<T>

Thesequence<T> type is a parameterized type whose values are (possibly zero-length)lists ofvalues of typeT.

Sequences are always passed by value. Inlanguage bindings where a sequence is represented by an object ofsome kind, passing a sequence to aplatform object will not result in a reference to the sequence being kept by that object.Similarly, any sequence returned from a platform objectwill be a copy and modifications made to it will not be visible to the platform object.

The literal syntax forlists may also be used to represent sequences, when it is implicitlyunderstood from context that the list is being treated as a sequences. However, there is no way torepresent a constant sequence value inside IDL fragments.

Sequences must not be used as thetype of anattribute orconstant.

Note: This restriction exists so that it is clear to specification writersand API users thatsequences are copied rather than having referencesto them passed around. Instead of a writableattribute of a sequencetype, it is suggested that a pair ofoperations to get and set thesequence is used.

Anylist can be implicitly treated as asequence<T>, as long as it containsonlyitems that are of typeT.

2.13.29.Async iterable types — async iterable<T>

Anasync iterable type is a parameterizedtype whose values are references to objects that can produce an asynchronously iterable, possibly infinite,sequence of values of typeT.

Unlikesequences, which are fixed-length lists where all values are known in advance, the asynchronouslyiterable sequences created by async iterables are lazy. Their values may be produced asynchronouslyonly during iteration, and thus the values or length might not be known at the time the asynciterable is created.

Async iterables are passed by reference in language bindings where they are represented by an object.This means that passing an async iterable to aplatform object will result in a reference to theasync iterable being kept by that object. Similarly, any async iterable returned from a platformobject will be a reference to the same object and modifications made to it will be visible to theplatform object. This is in contrast to sequences, which are always passed by value.

Note: Async iterables cannot be constructed from IDL. If returned from an operation, or used as thetype of a dictionary member, the async iterable will have originated from the host environment andhave been turned into an IDL type via a language binding. Instead of returning an async iterablefrom an IDL operation, the operation might want to return aninterface that has anasynchronously iterable declaration.

Async iterables must not be used as the type of anattribute orconstant.

There is no way to represent an async iterable value in IDL.

2.13.30.Record types — record<K,V>

Arecord type is a parameterized type whose values areordered maps withkeys that are instances ofK andvalues that are instances ofV.K must be oneofDOMString,USVString, orByteString.

The literal syntax forordered maps may also be used to represent records, when it is implicitlyunderstood from context that the map is being treated as a record. However, there is no way torepresent a constant record value inside IDL fragments.

Records are always passed by value. In language bindings where a recordis represented by an object of some kind, passing a recordto aplatform object will not result in a reference to the recordbeing kept by that object. Similarly, any record returned from aplatform object will be a copy and modifications made to it will not be visibleto the platform object.

Records must not be used as the type of anattribute orconstant.

Anyordered map can be implicitly treated as arecord<K,V>, as long asit contains onlyentries whosekeys are all of of typeK and whosevalues are all of typeV.

2.13.31.Promise types — Promise<T>

Apromise type is a parameterized typewhose values are references to objects that “is used as a place holderfor the eventual results of a deferred (and possibly asynchronous) computationresult of an asynchronous operation”.Seesection 25.4 of the JavaScript specification for details on the semantics of promise objects.

Promise types are non-nullable, butT may be nullable.

There is no way to represent a promise value in IDL.

2.13.32.Union types

Aunion type is a type whose set of valuesis the union of those in two or more other types. Union types (matchingUnionType)are written as a series of types separated by theor keywordwith a set of surrounding parentheses.The types which comprise the union type are known as theunion’smember types.

For example, you might write(Node or DOMString) or(double or sequence<double>). When applying a? suffix to aunion type as a whole, it is placed after the closing parenthesis, as in(Node or DOMString)?.

Note that themember types of a union type do not descend into nested union types. So for(double or (sequence<long> or Event) or (Node or DOMString)?) the member types aredouble,(sequence<long> or Event) and(Node or DOMString)?.

Like theany type, values ofunion types have aspecific type,which is the particularmember type that matches the value.

Theflattened member types of aunion type, possiblyannotated, is a set of types determined as follows:

  1. LetT be theunion type.

  2. InitializeS to ∅.

  3. For eachmember typeU ofT:

    1. IfU is anannotated type, thensetU to be theinner type ofU.

    2. IfU is anullable type, thensetU to be theinner type ofU.

    3. IfU is aunion type, thenadd toS theflattened member types ofU.

    4. Otherwise,U is not aunion type.AddU toS.

  4. ReturnS.

Note: For example, theflattened member types of theunion type(Node or (sequence<long> or Event) or (XMLHttpRequest or DOMString)? or sequence<(sequence<double> or NodeList)>) are the six typesNode,sequence<long>,Event,XMLHttpRequest,DOMString andsequence<(sequence<double> or NodeList)>.

Thenumber of nullable member types of aunion type is an integer determined as follows:

  1. LetT be theunion type.

  2. Initializen to 0.

  3. For eachmember typeU ofT:

    1. IfU is anullable type, then:

      1. Setn ton + 1.

      2. SetU to be theinner type ofU.

    2. IfU is aunion type, then:

      1. Letm be thenumber of nullable member types ofU.

      2. Setn ton +m.

  4. Returnn.

Theany type must notbe used as aunion member type.

Thenumber of nullable member types of aunion type mustbe 0 or 1, and if it is 1 then the union type must also not haveadictionary type in itsflattened member types.

A typeincludes a nullable type if:

Each pair offlattened member types in aunion type,T andU,must bedistinguishable.

It is possible to create a union ofbigint and anumeric type.However, this is generally only supposed to be used for interfaces such asNumberFormat, which formats the values rather than using them incalculations.It would not be appropriate to accept such a union, only to then convert values of thenumeric type to abigint for further processing, as this runs the risk of introducingprecision errors.Pleasefile an issue before using this feature.

A typeincludes undefined if:

Union type constant valuesin IDL are represented in the same way that constant values of theirmember types would berepresented.

UnionType ::(UnionMemberTypeorUnionMemberTypeUnionMemberTypes)
UnionMemberType ::ExtendedAttributeListDistinguishableTypeUnionTypeNull
UnionMemberTypes ::orUnionMemberTypeUnionMemberTypes    ε
DistinguishableType ::PrimitiveTypeNullStringTypeNullidentifierNullsequence<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>Nullasync iterable<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullobjectNullsymbolNullBufferRelatedTypeNullFrozenArray<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullObservableArray<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullRecordTypeNullundefinedNull

2.13.33.Annotated types

Additional types can be created from existing ones by specifying certainextended attributes onthe existing types. Such types are calledannotated types, and the types theyannotate are calledinner types.

[Clamp] long defines a newannotated type, whose behavior is based on that of theinner typelong, but modified as specified by the [Clamp] extended attribute.

The following extended attributes areapplicable to types:[AllowResizable],[AllowShared],[Clamp],[EnforceRange], and[LegacyNullToEmptyString].

Theextended attributes associated with an IDL typetype are determined as follows:
  1. Letextended attributes be a new emptyset.

  2. Iftype appears as part of aTypeWithExtendedAttributes production,append each of theextended attributes present in the production’sExtendedAttributeList toextended attributes.

    [Exposed=Window]interfaceI {attribute [XAttr]longattrib;undefinedf1(sequence<[XAttr]long>arg);undefinedf2(optional [XAttr]longarg);maplike<[XAttr2]DOMString, [XAttr3]long>;};dictionaryD {required [XAttr]longmember;};
  3. Iftype is amember type of aunion typeU,append each of theextended attributes associated withU toextended attributes.

    [Exposed=Window]interfaceI {attribute [XAttr] (longorNode)attrib;};
  4. Iftype appears as part of aType productiondirectly within anArgument production,append toextended attributes all of theextended attributes present in theproduction’sExtendedAttributeList that areapplicable to types.

    [Exposed=Window]interfaceI {undefinedf([XAttr]longattrib);};

    Note that this is an example of this step only if [XAttr] isapplicable to types; otherwise [XAttr] applies to the argument, and not the argument’s type.

  5. Iftype appears as part of aType productiondirectly within aDictionaryMember production,append toextended attributes all of theextended attributes present in the production’sExtendedAttributeList that areapplicable to types.

    dictionaryD {    [XAttr]longmember;};

    Note that this is an example of this step only if [XAttr] isapplicable to types; otherwise [XAttr] applies to the dictionary member, and not the member’s type.

  6. Iftype is atypedef,append theextended attributes associated with thetype being given a new name toextended attributes.

    typedef [XAttr]longxlong;
  7. Returnextended attributes.

For any type, theextended attributes associated with it must only containextended attributes that areapplicable to types.

2.13.34.Buffer source types

There are a number of types that correspond to sets of all possible non-nullreferences to objects that represent a buffer of data or a view on to a buffer ofdata. The table below lists these types and the kind of buffer or view they represent.

TypeKind of buffer
ArrayBufferAn object that holds a pointer (which can be null) to a buffer of a fixed number of bytes
SharedArrayBufferAn object that holds a pointer (which cannot be null) to a shared buffer of a fixed number of bytes
DataViewA view on to abuffer type instance that allows typed access to integers and floating point values stored at arbitrary offsets into the buffer
Int8ArrayA view on to abuffer type instance that exposes it as an array of two’s complement signed integers of the given size in bits
Uint8ArrayA view on to abuffer type instance that exposes it as an array of unsigned integers of the given size in bits
Uint8ClampedArrayA view on to abuffer type instance that exposes it as an array of8-bit unsigned integers with clamped conversions
Float16ArrayA view on to abuffer type instance that exposes it as an array of IEEE 754 floating point numbers of the given size in bits; Float16Array corresponds to the ECMAScript proposal[PROPOSAL-FLOAT16ARRAY].

Note: These types all correspond to classes defined in JavaScript.

There is no way to represent a constant value of any of these types in IDL.

At the specification prose level, IDLbuffer source types are simply references to objects. Toinspect or manipulate the bytes inside the buffer, specification prose needs to use the algorithmsin§ 3.2.26 Buffer source types.

BufferRelatedType ::ArrayBufferSharedArrayBufferDataViewInt8ArrayInt16ArrayInt32ArrayUint8ArrayUint16ArrayUint32ArrayUint8ClampedArrayBigInt64ArrayBigUint64ArrayFloat16ArrayFloat32ArrayFloat64Array

2.13.35.Frozen array types — FrozenArray<T>

Afrozen array type is a parameterizedtype whose values are references to objects that hold a fixed length arrayof unmodifiable values. The values in the array are of typeT.

Frozen array types must only be used as the type ofregular attributes orstatic attributes defined on aninterface.

The followingIDL fragment defines aninterface with two frozen array attributes, oneread only and one not.
[Exposed=Window]interfacePersonalPreferences {readonlyattributeFrozenArray<DOMString>favoriteColors;attributeFrozenArray<DOMString>favoriteFoods;undefinedrandomizeFavoriteColors();};

The behavior of these attributes could be defined like so:

EachPersonalPreferences has associatedfavorite colors, aFrozenArray<DOMString>, initially equal to the result ofcreating a frozen array from « "purple", "aquamarine" ».

EachPersonalPreferences has an associatedfavorite foods, aFrozenArray<DOMString>, initially equal to the result ofcreating a frozen array from the empty list.

ThefavoriteColorsgetter steps are to returnthis’s favorite colors.

ThefavoriteFoodsgetter steps are to returnthis’s favorite foods.

ThefavoriteFoodssetter steps are to setthis’s favorite foods tothe given value.

TherandomizeFavoriteColors()method steps are:

  1. LetnewFavoriteColors be a list of two strings representing colors, chosen randomly.

  2. Setthis’s favorite colors to the result ofcreating a frozen array fromnewFavoriteColors.

SinceFrozenArray<T> valuesare references, they are unlikesequence types,which are lists of values that are passed by value.

There is no way to represent a constant frozen array value in IDL.

2.13.36.Observable array types — ObservableArray<T>

Anobservable array type is a parameterized typewhose values are references to a combination of a mutable list of objects of typeT, as well asbehavior to perform when author code modifies the contents of the list.

The parameterized typeT must not be adictionary type,sequence type,record type,orobservable array type. However,T may be nullable.

Similar tosequence types andfrozen array types, observable array types wrap aroundJavaScript array types, imposing additional semantics on their usage.

Observable array types must only be used as the type ofregular attributes defined on aninterface.

For an attribute whose type is an observable array type, specification authors can specify a seriesof algorithms:

Both of these algorithms are optional, and if not provided, the default behavior will be to donothing. Either algorithm may throw an exception, e.g., to reject invalid values.

Note that when JavaScript code sets an existing index to a new value, this will first call thedelete an indexed value algorithm to remove the existing value, andthen theset an indexed value algorithm with the new value.

Everyregular attribute whose type is anobservable array type has abacking list, which is alist, initially empty.Specification authors can modify the contents of the backing list, which will automatically bereflected in the contents of the observable array as observed by JavaScript code. Similarly, anymodifications by JavaScript code to the contents of the observable array will be reflected back intothe backing list, after passing through theset an indexed value anddelete an indexed value algorithms.

There is no way to represent a constant observable array value in IDL.

The followingIDL fragment defines aninterface with an observable array attribute:
[Exposed=Window]interfaceBuilding {attributeObservableArray<Employee>employees;};

The behavior of the attribute could be defined like so:

Theset an indexed value algorithm forBuilding’semployees attribute, givenemployee andindex, is:
  1. Ifemployee is not allowed to enter the building today, then throw a"NotAllowedError"DOMException.

  2. Ifindex is greater than 200, then throw a "QuotaExceededError"DOMException.

  3. Putemployee to work!

Thedelete an indexed value algorithm forBuilding’semployees attribute, givenemployee andindex, is:

  1. Alert security thatemployee has left the building.

Then, JavaScript code could manipulate theemployees property in various ways:

// Get an instance of Building.const building= getBuilding();building.employees.push(new Employee("A"));building.employees.push(new Employee("B"));building.employees.push(new Employee("C"));building.employees.splice(2,1);const employeeB= building.employees.pop();building.employees=[new Employee("D"), employeeB,new Employee("C")];building.employees.length=0;// Will throw:building.employees.push("not an Employee; a string instead");

All of these manipulations would pass through the above-definedset an indexed value algorithm, potentially throwing if the conditions described there were met. They would also perform the appropriate side effects listed there and in thedelete an indexed value algorithm.

Another thing to note about the above code example is how all of the JavaScript array methods from%Array.prototype% work on the observable array. Indeed, it fully behaves like anArray instance:

const normalArray=[];// If building.employees were defined as an indexed property getter interface: normalArray// would contains a single item, building.employees.//// For observable arrays (and frozen arrays): normalArray contains all of the items inside// of building.employees.normalArray.concat(building.employees);// names is a JavaScript Array.const names=>;// Passes various brand checks:console.assert(building.employeesinstanceof Array);console.assert(Array.isArray(building.employees));console.assert(building.employees.constructor=== Array);// Even is treated as an array by JSON.stringify! (Note the outer []s.)console.assert(JSON.stringify(building.employees)===`[{}]`);

2.14.Extended attributes

Anextended attribute is an annotationthat can appear ondefinitions,types asannotated types,interface members,interface mixin members,callback interface members,namespace members,dictionary members,andoperation arguments, andis used to control how language bindings will handle those constructs.Extended attributes are specified with anExtendedAttributeList,which is a square bracket enclosed, comma separated list ofExtendedAttributes.

TheExtendedAttribute grammar symbol matches nearly any sequence of tokens, however theextended attributes defined in this document only accept a more restricted syntax.Any extended attribute encountered in anIDL fragment ismatched against the following five grammar symbols to determinewhich form (or forms) it is in:

Grammar symbolFormExample
ExtendedAttributeNoArgstakes no arguments[Replaceable]
ExtendedAttributeArgListtakes an argument list Not currently used; previously used by[Constructor(double x, double y)]
ExtendedAttributeNamedArgListtakes a named argument list[LegacyFactoryFunction=Image(DOMString src)]
ExtendedAttributeIdenttakes an identifier[PutForwards=name]
ExtendedAttributeIdentListtakes an identifier list[Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
ExtendedAttributeWildcardtakes a wildcard[Exposed=*]

This specification defines a number of extended attributes thatare applicable to the JavaScript language binding, which are described in§ 3.3 Extended attributes.Each extended attribute definition will state which of the abovefive forms are allowed.

ExtendedAttributeList ::[ExtendedAttributeExtendedAttributes]    ε
ExtendedAttributes ::,ExtendedAttributeExtendedAttributes    ε
ExtendedAttribute ::(ExtendedAttributeInner)ExtendedAttributeRest[ExtendedAttributeInner]ExtendedAttributeRest{ExtendedAttributeInner}ExtendedAttributeRestOtherExtendedAttributeRest
ExtendedAttributeRest ::ExtendedAttribute    ε
ExtendedAttributeInner ::(ExtendedAttributeInner)ExtendedAttributeInner[ExtendedAttributeInner]ExtendedAttributeInner{ExtendedAttributeInner}ExtendedAttributeInnerOtherOrCommaExtendedAttributeInner    ε
Other ::integerdecimalidentifierstringother--Infinity....:;<=>?*ByteStringDOMStringFrozenArrayInfinityNaNObservableArrayPromiseUSVStringanybigintbooleanbytedoublefalsefloatlongnullobjectoctetoroptionalrecordsequenceshortsymboltrueunsignedundefinedArgumentNameKeywordBufferRelatedType
OtherOrComma ::Other,
IdentifierList ::identifierIdentifiers
Identifiers ::,identifierIdentifiers    ε
ExtendedAttributeNoArgs ::identifier
ExtendedAttributeArgList ::identifier(ArgumentList)
ExtendedAttributeIdent ::identifier=identifier
ExtendedAttributeWildcard ::identifier=*
ExtendedAttributeIdentList ::identifier=(IdentifierList)
ExtendedAttributeNamedArgList ::identifier=identifier(ArgumentList)

3.JavaScript binding

This section describes how definitions written with the IDL defined in§ 2 Interface definition language correspond to particular constructsin JavaScript, as defined by theECMAScript Language Specification[ECMA-262].

Unless otherwise specified, objects defined in this section are ordinary objects as described inECMAScript § 10.1 Ordinary Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots, and if theobject is afunction object,ECMAScript § 10.3 Built-in Function Objects.

This section may redefine certain internal methods and internal slots of objects. Otherspecifications may also override the definitions of any internal method or internal slots of aplatform object that is an instance of aninterface. These objects with changed semanticsshall be treated in accordance with the rules for exotic objects.

As overriding internal JavaScript object methods is a low level operation and can result in objects that behave differently from ordinary objects, this facility should not be used unless necessary for security or compatibility.This is currently used to define theHTMLAllCollection andLocation interfaces.[HTML]

Unless otherwise specified, exotic objects defined in this section and other specifications have thesameinternal slots as ordinary objects, and all of the internal methods forwhich alternative definitions are not given are the same asthose of ordinary objects.

Unless otherwise specified, the [[Extensible]] internal slotof objects defined in this section has the valuetrue.

Unless otherwise specified, the [[Prototype]] internal slotof objects defined in this section is%Object.prototype%.

Some objects described in this section are defined to have aclass string,which is the string to include in the string returned fromObject.prototype.toString.

If an object has aclass stringclassString, then the object must,at the time it is created, have a property whose name is the%Symbol.toStringTag% symbolwith PropertyDescriptor{[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false, [[Configurable]]:true,[[Value]]:classString}.

Algorithms in this section use the conventions described inECMAScript § 5.2 Algorithm Conventions, such as the use of steps and substeps, the use of mathematical operations, and so on. This section may also reference abstract operations and notations defined in other parts of ECMA-262.

When an algorithm says tothrow aSomethingError then this means to construct a new JavaScriptSomethingError object inthecurrent realm and to throw it, just as the algorithms in ECMA-262 do.

Note that algorithm steps can call in to other algorithms and abstract operations andnot explicitly handle exceptions that are thrown from them. When an exceptionis thrown by an algorithm or abstract operation and it is not explicitlyhandled by the caller, then it is taken to end the algorithm and propagate outto its caller, and so on.

Consider the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be the JavaScript value passed in to this algorithm.

  2. Lety be the result of calling?ToString(x).

  3. Returny.

SinceToString can throw an exception (for example if passed the object({ toString: function() { throw 1 } })), and the exception is not handled in the above algorithm, if one is thrown then it causes this algorithm to end and for the exception to propagate out to its caller, if there is one.

3.1.JavaScript environment

In a JavaScript implementation of a given set ofIDL fragments,there will exist a number of JavaScript objects that correspond todefinitions in thoseIDL fragments.These objects are termed theinitial objects,and comprise the following:

Eachrealm must have its own unique set of each oftheinitial objects, createdbefore control enters any JavaScript execution context associated with therealm, but after theglobal object for that realm is created. The [[Prototype]]sof all initial objects in a givenrealm must come fromthat samerealm.

In an HTML user agent, multiplerealms can exist when multiple frames or windows are created. Each frame or window will have its own set ofinitial objects, which the following HTML document demonstrates:

<!DOCTYPE html><title>Different Realms</title><iframeid=a></iframe><script>var iframe= document.getElementById("a");var w= iframe.contentWindow;// The global object in the frameObject== w.Object;// Evaluates to false, per ECMA-262Node== w.Node;// Evaluates to falseiframeinstanceof w.Node;// Evaluates to falseiframeinstanceof w.Object;// Evaluates to falseiframe.appendChildinstanceof Function;// Evaluates to trueiframe.appendChildinstanceof w.Function;// Evaluates to false</script>

Note: Allinterfaces define whichrealms they areexposed in.This allows, for example,realms for Web Workers toexpose different sets of supported interfaces from those exposed in realmsfor Web pages.

Although at the time of this writing the JavaScript specification does not reflect this,every JavaScript object must have anassociatedrealm. The mechanismsfor associating objects with realms are, for now, underspecified. However, we note thatin the case ofplatform objects, theassociated realm is equal to the object’srelevant realm, andfor non-exoticfunction objects (i.e. notcallable proxies, and not bound functions)the associated realm is equal to the value of thefunction object’s [[Realm]] internalslot.

3.2.JavaScript type mapping

This section describes how types in the IDL map to types in JavaScript.

Each sub-section below describes how values of a given IDL type are representedin JavaScript. For each IDL type, it is described how JavaScript values areconverted to an IDL value when passed to aplatform object expecting that type, and how IDL valuesof that type areconverted to JavaScript values when returned from a platform object.

Note that the sub-sections and algorithms below also apply toannotated types created by applyingextended attributes to the types named in their headers.


Since the IDLany typeis the union of all other IDL types, it can correspond to anyJavaScript value type.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLany value by running the following algorithm:

  1. IfV isundefined, thenreturn the uniqueundefined IDL value.

  2. IfV isnull, thenreturn thenullobject? reference.

  3. IfVis a Boolean, thenreturn theboolean value that represents the same truth value.

  4. IfVis a Number, thenreturn the result ofconvertingV to anunrestricted double.

  5. IfVis a BigInt, thenreturn the result ofconvertingV to abigint.

  6. IfVis a String, thenreturn the result ofconvertingV to aDOMString.

  7. IfVis a Symbol, thenreturn the result ofconvertingV to asymbol.

  8. IfVis an Object, thenreturn an IDLobject value that referencesV.

An IDLany value isconverted to a JavaScript value according to the rules for converting thespecific type of the IDLany value as described in the remainder of this section.


A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLundefined value by returning the uniqueundefined value, ignoringV.

The unique IDLundefined value isconverted to the JavaScriptundefined value.


A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLboolean value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be the result of computingToBoolean(V).

  2. Return the IDLboolean value that is the one thatrepresents the same truth value as theJavaScript Boolean valuex.

The IDLboolean valuetrue isconverted to the JavaScripttrue value and the IDLboolean valuefalse is converted to the JavaScriptfalse value.

3.2.4.Integer types

Mathematical operations used in this section,including those defined inECMAScript § 5.2 Algorithm Conventions,are to be understood as computing exact mathematical resultson mathematical real numbers.

In effect, wherex is a Number value,“operating onx” is shorthand for“operating on the mathematical real number that represents the same numeric value asx”.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLbyte value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ConvertToInt(V, 8, "signed").

  2. Return the IDLbyte value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLbyte value to a JavaScript value is a Number that represents the same numeric value as the IDLbyte value. The Number value will be an integer in the range [−128, 127].

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLoctet value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ConvertToInt(V, 8, "unsigned").

  2. Return the IDLoctet value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLoctet value to a JavaScript value is a Number that represents the same numeric value as the IDLoctet value. The Number value will be an integer in the range [0, 255].

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLshort value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ConvertToInt(V, 16, "signed").

  2. Return the IDLshort value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLshort value to a JavaScript value is a Number that represents the same numeric value as the IDLshort value. The Number value will be an integer in the range [−32768, 32767]. short

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLunsigned short value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ConvertToInt(V, 16, "unsigned").

  2. Return the IDLunsigned short value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLunsigned short value to a JavaScript value is a Number that represents the same numeric value as the IDLunsigned short value. The Number value will be an integer in the range [0, 65535].

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLlong value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ConvertToInt(V, 32, "signed").

  2. Return the IDLlong value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLlong value to a JavaScript value is a Number that represents the same numeric value as the IDLlong value. The Number value will be an integer in the range [−2147483648, 2147483647]. long

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLunsigned long value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ConvertToInt(V, 32, "unsigned").

  2. Return the IDLunsigned long value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLunsigned long value to a JavaScript value is a Number that represents the same numeric value as the IDLunsigned long value. The Number value will be an integer in the range [0, 4294967295]. long

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLlong long value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ConvertToInt(V, 64, "signed").

  2. Return the IDLlong long value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLlong long value to a JavaScript value is a Number value that represents the closest numeric value to thelong long, choosing the numeric value with aneven significand if there are twoequally close values. If thelong long is in the range [−253 + 1, 253 − 1], then the Number will be able to represent exactly the same value as thelong long. long long

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLunsigned long long value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ConvertToInt(V, 64, "unsigned").

  2. Return the IDLunsigned long long value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLunsigned long long value to a JavaScript value is a Number value that represents the closest numeric value to theunsigned long long, choosing the numeric value with aneven significand if there are twoequally close values. If theunsigned long long is less than or equal to 253 − 1, then the Number will be able to represent exactly the same value as theunsigned long long. operations


  1. Letr befloor(abs(n)).

  2. Ifn < 0, then return -1 ×r.

  3. Otherwise, returnr.


  1. IfbitLength is 64, then:

    1. LetupperBound be 253 − 1.

    2. Ifsignedness is "unsigned", then letlowerBound be 0.

    3. Otherwise letlowerBound be −253 + 1.

      Note: this ensureslong long typesassociated with [EnforceRange] or[Clamp]extended attributes are representable in JavaScript’sNumber type as unambiguous integers.

  2. Otherwise, ifsignedness is "unsigned", then:

    1. LetlowerBound be 0.

    2. LetupperBound be 2bitLength − 1.

  3. Otherwise:

    1. LetlowerBound be -2bitLength − 1.

    2. LetupperBound be 2bitLength − 1 − 1.

  4. Letx be?ToNumber(V).

  5. Ifx is −0, then setx to +0.

  6. If the conversion is to an IDL typeassociated with the [EnforceRange]extended attribute, then:

    1. Ifx isNaN, +∞, or −∞,thenthrow aTypeError.

    2. Setx toIntegerPart(x).

    3. Ifx <lowerBound orx >upperBound,thenthrow aTypeError.

    4. Returnx.

  7. Ifx is notNaN and the conversion is to an IDL typeassociated with the [Clamp] extended attribute,then:

    1. Setx tomin(max(x,lowerBound),upperBound).

    2. Roundx to the nearest integer, choosing the even integer if it lies halfway between two,and choosing +0 rather than −0.

    3. Returnx.

  8. Ifx isNaN, +0, +∞, or −∞,then return +0.

  9. Setx toIntegerPart(x).

  10. Setx toxmodulo 2bitLength.

  11. Ifsignedness is "signed" andx ≥ 2bitLength − 1,then returnx − 2bitLength.

  12. Otherwise, returnx.


A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLfloat value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ToNumber(V).

  2. Ifx isNaN, +∞, or −∞,thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. LetS be the set of finite IEEE 754 single-precision floatingpoint values except −0, but with two special values added: 2128 and−2128.

  4. Lety be the number inS that is closesttox, selecting the number with aneven significand if there are twoequally close values.(The two special values 2128 and −2128 are considered to have even significands for this purpose.)

  5. Ify is 2128 or −2128, thenthrow aTypeError.

  6. Ify is +0 andx is negative, return −0.

  7. Returny.

The result ofconverting an IDLfloat value to a JavaScript value is the Number value that represents the same numeric value as the IDLfloat value.

3.2.6.unrestricted float

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLunrestricted float value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ToNumber(V).

  2. Ifx isNaN, then return the IDLunrestricted float value that represents the IEEE 754 NaN value with the bit pattern 0x7fc00000[IEEE-754].

  3. LetS be the set of finite IEEE 754 single-precision floatingpoint values except −0, but with two special values added: 2128 and−2128.

  4. Lety be the number inS that is closesttox, selecting the number with aneven significand if there are twoequally close values.(The two special values 2128 and −2128 are considered to have even significands for this purpose.)

  5. Ify is 2128, return +∞.

  6. Ify is −2128, return −∞.

  7. Ify is +0 andx is negative, return −0.

  8. Returny.

Note: Since there is only a single JavaScriptNaN value,it must be canonicalized to a particular single precision IEEE 754 NaN value. The NaN valuementioned above is chosen simply because it is the quiet NaN with the lowestvalue when its bit pattern is interpreted as an32-bit unsigned integer.

The result ofconverting an IDLunrestricted float value to a JavaScript value is a Number:

  1. If the IDLunrestricted float value is a NaN,then the Number value isNaN.

  2. Otherwise, the Number value isthe one that represents the same numeric value as the IDLunrestricted float value.


A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLdouble value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ToNumber(V).

  2. Ifx isNaN, +∞, or −∞,thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. Return the IDLdouble valuethat represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLdouble value to a JavaScript value is the Number value that represents the same numeric value as the IDLdouble value.

3.2.8.unrestricted double

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLunrestricted double value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ToNumber(V).

  2. Ifx isNaN, thenreturn the IDLunrestricted double value that representsthe IEEE 754 NaN value with the bit pattern 0x7ff8000000000000[IEEE-754].

  3. Return the IDLunrestricted double valuethat represents the same numeric value asx.

Note: Since there is only a single JavaScriptNaN value,it must be canonicalized to a particular double precision IEEE 754 NaN value. The NaN valuementioned above is chosen simply because it is the quiet NaN with the lowestvalue when its bit pattern is interpreted as an64-bit unsigned integer.

The result ofconverting an IDLunrestricted double value to a JavaScript value is a Number:

  1. If the IDLunrestricted double value is a NaN,then the Number value isNaN.

  2. Otherwise, the Number value isthe one that represents the same numeric value as the IDLunrestricted double value.


A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLbigint value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ToBigInt(V).

  2. Return the IDLbigint value that represents the same numeric value asx.

The result ofconverting an IDLbigint value to a JavaScript value is a BigInt:

  1. Return theBigInt value that represents the same numeric value as the IDLbigint value.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLnumeric typeT orbigint value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ToNumeric(V).

  2. Ifxis a BigInt, then

    1. Return the IDLbigint value that represents the same numeric value asx.

  3. Assert:xis a Number.

  4. Return the result ofconvertingx toT.


A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLDOMString value by running the following algorithm:

  1. IfV isnull and the conversion is to an IDL typeassociated with the [LegacyNullToEmptyString] extendedattribute, then return theDOMString value that represents the empty string.

  2. Letx be?ToString(V).

  3. Return the IDLDOMString value that represents the same sequence of code units as the one the JavaScript String valuex represents.

The result ofconverting an IDLDOMString value to a JavaScript value is the String value that represents the same sequence ofcode units that the IDLDOMString represents.


A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLByteString value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letx be?ToString(V).

  2. If the value of anyelement ofx is greater than 255, thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. Return an IDLByteString valuewhose length is the length ofx, and where the value of each element isthe value of the corresponding element ofx.

The result ofconverting an IDLByteString value to a JavaScript value is a String value whose length is the length of theByteString, and the value of eachelement of which is the value of the corresponding element of theByteString.


A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLUSVString value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letstring be the result ofconvertingV to aDOMString.

  2. Return an IDLUSVString value that is the result ofconvertingstring to a sequence ofscalar values.

The result ofconverting an IDLUSVString valueS to a JavaScript value isS.


IDLobject values are represented by JavaScript Object values.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLobject value by running the following algorithm:

  1. IfVis not an Object, thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. Return the IDLobject value that is a reference to the same object asV.

The result ofconverting an IDLobject value to a JavaScript value is the Object value that represents a reference to the same object that the IDLobject represents.


IDLsymbol values are represented by JavaScript Symbol values.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLsymbol value by running the following algorithm:
  1. IfVis not a Symbol, thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. Return the IDLsymbol value that is a reference to the same symbol asV.

The result ofconverting an IDLsymbol value to a JavaScript value is the Symbol value that represents a reference to the same symbol that the IDLsymbol represents.

3.2.15.Interface types

IDLinterface type values are represented by JavaScript Object values (includingfunction objects).

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLinterface type value by running the following algorithm (whereI is theinterface):

  1. IfVimplementsI, then return the IDLinterface type value that represents a reference to that platform object.

  2. Throw aTypeError.

The result ofconverting an IDLinterface type value to a JavaScript value is the Object value that represents a reference to the same object that the IDLinterface type value represents.

3.2.16.Callback interface types

IDLcallback interface type values are represented by JavaScript Object values (includingfunction objects).

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLcallback interface type value by running the following algorithm:

  1. IfVis not an Object, thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. Return the IDLcallback interface type value that represents a reference toV, withtheincumbent settings object as thecallback context.

The result ofconverting an IDLcallback interface type value to a JavaScript value is the Object value that represents a reference to the same object that the IDLcallback interface type value represents.

3.2.17.Dictionary types

IDLdictionary type values are representedby JavaScript Object values. Properties onthe object (or its prototype chain) correspond todictionary members.

A JavaScript valuejsDict isconverted to an IDLdictionary type value by running the following algorithm (whereD is thedictionary type):

  1. IfjsDictis not an Object andjsDict is neitherundefined nornull, thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. LetidlDict be an emptyordered map, representing a dictionary of typeD.

  3. Letdictionaries be a list consisting ofD and all ofD’sinherited dictionaries,in order from least to most derived.

  4. For each dictionarydictionary indictionaries, in order:

    1. For each dictionary membermember declared ondictionary, in lexicographical order:

      1. Letkey be theidentifier ofmember.

      2. IfjsDict is eitherundefined ornull, then:

        1. LetjsMemberValue beundefined.

      3. Otherwise,

        1. LetjsMemberValue be?Get(jsDict,key).

      4. IfjsMemberValue is notundefined, then:

        1. LetidlMemberValue be the result ofconvertingjsMemberValue to an IDL value whose type is the typemember is declared to be of.

        2. SetidlDict[key] toidlMemberValue.

      5. Otherwise, ifjsMemberValue isundefined butmember has adefault value, then:

        1. LetidlMemberValue bemember’s default value.

        2. SetidlDict[key] toidlMemberValue.

      6. Otherwise, ifjsMemberValue isundefined andmember isrequired, then throw aTypeError.

  5. ReturnidlDict.

Note: The order thatdictionary members are lookedup on the JavaScript object are not necessarily the same as the object’s property enumeration order.

An IDL dictionary valueV isconverted to a JavaScript Object value by running the following algorithm (whereD is thedictionary):

  1. LetO beOrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%).

  2. Letdictionaries be a list consisting ofD and all ofD’sinherited dictionaries,in order from least to most derived.

  3. For each dictionarydictionary indictionaries, in order:

    1. For each dictionary membermember declared ondictionary, in lexicographical order:

      1. Letkey be theidentifier ofmember.

      2. IfV[key]exists, then:

        1. LetidlValue beV[key].

        2. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingidlValue to a JavaScript value.

        3. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O,key,value).

        Recall that ifmember has adefault value,thenkey will alwaysexist inV.

  4. ReturnO.

3.2.18.Enumeration types

IDLenumeration types are represented by JavaScript Stringvalues.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLenumeration type value as follows (whereE is theenumeration):

  1. LetS be the result of calling?ToString(V).

  2. IfS is not one ofE’senumeration values,thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. Return the enumeration value of typeE that is equal toS.

The result ofconverting an IDLenumeration type value to a JavaScript value is the String value that represents the same sequence ofcode units as theenumeration value.

3.2.19.Callback function types

IDLcallback function types are represented by JavaScriptfunction objects, except in the[LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull] case, when they can be any object.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLcallback function type value by running the following algorithm:

  1. If the result of callingIsCallable(V) isfalse and the conversion to an IDL valueis not being performed duetoV being assigned to anattribute whose type is anullablecallback function that is annotated with [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull],thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. Return the IDLcallback function type valuethat represents a reference to the same object thatV represents, with theincumbent settings object as thecallback context.

The result ofconverting an IDLcallback function type value to a JavaScript value is a reference to the same object that the IDLcallback function type value represents.

3.2.20.Nullable types —T?

IDLnullable type values are representedby values of either the JavaScript type corresponding to theinner IDL type, orthe JavaScriptnull value.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLnullable typeT? value (whereT is theinner type) as follows:

  1. IfVis not an Object, andthe conversion to an IDL value is being performed duetoV being assigned to anattribute whose type is anullablecallback function that is annotated with [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull],then return the IDLnullable typeT? valuenull.

  2. Otherwise, ifV isundefined,andTincludes undefined,return the uniqueundefined value.

  3. Otherwise, ifV isnull orundefined, then return the IDLnullable typeT? valuenull.

  4. Otherwise, return the result ofconvertingV using the rules for theinner IDL typeT.

The result ofconverting an IDLnullable type value to a JavaScript value is:

  1. If the IDLnullable typeT? value isnull,then the JavaScript value isnull.

  2. Otherwise, the JavaScript value is the result ofconverting the IDLnullable type valueto theinner IDL typeT.

3.2.21.Sequences — sequence<T>

IDLsequence<T> values are represented byJavaScript Array values.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLsequence<T> value as follows:

  1. IfVis not an Object,throw aTypeError.

  2. Letmethod be?GetMethod(V,%Symbol.iterator%).

  3. Ifmethod isundefined,throw aTypeError.

  4. Return the result ofcreating a sequence fromV andmethod.

An IDL sequence valueS of typesequence<T> isconverted to a JavaScript Array object as follows:

  1. Letn be the length ofS.

  2. LetA be a new Array object created as if by the expression[].

  3. Initializei to be 0.

  4. Whilei <n:

    1. LetV be the value inS at indexi.

    2. LetE be the result ofconvertingV to a JavaScript value.

    3. LetP be the result of calling!ToString(i).

    4. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A,P,E).

    5. Seti toi + 1.

  5. ReturnA. a sequence from an iterable

To create an IDL value of typesequence<T> given an iterableiterable and an iterator gettermethod, perform the following steps:

  1. LetiteratorRecord be?GetIteratorFromMethod(iterable,method).

  2. Initializei to be 0.

  3. Repeat

    1. Letnext be?IteratorStepValue(iteratorRecord).

    2. Ifnext isdone,then return an IDL sequence value of typesequence<T> of lengthi, where the value of the elementat indexj isSj.

    3. InitializeSi to the result ofconvertingnext to an IDL value of typeT.

    4. Seti toi + 1.

The followinginterface defines anattribute of a sequence type as well as anoperation with an argument of a sequence type.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceCanvas {sequence<DOMString>getSupportedImageCodecs();undefineddrawPolygon(sequence<double>coordinates);sequence<double>getLastDrawnPolygon();  // ...};

In a JavaScript implementation of this interface, an Array object with elements of type String is used to represent asequence<DOMString>, while an Array with elements of type Number represents asequence<double>. The Array objects are effectively passed by value; every time thegetSupportedImageCodecs() function is called a new Array is returned, and whenever an Array is passed todrawPolygon no reference will be kept after the call completes.

// Obtain an instance of Canvas.  Assume that getSupportedImageCodecs()// returns a sequence with two DOMString values: "image/png" and "image/svg+xml".var canvas= getCanvas();// An Array object of length 2.var supportedImageCodecs= canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs();// Evaluates to "image/png".supportedImageCodecs[0];// Each time canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs() is called, it returns a// new Array object.  Thus modifying the returned Array will not// affect the value returned from a subsequent call to the function.supportedImageCodecs[0]="image/jpeg";// Evaluates to "image/png".canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs()[0];// This evaluates to false, since a new Array object is returned each call.canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs()== canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs();// An Array of Numbers...var a=[0,0,100,0,50,62.5];// ...can be passed to a platform object expecting a sequence<double>.canvas.drawPolygon(a);// Each element will be converted to a double by first calling ToNumber().// So the following call is equivalent to the previous one, except that// "hi" will be alerted before drawPolygon() returns.a=[false,"",{ valueOf:function(){ alert("hi");return100;}},0,"50",new Number(62.5)];canvas.drawPolygon(a);// Modifying an Array that was passed to drawPolygon() is guaranteed not to// have an effect on the Canvas, since the Array is effectively passed by value.a[4]=20;var b= canvas.getLastDrawnPolygon();alert(b[4]);// This would alert "50".

3.2.22.Async iterables — async iterable<T>

In the JavaScript binding, IDLasync iterable values are represented byastruct with the followingitems:

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLasync iterable<T> value as follows:
  1. IfVis not an Object, thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. Letmethod be?GetMethod(obj,%Symbol.asyncIterator%).

  3. Ifmethod isundefined:

    1. SetsyncMethod to?GetMethod(obj,%Symbol.iterator%).

    2. IfsyncMethod is undefined,throw aTypeError.

    3. Return an IDLasync iterable value withobject set toV,method set tosyncMethod, andtype set to"sync".

  4. Return an IDLasync iterable value withobject set toV,method set tomethod, andtype set to"async".

An IDLasync iterable<T> valueV isconverted to a JavaScript object as follows:
  1. ReturnV’sobject. async iterators

Anasync iterable is not directly iterated over. Instead, it is first opened to createanasync iterator. Theasync iterator can be asynchronously iterated over to produce values.

Async iterators arestructs with the followingitems:

Toopen anasync iterable<T>iterable:

  1. Letiterator be?GetIteratorFromMethod(iterable’sobject,iterable’smethod).

  2. Ifiterable’stype is "sync", setiterator toCreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(iterator).

  3. Return anasync iterator value withunderlying record set toiterator andtype parameter set toT.

Toget the next value of anasync iteratoriterator:

  1. LetnextResult beIteratorNext(iterator’sunderlying record).

  2. IfnextResult is anabrupt completion, returna promise rejected withnextResult.[[Value]].

  3. LetnextPromise bea promise resolved withnextResult.[[Value]].

  4. Return the result ofreacting tonextPromise with the following fulfillmentsteps, giveniterResult:

    1. IfiterResultis not an Object,throw aTypeError.

    2. Letdone be?IteratorComplete(iterResult).

    3. Ifdone is true:

      1. Returnend of iteration.

    4. Otherwise:

      1. LetV be?IteratorValue(iterResult).

      2. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingV to an IDLvalue of typeiterator’stype parameter.

      3. Returnvalue.

Toclose anasync iterator<T>iterator, with an ECMAScript valuereason:

  1. LetiteratorRecord beiterator’sunderlying record.

  2. LetiteratorObj beiteratorRecord.[[Iterator]].

  3. LetreturnMethod beGetMethod(iteratorObj, "return").

  4. IfreturnMethod is anabrupt completion, returna promise rejected withreturnMethod.[[Value]].

  5. IfreturnMethod isundefined, returna promise resolved withundefined.

  6. LetreturnResult beCall(returnMethod.[[Value]],iteratorObj, «reason »).

  7. IfreturnResult is anabrupt completion, returna promise rejected withreturnResult.[[Value]].

  8. LetreturnPromise bea promise resolved withreturnResult.[[Value]].

  9. Return the result ofreacting toreturnPromise with the following fulfillment steps,givenreturnPromiseResult:

    1. IfreturnPromiseResultis not an Object,throw aTypeError.

    2. Returnundefined.

concatN is anoperation that returns a promise that will be fulfilled with the concatenation of all the strings yielded by the async iterable passed to it. It stops concatenating and closes the iterator once the async iterable has yieldedmaxN strings.

interface I {  Promise<DOMString> concatN(async iterable<DOMString> strings, unsigned long maxN);};

TheconcatN(iterable,maxN) method steps are:

  1. Letpromise bea new promise.

  2. Letresult be the empty string.

  3. Letn be 0.

  4. Letiterator be the result ofopeningiterable.

  5. Letstep be a sequence of steps that will be used to process the async iterable:

    1. Letnext be the result ofgetting the next value ofiterator.

    2. React tonext:

      • Ifnext was fulfilled with valuev:

        1. Ifv isend of iteration,resolvepromise withresult.

        2. Setresult to the result of concatenatingresult andv.

        3. Setn ton + 1.

        4. Ifn ismaxN, then:

          1. Letfinish be the result ofclosingiterator with reasonundefined.

          2. React tofinish:

            • Iffinish was fulfilled,resolvepromise withresult.

            • Iffinish was rejected with reasonr,rejectpromise withr.

        5. Otherwise:

          1. Callstep.

      • Ifnext was rejected with reasonr,rejectpromise withr.

  6. Callstep.

  7. Returnpromise.

3.2.23.Records — record<K,V>

IDLrecord<K,V> values are represented byJavaScript Object values.

A JavaScript valueO isconverted to an IDLrecord<K,V> value as follows:

  1. IfOis not an Object,throw aTypeError.

  2. Letresult be a new empty instance ofrecord<K,V>.

  3. Letkeys be?O.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().

  4. For eachkey ofkeys:

    1. Letdesc be?O.[[GetOwnProperty]](key).

    2. Ifdesc is notundefined anddesc.[[Enumerable]] istrue:

      1. LettypedKey bekeyconverted to an IDL value of typeK.

      2. Letvalue be?Get(O,key).

      3. LettypedValue bevalueconverted to an IDL value of typeV.

      4. Setresult[typedKey] totypedValue.

        Note: It’s possible thattypedKey is already inresult,ifK isUSVString andkey contains unpaired surrogates.

  5. Returnresult.

An IDLrecord<…> valueD isconverted to a JavaScript value as follows:

  1. Letresult beOrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%).

  2. For eachkeyvalue ofD:

    1. LetjsKey bekeyconverted to a JavaScript value.

    2. LetjsValue bevalueconverted to a JavaScript value.

    3. Letcreated be!CreateDataProperty(result,jsKey,jsValue).

    4. Assert:created istrue.

  3. Returnresult.

Passing the JavaScript value{b: 3, a: 4} as arecord<DOMString, double> argument would result in the IDL value «[ "b" → 3, "a" → 4 ]».

Records only considerownenumerable properties, so given an IDL operationrecord<DOMString, double> identity(record<DOMString, double> arg) which returns its argument, the following code passes its assertions:

let proto={a:3, b:4};let obj={__proto__: proto, d:5, c:6}Object.defineProperty(obj,"e",{value:7, enumerable:false});let result= identity(obj);console.assert(result.a===undefined);console.assert(result.b===undefined);console.assert(result.e===undefined);let entries= Object.entries(result);console.assert(entries[0][0]==="d");console.assert(entries[0][1]===5);console.assert(entries[1][0]==="c");console.assert(entries[1][1]===6);

Record keys and values can be constrained, although keys can only be constrained among the three string types. The following conversions have the described results:

ValuePassed to typeResult
{"😞": 1}record<ByteString, double>TypeError
{"\uD83D": 1}record<USVString, double>«[ "\uFFFD" → 1 ]»
{"\uD83D": {hello: "world"}}record<DOMString, double>«[ "\uD83D" → 0 ]»

3.2.24.Promise types — Promise<T>

IDLpromise type values are represented by JavaScriptPromiseCapability records.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLPromise<T> value as follows:

  1. LetpromiseCapability be?NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).

  2. Perform?Call(promiseCapability.[[Resolve]],undefinedV »).

  3. ReturnpromiseCapability.

The result ofconverting an IDLpromise type value to a JavaScript value is the value of the [[Promise]] field of the record that IDLpromise type represents. and manipulating Promises

Tocreate a newPromise<T> in arealmrealm, perform the following steps:

  1. Letconstructor berealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Promise%]].

  2. Return?NewPromiseCapability(constructor).

To create aresolved promise of typePromise<T>, withx (a value of typeT) in arealmrealm, perform the following steps:

  1. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingx to aJavaScript value.

  2. Letconstructor berealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Promise%]].

  3. LetpromiseCapability be?NewPromiseCapability(constructor).

  4. Perform!Call(promiseCapability.[[Resolve]],undefinedvalue »).

  5. ReturnpromiseCapability.

To create arejected promise of typePromise<T>, with reasonr (a JavaScript value) in arealmrealm, perform the following steps:

  1. Letconstructor berealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Promise%]].

  2. LetpromiseCapability be?NewPromiseCapability(constructor).

  3. Perform!Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]],undefinedr »).

  4. ReturnpromiseCapability.

Toresolve aPromise<T>p withx (a value of typeT), perform the following steps:

  1. Ifx is not given, then let it be theundefined value.

  2. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingx to aJavaScript value.

  3. Perform!Call(p.[[Resolve]],undefined, «value »).

IfT isundefined, then thex argument is optional, allowing a simpler "resolve p" usage.

Toreject aPromise<T>p with reasonr (a JavaScript value), perform the following steps:

  1. Perform!Call(p.[[Reject]],undefined, «r »).

Toreact to aPromise<T>promise, given one or two sets of steps to perform, covering when the promise is fulfilled, rejected, or both, perform the following steps:

  1. LetonFulfilledSteps be the following steps given argumentV:

    1. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingV to an IDLvalue of typeT.

    2. If there is a set of steps to be run if the promise was fulfilled, then letresult bethe result of performing them, givenvalue ifT is notundefined. Otherwise, letresult bevalue.

    3. Returnresult,converted to a JavaScript value.

  2. LetonFulfilled beCreateBuiltinFunction(onFulfilledSteps, « »):

  3. LetonRejectedSteps be the following steps given argumentR:

    1. Letreason be the result ofconvertingR to an IDL value of typeany.

    2. If there is a set of steps to be run if the promise was rejected, then letresult bethe result of performing them, givenreason. Otherwise, letresult bea promise rejected withreason.

    3. Returnresult,converted to a JavaScript value.

  4. LetonRejected beCreateBuiltinFunction(onRejectedSteps, « »):

  5. Letconstructor bepromise.[[Promise]].[[Realm]].[[Intrinsics]].[[%Promise%]].

  6. LetnewCapability be?NewPromiseCapability(constructor).

    Note: Not all callers will use the returnedPromise. Implementations might wish toavoid creatingnewCapability in those cases.

  7. PerformPerformPromiseThen(promise.[[Promise]],onFulfilled,onRejected,newCapability).

  8. ReturnnewCapability.

Note: This algorithm will behave in a very similar way to thepromise.then() method. In particular, if the steps return a value of typeU orPromise<U>, this algorithm returns aPromise<U> as well.

To perform some stepsupon fulfillment of aPromise<T>promise given some stepssteps taking a value of typeT, perform the following steps:

  1. Return the result ofreacting topromise:

    • Ifpromise was fulfilled with valuev, then:

      1. Performsteps withv.

To perform some stepsupon rejection of aPromise<T>promise given some stepssteps taking a JavaScript value, perform the following steps:

  1. Return the result ofreacting topromise:

    • Ifpromise was rejected with reasonr, then:

      1. Performsteps withr.

Towait for all with alist ofPromise<T> valuespromises, with success stepssuccessSteps that take alist ofT values and failure stepsfailureSteps that take a rejection reasonany value, perform the following steps:

  1. LetfullfilledCount be 0.

  2. Letrejected be false.

  3. LetrejectionHandlerSteps be the following steps givenarg:

    1. Ifrejected is true, abort these steps.

    2. Setrejected to true.

    3. PerformfailureSteps givenarg.

  4. LetrejectionHandler beCreateBuiltinFunction(rejectionHandlerSteps, « »):

  5. Lettotal bepromises’ssize.

  6. Iftotal is 0, then:

    1. Queue a microtask to performsuccessSteps given « ».

    2. Return.

  7. Letindex be 0.

  8. Letresult be alist containingtotal null values.

  9. For eachpromise ofpromises:

    1. LetpromiseIndex beindex.

    2. LetfulfillmentHandler be the following steps givenarg:

      1. Setresult[promiseIndex] toarg.

      2. SetfullfilledCount tofullfilledCount + 1.

      3. IffullfilledCount equalstotal, then performsuccessSteps givenresult.

    3. LetfulfillmentHandler beCreateBuiltinFunction(fulfillmentHandler, « »):

    4. PerformPerformPromiseThen(promise,fulfillmentHandler,rejectionHandler).

    5. Setindex toindex + 1.

Toget a promise for waiting for all with alist ofPromise<T> valuespromises and arealmrealm, perform the following steps:

  1. Letpromise bea new promise of typePromise<sequence<T>> inrealm.

  2. LetsuccessSteps be the following steps, givenresults:

    1. Resolvepromise withresults.

  3. LetfailureSteps be the following steps, givenreason:

    1. Rejectpromise withreason.

  4. Wait for all withpromises, givensuccessSteps andfailureSteps.

  5. Returnpromise.

This definition is useful when you wish to aggregate the results of multiple promises, and then produce another promise from them, in the same way thatPromise.all() functions for JavaScript code. If you do not need to produce another promise, thenwaiting for all is likely better.

Tomark as handled aPromise<T>promise, setpromise.[[Promise]].[[PromiseIsHandled]] to true.

This definition is useful for promises for which you expect rejections to often be ignored; it ensures such promises do not causeunhandledrejection events. The most common use case is for promise properties, which the web developer might or might not consult. An example is thewritableStreamWriter.closed promise.

delay is anoperation that returns a promise that will be fulfilled in a number of milliseconds. It illustrates how simply you can resolve a promise, with one line of prose.

interfaceI {Promise<undefined>delay(unrestricteddoublems);};

Thedelay(ms) method steps are:

  1. Letrealm bethis’srelevant realm.

  2. LettaskSource be some appropriatetask source.

  3. Ifms is NaN, letms be +0; otherwise letms be the maximum ofms and +0.

  4. Letp bea new promise inrealm.

  5. Run the following stepsin parallel:

    1. Waitms milliseconds.

    2. Queue a task ontaskSource toresolvep.

  6. Returnp.

ThevalidatedDelayoperation is much likethedelay function, except it will validate its arguments. This shows how to use rejected promises to signal immediate failure before even starting any asynchronous operations.

interfaceI {Promise<undefined>validatedDelay(unrestricteddoublems);};

ThevalidatedDelay(ms) method steps are:

  1. Letrealm bethis’srelevant realm.

  2. LettaskSource be some appropriatetask source.

  3. Ifms is NaN, returna promise rejected with aTypeError inrealm.

  4. Ifms < 0, returna promise rejected with aRangeError inrealm.

  5. Letp bea new promise inrealm.

  6. Run the following stepsin parallel:

    1. Waitms milliseconds.

    2. Queue a task ontaskSource toresolvep.

  7. Returnp.

addDelay is anoperation that adds an extra number of milliseconds of delay betweenpromise settling and the returned promise settling.

interfaceI {Promise<any>addDelay(Promise<any>promise,unrestricteddoublems);};

TheaddDelay(ms,promise) method steps are:

  1. Letrealm bethis’srelevant realm.

  2. LettaskSource be some appropriatetask source.

  3. Ifms is NaN, letms be +0; otherwise letms be the maximum ofms and +0.

  4. Letp bea new promise inrealm.

  5. React topromise:

  6. Returnp.

environment.ready is anattribute that signals when some part of some environment, e.g. a DOM document, becomes "ready". It illustrates how to encode environmental asynchronicity.

interfaceEnvironment {readonlyattributePromise<undefined>ready;};

EveryEnvironment object must have aready promise, which is aPromise<undefined>.

Theready attribute getter steps are:

  1. Returnthis’sready promise.

To create anEnvironment object in arealmrealm, perform the following steps:

  1. LettaskSource be some appropriatetask source.

  2. Letenvironment benewEnvironment object inrealm.

  3. Setenvironment’sready promise toa new promise inrealm.

  4. Run the following stepsin parallel:

    1. Do some asynchronous work.

    2. Ifenvironment becomes ready successfully, thenqueue a task ontaskSource toresolveenvironment’sready promise.

    3. Ifenvironment fails to become ready, thenqueue a task ontaskSource torejectenvironment’sready promise with a"NetworkError"DOMException.

  5. Returnenvironment.

addBookmark is anoperation that requests that the user add the current web page as a bookmark. It’s drawn fromsome iterative design work and illustrates a more real-world scenario of appealing to environmental asynchrony, as well as immediate rejections.

interfaceI {Promise<undefined>addBookmark();};

TheaddBookmark() method steps are:

  1. LettaskSource be some appropriatetask source.

  2. If this method was not invoked as a result of explicit user action, returna promise rejected with a "SecurityError"DOMException.

  3. If the document’s mode of operation is standalone, returna promise rejected with a"NotSupportedError"DOMException.

  4. Letpromise bea new promise.

  5. Letinfo be the result of getting a web application’s metadata.

  6. Run the following stepsin parallel:

    1. Usinginfo, and in a manner that is user-agent specific, allow the end user to make achoice as to whether they want to add the bookmark.

      1. If the end-user aborts the request to add the bookmark (e.g., they hit escape, orpress a "cancel" button), thenqueue a task ontaskSource torejectpromise with an "AbortError"DOMException.

      2. Otherwise,queue a task ontaskSource toresolvepromise.

  7. Returnpromise.

Several places in[SERVICE-WORKERS] useget a promise to wait for all.batchRequest illustrates a simplified version of one of their uses. It takes as input asequence of URLs, and returns a promise for asequence ofResponse objects created by fetching the corresponding URL. If any of the fetches fail, it will returna promise rejected with that failure.

interfaceI {Promise<sequence<Response>>batchRequest(sequence<USVString>urls);};

ThebatchRequest(urls) method steps are:

  1. LetresponsePromises be « ».

  2. For eachurl ofurls:

    1. Letp be the result of callingfetch() withurl.

    2. Appendp toresponsePromises.

  3. Letp be the result ofgetting a promise to wait for all withresponsePromises.

  4. Returnp.

3.2.25.Union types

IDLunion type values are represented by JavaScript valuesthat correspond to the union’smember types.

Toconvert a JavaScript valueV to an IDLunion type value is done as follows:

  1. If theunion typeincludes undefined andV isundefined,then return the uniqueundefined value.

  2. If theunion typeincludes a nullable type andV isnull orundefined,then return the IDL valuenull.

  3. Lettypes be theflattened member types of theunion type.

  4. IfV isnull orundefined, then:

    1. Iftypes includes adictionary type, then return theresult ofconvertingV to that dictionary type.

  5. IfVis a platform object, then:

    1. Iftypes includes aninterface type thatVimplements, then return the IDL value that is a reference to the objectV.

    2. Iftypes includesobject, then return the IDL valuethat is a reference to the objectV.

  6. IfVis an Object,V has an [[ArrayBufferData]]internal slot, andIsSharedArrayBuffer(V) is false, then:

    1. Iftypes includesArrayBuffer, then return theresult ofconvertingV toArrayBuffer.

    2. Iftypes includesobject, then return the IDL valuethat is a reference to the objectV.

  7. IfVis an Object,V, has an [[ArrayBufferData]]internal slot, andIsSharedArrayBuffer(V) is true, then:

    1. Iftypes includesSharedArrayBuffer, then return theresult ofconvertingV toSharedArrayBuffer.

    2. Iftypes includesobject, then return the IDL valuethat is a reference to the objectV.

  8. IfVis an Object andV has a [[DataView]]internal slot, then:

    1. Iftypes includesDataView, then return theresult ofconvertingV toDataView.

    2. Iftypes includesobject, then return the IDL valuethat is a reference to the objectV.

  9. IfVis an Object andV has a [[TypedArrayName]]internal slot, then:

    1. Iftypes includes atyped array type whose name is the value ofV’s [[TypedArrayName]]internal slot, then return theresult ofconvertingV to that type.

    2. Iftypes includesobject, then return the IDL valuethat is a reference to the objectV.

  10. IfIsCallable(V) is true, then:

    1. Iftypes includes acallback function type, then return the result ofconvertingV to that callback function type.

    2. Iftypes includesobject, then return the IDL valuethat is a reference to the objectV.

  11. IfVis an Object, then:

    1. Iftypes includes anasync iterable type, then

      1. Iftypes does not include astring type orV does not have a [[StringData]]internal slot, then

        1. LetasyncMethod be?GetMethod(V,%Symbol.asyncIterator%).

        2. IfasyncMethod is notundefined,return an IDLasync iterable value withobject set toV,method set tosyncMethod, andtype set to "async".

        3. LetsyncMethod be?GetMethod(V,%Symbol.iterator%).

        4. IfsyncMethod is notundefined,return an IDLasync iterable value withobject set toV,method set tosyncMethod, andtype set to "sync".

    2. Iftypes includes asequence type, then

      1. Letmethod be?GetMethod(V,%Symbol.iterator%).

      2. Ifmethod is notundefined,return the result ofcreating a sequence of that type fromV andmethod.

    3. Iftypes includes afrozen array type, then

      1. Letmethod be?GetMethod(V,%Symbol.iterator%).

      2. Ifmethod is notundefined,return the result ofcreating a frozen array of that type fromV andmethod.

    4. Iftypes includes adictionary type, then return theresult ofconvertingV to that dictionary type.

    5. Iftypes includes arecord type, then return theresult ofconvertingV to that record type.

    6. Iftypes includes acallback interface type, then return the result ofconvertingV to thatcallback interface type.

    7. Iftypes includesobject, then return the IDL valuethat is a reference to the objectV.

  12. IfVis a Boolean, then:

    1. Iftypes includesboolean,then return the result ofconvertingV toboolean.

  13. IfVis a Number, then:

    1. Iftypes includes anumeric type,then return the result ofconvertingV to thatnumeric type.

  14. IfVis a BigInt, then:

    1. Iftypes includesbigint,then return the result ofconvertingV tobigint

  15. Iftypes includes astring type,then return the result ofconvertingV to that type.

  16. Iftypes includes anumeric type andbigint,then return the result ofconvertingV to either thatnumeric type orbigint.

  17. Iftypes includes anumeric type,then return the result ofconvertingV to thatnumeric type.

  18. Iftypes includesboolean,then return the result ofconvertingV toboolean.

  19. Iftypes includesbigint,then return the result ofconvertingV tobigint.

  20. Throw aTypeError.

An IDL union type value isconverted to a JavaScript value according to the rules for converting thespecific type of the IDL union type value as described in this section (§ 3.2 JavaScript type mapping).

3.2.26.Buffer source types

A value of an IDLArrayBuffer is represented by an object of the corresponding JavaScript class.If it is notassociated with the [AllowResizable]extended attribute, it can only be backed by JavaScriptArrayBuffer objectsV for whichIsResizableArrayBuffer(V) is false.

A value of an IDLSharedArrayBuffer is represented by an object of the corresponding JavaScriptclass. If it is notassociated with the [AllowResizable]extended attribute, it can only be backed by JavaScriptSharedArrayBuffer objectsV for whichIsResizableArrayBuffer(V) is false.

Values of the IDLbuffer view types are represented by objects of the corresponding JavaScriptclass, with the following additional restrictions on those objects.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLArrayBuffer value by running the following algorithm:

  1. IfVis not an Object,orV does not have an [[ArrayBufferData]]internal slot,thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. IfIsSharedArrayBuffer(V) is true, thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. If the conversion is not to an IDL typeassociated with the [AllowResizable]extended attribute, andIsResizableArrayBuffer(V) is true,thenthrow aTypeError.

  4. Return the IDLArrayBuffer value that is a referenceto the same object asV.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLSharedArrayBuffer value by running the following algorithm:

  1. IfVis not an Object,orV does not have an [[ArrayBufferData]]internal slot,thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. IfIsSharedArrayBuffer(V) is false, thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. If the conversion is not to an IDL typeassociated with the [AllowResizable]extended attribute, andIsResizableArrayBuffer(V) is true,thenthrow aTypeError.

  4. Return the IDLSharedArrayBuffer value that is a referenceto the same object asV.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLDataView value by running the following algorithm:

  1. IfVis not an Object,orV does not have a [[DataView]]internal slot,thenthrow aTypeError.

  2. If the conversion is not to an IDL typeassociated with the [AllowShared]extended attribute, andIsSharedArrayBuffer(V.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]]) is true,thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. If the conversion is not to an IDL typeassociated with the [AllowResizable]extended attribute, andIsResizableArrayBuffer(V.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]]) is true,thenthrow aTypeError.

  4. Return the IDLDataView value that is a referenceto the same object asV.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLInt8Array,Int16Array,Int32Array,Uint8Array,Uint16Array,Uint32Array,Uint8ClampedArray,BigInt64Array,BigUint64Array,Float16Array,Float32Array, orFloat64Array value by running the following algorithm:

  1. LetT be the IDL typeV is being converted to.

  2. IfVis not an Object,orV does not have a [[TypedArrayName]]internal slot with a value equal toT’s name,thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. If the conversion is not to an IDL typeassociated with the [AllowShared]extended attribute, andIsSharedArrayBuffer(V.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]]) is true,thenthrow aTypeError.

  4. If the conversion is not to an IDL typeassociated with the [AllowResizable]extended attribute, andIsResizableArrayBuffer(V.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]]) is true,thenthrow aTypeError.

  5. Return the IDL value of typeT that is a reference to the same object asV.

The result ofconverting an IDL value of anybuffer source type to a JavaScript value is the Object value that representsa reference to the same object that the IDL value represents.

Tocreate anArrayBuffer from abyte sequencebytes in arealmrealm:
  1. LetjsArrayBuffer be?AllocateArrayBuffer(realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%ArrayBuffer%]],bytes’slength).

  2. LetarrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingjsArrayBuffer to an IDL value of typeArrayBuffer.

  3. Writebytes intoarrayBuffer.

  4. ReturnarrayBuffer.

Tocreate aSharedArrayBuffer from abyte sequencebytes in arealmrealm:
  1. LetjsSharedArrayBuffer be?AllocateSharedArrayBuffer(realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%SharedArrayBuffer%]],bytes’slength).

  2. LetsharedArrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingjsSharedArrayBuffer to an IDL value of typeSharedArrayBuffer.

  3. Writebytes intosharedArrayBuffer.

  4. ReturnsharedArrayBuffer.

Tocreate one of theArrayBufferView types from abyte sequencebytes in arealmrealm:
  1. Assert: if the type is notDataView, thenbytes’slengthmodulo theelement size of that type is 0.

  2. LetarrayBuffer be the result ofcreating anArrayBuffer frombytes inrealm.

  3. LetjsArrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingarrayBuffer to a JavaScript value.

  4. Letconstructor be the appropriate constructor fromrealm.[[Intrinsics]] for the typeofArrayBufferView being created.

  5. LetjsView be!Construct(constructor, «jsArrayBuffer »).

  6. Return the result ofconvertingjsView into the given type.

Toget a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source given abuffer source type instancebufferSource:
  1. LetjsBufferSource be the result ofconvertingbufferSource to a JavaScript value.

  2. LetjsArrayBuffer bejsBufferSource.

  3. Letoffset be 0.

  4. Letlength be 0.

  5. IfjsBufferSource has a [[ViewedArrayBuffer]]internal slot, then:

    1. SetjsArrayBuffer tojsBufferSource.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].

    2. Setoffset tojsBufferSource.[[ByteOffset]].

    3. Setlength tojsBufferSource.[[ByteLength]].

  6. Otherwise:

    1. Assert:jsBufferSource is anArrayBuffer orSharedArrayBuffer object.

    2. Setlength tojsBufferSource.[[ArrayBufferByteLength]].

  7. IfIsDetachedBuffer(jsArrayBuffer) is true, then return the emptybyte sequence.

  8. Letbytes be a newbyte sequence oflength equal tolength.

  9. Fori inthe rangeoffset tooffset +length − 1, inclusive, setbytes[ioffset] toGetValueFromBuffer(jsArrayBuffer,i, Uint8,true, Unordered).

  10. Returnbytes.

Thebyte length of abuffer source type instancebufferSource is the value returned by the following steps:
  1. LetjsBufferSource be the result ofconvertingbufferSource to a JavaScript value.

  2. IfjsBufferSource has a [[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot, then returnjsBufferSource.[[ByteLength]].

  3. ReturnjsBufferSource.[[ArrayBufferByteLength]].

Theunderlying buffer of abuffer source type instancebufferSource is the value returned by the following steps:
  1. IfbufferSource is abuffer type instance, then returnbufferSource.

  2. LetjsBufferView be the result ofconvertingbufferSource to a JavaScript value.

  3. LetjsBuffer bejsBufferView.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].

  4. IfIsSharedArrayBuffer(jsBuffer) is false, then return the result ofconvertingjsBuffer to an IDL value of typeArrayBuffer.

  5. Return the result ofconvertingjsBuffer to an IDL value oftypeSharedArrayBuffer.

Towrite abyte sequencebytes into abuffer type instancearrayBuffer, optionally given astartingOffset (default 0):
  1. LetjsArrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingarrayBuffer to a JavaScript value.

  2. Assert:bytes’slengthjsArrayBuffer.[[ArrayBufferByteLength]]−startingOffset.

  3. Fori inthe rangestartingOffset tostartingOffset +bytes’slength − 1, inclusive, performSetValueInBuffer(jsArrayBuffer,i, Uint8,bytes[i -startingOffset], true, Unordered).

Towrite abyte sequencebytes into anArrayBufferViewview, optionally given astartingOffset (default 0):
  1. LetjsView be the result ofconvertingview toa JavaScript value.

  2. Assert:bytes’slengthjsView.[[ByteLength]] −startingOffset.

  3. Assert: ifview is not aDataView, thenbytes’slengthmodulo theelement size ofview’s type is 0.

  4. LetarrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingjsView.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] to an IDL value of typeArrayBuffer.

  5. Writebytes intoarrayBuffer withstartingOffset set tojsView.[[ByteOffset]] +startingOffset.

Extreme care must be taken when writing specification text thatwrites into abuffer source type instance, as the underlying data can easily be changed by the script author or other APIs at unpredictable times. This is especially true if aSharedArrayBuffer object is involved.

For the non-shared cases, a more recommended pattern is totransfer theArrayBuffer first if possible, to ensure the writes cannot overlap with other modifications, and then give the newArrayBuffer instance to author code as necessary. Alternately, you canget a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source, modify those bytes, and then use them tocreate a newArrayBuffer orArrayBufferView to give back to author code.

Todetach anArrayBufferarrayBuffer:
  1. LetjsArrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingarrayBuffer to a JavaScript value.

  2. Perform?DetachArrayBuffer(jsArrayBuffer).

This will throw an exception ifjsArrayBuffer has an [[ArrayBufferDetachKey]] that is not undefined, such as is the case with the value ofWebAssembly.Memory’sbuffer attribute.[WASM-JS-API-1]

Detaching a buffer that is alreadydetached is a no-op.

Abuffer source type instancebufferSource isdetached if the following steps return true:
  1. LetjsArrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingbufferSource to a JavaScript value.

  2. IfjsArrayBuffer has a [[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot, then setjsArrayBuffer tojsArrayBuffer.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].

  3. ReturnIsDetachedBuffer(jsArrayBuffer).

Abuffer source type instancebufferSource istransferable if the following steps return true:
  1. LetjsArrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingbufferSource to a JavaScript value.

  2. IfjsArrayBuffer has a [[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot, then setjsArrayBuffer tojsArrayBuffer.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].

  3. IfIsSharedArrayBuffer(jsArrayBuffer) is true, then return false.

  4. IfIsDetachedBuffer(jsArrayBuffer) is true, then return false.

  5. IfjsArrayBuffer.[[ArrayBufferDetachKey]] is notundefined, thenreturn false.

  6. Return true.

Totransfer anArrayBufferarrayBuffer, optionally given arealmtargetRealm:
  1. LetjsArrayBuffer be the result ofconvertingarrayBuffer to a JavaScript value.

  2. IfIsDetachedBuffer(jsArrayBuffer) is false, thenthrow aTypeError.

  3. LetarrayBufferData bejsArrayBuffer.[[ArrayBufferData]].

  4. LetarrayBufferByteLength bejsArrayBuffer.[[ArrayBufferByteLength]].

  5. Perform?DetachArrayBuffer(jsArrayBuffer).

  6. IftargetRealm is not given, lettargetRealm be thecurrent realm.

  7. LetjsTransferred be?AllocateArrayBuffer(targetRealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%ArrayBuffer%]], 0).

  8. SetjsTransferred.[[ArrayBufferData]] toarrayBufferData.

  9. SetjsTransferred.[[ArrayBufferByteLength]] toarrayBufferByteLength.

  10. Return the result ofconvertingjsTransferred to an IDLvalue of typeArrayBuffer.

This will throw an exception under any of the following circumstances:
  • arrayBuffer cannot bedetached, for the reasonsexplained in that algorithm’sdefinition;

  • arrayBuffer is alreadydetached;

  • Sufficient memory cannot be allocated inrealm. Generally this will only be the caseifrealm is in a differentagent cluster than the one in whicharrayBuffer wasallocated. If they are in the sameagent cluster, then implementations will justchange the backing pointers to get the same observable results with better performanceand no allocations.

3.2.27.Frozen arrays — FrozenArray<T>

Values of frozen array types are represented by frozen JavaScriptArray object references.

A JavaScript valueV isconverted to an IDLFrozenArray<T> value by running the following algorithm:

  1. Letvalues be the result ofconvertingV to IDL typesequence<T>.

  2. Return the result ofcreating a frozen array fromvalues.

Tocreate a frozen array from a sequence of values of typeT, follow these steps:

  1. Letarray be the result ofconverting the sequence of values of typeT to a JavaScript value.

  2. Perform!SetIntegrityLevel(array, "frozen").

  3. Returnarray.

The result ofconverting an IDLFrozenArray<T> value to a JavaScriptvalue is the Object value that represents a referenceto the same object that the IDLFrozenArray<T> represents. a frozen array from an iterable

To create an IDL value of typeFrozenArray<T> given an iterableiterable and an iterator gettermethod, perform the following steps:

  1. Letvalues be the result ofcreating a sequence of typesequence<T> fromiterable andmethod.

  2. Return the result ofcreating a frozen array fromvalues.

3.2.28.Observable arrays — ObservableArray<T>

Values of observable array types are represented byobservable array exotic objects.

Instead of the usual conversion algorithms, observable array types have special handling as part oftheattribute getter andattribute setter algorithms.

In the JavaScript binding, JavaScript objects that representplatform objects have abacking observable array exotic object for eachregular attribute of anobservable array type. These are created and managed as part of thedefine the attributes algorithm.

Thebacking list for an observable array attribute in the JavaScript binding, given aplatform objectobj and an attributeattribute, is thelist returned by the following algorithm:
  1. Assert:objimplements aninterface with theregular attributeattribute.

  2. Letoa beobj’sbacking observable array exotic object forattribute.

  3. Returnoa.[[ProxyHandler]].[[BackingList]].

3.3.Extended attributes

This section defines a number ofextended attributes whose presence affects the JavaScript binding.


If the [AllowResizable]extended attribute appears on abuffer type, it creates a newIDL type that allows for the respective corresponding JavaScriptArrayBuffer orSharedArrayBuffer object to be resizable.

If the [AllowResizable]extended attribute appears on one of thebuffer view types andthe [AllowShared]extended attribute does not, it creates a new IDL type that allows thebuffer view type to be backed by a JavaScriptArrayBuffer that isresizable, instead of only by a fixed-lengthArrayBuffer.

If the [AllowResizable]extended attribute and the [AllowShared]extended attribute both appear on one of thebuffer view types, it creates a new IDL type that allows the bufferview type to be additionally backed by a JavaScriptSharedArrayBuffer that is growable.

The [AllowResizable] extended attribute musttake no arguments.

A type that is not abuffer source type must not beassociated with the [AllowResizable] extended attribute.

See the rules for converting JavaScript values to IDLbuffer source types in§ 3.2.26 Buffer source types for the specific requirements that the use of [AllowResizable] entails.

See theexample in§ 3.3.2 [AllowShared] for example usage of both [AllowResizable] and [AllowShared].


If the [AllowShared]extended attribute appears on one of thebuffer view types, itcreates a new IDL type that allows the object to be backed by anSharedArrayBuffer instead ofonly by anArrayBuffer.

The [AllowShared] extended attribute musttake no arguments.

A type that is not abuffer view type must not beassociated with the [AllowShared] extended attribute.

See the rules for converting JavaScript values to IDLbuffer view types in§ 3.2.26 Buffer source types for the specific requirements that the use of [AllowShared] entails.

The followingIDL fragment demonstrates the possible combinations of the [AllowResizable] and [AllowShared]extended attribute:
[Exposed=Window]interfaceExampleBufferFeature {undefinedwriteInto(ArrayBufferViewdest);undefinedwriteIntoResizable([AllowResizable]ArrayBufferViewdest);undefinedwriteIntoShared([AllowShared]ArrayBufferViewdest);undefinedwriteIntoSharedResizable([AllowResizable,AllowShared]ArrayBufferViewdest);};

With this definition,


If the [Clamp]extended attribute appears on one of theinteger types, it creates a newIDL type such that that when a JavaScript Number is converted to the IDL type,out-of-range values will be clamped to the range of valid values, rather than using the operatorsthat use a modulo operation (ToInt32,ToUint32, etc.).

The [Clamp]extended attribute musttake no arguments.

A type annotated with the [Clamp] extended attribute must not appear in aread only attribute. A type must not beassociated with both the[Clamp] and [EnforceRange] extended attributes. A type that is not aninteger type mustnot beassociated with the [Clamp] extended attribute.

See the rules for converting JavaScript values to the various IDL integertypes in§ 3.2.4 Integer types for the specific requirements that the use of[Clamp] entails.

In the followingIDL fragment, twooperations are declared that take threeoctet arguments; one uses the [Clamp]extended attribute on all three arguments, while the other does not:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceGraphicsContext {undefinedsetColor(octetred,octetgreen,octetblue);undefinedsetColorClamped([Clamp]octetred, [Clamp]octetgreen, [Clamp]octetblue);};

A call tosetColorClamped with Number values that are out of range for anoctet are clamped to the range [0, 255].

// Get an instance of GraphicsContext.var context= getGraphicsContext();// Calling the non-[Clamp] version uses ToUint8 to coerce the Numbers to octets.// This is equivalent to calling setColor(255, 255, 1).context.setColor(-1,255,257);// Call setColorClamped with some out of range values.// This is equivalent to calling setColorClamped(0, 255, 255).context.setColorClamped(-1,255,257);


If the [CrossOriginIsolated]extended attribute appears on aninterface,partial interface,interface mixin,partial interface mixin,callback interface,namespace,partial namespace,interface member,interface mixin member, ornamespace member,it indicates that the construct isexposed only within an environment whosecross-origin isolated capability is true. The[CrossOriginIsolated] extended attribute must not be used on any other construct.

The [CrossOriginIsolated] extended attribute musttake no arguments.

If [CrossOriginIsolated] appears on anoverloadedoperation,then it must appear on all overloads.

The [CrossOriginIsolated]extended attribute must not be specified both on

Note: This is because adding the [CrossOriginIsolated]extended attribute on amember when its containing definition is also annotated with the [CrossOriginIsolated]extended attribute does not further restrict the exposure of themember.

Aninterface without the [CrossOriginIsolated]extended attribute must notinherit from another interfacethat does specify [CrossOriginIsolated].

The followingIDL fragment defines an interface with oneoperation that is executable from all contexts, and two which are executable only from cross-origin isolated contexts.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceExampleFeature {  // This call will succeed in all contexts.Promise <Result>calculateNotSoSecretResult();  // This operation will not be exposed to a non-isolated context. In such a context,  // there will be no "calculateSecretResult" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.  [CrossOriginIsolated]Promise<Result>calculateSecretResult();  // The same applies here: the attribute will not be exposed to a non-isolated context,  // and in such a context there will be no "secretBoolean" property on  // ExampleFeature.prototype.  [CrossOriginIsolated]readonlyattributebooleansecretBoolean;};// HighResolutionTimer will not be exposed in a non-isolated context, nor will its members.// In such a context, there will be no "HighResolutionTimer" property on Window.[Exposed=Window,CrossOriginIsolated]interfaceHighResolutionTimer {DOMHighResTimeStampgetHighResolutionTime();};// The interface mixin members defined below will never be exposed in a non-isolated// context, regardless of whether the interface that includes them is. That is, in// non-isolated context, there will be no "snap" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.[CrossOriginIsolated]interfacemixinSnapshotable {Promise<boolean>snap();};ExampleFeatureincludesSnapshotable;// On the other hand, the following interface mixin members will be exposed to a// non-isolated context when included by a host interface that doesn’t have the// [CrossOriginIsolated] extended attribute. That is, in a non-isolated context, there will// be a "log" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.interfacemixinLoggable {Promise<boolean>log();};ExampleFeatureincludesLoggable;


If the [Default]extended attribute appears on aregular operation, then it indicatesthat the appropriatedefault method steps must be carried out when the operation is invoked.

The [Default] extended attribute musttake no arguments.

The [Default] extended attribute must not be used on anything other than aregular operation thathas default method steps defined.

As an example, the [Default] extended attribute is suitable for use ontoJSONregular operations:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceAnimal {attributeDOMStringname;attributeunsignedshortage;  [Default]objecttoJSON();};[Exposed=Window]interfaceHuman :Animal {attributeDog?pet;  [Default]objecttoJSON();};[Exposed=Window]interfaceDog :Animal {attributeDOMString?breed;};

In the JavaScript language binding, there would exist atoJSON() method onAnimal,Human, and (via inheritance)Dog objects:

// Get an instance of Human.var alice= getHuman();// Evaluates to an object like this (notice how "pet" still holds// an instance of Dog at this point)://// {//   name: "Alice",//   age: 59,//   pet: Dog// }alice.toJSON();// Evaluates to an object like this (notice how "breed" is absent,// as the Dog interface doesn’t use the default toJSON steps)://// {//   name: "Tramp",//   age: 6// };// Evaluates to a string like this:// '{"name":"Alice","age":59,"pet":{"name":"Tramp","age":6}}'JSON.stringify(alice);


If the [EnforceRange]extended attribute appears on one of theinteger types, it createsa new IDL type such that that when a JavaScript Number is converted to the IDLtype, out-of-range values will cause an exception to be thrown, rather than being converted to avalid value using using the operators that use a modulo operation (ToInt32,ToUint32, etc.).The Number will be rounded toward zero before being checked against its range.

The [EnforceRange]extended attribute musttake no arguments.

A type annotated with the [EnforceRange] extended attribute must not appear in aread only attribute. A type must not beassociated with both the [Clamp] and [EnforceRange] extended attributes. A type that is not aninteger type must not beassociated with the[EnforceRange] extended attribute.

See the rules for converting JavaScript values to the various IDL integertypes in§ 3.2 JavaScript type mapping for the specific requirements that the use of[EnforceRange] entails.

In the followingIDL fragment, twooperations are declared that take threeoctet arguments; one uses the [EnforceRange]extended attribute on all three arguments, while the other does not:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceGraphicsContext {undefinedsetColor(octetred,octetgreen,octetblue);undefinedsetColorEnforcedRange([EnforceRange]octetred, [EnforceRange]octetgreen, [EnforceRange]octetblue);};

In a JavaScript implementation of the IDL, a call to setColorEnforcedRange with Number values that are out of range for anoctet will result in an exception being thrown.

// Get an instance of GraphicsContext.var context= getGraphicsContext();// Calling the non-[EnforceRange] version uses ToUint8 to coerce the Numbers to octets.// This is equivalent to calling setColor(255, 255, 1).context.setColor(-1,255,257);// When setColorEnforcedRange is called, Numbers are rounded towards zero.// This is equivalent to calling setColor(0, 255, 255).context.setColorEnforcedRange(-0.9,255,255.2);// The following will cause a TypeError to be thrown, since even after// rounding the first and third argument values are out of range.context.setColorEnforcedRange(-1,255,256);


When the [Exposed]extended attribute appears onaninterface,partial interface,interface mixin,partial interface mixin,callback interface,namespace,partial namespace, oran individualinterface member,interface mixin member, ornamespace member,it indicates that the construct is exposedon that particular set of global interfaces.

The [Exposed]extended attribute must eithertake an identifier,take an identifier list ortake a wildcard.Each of the identifiers mentioned must be aglobal name of someinterface and be unique.

Theown exposure set is either aset of identifiers or the special value*, defined as follows:

If the [Exposed]extended attributetakes an identifierI

Theown exposure set is theset «I ».

If the [Exposed]extended attributetakes an identifier listI

Theown exposure set is thesetI.

If the [Exposed]extended attributetakes a wildcard

Theown exposure set is*.

[Exposed=*] is to be used with care. It is only appropriate when an API does not expose significant new capabilities. If the API might be restricted or disabled in some environments, it is preferred to list the globals explicitly.

Theexposure set intersection of a constructC and interface-or-nullH is defined asfollows:

  1. Assert:C is aninterface member,interface mixin member,namespace member,partial interface,partial interface mixin,partial namespace, orinterface mixin.

  2. Assert:H is aninterface or null.

  3. IfH is null, returnC’sown exposure set.

  4. IfC’sown exposure set is*, returnH’sexposure set.

  5. IfH’sexposure set is*, returnC’sown exposure set.

  6. Return theintersection ofC’sown exposure set andH’sexposure set.

To get theexposure set of a constructC, run the following steps:
  1. Assert:C is aninterface,callback interface,namespace,interface member,interface mixin member, ornamespace member.

  2. LetH beC’shost interface ifC is aninterface mixin member, or null otherwise.

  3. IfC is aninterface member,interface mixin member, ornamespace member, then:

    1. If the [Exposed]extended attribute is specified onC,return theexposure set intersection ofC andH.

    2. SetC to theinterface,partial interface,interface mixin,partial interface mixin,namespace, orpartial namespaceC is declared on.

  4. IfC is apartial interface,partial interface mixin, orpartial namespace, then:

    1. If the [Exposed]extended attribute is specified onC,return theexposure set intersection ofC andH.

    2. SetC to the originalinterface,interface mixin, ornamespace definitionofC.

  5. IfC is aninterface mixin, then:

    1. Assert:H is not null.

    2. If the [Exposed]extended attribute is specified onC,return theexposure set intersection ofC andH.

    3. SetC toH.

  6. Assert:C is aninterface,callback interface ornamespace.

  7. Assert: The [Exposed]extended attribute is specified onC.

  8. ReturnC’sown exposure set.

If [Exposed] appears on anoverloadedoperation,then it must appear identically on all overloads.

The [Exposed] extended attribute must not be specified both onaninterface member,interface mixin member, ornamespace member, and onthepartial interface,partial interface mixin, orpartial namespace definitionthemember is declared on.

Note: This is because adding an [Exposed]extended attribute on apartial interface,partial interface mixin, orpartial namespace is shorthand for annotating each of itsmembers.

If [Exposed] appears on apartial interface orpartial namespace,then the partial’sown exposure set must be a subset oftheexposure set of the partial’s originalinterface ornamespace.

If [Exposed] appears on aninterface ornamespace member,then themember’sexposure set must be a subsetof theexposure set of theinterface ornamespace it is a member of.

If [Exposed] appears both on apartial interface mixin and its originalinterface mixin,then thepartial interface mixin’sown exposure set must be a subset of theinterface mixin’sown exposure set.

If [Exposed] appears both on aninterface mixin member and theinterface mixin it is a member of,then theinterface mixin members’sown exposure set must be a subset of theinterface mixin’sown exposure set.

If an interfaceXinherits from another interfaceY then theexposure set ofX must be a subset of theexposure set ofY.

Note: As aninterface mixin can beincluded by differentinterfaces,theexposure set of itsmembers is a function oftheinterface thatincludes them.If theinterface mixin member,partial interface mixin, orinterface mixin is annotated with an [Exposed]extended attribute,then theinterface mixin member’sexposure set is theintersection of the relevant construct’sown exposure set with thehost interface’sexposure set.Otherwise, it is thehost interface’sexposure set.

Aninterface,callback interface,namespace, ormemberconstruct isexposed in a givenrealmrealm if the following steps return true:
  1. Ifconstruct’sexposure set is not*, andrealm.[[GlobalObject]] doesnot implement aninterface that is inconstruct’sexposure set, then return false.

  2. Ifrealm’ssettings object is not asecure context, andconstruct isconditionally exposed on [SecureContext], then return false.

  3. Ifrealm’ssettings object’scross-origin isolated capability is false, andconstruct isconditionally exposed on [CrossOriginIsolated], then return false.

  4. Return true.

Aninterface,callback interface,namespace, ormemberconstruct isconditionally exposed on a givenextended attributeexposure condition if the following steps return true:
  1. Assert:construct is aninterface,callback interface,namespace,interface member,interface mixin member, ornamespace member.

  2. LetH beconstruct’shost interface ifconstruct is aninterface mixin member,or null otherwise.

  3. Ifconstruct is aninterface member,interface mixin member, ornamespace member, then:

    1. If theexposure conditionextended attribute is specified onconstruct,then return true.

    2. Otherwise, setconstruct to be theinterface,partial interface,interface mixin,partial interface mixin,namespace, orpartial namespaceconstruct is declared on.

  4. Ifconstruct is apartial interface,partial interface mixin, orpartial namespace, then:

    1. If theexposure conditionextended attribute is specified onconstruct,then return true.

    2. Otherwise, setconstruct to be the originalinterface,interface mixin, ornamespace definition ofconstruct.

  5. Ifconstruct is aninterface mixin, then:

    1. If theexposure conditionextended attribute is specified onconstruct,then return true.

    2. Otherwise, setconstruct toH.

  6. Assert:construct is aninterface,callback interface ornamespace.

  7. If theexposure conditionextended attribute is specified onconstruct,then return true.

  8. Otherwise, return false.

Note: Since it is not possible for therelevant settings object for a JavaScript global object to change whether it is asecure context orcross-origin isolated capability over time, animplementation’s decision to create properties for an interface or interface member can be madeonce, at the time theinitial objects are created.

See§ 3.7 Interfaces,§ 3.7.5 Constants,§ 3.7.6 Attributes,§ 3.7.7 Operations, andfor the specific requirements that the use of[Exposed] entails.

[Exposed] is intended to be used to control whetherinterfaces,callback interfaces,namespaces, or individualinterface,mixin ornamespace members are available for use in workers,Worklet,Window, or any combination of the above.

The following IDL fragment shows how that might be achieved:

[Exposed=Window,Global=Window]interfaceWindow {  // ...};// By using the same identifier Worker for both SharedWorkerGlobalScope// and DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, both can be addressed in an [Exposed]// extended attribute at once.[Exposed=Worker,Global=Worker]interfaceSharedWorkerGlobalScope :WorkerGlobalScope {  // ...};[Exposed=Worker,Global=Worker]interfaceDedicatedWorkerGlobalScope :WorkerGlobalScope {  // ...};// Dimensions is available for use in workers and on the main thread.[Exposed=(Window,Worker)]interfaceDimensions {constructor(doublewidth,doubleheight);readonlyattributedoublewidth;readonlyattributedoubleheight;};// WorkerNavigator is only available in workers.  Evaluating WorkerNavigator// in the global scope of a worker would give you its interface object, while// doing so on the main thread will give you a ReferenceError.[Exposed=Worker]interfaceWorkerNavigator {  // ...};// Node is only available on the main thread.  Evaluating Node// in the global scope of a worker would give you a ReferenceError.[Exposed=Window]interfaceNode {  // ...};// MathUtils is available for use in workers and on the main thread.[Exposed=(Window,Worker)]namespaceMathUtils {doublesomeComplicatedFunction(doublex,doubley);};// WorkerUtils is only available in workers.  Evaluating WorkerUtils// in the global scope of a worker would give you its namespace object, while// doing so on the main thread will give you a ReferenceError.[Exposed=Worker]namespaceWorkerUtils {undefinedsetPriority(doublex);};// NodeUtils is only available in the main thread.  Evaluating NodeUtils// in the global scope of a worker would give you a ReferenceError.[Exposed=Window]namespaceNodeUtils {DOMStringgetAllText(Nodenode);};


If the [Global]extended attribute appears on aninterface,it indicates that objects implementing this interface willbe used as the global object in arealm.

The [Global]extended attribute also defines theglobal names for theinterface:

If the [Global]extended attributetakes an identifier

« the givenidentifier »

If the [Global]extended attributetakes an identifier list

the identifier list

The [Global] extended attribute must be one of the forms given above.

Note: Theglobal names for theinterface are theidentifiers that can be used toreference it in the [Exposed]extended attribute.A single name can be shared across multiple different global interfaces,allowing an interface to more easily use [Exposed] to expose itself to all of them at once.For example, "Worker" is used to refer to several distinct types of threading-relatedglobal interfaces.

For these globalinterfaces, the structure of the prototype chain and how propertiescorresponding tointerface members will be reflected on the prototype objects will be differentfrom other interfaces. Specifically:

  1. Anynamed properties will be exposed on an object in the prototype chain – thenamed properties object –rather than on the object itself.

  2. Interface members from theinterface will correspond to properties on the object itself rather than oninterface prototype objects.

Allrealms have anis global prototype chain mutable boolean,which can be set when therealm is created.Its value can not change during the lifetime of therealm.By default it is set to false.

This allows theShadowRealm global to have a mutable prototype.

Placing named properties on an object in the prototype chain is done so that variable declarations and bareword assignments will shadow the named property with a property on the global object itself.

Placing properties corresponding to interface members on the object itself will mean that common feature detection methods like the following will work:

var indexedDB= window.indexedDB|| window.webkitIndexedDB||                window.mozIndexedDB|| window.msIndexedDB;var requestAnimationFrame= window.requestAnimationFrame||                            window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||...;

Because of the way variable declarations are handled in JavaScript, the code above would result in thewindow.indexedDB andwindow.requestAnimationFrame evaluating toundefined, as the shadowing variable property would already have been created before the assignment is evaluated.

If the [Global]extended attributes isused on aninterface, then:

If [Global] is specified onapartial interface definition, then that partial interface definition mustbe the part of the interface definition that definesthenamed property getter.

The [Global]extended attribute must notbe used on aninterface that can have morethan one object implementing it in the samerealm.

Note: This is because thenamed properties object,which exposes the named properties, is in the prototype chain, and it would not makesense for more than one object’s named properties to be exposed on an object thatall of those objects inherit from.

If an interface is declared with the [Global]extended attribute, thenthere must not be more than onemember acrossthe interfacewith the sameidentifier.There also must not be more thanonestringifier or more than oneiterable declaration,asynchronously iterable declaration,maplike declaration orsetlike declaration across those interfaces.

Note: This is because all of themembers of the interfaceget flattened down on to the object thatimplements the interface.

See§ 3.7.4 Named properties object for the specific requirementsthat the use of [Global] entails fornamed properties,and§ 3.7.5 Constants,§ 3.7.6 Attributes and§ 3.7.7 Operations for the requirements relating to the location of propertiescorresponding tointerface members.

TheWindow interface exposes frames as properties on theWindow object. Since theWindow object also serves as the JavaScript global object, variable declarations or assignments to the named properties will result in them being replaced by the new value. Variable declarations for attributes will not create a property that replaces the existing one.

[Exposed=Window,Global=Window]interfaceWindow {getterany (DOMStringname);attributeDOMStringname;  // ...};

The following HTML document illustrates how the named properties on theWindow object can be shadowed, and how the property for an attribute will not be replaced when declaring a variable of the same name:

<!DOCTYPE html><title>Variable declarations and assignments on Window</title><iframename=abc></iframe><!-- Shadowing named properties --><script>;// Evaluates to the iframe’s Window object.  abc=1;// Shadows the named property.;// Evaluates to 1.</script><!-- Preserving properties for IDL attributes --><script>  Window.prototype.def=2;// Places a property on the prototype.  window.hasOwnProperty("length");// Evaluates to true.  length;// Evaluates to 1.  def;// Evaluates to 2.</script><script>var length;// Variable declaration leaves existing property.  length;// Evaluates to 1.var def;// Variable declaration creates shadowing property.  def;// Evaluates to undefined.</script>


If the [NewObject]extended attribute appears on aregular orstaticoperation,then it indicates that when calling the operation,a reference to a newly created objectmust always be returned.

The [NewObject]extended attribute musttake no arguments.

The [NewObject]extended attribute must notbe used on anything other than aregular orstaticoperation whosereturn type is aninterface type orapromise type.

As an example, this extended attribute is suitable for use on thecreateElement() operation on theDocument interface, since a new object is always returned when it is called.[DOM]

[Exposed=Window]interfaceDocument :Node {  [NewObject]ElementcreateElement(DOMStringlocalName);  // ...};


If the [PutForwards]extended attribute appears on aread onlyregular attribute declaration whose type isaninterface type,it indicates that assigning to the attribute will have specific behavior.Namely, the assignment is “forwarded” to the attribute (specified bythe extended attribute argument) on the object that is currentlyreferenced by the attribute being assigned to.

The [PutForwards] extendedattribute musttake an identifier.Assuming that:

then there must be anotherattributeB declared onJ whoseidentifier isN. Assignment of a value to the attributeA on an object implementingI will result in that valuebeing assigned to attributeB of the object thatA references, instead.

Note that [PutForwards]-annotatedattributes can bechained. That is, an attribute with the [PutForwards]extended attribute can refer to an attribute that itself has that extended attribute.There must not exist a cycle in achain of forwarded assignments. A cycle exists if, when followingthe chain of forwarded assignments, a particular attribute onaninterface isencountered more than once.

An attribute with the [PutForwards]extended attribute must not also be declaredwith the [LegacyLenientSetter] or[Replaceable] extended attributes.

The [PutForwards]extended attribute must not be usedon anattribute thatis notread only.

The [PutForwards] extended attributemust not be used on astatic attribute.

The [PutForwards] extended attributemust not be used on an attribute declared onanamespace.

See theAttributes section for how[PutForwards]is to be implemented.

The followingIDL fragment defines interfaces for names and people. The [PutForwards] extended attribute is used on thename attribute of thePerson interface to indicate that assignments to that attribute result in assignments to thefull attribute of thePerson object:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceName {attributeDOMStringfull;attributeDOMStringfamily;attributeDOMStringgiven;};[Exposed=Window]interfacePerson {  [PutForwards=full]readonlyattributeNamename;attributeunsignedshortage;};

In the JavaScript binding, this would allow assignments to thename property:

var p= getPerson();// Obtain an instance of'John Citizen';// This'John Citizen';// ...has the same behavior as this one.


If the [Replaceable]extended attribute appears on aread onlyregular attribute,it indicates that setting the corresponding property on theplatform object will result inan own property with the same name being created on the objectwhich has the value being assigned. This property will shadowthe accessor property corresponding to the attribute, whichexists on theinterface prototype object.

The [Replaceable]extended attribute musttake no arguments.

An attribute with the [Replaceable]extended attribute must not also be declaredwith the [LegacyLenientSetter] or[PutForwards] extended attributes.

The [Replaceable]extended attribute must not be usedon anattribute thatis notread only.

The [Replaceable] extended attributemust not be used on astatic attribute.

The [Replaceable] extended attributemust not be used on an attribute declared onanamespace.

See§ 3.7.6 Attributes for the specific requirements that the use of[Replaceable] entails.

The followingIDL fragment defines aninterface with anoperation that increments a counter, and anattribute that exposes the counter’s value, which is initially 0:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceCounter {  [Replaceable]readonlyattributeunsignedlongvalue;undefinedincrement();};

Assigning to thevalue property on aplatform object implementingCounter will shadow the property that corresponds to theattribute:

var counter= getCounter();// Obtain an instance of Counter.counter.value;// Evaluates to 0.counter.hasOwnProperty("value");// Evaluates to false.Object.getPrototypeOf(counter).hasOwnProperty("value");// Evaluates to true.counter.increment();counter.increment();counter.value;// Evaluates to 2.counter.value='a';// Shadows the property with one that is unrelated// to Counter::value.counter.hasOwnProperty("value");// Evaluates to true.counter.increment();counter.value;// Evaluates to 'a'.delete counter.value;// Reveals the original property.counter.value;// Evaluates to 3.


If the [SameObject]extended attribute appears on aread onlyattribute, then itindicates that when getting the value of the attribute on a givenobject, the same value must alwaysbe returned.

The [SameObject]extended attribute musttake no arguments.

The [SameObject]extended attribute must notbe used on anything other than aread onlyattribute whose type is aninterface type orobject.

As an example, this extended attribute is suitable for use on theimplementation attribute on theDocument interface since the same object is always returned for a givenDocument object.[DOM]

[Exposed=Window]interfaceDocument :Node {  [SameObject]readonlyattributeDOMImplementationimplementation;  // ...};


If the [SecureContext]extended attribute appears on aninterface,partial interface,interface mixin,partial interface mixin,callback interface,namespace,partial namespace,interface member,interface mixin member, ornamespace member,it indicates that the construct isexposed only within asecure context.The [SecureContext] extended attribute must not be usedon any other construct.

The [SecureContext] extended attribute musttake no arguments.

If [SecureContext] appears on anoverloadedoperation,then it must appear on all overloads.

The [SecureContext]extended attribute must not be specified both on

Note: This is because adding the [SecureContext]extended attribute on amember whenits containing definition is also annotated with the [SecureContext]extended attribute does not further restrict the exposure of themember.

Aninterface without the [SecureContext]extended attribute must notinherit from another interfacethat does specify [SecureContext].

[SecureContext] must not be specified on a construct is that isconditionally exposed on[CrossOriginIsolated]. (Doing so would be redundant, since every environment which iscross-origin isolated is also asecure context.)

The followingIDL fragment defines an interface with oneoperation that is executable from all contexts, and two which are executable only from secure contexts.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceExampleFeature {  // This call will succeed in all contexts.Promise <Result>calculateNotSoSecretResult();  // This operation will not be exposed to a non-secure context. In such a context,  // there will be no "calculateSecretResult" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.  [SecureContext]Promise<Result>calculateSecretResult();  // The same applies here: the attribute will not be exposed to a non-secure context,  // and in a non-secure context there will be no "secretBoolean" property on  // ExampleFeature.prototype.  [SecureContext]readonlyattributebooleansecretBoolean;};// HeartbeatSensor will not be exposed in a non-secure context, nor will its members.// In such a context, there will be no "HeartbeatSensor" property on Window.[Exposed=Window,SecureContext]interfaceHeartbeatSensor {Promise<float>getHeartbeatsPerMinute();};// The interface mixin members defined below will never be exposed in a non-secure context,// regardless of whether the interface that includes them is. That is, in a non-secure// context, there will be no "snap" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.[SecureContext]interfacemixinSnapshotable {Promise<boolean>snap();};ExampleFeatureincludesSnapshotable;// On the other hand, the following interface mixin members will be exposed to a non-secure// context when included by a host interface that doesn’t have the [SecureContext] extended// attribute. That is, in a non-secure context, there will be a "log" property on// ExampleFeature.prototype.interfacemixinLoggable {Promise<boolean>log();};ExampleFeatureincludesLoggable;


If the [Unscopable]extended attribute appears on aregular attribute orregular operation, itindicates that an object thatimplements an interface with the giveninterface member will not include its property name in any objectenvironment record with it as its base object. The result of this isthat bare identifiers matching the property name will not resolve tothe property in awith statement. This is achieved byincluding the property name on theinterface prototype object’s%Symbol.unscopables% property’s value.

The [Unscopable]extended attribute musttake no arguments.

The [Unscopable]extended attribute must not appear onanything other than aregular attribute orregular operation.

The [Unscopable] extended attribute must not be used on an attribute declared on anamespace.

See§ 3.7.3 Interface prototype object for the specific requirements that the use of[Unscopable] entails.

For example, with the following IDL:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceThing {undefinedf();  [Unscopable]g();};

thef property can be referenced with a bare identifier in awith statement but theg property cannot:

var thing= getThing();// An instance of Thingwith(thing){  f;// Evaluates to a Function object.  g;// Throws a ReferenceError.}

3.4.Legacy extended attributes

This section defines a number ofextended attributes whose presence affects the JavaScriptbinding. Unlike those in§ 3.3 Extended attributes, these exist only so that legacy Web platformfeatures can be specified. They should not be used in specifications, unless required to specify thebehavior of legacy APIs.

Editors who believe they have a good reason for using these extended attributes are strongly advisedto discuss this byfiling an issue before proceeding.


Instead of using this feature, give your interface aconstructor operation.

If the [LegacyFactoryFunction]extended attribute appears on aninterface,it indicates that the JavaScript global object will have a property with thespecified name whose value is a function that cancreate objects that implement the interface.Multiple [LegacyFactoryFunction] extendedattributes may appear on a given interface.

The [LegacyFactoryFunction] extended attribute musttake a named argument list.Theidentifier that occurs directly after the“=” is the [LegacyFactoryFunction]'sidentifier.For each [LegacyFactoryFunction] extended attribute on the interface,there will be a way to construct an object thatimplements the interface by passing the specified arguments to theconstructor that is the value of the aforementioned property.

Theidentifier used for the legacy factory function must notbe the same as that used by a [LegacyFactoryFunction]extended attribute on another interface, must notbe the same as anidentifier used by a [LegacyWindowAlias]extended attribute on this interface or another interface,must not be the same as anidentifier of an interfacethat has aninterface object,and must not be one of thereserved identifiers.

The [LegacyFactoryFunction] and [Global]extended attributes must not be specified on thesameinterface.

See§ 3.7.2 Legacy factory functions for details on how legacy factory functionsare to be implemented.

The following IDL defines an interface that uses the [LegacyFactoryFunction] extended attribute.

[Exposed=Window,LegacyFactoryFunction=Audio(DOMStringsrc)]interfaceHTMLAudioElement :HTMLMediaElement {  // ...};

A JavaScript implementation that supports this interface will allow the construction ofHTMLAudioElement objects using theAudio function.

typeof Audio;// Evaluates to 'function'.var a2=new Audio('a.flac');// Creates an HTMLAudioElement using the// one-argument constructor.

As an additional legacy quirk, these factory functions will have aprototype property equal to theprototype of the original interface:

console.assert(Audio.prototype=== HTMLAudioElement.prototype);


If the [LegacyLenientSetter]extended attribute appears on aread onlyregular attribute,it indicates that a no-op setter will be generated for the attribute’saccessor property. This results in erroneous assignments to the propertyin strict mode to be ignored rather than causing an exception to be thrown.

Pages have been observed where authors have attempted to polyfill an IDL attributeby assigning to the property, but have accidentally done so even if the property exists. In strictmode, this would cause an exception to be thrown, potentially breaking page. Without[LegacyLenientSetter], this could prevent a browser from shipping the feature.

The [LegacyLenientSetter] extended attributemusttake no arguments.It must not be used on anything other thanaread onlyregular attribute.

An attribute with the [LegacyLenientSetter]extended attribute must not also be declaredwith the [PutForwards]or [Replaceable] extended attributes.

The [LegacyLenientSetter] extended attribute must not be used on an attribute declared on anamespace.

See theAttributes section for how[LegacyLenientSetter] is to be implemented.

The following IDL fragment defines an interface that uses the [LegacyLenientSetter] extended attribute.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceExample {  [LegacyLenientSetter]readonlyattributeDOMStringx;readonlyattributeDOMStringy;};

A JavaScript implementation that supports this interface will have a setter on the accessor property that correspond to x, which allows any assignment to be ignored in strict mode.

"use strict";var example= getExample();// Get an instance of Example.// Fine; while we are in strict mode, there is a setter that is a no-op.example.x=1;// Throws a TypeError, since we are in strict mode and there is no setter.example.y=1;


If the [LegacyLenientThis]extended attribute appears on aregular attribute,it indicates that invocations of the attribute’s getter or setterwith athis value that is not anobject thatimplements theinterface on which the attribute appears will be ignored.

The [LegacyLenientThis] extended attributemusttake no arguments.It must not be used on astatic attribute.

The [LegacyLenientThis] extended attribute must not be used on an attribute declared on anamespace.

See theAttributes section for how[LegacyLenientThis]is to be implemented.

The following IDL fragment defines an interface that uses the [LegacyLenientThis] extended attribute.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceExample {  [LegacyLenientThis]attributeDOMStringx;attributeDOMStringy;};

A JavaScript implementation that supports this interface will allow the getter and setter of the accessor property that corresponds to x to be invoked with something other than anExample object.

var example= getExample();// Get an instance of Example.var obj={};// Fine.example.x;// Ignored, since the this value is not an Example object and [LegacyLenientThis] is used.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Example.prototype,"x");// Also ignored, since Example.prototype is not an Example object and [LegacyLenientThis] is used.Example.prototype.x;// Throws a TypeError, since Example.prototype is not an Example object.Example.prototype.y;


Instead of using this feature, interface names can be formed with a namingconvention of starting with a particular prefix for a set of interfaces, as part of the identifier,without the intervening dot.

If the [LegacyNamespace]extended attribute appears on aninterface, it indicates thattheinterface object for this interface will not be created as a property of the globalobject, but rather as a property of thenamespace identified by the argument to the extendedattribute.

The [LegacyNamespace] extended attribute musttake an identifier.This identifier must be theidentifier of anamespace definition.

The [LegacyNamespace] and [LegacyNoInterfaceObject]extended attributes must not be specified on the same interface.

See§ 3.13.1 Namespace object for details on how an interface is exposed on a namespace.

The followingIDL fragment defines anamespace and aninterface which uses [LegacyNamespace] to be defined inside of it.
namespaceFoo { };[LegacyNamespace=Foo]interfaceBar {constructor();};

In a JavaScript implementation of the above namespace and interface, the constructor Bar can be accessed as follows:

var instance=new Foo.Bar();


If the [LegacyNoInterfaceObject]extended attribute appears on aninterface,it indicates that aninterface object will not exist for the interface in the JavaScript binding.

The [LegacyNoInterfaceObject] extended attributemusttake no arguments.

The [LegacyNoInterfaceObject] extended attributemust not be specified on an interface that has anyconstructors orstatic operations defined on it.

An interface that does not have the [LegacyNoInterfaceObject] extendedattribute specified must not inheritfrom an interface that has the [LegacyNoInterfaceObject] extendedattribute specified.

See§ 3.7 Interfaces for the specific requirements that the use of[LegacyNoInterfaceObject] entails.

The followingIDL fragment defines two interfaces, one whose interface object is exposed on the JavaScript global object, and one whose isn’t:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceStorage {undefinedaddEntry(unsignedlongkey,anyvalue);};[Exposed=Window,LegacyNoInterfaceObject]interfaceQuery {anylookupEntry(unsignedlongkey);};

A JavaScript implementation of the above IDL would allow manipulation ofStorage’s prototype, but notQuery’s.

typeof Storage;// evaluates to "object"// Add some tracing alert() call to Storage.addEntry.var fn= Storage.prototype.addEntry;Storage.prototype.addEntry=function(key, value){  alert('Calling addEntry()');return, key, value);};typeof Query;// evaluates to "undefined"var fn= Query.prototype.lookupEntry;// exception, Query isn’t defined


If the [LegacyNullToEmptyString]extended attribute appears on theDOMString orUSVString type,it creates a new IDL type such that that when a JavaScriptnull is converted to the IDL type,it will be handled differently from its default handling. Instead of being stringified to"null", which is the default, it will be converted to the empty string.

The [LegacyNullToEmptyString] extended attribute must not beassociated with a type that is notDOMString orUSVString.

Note: This means that evenDOMString? must not use [LegacyNullToEmptyString], sincenull is a valid value of that type.

See§ 3.2.10 DOMString for the specific requirements that the use of [LegacyNullToEmptyString] entails.

The followingIDL fragment defines an interface that has one attribute whose type has the extended attribute, and one operation whose argument’s type has the extended attribute:
[Exposed=Window]interfaceDog {attributeDOMStringname;attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString]DOMStringowner;booleanisMemberOfBreed([LegacyNullToEmptyString]DOMStringbreedName);};

A JavaScript implementation implementing theDog interface would convert anull value assigned to theowner property or passed as the argument to theisMemberOfBreed function to the empty string rather than "null":

var d= getDog();// Assume d is a platform object implementing the Dog//;// This assigns the string "null" to the .name// property.d.owner=null;// This assigns the string "" to the .owner property.d.isMemberOfBreed(null);// This passes the string "" to the isMemberOfBreed// function.


If the [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]extended attribute appears on aninterface,it indicates that for alegacy platform object implementing the interface,properties corresponding to all ofthe object’ssupported property names will appear to be on the object,regardless of what other properties exist on the object or itsprototype chain. This means that named properties will always shadowany properties that would otherwise appear on the object.This is in contrast to the usual behavior, which is for named propertiesto be exposed only if there is no property with thesame name on the object itself or somewhere on its prototype chain.

The [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]extended attribute musttake no arguments and must not appear on an interfacethat does not define anamed property getter or that also is declared with the [Global]extended attribute.If the extended attribute is specified onapartial interface definition, then that partial interface definition mustbe the part of the interface definition that definesthenamed property getter.

If the [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns] extended attribute is specified on apartial interface definition, it is considered to appear on theinterface itself.

See§ 3.9 Legacy platform objects and§ 3.9.3 [[DefineOwnProperty]] for the specific requirements that the use of[LegacyOverrideBuiltIns] entails.

The followingIDL fragment defines twointerfaces, one that has anamed property getter and one that does not.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceStringMap {readonlyattributeunsignedlonglength;getterDOMStringlookup(DOMStringkey);};[Exposed=Window,LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]interfaceStringMap2 {readonlyattributeunsignedlonglength;getterDOMStringlookup(DOMStringkey);};

In a JavaScript implementation of these two interfaces, getting certain properties on objects implementing the interfaces will result in different values:

// Obtain an instance of StringMap.  Assume that it has "abc", "length" and// "toString" as supported property names.var map1= getStringMap();// This invokes the named property;// This fetches the "length" property on the object that corresponds to the// length attribute.map1.length;// This fetches the "toString" property from the object’s prototype chain.map1.toString;// Obtain an instance of StringMap2.  Assume that it also has "abc", "length"// and "toString" as supported property names.var map2= getStringMap2();// This invokes the named property;// This also invokes the named property getter, despite the fact that the "length"// property on the object corresponds to the length attribute.map2.length;// This too invokes the named property getter, despite the fact that "toString" is// a property in map2’s prototype chain.map2.toString;


If the [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull]extended attribute appears on acallback function, thenit indicates that any value assigned to anattribute whose type is anullablecallback function will be converted more loosely: if the value is not an object, it will beconverted to null, and if the value is notcallable, it will be converted to acallback function value that does nothing when called.

See§ 3.2.20 Nullable types — T?,§ 3.2.19 Callback function types and§ 3.12 Invoking callback functions for the specific requirements that the use of[LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull] entails.

The followingIDL fragment defines an interface that has one attribute whose type is a [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull]-annotatedcallback function and another whose type is acallback function without theextended attribute:

callbackOccurrenceHandler =undefined (DOMStringdetails);[LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull]callbackErrorHandler =undefined (DOMStringdetails);[Exposed=Window]interfaceManager {attributeOccurrenceHandler?handler1;attributeErrorHandler?handler2;};

In a JavaScript implementation, assigning a value that is not an object (such as a Number value), or that is notcallable to handler1 will have different behavior from that when assigning to handler2:

var manager= getManager();// Get an instance of Manager.manager.handler1=function(){};manager.handler1;// Evaluates to the function.try{  manager.handler1=123;// Throws a TypeError.}catch(e){}try{  manager.handler1={};// Throws a TypeError.}catch(e){}manager.handler2=function(){};manager.handler2;// Evaluates to the function.manager.handler2=123;manager.handler2;// Evaluates to null.manager.handler2={};manager.handler2;// Evaluates to the object.


If the [LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]extended attribute appears on ainterface thatsupports named properties,it indicates that all the interface’s named properties are unenumerable.

The [LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]extended attribute musttake no arguments and must not appear on an interfacethat does not define anamed property getter.

If the [LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]extended attribute is specified on an interface, then it applies to all its derived interfaces andmust not be specified on any of them.

See§ 3.9.1 [[GetOwnProperty]] for the specific requirements that the use of[LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]entails.


If the [LegacyUnforgeable]extended attribute appears onregular attributes or non-staticoperations,it indicates that the attribute or operationwill be reflected as a JavaScript propertyin a way that means its behavior cannot be modifiedand that performing a property lookup on the objectwill always result in the attribute’s property value being returned.In particular, the property will be non-configurableand will exist as an own property on the object itselfrather than on its prototype.

An attribute or operation is said to beunforgeable on a given interfaceA if the attribute or operation is declared onA,and is annotated with the [LegacyUnforgeable]extended attribute.

The [LegacyUnforgeable] extended attribute musttake no arguments.

The [LegacyUnforgeable]extended attribute must not appearon anything other than aregular attribute or a non-staticoperation.If it does appear on anoperation,then it must appear on all operationswith the sameidentifier on that interface.

The [LegacyUnforgeable] extended attribute must not be usedon an attribute declared on anamespace.

If an attribute or operationX isunforgeable on an interfaceA,andA is one of theinherited interfaces of another interfaceB,thenB must not have aregular attribute or non-staticoperation with the sameidentifier asX.

For example, the following is disallowed:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceA1 {  [LegacyUnforgeable]readonlyattributeDOMStringx;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceB1 :A1 {undefinedx();  // Invalid; would be shadowed by A1’s x.};[Exposed=Window]interfaceB2 :A1 { };B2includesM1;interfacemixinM1 {undefinedx();  // Invalid; B2’s copy of x would be shadowed by A1’s x.};

See§ 3.7.6 Attributes,§ 3.7.7 Operations,§ 3.8 Platform objects implementing interfaces,§ 3.9 Legacy platform objects and§ 3.9.3 [[DefineOwnProperty]] for the specific requirements that the use of[LegacyUnforgeable] entails.

The followingIDL fragment defines an interface that has twoattributes, one of which is designated as [LegacyUnforgeable]:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceSystem {  [LegacyUnforgeable]readonlyattributeDOMStringusername;readonlyattributelonglongloginTime;};

In a JavaScript implementation of the interface, the username attribute will be exposed as a non-configurable property on the object itself:

var system= getSystem();// Get an instance of System.system.hasOwnProperty("username");// Evaluates to true.system.hasOwnProperty("loginTime");// Evaluates to false.System.prototype.hasOwnProperty("username");// Evaluates to false.System.prototype.hasOwnProperty("loginTime");// Evaluates to true.try{// This call would fail, since the property is non-configurable.  Object.defineProperty(system,"username",{ value:"administrator"});}catch(e){}// This defineProperty call would succeed, because System.prototype.loginTime// is configurable.var forgedLoginTime=5;Object.defineProperty(System.prototype,"loginTime",{ value: forgedLoginTime});system.loginTime;// So this now evaluates to forgedLoginTime.


If the [LegacyWindowAlias]extended attribute appears on aninterface,it indicates that theWindowinterface will have a propertyfor eachidentifier mentioned in the extended attribute,whose value is theinterface object for the interface.

The [LegacyWindowAlias] extended attribute must eithertake an identifier ortake an identifier list.Theidentifiers that occur after the“=” are the [LegacyWindowAlias]'sidentifiers.

Each of theidentifiers of [LegacyWindowAlias]must not be the same as one used by a [LegacyWindowAlias]extended attribute on this interface or another interface,must not be the same as theidentifier used by a [LegacyFactoryFunction]extended attribute on this interface or another interface,must not be the same as anidentifier of an interface that has aninterface object,and must not be one of thereserved identifiers.

The [LegacyWindowAlias] and [LegacyNoInterfaceObject]extended attributes must not be specified on the same interface.

The [LegacyWindowAlias] and [LegacyNamespace]extended attributes must not be specified on the same interface.

The [LegacyWindowAlias] extended attribute must not be specifiedon an interface that does not include theWindowinterface in itsexposure set.

An interface must not have more than one [LegacyWindowAlias] extended attributes specified.

See§ 3.7 Interfaces for details on how legacy window aliasesare to be implemented.

The following IDL defines an interface that uses the [LegacyWindowAlias] extended attribute.

[Exposed=Window,LegacyWindowAlias=WebKitCSSMatrix]interfaceDOMMatrix :DOMMatrixReadOnly {  // ...};

A JavaScript implementation that supports this interface will expose two properties on theWindow object with the same value and the same characteristics; one for exposing theinterface object normally, and one for exposing it with a legacy name.

WebKitCSSMatrix=== DOMMatrix;// Evaluates to true.var m=new WebKitCSSMatrix();// Creates a new object that// implements DOMMatrix.m.constructor=== DOMMatrix;// Evaluates to true.m.constructor=== WebKitCSSMatrix;// Evaluates to true.{};// Evaluates to '[object DOMMatrix]'.


Certain algorithms in the sections below are defined toperform a security check on a givenobject. This check is used to determine whether a givenoperation invocation orattribute access should beallowed. The security check takes the following three inputs:

  1. theplatform object onwhich the operation invocation or attribute access is being done,

  2. theidentifier of the operation or attribute, and

  3. the type of thefunction object –"method" (when it corresponds to an IDL operation), or"getter" or "setter" (when it corresponds to thegetter or setter function of an IDL attribute).

Note: The HTML Standard defines how a security check is performed.[HTML]

3.6.Overload resolution algorithm

In order to define how function invocations are resolved, theoverload resolution algorithm is defined. Its input is aneffective overload set,S, and a list of JavaScript values,args. Its output is a pair consisting of theoperation orextended attribute of one ofS’s entries and a list of IDL values or the special value “missing”. The algorithm behaves as follows:

  1. Letmaxarg be the length of the longest type list of the entries inS.

  2. Letn be thesize ofargs.

  3. Initializeargcount to be min(maxarg,n).

  4. Remove fromS all entries whose type list is not of lengthargcount.

  5. IfS is empty, thenthrow aTypeError.

  6. Initialized to −1.

  7. Initializemethod toundefined.

  8. If there is more than one entry inS, then setd to be thedistinguishing argument index for the entries ofS.

  9. Initializevalues to be an empty list, where each entry will be either an IDL value or the special value “missing”.

  10. Initializei to 0.

  11. Whilei <d:

    1. LetV beargs[i].

    2. Lettype be the type at indexi in the type list of any entry inS.

      Note: All entries inS at this point have the same type andoptionality value at indexi.

    3. Letoptionality be the value at indexi in the list ofoptionality values of any entry inS.

    4. Ifoptionality is “optional” andV isundefined, then:

      1. If the argument at indexi is declared with adefault value,then append tovalues that default value.

      2. Otherwise, append tovalues the special value “missing”.

    5. Otherwise, append tovalues the result ofconvertingV to IDL typetype.

    6. Seti toi + 1.

  12. Ifi =d, then:

    1. LetV beargs[i].

      Note: This is the argument that will be used to resolve which overload is selected.

    2. IfV isundefined, and there is an entry inS whose list ofoptionality values has “optional” at indexi,then remove fromS all other entries.

    3. Otherwise: ifV isnull orundefined,and there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    4. Otherwise: ifVis a platform object, andthere is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    5. Otherwise: ifVis an Object,V has an [[ArrayBufferData]]internal slot, andthere is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    6. Otherwise: ifVis an Object,V has a [[DataView]]internal slot, andthere is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    7. Otherwise: ifVis an Object,V has a [[TypedArrayName]]internal slot, andthere is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    8. Otherwise: ifIsCallable(V) is true,and there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    9. Otherwise: ifVis an Object andthere is an entry inS that has one of thefollowing types at positioni of its type list,

      and the following are not all true,

      and after performing the following steps,

      1. Letmethod be?GetMethod(V,%Symbol.asyncIterator%).

      2. Ifmethod isundefined, then setmethod to?GetMethod(V,%Symbol.iterator%).

      method is notundefined, then remove fromS allother entries.

    10. Otherwise: ifVis an Object andthere is an entry inS that has one of thefollowing types at positioni of its type list,

      and after performing the following steps,

      1. Letmethod be?GetMethod(V,%Symbol.iterator%).

      method is notundefined, then remove fromS allother entries.

    11. Otherwise: ifVis an Object andthere is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    12. Otherwise: ifVis a Boolean and there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    13. Otherwise: ifVis a Number and there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    14. Otherwise: ifVis a BigInt and there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    15. Otherwise: if there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    16. Otherwise: if there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    17. Otherwise: if there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    18. Otherwise: if there is an entry inS that has one of the following types at positioni of its type list,

      then remove fromS all other entries.

    19. Otherwise: if there is an entry inS that hasany at positioni of its type list, then remove fromS all other entries.

    20. Otherwise:throw aTypeError.

  13. Letcallable be theoperation orextended attribute of the single entry inS.

  14. Ifi =d andmethod is notundefined, then

    1. LetV beargs[i].

    2. LetT be the type at indexi in thetype list of the remaining entry inS.

    3. Assert:T is asequence type.

    4. Append tovalues the result ofcreating a sequence of typeT fromV andmethod.

    5. Seti toi + 1.

  15. Whilei <argcount:

    1. LetV beargs[i].

    2. Lettype be the type at indexi in the type list of the remaining entry inS.

    3. Letoptionality be the value at indexi in the list ofoptionality values of the remaining entry inS.

    4. Ifoptionality is “optional” andV isundefined, then:

      1. If the argument at indexi is declared with adefault value,then append tovalues that default value.

      2. Otherwise, append tovalues the special value “missing”.

    5. Otherwise, append tovalues the result ofconvertingV to IDL typetype.

    6. Seti toi + 1.

  16. Whilei is less than the number of argumentscallable is declared to take:

    1. Ifcallable’s argument at indexi is declared with adefault value,then append tovalues that default value.

    2. Otherwise, ifcallable’s argument at indexi is not variadic, then append tovalues the special value “missing”.

    3. Seti toi + 1.

  17. Return the pair <callable,values>.

The overload resolution algorithm performs both the identification of which overloaded operation, constructor, etc. is being called, and the conversion of the JavaScript argument values to their corresponding IDL values. Informally, it operates as follows.

First, the selection of valid overloads is done by considering the number of JavaScript arguments that were passed in to the function:

Once we have a set of possible overloads with the right number of arguments, the JavaScript values are converted from left to right. The nature of the restrictions on overloading means that if we have multiple possible overloads at this point, then there will be one position in the argument list that will be used to distinguish which overload we will finally select; this is thedistinguishing argument index.

We first convert the arguments to the left of the distinguishing argument. (There is a requirement that an argument to the left of the distinguishing argument index has the same type as in the other overloads, at the same index.) Then we inspect the type of the JavaScript value that is passed in at the distinguishing argument index to determine which IDL type it can correspond to. This allows us to select the final overload that will be invoked. If the value passed in isundefined and there is an overload with anoptional argument at this position, then we will choose that overload. If there is no valid overload for the type of value passed in here, then we throw aTypeError. Generally, the inspection of the value at the distinguishing argument index does not have any side effects, and the only side effects in the overload resolution algorithm are the result of converting the JavaScript values to IDL values. (An exception exists when one of the overloads has anasync iterable type,sequence type orfrozen array type at the distinguishing argument index. In this case, we attempt to get the%Symbol.asyncIterator% /%Symbol.iterator% property to determine the appropriate overload, and perform the conversion of the distinguishing argument separately before continuing with the next step.)

At this point, we have determined which overload to use. We now convert the remaining arguments, from the distinguishing argument onwards, again ignoring any additional arguments that were ignored due to being passed after the last possible argument.

When converting anoptional argument’s JavaScript value to its equivalent IDL value,undefined will be converted into theoptional argument’s default value, if it has one, or a special value “missing” otherwise.

Optional arguments corresponding to a final, variadic argument do not treatundefined as a special “missing” value, however. Theundefined value is converted to the type of variadic argument as would be done for a non-optional argument.


For everyinterface that isexposed ina givenrealm and that is not declared withthe [LegacyNoInterfaceObject] or [LegacyNamespace]extended attributes,a corresponding property exists on therealm’sglobal object.The name of the property is theidentifier of the interface,and its value is an object called theinterface object.The characteristics of an interface object are described in§ 3.7.1 Interface object.

If the [LegacyWindowAlias] extended attribute was specified on anexposed interface,then for eachidentifier in [LegacyWindowAlias]'sidentifiers there exists a corresponding property on theWindow global object.The name of the property is the givenidentifier,and its value is a reference to theinterface object for theinterface.

In addition, for every [LegacyFactoryFunction] extended attribute on anexposed interface,a corresponding property exists on the JavaScript global object.The name of the property is the [LegacyFactoryFunction]'sidentifier,and its value is an object called alegacy factory function,which allows creation of objects that implement the interface.The characteristics of a legacy factory function are described in§ 3.7.2 Legacy factory functions.

Some JavaScript methods defined in this section will perform an implementation check in their opening steps, to ensure they’re being called on the correct kind of object and that the method is valid to call from the current context.

Toimplementation-check an objectjsValue against the interfaceinterface, with the identifiername and the typetype:

  1. Letobject to?ToObject(jsValue).

  2. Ifobject is aplatform object,thenperform a security check, passing:

    • the platform objectobject

    • the identifiername

    • the typetype

  3. Ifobject does notimplementinterface, thenthrow aTypeError.

  4. Returnobject.

This algo is not yet consistently used everywhere.

3.7.1.Interface object

Theinterface object for a giveninterface is abuilt-in function object.It has properties that correspond to theconstants andstatic operations defined on that interface,as described in sections§ 3.7.5 Constants and§ 3.7.7 Operations.

If theinterface is declared with aconstructor operation,then theinterface object can be called as aconstructor to create an object thatimplements that interface.Calling that interface as a function will throw an exception.

Interface objects whoseinterfaces are not declaredwith aconstructor operation will throw when called,both as a function and as aconstructor.

Aninterface object for aninterface has an associated object called theinterface prototype object.This object has properties that correspond totheregular attributes andregular operations defined on the interface,and is described in more detail in§ 3.7.3 Interface prototype object.

Note: Since aninterface object is afunction object thetypeof operator will return "function" when applied to an interface object.

An interface may haveoverridden constructor steps, which canchange the behavior of theinterface object when called or constructed. Bydefault interfaces do not have such steps.

In general, constructors are described by defining aconstructor operation and its behavior. Theoverridden constructor steps are used only for more complicated situations. Editors who wish to use this feature are strongly advised to discuss this byfiling an issue before proceeding.

Theinterface object for a giveninterfaceI withidentifierid and inrealmrealm iscreated as follows:

  1. Letsteps beI’soverridden constructor steps if they exist, orthe following steps otherwise:

    1. IfI was not declared with aconstructor operation,thenthrow aTypeError.

    2. IfNewTarget isundefined, thenthrow aTypeError.

    3. Letargs be the passed arguments.

    4. Letn be thesize ofargs.

    5. Letid be the identifier of interfaceI.

    6. Compute the effective overload set for constructors withidentifierid oninterfaceI and with argument countn, and letS be the result.

    7. Let <constructor,values> be the resultof passingS andargs to theoverload resolution algorithm.

    8. Letobject be the result ofinternally creating a new object implementingI, withrealm andNewTarget.

    9. Perform theconstructor steps ofconstructor withobject asthis andvalues as the argument values.

    10. LetO beobject,converted to a JavaScript value.

    11. Assert:O is an object thatimplementsI.

    12. Assert:O.[[Realm]] isrealm.

    13. ReturnO.

  2. LetconstructorProto berealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Function.prototype%]].

  3. IfI inherits from some other interfaceP,then setconstructorProto to theinterface object ofP inrealm.

  4. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « [[Unforgeables]] »,realm,constructorProto).

  5. Letunforgeables beOrdinaryObjectCreate(null).

  6. Define the unforgeable regular operations ofI onunforgeables, givenrealm.

  7. Define the unforgeable regular attributes ofI onunforgeables, givenrealm.

  8. SetF.[[Unforgeables]] tounforgeables.

    Note: this object is never exposed to user code. It exists only to ensure all instancesof an interface with an unforgeable member use the same JavaScript function objects forattribute getters,attribute setters andoperation functions.

  9. PerformSetFunctionName(F,id).

  10. Letlength be 0.

  11. IfI was declared with aconstructor operation, then

    1. Compute the effective overload set for constructors withidentifierid oninterfaceI and with argument count 0, and letS be the result.

    2. Setlength to the length of theshortest argument list of the entries inS.

  12. PerformSetFunctionLength(F,length).

  13. Letproto be the result ofcreating an interfaceprototype object ofinterfaceI inrealm.

  14. Perform!DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "prototype",PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]:proto, [[Writable]]:false, [[Enumerable]]:false, [[Configurable]]:false}).

  15. Define the constants ofinterfaceI onF givenrealm.

  16. Define the static attributes ofinterfaceI onF givenrealm.

  17. Define the static operations ofinterfaceI onF givenrealm.

  18. ReturnF.

3.7.2.Legacy factory functions

Alegacy factory function that exists due to one or more[LegacyFactoryFunction]extended attributes with a givenidentifier is abuilt-in function object.It allows constructing objects thatimplement the interface on which the[LegacyFactoryFunction] extended attributes appear.

Thelegacy factory function withidentifierid for a giveninterfaceI inrealmrealm iscreated as follows:

  1. Letsteps be the following steps:

    1. IfNewTarget isundefined, thenthrow aTypeError.

    2. Letargs be the passed arguments.

    3. Letn be thesize ofargs.

    4. Compute the effective overload set for legacy factory functions withidentifierid oninterfaceI and with argument countn, and letS be the result.

    5. Let <constructor,values> be the result of passingS andargs to theoverload resolution algorithm.

    6. Letobject be the result ofinternally creating a new object implementingI, withrealm andNewTarget.

    7. Perform theconstructor steps ofconstructor withobject asthis andvalues as the argument values.

    8. LetO beobject,converted to a JavaScript value.

    9. Assert:O is an object thatimplementsI.

    10. Assert:O.[[Realm]] isrealm.

    11. ReturnO.

  2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

  3. PerformSetFunctionName(F,id).

  4. Compute the effective overload set for legacy factory functions withidentifierid oninterfaceI and with argument count 0, and letS be the result.

  5. Letlength be the length of the shortest argument list of the entries inS.

  6. PerformSetFunctionLength(F,length).

  7. Letproto be theinterface prototype object ofinterfaceI inrealm.

  8. Perform!DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "prototype",PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]:proto, [[Writable]]:false, [[Enumerable]]:false, [[Configurable]]:false}).

  9. ReturnF.

3.7.3.Interface prototype object

There will exist aninterface prototype object for everyinterface defined,regardless of whether the interface was declaredwith the [LegacyNoInterfaceObject]extended attribute.

Theinterface prototype object for a giveninterfaceinterface andrealmrealm iscreated as follows:

  1. Letproto be null.

  2. Ifinterface is declared with the [Global]extended attribute,andinterfacesupports named properties,then setproto to the result ofcreating a namedproperties object forinterface andrealm.

  3. Otherwise, ifinterface is declared to inherit from another interface,then setproto to theinterface prototype object inrealm of thatinherited interface.

  4. Otherwise, ifinterface is theDOMExceptioninterface,then setproto torealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Error.prototype%]].

  5. Otherwise, setproto torealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Object.prototype%]].

  6. Assert:protois an Object.

  7. LetinterfaceProtoObj be null.

  8. Ifrealm’sis global prototype chain mutable is true, then:

    1. SetinterfaceProtoObj toOrdinaryObjectCreate(proto).

  9. Otherwise, ifinterface is declared with the [Global]extended attribute, orinterface is in the set ofinherited interfaces of an interfacethat is declared with the [Global]extended attribute, then:

    1. SetinterfaceProtoObj toMakeBasicObject(« [[Prototype]], [[Extensible]] »).

    2. SetinterfaceProtoObj.[[Prototype]] toproto.

    3. Set the internal methods ofinterfaceProtoObj which are specific toimmutable prototype exotic objects to the definitions specified inECMA-262 Immutable prototype exotic objects.

  10. Otherwise, setinterfaceProtoObj toOrdinaryObjectCreate(proto).

  11. Ifinterface has anymember declared with the [Unscopable]extended attribute,then:

    1. LetunscopableObject beOrdinaryObjectCreate(null).

    2. For eachexposedmembermember ofinterface that is declared with the [Unscopable]extended attribute:

      1. Letid bemember’sidentifier.

      2. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(unscopableObject,id,true).

    3. Letdesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]:unscopableObject,[[Writable]]:false, [[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true}.

    4. Perform!DefinePropertyOrThrow(interfaceProtoObj,%Symbol.unscopables%,desc).

  12. Ifinterface is not declared with the [Global]extended attribute, then:

    1. Define the regular attributes ofinterface oninterfaceProtoObj givenrealm.

    2. Define the regular operations ofinterface oninterfaceProtoObj givenrealm.

    3. Define the iteration methods ofinterface oninterfaceProtoObj givenrealm.

    4. Define the asynchronous iteration methods ofinterface oninterfaceProtoObj givenrealm.

  13. Define the constants ofinterface oninterfaceProtoObj givenrealm.

  14. If the [LegacyNoInterfaceObject]extended attribute was not specified oninterface, then:

    1. Letconstructor be theinterface object ofinterface inrealm.

    2. Letdesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false, [[Configurable]]:true,[[Value]]:constructor}.

    3. Perform!DefinePropertyOrThrow(interfaceProtoObj, "constructor",desc).

  15. ReturninterfaceProtoObj.

Additionally,interface prototype objects get properties declaratively from:

Define those properties imperatively instead.

Theinterface prototype object of aninterface that is defined with the [LegacyNoInterfaceObject]extended attribute will be accessible. For example, with the following IDL:

[Exposed=Window,LegacyNoInterfaceObject]interfaceFoo {};partialinterfaceWindow {attributeFoofoo;};

it is not possible to access the interface prototype object through theinterface object (since it does not exist aswindow.Foo). However, an instance ofFoo can expose the interface prototype object by calling its [[GetPrototypeOf]]internal methodObject.getPrototypeOf( in this example.

Theclass string of aninterface prototype object is theinterface’squalified name.

3.7.4.Named properties object

For everyinterface declared with the [Global]extended attribute thatsupports named properties,there will exist an object known as thenamed properties object for that interface on which named properties are exposed.

Thenamed properties object for a giveninterfaceinterface andrealmrealm, iscreated as follows:
  1. Letproto be null.

  2. Ifinterface is declared to inherit from another interface,then setproto to theinterface prototype object inrealm for theinherited interface.

  3. Otherwise, setproto torealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Object.prototype%]].

  4. Letobj beMakeBasicObject(« [[Prototype]], [[Extensible]] »).

  5. Setobj.[[GetOwnProperty]] as specified in§ [[GetOwnProperty]].

  6. Setobj.[[DefineOwnProperty]] as specified in§ [[DefineOwnProperty]].

  7. Setobj.[[Delete]] as specified in§ [[Delete]].

  8. Setobj.[[SetPrototypeOf]] as specified in§ [[SetPrototypeOf]].

  9. Setobj.[[PreventExtensions]] as specified in§ [[PreventExtensions]].

  10. Setobj.[[Prototype]] toproto.

  11. Returnobj.

Note: The [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method of a named properties objectcontinues to useOrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys,unlike the counterpart forlegacy platform objects.Since named properties are not “real” own properties,they will not be returned by this internal method.

Theclass string of anamed properties object is the concatenation of theinterface’sidentifier and the string "Properties".[[GetOwnProperty]]

When the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of anamed properties objectO is called with property keyP, the following steps are taken:

  1. LetA be theinterface for thenamed properties objectO.

  2. Letobject beO.[[Realm]]'sglobal object.

  3. Assert:objectimplementsA.

  4. If the result of running thenamed property visibility algorithm withproperty nameP and objectobject is true, then:

    1. Letoperation be the operation used to declare the named property getter.

    2. Letvalue be an uninitialized variable.

    3. Ifoperation was defined without anidentifier, thensetvalue to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface description todetermine the value of a named property withP as the name.

    4. Otherwise,operation was defined with an identifier. Setvalue to the resultof performing the steps listed in the description ofoperation withP as the only argument value.

    5. Letdesc be a newly createdProperty Descriptor with no fields.

    6. Setdesc.[[Value]] to the result ofconvertingvalue to a JavaScript value.

    7. IfAimplements an interface with the[LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]extended attribute,then setdesc.[[Enumerable]] tofalse,otherwise set it totrue.

    8. Setdesc.[[Writable]] totrue anddesc.[[Configurable]] totrue.

    9. Returndesc.

  5. ReturnOrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O,P).[[DefineOwnProperty]]

When the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of anamed properties object is called, the following steps are taken:

  1. Returnfalse.[[Delete]]

When the [[Delete]] internal method of anamed properties object is called, the following steps are taken:

  1. Returnfalse.[[SetPrototypeOf]]

When the [[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method of anamed properties objectO is called with JavaScript language valueV, the following step is taken:

  1. IfO’sassociated realm’sis global prototype chain mutable is true,return?OrdinarySetPrototypeOf(O,V).

  2. Return?SetImmutablePrototype(O,V).[[PreventExtensions]]

When the [[PreventExtensions]] internal method of anamed properties object is called, the following steps are taken:

  1. Returnfalse.

Note: this keepsnamed properties object extensible by making [[PreventExtensions]] fail.


Constants are exposed oninterface objects,legacy callback interface objects,interface prototype objects, andon the single object thatimplements the interface,when an interface is declared with the [Global]extended attribute.

Todefine the constants ofinterface,callback interface, ornamespacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. For eachconstantconst that is amember ofdefinition:

    1. Ifconst is notexposed inrealm, thencontinue.

    2. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingconst’s IDL value to a JavaScript value.

    3. Letdesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:true, [[Configurable]]:false,[[Value]]:value}.

    4. Letid beconst’sidentifier.

    5. Perform!DefinePropertyOrThrow(target,id,desc).


Static attributes are exposed on theinterface object.Regular attributes are exposed on theinterface prototype object,unless the attribute isunforgeable orif the interface was declared with the [Global]extended attribute,in which case they are exposed on every object thatimplements the interface.

Todefine the regular attributes ofinterface ornamespacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. Letattributes be thelist ofregular attributes that aremembers ofdefinition.

  2. Remove fromattributes all theattributes that areunforgeable.

  3. Define the attributesattributes ofdefinition ontarget givenrealm.

Todefine the static attributes ofinterface ornamespacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. Letattributes be thelist ofstatic attributes that aremembers ofdefinition.

  2. Define the attributesattributes ofdefinition ontarget givenrealm.

Todefine the unforgeable regular attributes ofinterface ornamespacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. Letattributes be thelist ofunforgeableregular attributes that aremembers ofdefinition.

  2. Define the attributesattributes ofdefinition ontarget givenrealm.

Todefine the attributesattributes ofinterface ornamespacedefinition ontarget givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. For eachattributeattr ofattributes:

    1. Ifattr is notexposed inrealm, thencontinue.

    2. Letgetter be the result of creating anattribute getter givenattr,definition, andrealm.

    3. Letsetter be the result of creating anattribute setter givenattr,definition, andrealm.

      Note: the algorithm to create anattribute setter returnsundefined ifattr isread only.

    4. Letconfigurable befalse ifattr isunforgeable andtrue otherwise.

    5. Letdesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Get]]:getter, [[Set]]:setter,[[Enumerable]]:true, [[Configurable]]:configurable}.

    6. Letid beattr’sidentifier.

    7. Perform!DefinePropertyOrThrow(target,id,desc).

    8. Ifattr’s type is anobservable array type with type argumentT, then settarget’sbacking observable array exotic object forattr to the result ofcreating an observable array exotic object inrealm, givenT,attr’sset an indexed value algorithm, andattr’sdelete an indexed value algorithm.

Theattribute getter is created as follows, given anattributeattribute, anamespace orinterfacetarget, and arealmrealm:

  1. Letsteps be the following series of steps:

    1. Try running the following steps:

      1. LetidlObject be null.

      2. Iftarget is aninterface, andattribute is aregular attribute:

        1. LetjsValue be thethis value, if it is notnull orundefined, orrealm’sglobal object otherwise.(This will subsequently cause aTypeError in a few steps, ifthe global object does not implementtarget and [LegacyLenientThis] is notspecified.)

        2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check,passingjsValue,attribute’sidentifier, and "getter".

        3. IfjsValue does notimplementtarget, then:

          1. Ifattribute was specified with the [LegacyLenientThis]extended attribute, then returnundefined.

          2. Otherwise,throw aTypeError.

        4. Ifattribute’s type is anobservable array type, then returnjsValue’sbacking observable array exotic object forattribute.

        5. SetidlObject to the IDLinterface type value that represents a referencetojsValue.

      3. LetR be the result of running thegetter steps ofattribute withidlObject asthis.

      4. Return the result ofconvertingR to aJavaScript value of the typeattribute is declared as.

    And then, ifan exceptionE was thrown:

    1. Ifattribute’s type is apromise type, then return!Call(%Promise.reject%,%Promise%, «E»).

    2. Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.

  2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

  3. Letname be the string "get" prepended toattribute’sidentifier.

  4. PerformSetFunctionName(F,name).

  5. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 0).

  6. ReturnF.

Theattribute setter is created as follows, given anattributeattribute, anamespace orinterfacetarget, and arealmrealm:

  1. Iftarget is anamespace:

    1. Assert:attribute isread only.

    2. Returnundefined.

  2. Ifattribute isread only and does not have a[LegacyLenientSetter], [PutForwards] or [Replaceable]extended attribute, returnundefined; there is noattribute setter function.

  3. Assert:attribute’s type is not apromise type.

  4. Letsteps be the following series of steps:

    1. If no arguments were passed, thenthrow aTypeError.

    2. LetV be the value of the first argument passed.

    3. Letid beattribute’sidentifier.

    4. LetidlObject be null.

    5. Ifattribute is aregular attribute:

      1. LetjsValue be thethis value, if it is notnull orundefined, orrealm’sglobal object otherwise.(This will subsequently cause aTypeError in a few steps, ifthe global object does not implementtarget and [LegacyLenientThis] is notspecified.)

      2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check, passingjsValue,id, and "setter".

      3. LetvalidThis be true ifjsValueimplementstarget, or false otherwise.

      4. IfvalidThis is false andattribute was not specified with the [LegacyLenientThis]extended attribute, thenthrow aTypeError.

      5. Ifattribute is declared with the [Replaceable] extended attribute, then:

        1. Perform?CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(jsValue,id,V).

        2. Returnundefined.

      6. IfvalidThis is false, then returnundefined.

      7. Ifattribute is declared with a [LegacyLenientSetter] extended attribute, thenreturnundefined.

      8. Ifattribute is declared with a [PutForwards] extended attribute, then:

        1. LetQ be?Get(jsValue,id).

        2. IfQis not an Object, thenthrow aTypeError.

        3. LetforwardId be the identifier argument of the [PutForwards] extendedattribute.

        4. Perform?Set(Q,forwardId,V,false).

        5. Returnundefined.

      9. SetidlObject to the IDLinterface type value that represents a referencetojsValue.

      10. Ifattribute’s type is anobservable array type with type argumentT:

        1. LetnewValues be the result ofconvertingV toan IDL value of typesequence<T>.

        2. Letoa beidlObject’sattribute’sbacking observable array exotic object.

        3. Set the length ofoa.[[ProxyHandler]] to 0.

        4. Leti be 0.

        5. Whilei <newValues’ssize:

          1. Perform the algorithm steps given byoa.[[ProxyHandler]].[[SetAlgorithm]], givennewValues[i] andi.

          2. AppendnewValues[i] tooa.[[ProxyHandler]].[[BackingList]].

        6. Returnundefined.

    6. LetidlValue be determined as follows:

      attribute’s type is anenumeration
      1. LetS be?ToString(V).

      2. IfS is not one of theenumeration’s values, thenreturnundefined.

      3. Otherwise,idlValue is the enumeration value equal toS.

      idlValue is the result ofconvertingV to an IDL value ofattribute’s type.
    7. Perform thesetter steps ofattribute,withidlObject asthis andidlValue asthe given value.

    8. Returnundefined

  5. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

  6. Letname be the string "set" prepended toid.

  7. PerformSetFunctionName(F,name).

  8. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 1).

  9. ReturnF.

Note: Although there is only a single property for an IDL attribute, sinceaccessor property getters and setters are passed athis value for the object on which property corresponding to the IDL attribute isaccessed, they are able to expose instance-specific data.

Note: Attempting to assign to a property corresponding to aread onlyattribute results in different behavior depending on whether the script doing so is in strict mode.When in strict mode, such an assignment will result in aTypeError being thrown. When not in strict mode, the assignment attempt will be ignored.


For each uniqueidentifier of anexposedoperation defined on theinterface,there exist a corresponding property.Static operations are exposed of theinterface object.Regular operations are exposed on theinterface prototype object,unless the operation isunforgeable orthe interface was declared with the [Global]extended attribute,in which case they are exposed on every object thatimplements the interface.

Todefine the regular operations ofinterface ornamespacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. Letoperations be thelist ofregular operations that aremembers ofdefinition.

  2. Remove fromoperations all theoperations that areunforgeable.

  3. Define the operationsoperations ofdefinition ontarget givenrealm.

Todefine the static operations ofinterface ornamespacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. Letoperations be thelist ofstatic operations that aremembers ofdefinition.

  2. Define the operationsoperations ofdefinition ontarget givenrealm.

Todefine the unforgeable regular operations ofinterface ornamespacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. Letoperations be thelist ofunforgeableregular operations that aremembers ofdefinition.

  2. Define the operationsoperations ofdefinition ontarget givenrealm.

Todefine the operationsoperations ofinterface ornamespacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. For eachoperationop ofoperations:

    1. Ifop is notexposed inrealm, thencontinue.

    2. Letmethod be the result ofcreating an operation function givenop,definition, andrealm.

    3. Letmodifiable befalse ifop isunforgeable andtrue otherwise.

    4. Letdesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]:method,[[Writable]]:modifiable, [[Enumerable]]:true,[[Configurable]]:modifiable}.

    5. Letid beop’sidentifier.

    6. Perform!DefinePropertyOrThrow(target,id,desc).

Tocreate an operation function, given anoperationop, anamespace orinterfacetarget, and arealmrealm:
  1. Letid beop’sidentifier.

  2. Letsteps be the following series of steps, given function argumentvaluesargs:

    1. Try running the following steps:

      1. LetidlObject be null.

      2. Iftarget is aninterface, andop is not astatic operation:

        1. LetjsValue be thethis value, if it is notnull orundefined, orrealm’sglobal object otherwise.(This will subsequently cause aTypeError in a few steps, ifthe global object does not implementtarget and [LegacyLenientThis] is notspecified.)

        2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check,passingjsValue,id, and "method".

        3. IfjsValue does notimplement the interfacetarget,throw aTypeError.

        4. SetidlObject to the IDLinterface type value that represents a referencetojsValue.

      3. Letn be thesize ofargs.

      4. Compute the effective overload set forregular operations (ifop is aregular operation) or forstatic operations (ifop is a static operation)withidentifierid ontarget and with argument countn, and letS bethe result.

      5. Let <operation,values> be the result of passingS andargs to theoverload resolution algorithm.

      6. LetR benull.

      7. Ifoperation is declared with a [Default]extended attribute, then:

        1. Assert:operationhas default method steps.

        2. SetR to the result of running thedefault method steps foroperation,withidlObject asthis andvalues as the argument values.

      8. Otherwise, setR to the result of running themethod steps ofoperation,withidlObject asthis andvalues as the argument values.

      9. ReturnR,converted to a JavaScript value.

        R is assumed to be an IDL value of the typeop is declared to return.[whatwg/webidl Issue #674]

    And then, ifan exceptionE was thrown:

    1. Ifop has areturn type that is apromise type, then return!Call(%Promise.reject%,%Promise%, «E»).

    2. Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.

  3. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

  4. PerformSetFunctionName(F,id).

  5. Compute the effective overload set forregular operations (ifop is a regularoperation) or forstatic operations (ifop is a static operation) withidentifierid ontarget and with argument count 0, and letS be the result.

  6. Letlength be the length of the shortest argument list in the entries inS.

  7. PerformSetFunctionLength(F,length).

  8. ReturnF. operations

Aregular operationhas default method steps if itsidentifier appears in the first column of the following table. In that case, itsdefault method steps are those given by the algorithm linked from the second column ofthe table, and the operation must have the return type given in the third column of the table.

IdentifierDefault method stepsReturn type
"toJSON"Thedefault toJSON stepsobject

Aregular operation that does nothave default method steps must not be declared with a[Default]extended attribute. toJSON operation

Thedefault toJSON steps for aninterfaceI are:

  1. Letmap be a newordered map.

  2. Letstack be the result ofcreating an inheritance stack forinterfaceI.

  3. Invokecollect attribute values of an inheritance stack giventhis,stack, andmap.

  4. Letresult beOrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%).

  5. For eachkeyvalue ofmap,

    1. Letk bekeyconverted to a JavaScript value.

    2. Letv bevalueconverted to a JavaScript value.

    3. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(result,k,v).

  6. Returnresult.

Tocollect attribute values of an inheritance stack given aplatform objectobject, astackstack, and anordered mapmap:

  1. LetI be the result ofpopping fromstack.

  2. Invokecollect attribute values givenobject,I, andmap.

  3. Ifstackis not empty, then invokecollect attribute values of an inheritance stack givenobject,stack, andmap.

Tocollect attribute values given aplatform objectobject, aninterfaceI, and anordered mapmap:

  1. If atoJSON operation with a [Default]extended attribute is declaredonI, thenfor eachexposedregular attributeattr that is aninterface member ofI, in order:

    1. Letid be theidentifier ofattr.

    2. Letvalue be the result of running thegetter steps ofattr withobject asthis.

    3. Ifvalue is aJSON type, thensetmap[id] tovalue.

Tocreate an inheritance stack forinterfaceI, run the following steps:

  1. Letstack be a newstack.

  2. PushI ontostack.

  3. WhileIinherits from aninterface,

    1. LetI be thatinterface.

    2. PushI ontostack.

  4. Returnstack.

Onlyregular attributes ofinterfaces that declare atoJSON operation with a [Default]extended attribute are included, even if aninherited interface declares such atoJSON operation. For example, consider the followingIDL fragment:

[Exposed=Window]interface A {  [Default] object toJSON();  attribute DOMString a;};[Exposed=Window]interface B : A {  attribute DOMString b;};[Exposed=Window]interface C : B {  [Default] object toJSON();  attribute DOMString c;};

Calling thetoJSON() method of an object implementing interfaceC defined above would return the following JSON object:


Calling thetoJSON() method of an object implementing interfaceA (orB) defined above would return:


AtoJSON operation can also be declared on aninterface mixin (orpartial interface) and is equivalent to declaring it on the originalinterface. For example, consider the followingIDL fragment:

[Exposed=Window]interface D {  attribute DOMString d;};interface mixin M {  [Default] object toJSON();  attribute DOMString m;};D includes M;

Calling thetoJSON() method of an object implementing interfaceD defined above would return:



If theinterface has anexposedstringifier,then there must exist a property with the following characteristics:

3.7.9.Iterable declarations

Todefine the iteration methods ofinterfacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. Ifdefinition has anindexed property getter, then:

    1. PerformDefineMethodProperty(target,%Symbol.iterator%,%Array.prototype.values%, false).

    2. Ifdefinition has avalue iterator, then:

      1. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "entries",%Array.prototype.entries%).

      2. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "keys",%Array.prototype.keys%).

      3. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "values",%Array.prototype.values%).

      4. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "forEach",%Array.prototype.forEach%).

  2. Otherwise, ifdefinition has apair iterator, then:

    1. Define the%Symbol.iterator% andentries methods:

      1. Letsteps be the following series of steps:

        1. LetjsValue be?ToObject(this value).

        2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check,passingjsValue, "%Symbol.iterator%", and "method".

        3. IfjsValue does notimplementdefinition, thenthrow aTypeError.

        4. Return a newly createddefault iterator object fordefinition, withjsValue as itstarget, "key+value"as itskind, andindex set to 0.

      2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

      3. PerformSetFunctionName(F, "entries").

      4. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 0).

      5. PerformDefineMethodProperty(target,%Symbol.iterator%,F, false).

      6. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "entries",F).

    2. Define thekeys method:

      1. Letsteps be the following series of steps:

        1. LetjsValue be?ToObject(this value).

        2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check,passingjsValue, "keys", and "method".

        3. IfjsValue does notimplementdefinition, thenthrow aTypeError.

        4. Return a newly createddefault iterator object fordefinition, withjsValue as itstarget, "key" as itskind, andindex set to 0.

      2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

      3. PerformSetFunctionName(F, "keys").

      4. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 0).

      5. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "keys",F).

    3. Define thevalues method:

      1. Letsteps be the following series of steps:

        1. LetjsValue be?ToObject(this value).

        2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check,passingjsValue, "values", and "method".

        3. IfjsValue does notimplementdefinition, thenthrow aTypeError.

        4. Return a newly createddefault iterator object fordefinition, withjsValue as itstarget, "value" as itskind, andindex set to 0.

      2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

      3. PerformSetFunctionName(F, "values").

      4. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 0).

      5. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "values",F).

    4. Define theforEach method:

      1. Letsteps be the following series of steps, given function argument valuescallback andthisArg:

        1. LetjsValue be?ToObject(this value).

        2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check,passingjsValue, "forEach", and "method".

        3. IfjsValue does notimplementdefinition, thenthrow aTypeError.

        4. LetidlCallback becallback,converted to aFunction.

        5. LetidlObject be the IDLinterface type value that represents a referencetojsValue.

        6. Letpairs beidlObject’s list ofvalue pairs to iterate over.

        7. Leti be 0.

        8. Whilei <pairs’ssize:

          1. Letpair bepairs[i].

          2. InvokeidlCallback with «pair’svalue,pair’skey,idlObject » and withthisArg as thecallback this value.

          3. Setpairs toidlObject’s current list ofvalue pairs to iterate over. (It might have changed.)

          4. Seti toi + 1.

      2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

      3. PerformSetFunctionName(F, "forEach").

      4. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 1).

      5. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "forEach",F). iterator objects

Adefault iterator object for a giveninterface, target and iteration kindis an object whose [[Prototype]]internal slot is theiterator prototype object for theinterface.

Adefault iterator object has three internal values:

Note: Default iterator objects are only used forpair iterators;value iterators, as they are currentlyrestricted to iterating over an object’ssupported indexed properties,use standard JavaScript Array iterator objects.

Note:Default iterator objects do not haveclass strings; whenObject.prototype.toString() is called on adefault iterator object of a giveninterface, theclass string of theiterator prototype object of thatinterface is used. prototype object

Theiterator prototype object for a giveninterface is an object that exists for every interface that has apair iterator. It serves as theprototype fordefault iterator objects for the interface.

The [[Prototype]]internal slot of aniterator prototype object must be%Iterator.prototype%.

Theiterator result for avalue pairpair and a kindkind is given by the following steps:
  1. Letresult be a value determined by the value ofkind:

    1. LetidlKey bepair’skey.

    2. Letkey be the result ofconvertingidlKey to a JavaScript value.

    3. result iskey.

    1. LetidlValue bepair’svalue.

    2. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingidlValue to a JavaScript value.

    3. result isvalue.

    1. LetidlKey bepair’skey.

    2. LetidlValue bepair’svalue.

    3. Letkey be the result ofconvertingidlKey to a JavaScript value.

    4. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingidlValue to a JavaScript value.

    5. Letarray be!ArrayCreate(2).

    6. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(array, "0",key).

    7. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(array, "1",value).

    8. result isarray.

  2. ReturnCreateIteratorResultObject(result,false).

Aniterator prototype object must have anext data property with attributes { [[Writable]]:true, [[Enumerable]]:true, [[Configurable]]:true } and whose value is abuilt-in function object that behaves as follows:

  1. Letinterface be theinterface for which theiterator prototype object exists.

  2. LetthisValue be thethis value.

  3. Letobject be?ToObject(thisValue).

  4. Ifobjectis a platform object,thenperform a security check, passing:

    • the platform objectobject,

    • the identifier "next", and

    • the type "method".

  5. Ifobject is not adefault iterator object forinterface,thenthrow aTypeError.

  6. Letindex beobject’sindex.

  7. Letkind beobject’skind.

  8. Letvalues beobject’starget’svalue pairs to iterate over.

  9. Letlen be the length ofvalues.

  10. Ifindex is greater than or equal tolen, thenreturnCreateIteratorResultObject(undefined,true).

  11. Letpair be the entry invalues at indexindex.

  12. Setobject’s index toindex + 1.

  13. Return theiterator result forpair andkind.

Theclass string of aniterator prototype object for a giveninterface is the result of concatenating theidentifier of theinterface and the string " Iterator".

3.7.10.Asynchronous iterable declarations

Todefine the asynchronous iteration methods ofinterfacedefinition ontarget, givenrealmrealm, run the following steps:
  1. Ifdefinition does not have an anasynchronously iterable declaration (of eithersort), then return.

  2. Assert:definition does not have anindexed property getter or aniterable declaration.

  3. Ifdefinition has apair asynchronously iterable declaration, then define the%Symbol.asyncIterator% andentries methods:

    1. Letsteps be the following series of steps, given function argument valuesargs:

      1. LetjsValue be?ToObject(this value).

      2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check, passingjsValue, "%Symbol.asyncIterator%", and "method".

      3. IfjsValue does notimplementdefinition, thenthrow aTypeError.

      4. LetidlObject be the IDLinterface type value that represents a reference tojsValue.

      5. LetidlArgs be the result ofconverting arguments for an asynchronous iterator method givenargs.

      6. Letiterator be a newly createddefault asynchronous iterator object fordefinition withidlObject as itstarget, "key+value" as itskind, andis finished set to false.

      7. Run theasynchronous iterator initialization steps fordefinition withidlObject,iterator, andidlArgs, if any such steps exist.

      8. Returniterator.

    2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

    3. PerformSetFunctionName(F, "entries").

    4. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 0).

    5. PerformDefineMethodProperty(target,%Symbol.asyncIterator%,F, false).

    6. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "entries",F).

  4. Ifdefinition has apair asynchronously iterable declaration, then define thekeys method:

    1. Letsteps be the following series of steps, given function argument valuesargs:

      1. LetjsValue be?ToObject(this value).

      2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check, passingjsValue, "keys", and "method".

      3. IfjsValue does notimplementdefinition, thenthrow aTypeError.

      4. LetidlObject be the IDLinterface type value that represents a reference tojsValue.

      5. LetidlArgs be the result ofconverting arguments for an asynchronous iterator method givenargs.

      6. Letiterator be a newly createddefault asynchronous iterator object fordefinition withidlObject as itstarget, "key" as itskind, andis finished set to false.

      7. Run theasynchronous iterator initialization steps fordefinition withidlObject,iterator, andidlArgs, if any such steps exist.

      8. Returniterator.

    2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

    3. PerformSetFunctionName(F, "keys").

    4. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 0).

    5. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "keys",F).

  5. Define thevalues, and possibly%Symbol.asyncIterator%, methods:

    1. Letsteps be the following series of steps, given function argument valuesargs:

      1. LetjsValue be?ToObject(this value).

      2. IfjsValueis a platform object, thenperform a security check, passingjsValue, "values", and "method".

      3. IfjsValue does notimplementdefinition, thenthrow aTypeError.

      4. LetidlObject be the IDLinterface type value that represents a reference tojsValue.

      5. LetidlArgs be the result ofconverting arguments for an asynchronous iterator method givenargs.

      6. Letiterator be a newly createddefault asynchronous iterator object fordefinition withidlObject as itstarget, "value" as itskind, andis finished set to false.

      7. Run theasynchronous iterator initialization steps fordefinition withidlObject,iterator, andidlArgs, if any such steps exist.

      8. Returniterator.

    2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

    3. PerformSetFunctionName(F, "values").

    4. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 0).

    5. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(target, "values",F).

    6. Ifdefinition has avalue asynchronously iterable declaration, then perform!DefineMethodProperty(target,%Symbol.asyncIterator%,F, false).

Toconvert arguments for an asynchronous iterator method, given aninterfacedefinition that has anasynchronously iterable declaration and alist of JavaScript valuesargs:
  1. LetidlArgs be an empty list.

  2. LetargCount be the number of arguments ofdefinition’sasynchronously iterable declaration, or 0 if theasynchronously iterable declaration does not have an argument list.

  3. Leti be 0.

  4. Whilei <argCount:

    1. Ifiargs’ssize, or ifargs[i] isundefined,then:

      1. If the argument to theasynchronously iterable declaration at indexi isdeclared with adefault value, thenappend thatdefault value toidlArgs.

      2. Otherwise,append toidlArgs the special value "missing".

    2. Otherwise,append toidlArgs the result ofconvertingargs[i] to the IDL type given in theasynchronously iterable declaration’s argument list at indexi.

    3. Seti toi + 1.

  5. ReturnidlArgs.

This is essentially a hyper-specialization of theoverload resolution algorithm for the case where no overloads are allowed and all arguments are optional. asynchronous iterator objects

Adefault asynchronous iteratorobject for a giveninterface, target and iteration kind is an object whose [[Prototype]]internal slot is theasynchronous iterator prototype object for theinterface.

Adefault asynchronous iterator object has internal values:

Note:Default asynchronous iterator objects do not haveclass strings; whenObject.prototype.toString() is called on adefault asynchronous iterator object of a giveninterface, theclass string of theasynchronous iterator prototype object of thatinterface is used. iterator prototype object

Theasynchronous iterator prototype object for a giveninterface is an object that exists for every interface that has anasynchronously iterable declaration.It serves as the prototype fordefault asynchronous iterator objects for the interface.

The [[Prototype]]internal slot of anasynchronous iterator prototype object must be%AsyncIteratorPrototype%.

Anasynchronous iterator prototype object must have anext data property with attributes { [[Writable]]:true, [[Enumerable]]:true, [[Configurable]]:true } and whose value is abuilt-in function object that behaves as follows:

  1. Letinterface be theinterface for which theasynchronous iterator prototype object exists.

  2. LetthisValidationPromiseCapability be!NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).

  3. LetthisValue be thethis value.

  4. Letobject beCompletion(ToObject(thisValue)).

  5. IfAbruptRejectPromise(object,thisValidationPromiseCapability).

  6. Ifobjectis a platform object, thenperform a security check, passing:

    • the platform objectobject,

    • the identifier "next", and

    • the type "method".

    If this threw an exceptione, then:

    1. Perform!Call(thisValidationPromiseCapability.[[Reject]],undefined, «e »).

    2. ReturnthisValidationPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

  7. Ifobject is not adefault asynchronous iterator object forinterface, then:

    1. Leterror be a newTypeError.

    2. Perform!Call(thisValidationPromiseCapability.[[Reject]],undefined, «error »).

    3. ReturnthisValidationPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

  8. LetnextSteps be the following steps:

    1. LetnextPromiseCapability be!NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).

    2. Ifobject’sis finished is true, then:

      1. Letresult beCreateIteratorResultObject(undefined,true).

      2. Perform!Call(nextPromiseCapability.[[Resolve]],undefined, «result »).

      3. ReturnnextPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

    3. Letkind beobject’skind.

    4. LetnextPromise be the result ofgetting the next iteration result withobject’starget andobject.

    5. LetfulfillSteps be the following steps, givennext:

      1. Setobject’songoing promise tonull.

      2. Ifnext isend of iteration, then:

        1. Setobject’sis finished to true.

        2. ReturnCreateIteratorResultObject(undefined,true).

      3. Otherwise, ifinterface has apair asynchronously iterable declaration:

        1. Assert:next is avalue pair.

        2. Return theiterator result fornext andkind.

      4. Otherwise:

        1. Assert:interface has avalue asynchronously iterable declaration.

        2. Assert:next is a value of the type that appears in the declaration.

        3. Letvalue benext,converted to a JavaScript value.

        4. ReturnCreateIteratorResultObject(value,false).

    6. LetonFulfilled beCreateBuiltinFunction(fulfillSteps, « »).

    7. LetrejectSteps be the following steps, givenreason:

      1. Setobject’songoing promise tonull.

      2. Setobject’sis finished to true.

      3. Throwreason.

    8. LetonRejected beCreateBuiltinFunction(rejectSteps, « »).

    9. PerformPerformPromiseThen(nextPromise,onFulfilled,onRejected,nextPromiseCapability).

    10. ReturnnextPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

  9. LetongoingPromise beobject’songoing promise.

  10. IfongoingPromise is not null, then:

    1. LetafterOngoingPromiseCapability be!NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).

    2. LetonSettled beCreateBuiltinFunction(nextSteps, « »).

    3. PerformPerformPromiseThen(ongoingPromise,onSettled,onSettled,afterOngoingPromiseCapability).

    4. Setobject’songoing promise toafterOngoingPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

  11. Otherwise:

    1. Setobject’songoing promise to the result ofrunningnextSteps.

  12. Returnobject’songoing promise.

If anasynchronous iterator return algorithm is defined for theinterface, then theasynchronous iterator prototype object must have areturn data property with attributes { [[Writable]]:true, [[Enumerable]]:true, [[Configurable]]:true } and whose value is abuilt-in function object, taking one argumentvalue, that behaves as follows:

  1. Letinterface be theinterface for which theasynchronous iterator prototype object exists.

  2. LetreturnPromiseCapability be!NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).

  3. LetthisValue be thethis value.

  4. Letobject beCompletion(ToObject(thisValue)).

  5. IfAbruptRejectPromise(object,returnPromiseCapability).

  6. Ifobjectis a platform object, thenperform a security check, passing:

    • the platform objectobject,

    • the identifier "return", and

    • the type "method".

    If this threw an exceptione, then:

    1. Perform!Call(returnPromiseCapability.[[Reject]],undefined, «e »).

    2. ReturnreturnPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

  7. Ifobject is not adefault asynchronous iterator object forinterface, then:

    1. Leterror be a newTypeError.

    2. Perform!Call(returnPromiseCapability.[[Reject]],undefined, «error »).

    3. ReturnreturnPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

  8. LetreturnSteps be the following steps:

    1. LetreturnPromiseCapability be!NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).

    2. Ifobject’sis finished is true, then:

      1. Letresult beCreateIteratorResultObject(value,true).

      2. Perform!Call(returnPromiseCapability.[[Resolve]],undefined, «result »).

      3. ReturnreturnPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

    3. Setobject’sis finished to true.

    4. Return the result of running theasynchronous iterator return algorithm forinterface, givenobject’starget,object,andvalue.

  9. LetongoingPromise beobject’songoing promise.

  10. IfongoingPromise is not null, then:

    1. LetafterOngoingPromiseCapability be!NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).

    2. LetonSettled beCreateBuiltinFunction(returnSteps, « »).

    3. PerformPerformPromiseThen(ongoingPromise,onSettled,onSettled,afterOngoingPromiseCapability).

    4. Setobject’songoing promise toafterOngoingPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

  11. Otherwise:

    1. Setobject’songoing promise to the result ofrunningreturnSteps.

  12. LetfulfillSteps be the following steps:

    1. ReturnCreateIteratorResultObject(value,true).

  13. LetonFulfilled beCreateBuiltinFunction(fulfillSteps, « »).

  14. PerformPerformPromiseThen(object’songoing promise,onFulfilled,undefined,returnPromiseCapability).

  15. ReturnreturnPromiseCapability.[[Promise]].

Theclass string of anasynchronous iterator prototype object for a giveninterface isthe result of concatenating theidentifier of theinterface and the string" AsyncIterator".

3.7.11.Maplike declarations

If aninterfaceA is declared withamaplike declaration, thenthere exists a number of additional properties onA’sinterface prototype object.These additional properties are described in the sub-sections below.

There must exist asize property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

There must exist a data property whose name is the%Symbol.iterator% symbol onA’sinterface prototype object with attributes { [[Writable]]:true, [[Enumerable]]:false, [[Configurable]]:true }and whose value is thefunction object that is the value oftheentries property.

Tocreate a map iterator from amapmap and akind which is either "key+value", "key", or "value":
  1. Letclosure be a newAbstract Closure with no parametersthat capturesmap andkind and performs the following steps when called:

    1. For eachkeyvalue ofmap:

      1. Setkey andvalue to eachconverted to a JavaScript value.

      2. Ifkind is "key", letresult bekey.

      3. Else ifkind is "value", letresult bevalue.

      4. Else, letresult beCreateArrayFromListkey,value »).

      5. Perform?GeneratorYield(CreateIteratorResultObject(result,false)).

      Note: Thesize ofmap, and the order of its entries,might have changed while execution of this abstract operationwas paused byYield.

    2. Returnundefined.

  2. ReturnCreateIteratorFromClosure(closure, "%MapIteratorPrototype%",%MapIteratorPrototype%).

There must exist anentries data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value0.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "entries".

There must exist akeys data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value0.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "keys".

There must exist avalues data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value0.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "values".

There must exist aforEach data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value1.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "forEach".

There must exist aget data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value1.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "get".

There must exist ahas data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value1.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "has".

IfA does not declare amember with identifier "set",andA was declared with a read–write maplike declaration,then there must exist aset data propertyonA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value2.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "set".

If the interface does declare aset method,it should similarly map a -0 key to +0,and must returnthis.

IfA does not declare amember with identifier "delete",andA was declared with a read–write maplike declaration,then there must exist adelete data propertyonA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value1.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "delete".

If the interface does declare adelete method,it should similarly map a -0 key to +0,and must return aboolean indicating whether the key was present or not.

IfA does not declare amember with identifier "clear",andA was declared with a read–write maplike declaration,then there must exist aclear data propertyonA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value0.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "clear".

If the interface does declare aclear method,it must preserve themap entries object (rather than generating a new one)and must returnundefined.

3.7.12.Setlike declarations

If aninterfaceA is declared with asetlike declaration,then there exists a number of additional properties onA’sinterface prototype object.These additional properties are described in the sub-sections below.

Asize property must exist onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

There must exist a data property whose name is the%Symbol.iterator% symbol onA’sinterface prototype object with attributes { [[Writable]]:true, [[Enumerable]]:false, [[Configurable]]:true }and whose value is thefunction object that is the value ofthevalues property.

Tocreate a set iterator from asetset and akind which is either "key+value" or "value":
  1. Letclosure be a newAbstract Closure with no parametersthat capturesset andkind and performs the following steps when called:

    1. For eachentry ofset:

      1. Setentry to beentryconverted to a JavaScript value.

      2. Ifkind is "value", letresult beentry.

      3. Else, letresult beCreateArrayFromListentry,entry »).

      4. Perform?GeneratorYield(CreateIteratorResultObject(result,false)).

      Note: Thesize ofset, and the order of its entries,might have changed while execution of this abstract operationwas paused byYield.

    2. Returnundefined.

  2. ReturnCreateIteratorFromClosure(closure, "%SetIteratorPrototype%",%SetIteratorPrototype%).

There must exist anentries data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property isthe Number value0.

The value of thefunction object’sname property isthe String value "entries".

Akeys data property must existonA’sinterface prototype object with attributes { [[Writable]]:true, [[Enumerable]]:true, [[Configurable]]:true }and whose value is thefunction object that is the value ofthevalues property.

There must exist avalues data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property isthe Number value0.

The value of thefunction object’sname property isthe String value "values".

There must exist aforEach data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value1.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "forEach".

There must exist ahas data property onA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is a Number value1.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "has".

IfA does not declare amember with identifier "add",andA was declared with a read–write setlike declaration,then there must exist anadd data propertyonA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value1.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "add".

If the interface does declare anadd method,it should similarly map a -0 value to +0,and must return the value that was set.

IfA does not declare amember with identifier "delete",andA was declared with a read–write setlike declaration,then there must exist adelete data propertyonA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value1.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "delete".

If the interface does declare adelete method,it should similarly map a -0 value to +0,and must return aboolean indicating whether the value was present or not.

IfA does not declare amember with identifier "clear",andA was declared with a read–write setlike declaration,then there must exist aclear data propertyonA’sinterface prototype object with the following characteristics:

The value of thefunction object’slength property is the Number value0.

The value of thefunction object’sname property is the String value "clear".

If the interface does declare aclear method,it must preserve theset entries object (rather than generating a new one)and must returnundefined.

3.8.Platform objects implementing interfaces

A JavaScript valuevalueis a platform object ifvalueis an Object and ifvalue has a [[PrimaryInterface]] internal slot.
A JavaScript valuevalueimplements aninterfaceinterface ifvalueis a platform object and theinclusive inherited interfaces ofvalue.[[PrimaryInterface]]containsinterface.

Specifications may reference the concept "object implementsinterface" in various ways, including "object is aninterface object".

Everyplatform object is associated with arealm, justas theinitial objects are.This realm is stored in theplatform object’s [[Realm]] slot.It is the responsibility of specifications using Web IDL to statewhich realm (or, by proxy, which global object) each platformobject is associated with.In particular, the algorithms below associate the newplatform object withthe realm given as an argument.

Tocreate a new object implementing the interfaceinterface, with arealmrealm, perform the following steps:
  1. Return the result ofinternally creating a new object implementinginterface, withrealm andundefined.

Tointernally create a new object implementing the interfaceinterface, with arealmrealm and a JavaScript valuenewTarget, perform the following steps:
  1. Assert:interface isexposed inrealm.

  2. IfnewTarget isundefined, then:

    1. Letprototype be theinterface prototype object forinterface inrealm.

  3. Otherwise:

    1. Assert:IsCallable(newTarget) is true.

    2. Letprototype be?Get(newTarget, "prototype").

    3. Ifprototypeis not an Object, then:

      1. LettargetRealm be?GetFunctionRealm(newTarget).

      2. Setprototype to theinterface prototype object forinterface intargetRealm.

  4. Letslots be « [[Prototype]], [[Extensible]], [[Realm]], [[PrimaryInterface]] ».

  5. Ifinterface isDOMException, append [[ErrorData]] toslots.

  6. Letinstance beMakeBasicObject(slots).

  7. Setinstance.[[Realm]] torealm.

  8. Setinstance.[[PrimaryInterface]] tointerface.

  9. Setinstance.[[Prototype]] toprototype.

  10. Letinterfaces be theinclusive inherited interfaces ofinterface.

  11. For everyinterfaceancestor interface ininterfaces:

    1. Letunforgeables be the value of the [[Unforgeables]] slot of theinterface object ofancestor interface inrealm.

    2. Letkeys be!unforgeables.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().

    3. For each elementkey ofkeys:

      1. Letdescriptor be!unforgeables.[[GetOwnProperty]](key).

      2. Perform!DefinePropertyOrThrow(instance,key,descriptor).

  12. Ifinterface is declared with the [Global]extended attribute, then:

    1. Define the regular operations ofinterface oninstance, givenrealm.

    2. Define the regular attributes ofinterface oninstance, givenrealm.

    3. Define the iteration methods ofinterface oninstance givenrealm.

    4. Define the asynchronous iteration methods ofinterface oninstance givenrealm.

    5. Define the global property references oninstance, givenrealm.

    6. Setinstance.[[SetPrototypeOf]] as defined in§ 3.8.1 [[SetPrototypeOf]].

  13. Otherwise, ifinterfaces contains aninterface whichsupports indexed properties,named properties, or both:

    1. Setinstance.[[GetOwnProperty]] as defined in§ 3.9.1 [[GetOwnProperty]].

    2. Setinstance.[[Set]] as defined in§ 3.9.2 [[Set]].

    3. Setinstance.[[DefineOwnProperty]] as defined in§ 3.9.3 [[DefineOwnProperty]].

    4. Setinstance.[[Delete]] as defined in§ 3.9.4 [[Delete]].

    5. Setinstance.[[PreventExtensions]] as defined in§ 3.9.5 [[PreventExtensions]].

    6. Setinstance.[[OwnPropertyKeys]] as defined in§ 3.9.6 [[OwnPropertyKeys]].

  14. Returninstance.

Todefine the global property references ontarget, givenrealmrealm, perform the following steps:
  1. Letinterfaces be alist that contains everyinterface that isexposed inrealm.

  2. Sortinterfaces in such a way that ifA andB areitems ofinterfaces,andAinherits fromB,A has a higher index ininterfaces thanB.

  3. For everyinterface ofinterfaces:

    1. Ifinterface is not declared with the [LegacyNoInterfaceObject] or[LegacyNamespace]extended attributes, then:

      1. Letid beinterface’sidentifier.

      2. LetinterfaceObject be the result ofcreatingan interface object forinterface withid inrealm.

      3. PerformDefineMethodProperty(target,id,interfaceObject, false).

      4. If theinterface is declared with a [LegacyWindowAlias]extended attribute,andtarget implements theWindowinterface, then:

        1. For everyidentifierid in[LegacyWindowAlias]'sidentifiers:

          1. PerformDefineMethodProperty(target,id,interfaceObject, false).

    2. If theinterface is declared with a [LegacyFactoryFunction]extended attribute,then:

      1. For everyidentifierid in[LegacyFactoryFunction]'sidentifiers:

        1. LetlegacyFactoryFunction be the result ofcreating a legacy factory function withid forinterface inrealm.

        2. PerformDefineMethodProperty(target,id,legacyFactoryFunction, false).

  4. For everycallback interfaceinterface that isexposed inrealm and on whichconstants are defined:

    1. Letid beinterface’sidentifier.

    2. LetinterfaceObject be the result ofcreating a legacy callback interface object forinterface withid inrealm.

    3. PerformDefineMethodProperty(target,id,interfaceObject, false).

  5. For everynamespacenamespace that isexposed inrealm:

    1. Letid benamespace’sidentifier.

    2. LetnamespaceObject be the result ofcreating a namespace object fornamespace inrealm.

    3. PerformDefineMethodProperty(target,id,namespaceObject, false).

The set of interfaces that aplatform objectimplements does not change over the lifetime of the object.

Multipleplatform objects with differentglobal objects will share a reference to the sameinterface in their [[PrimaryInterface]] internal slots. For example, a page could contain a same-origin iframe, with the iframe’s method being called on the main page’s element of the same kind, with no exception thrown.

Interface mixins do not participate directly in the evaluation of theimplements algorithm. Instead, eachinterface that theinterface mixin isincluded in has its own "copy" of eachmember of theinterface mixin, and the correspondingoperation function checks that the receiverimplements the particularinterface whichincludes theinterface mixin.

Theprimary interface of aplatform object is the value of the object’s [[PrimaryInterface]] internal slot, which is the most-derivedinterface that itimplements.

Therealm that a givenplatform object is associated with canchange after it has been created. Whentherealm associated with a platform object is changed, its[[Prototype]]internal slot must be immediatelyupdated to be theinterface prototype object of theprimary interface from theplatform object’s newly associatedrealm.

Additionally,platform objects which implement aninterface which has a [Global]extended attribute get properties declaratively from:

Define those properties imperatively instead.


When the [[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method of aplatform objectO that implements aninterface with the [Global]extended attribute is called with JavaScript language valueV, the following step is taken:

  1. IfO’sassociated realm’sis global prototype chain mutable is true,return?OrdinarySetPrototypeOf(O,V).

  2. Return?SetImmutablePrototype(O,V).

Note: ForWindow objects, it is unobservable whether this is implemented, since the presence oftheWindowProxy object ensures that [[SetPrototypeOf]] is never called on aWindow objectdirectly. For other global objects, however, this is necessary.

3.9.Legacy platform objects

Legacy platform objects will appear to have additional properties that correspond to theirindexed andnamed properties. These properties are not “real” ownproperties on the object, but are made to look like they are by being exposedby the[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method .

It is permissible for an object to implement multiple interfaces that support indexed properties.However, if so, and there are conflicting definitions as to the object’ssupported property indices,then it is undefined what additional properties the object will appear tohave, or what its exact behavior will be with regard to its indexed properties.The same applies for named properties.

Theindexed property getter that is defined on the derived-most interface that thelegacy platform object implements is the one that defines the behaviorwhen indexing the object with anarray index. Similarly forindexed property setters.This way, the definitions of these special operations fromancestor interfaces can be overridden.

A property name is anunforgeable property name on agiven platform objectO if the object implements aninterface thathas aninterface member with that identifierand that interface member isunforgeable on any ofthe interfaces thatO implements.

Support forgetters is handled in§ 3.9.1 [[GetOwnProperty]],and forsetters in§ 3.9.3 [[DefineOwnProperty]] and§ 3.9.2 [[Set]].

Additionally,legacy platform objects have internal methods as defined in:


The [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of everylegacy platform objectO must behave as follows when called with property nameP:

  1. Return?LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty(O,P,false).


The [[Set]] internal method of everylegacy platform objectO must behave as follows when called with property nameP, valueV, and JavaScript language valueReceiver:

  1. IfO andReceiver are the same object, then:

    1. IfOimplements an interface with anindexed property setter andPis an array index, then:

      1. Invoke the indexed property setter onO withP andV.

      2. Returntrue.

    2. IfOimplements an interface with anamed property setter andPis a String, then:

      1. Invoke the named property setter onO withP andV.

      2. Returntrue.

  2. LetownDesc be?LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty(O,P,true).

  3. Perform?OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor(O,P,V,Receiver,ownDesc).


When the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of alegacy platform objectO is called with property keyP andProperty DescriptorDesc, the following steps must be taken:

  1. IfOsupports indexed properties andPis an array index, then:

    1. If the result of callingIsDataDescriptor(Desc) isfalse, then returnfalse.

    2. IfO does not implement an interface with anindexed property setter, then returnfalse.

    3. Invoke the indexed property setter onO withP andDesc.[[Value]].

    4. Returntrue.

  2. IfOsupports named properties,O does not implement aninterface with the [Global]extended attribute,Pis a String,andP is not anunforgeable property name ofO, then:

    1. Letcreating be true ifP is not asupported property name, and false otherwise.

    2. IfOimplements an interface with the [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]extended attribute orO does not have an own propertynamedP, then:

      1. Ifcreating is false andO does not implement aninterface with anamed property setter, then returnfalse.

      2. IfOimplements an interface with anamed property setter, then:

        1. If the result of callingIsDataDescriptor(Desc) isfalse, then returnfalse.

        2. Invoke the named property setter onO withP andDesc.[[Value]].

        3. Returntrue.

  3. Return!OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(O,P,Desc).


The [[Delete]] internal method of everylegacy platform objectO must behave as follows when called with property nameP.

  1. IfOsupports indexed properties andPis an array index, then:

    1. Letindex be the result of calling!ToUint32(P).

    2. Ifindex is not asupported property index, then returntrue.

    3. Returnfalse.

  2. IfOsupports named properties,O does not implement aninterface with the [Global]extended attribute and the result of calling thenamed property visibility algorithm with property nameP and objectO is true, then:

    1. IfO does not implement an interface with anamed property deleter, then returnfalse.

    2. Letoperation be the operation used to declare the named property deleter.

    3. Ifoperation was defined without anidentifier, then:

      1. Perform the steps listed in the interface description todelete an existing named property withP as the name.

      2. If the steps indicated that the deletion failed, then returnfalse.

    4. Otherwise,operation was defined with an identifier:

      1. Performmethod steps ofoperation withO asthis and «P » as theargument values.

      2. Ifoperation was declared with areturn type ofboolean and the steps returnedfalse, then returnfalse.

    5. Returntrue.

  3. IfO has an own property with nameP, then:

    1. If the property is not configurable, then returnfalse.

    2. Otherwise, remove the property fromO.

  4. Returntrue.


When the [[PreventExtensions]] internal method of alegacy platform object is called, the following steps are taken:

  1. Returnfalse.

Note: this keepslegacy platform objects extensible by making [[PreventExtensions]] fail for them.


This document does not define a complete property enumeration orderforplatform objects implementinginterfaces (or forplatform objects representing exceptions).However, it does forlegacy platform objects by defining the [[OwnPropertyKeys]]internal method as follows.

When the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method of alegacy platform objectO is called, the following steps are taken:

  1. Letkeys be a new emptylist of JavaScript String and Symbol values.

  2. IfOsupports indexed properties, thenfor eachindex ofO’ssupported property indices, in ascending numerical order,append!ToString(index) tokeys.

  3. IfOsupports named properties, thenfor eachP ofO’ssupported property names that is visible according to thenamed property visibility algorithm,appendP tokeys.

  4. For eachP ofO’s own property keys that is a String, in ascending chronological order ofproperty creation,appendP tokeys.

  5. For eachP ofO’s own property keys that is a Symbol, in ascending chronological order ofproperty creation,appendP tokeys.

  6. Assert:keys has no duplicate items.

  7. Returnkeys.

3.9.7.Abstract operations

To determine if a property namePis anarray index, the following algorithm is applied:

  1. IfPis not a String, then returnfalse.

  2. Letindex beCanonicalNumericIndexString(P).

  3. Ifindex isundefined, then returnfalse.

  4. IfIsInteger(index) isfalse,then returnfalse.

  5. Ifindex is −0, then returnfalse.

  6. Ifindex < 0, then returnfalse.

  7. Ifindex ≥ 232 − 1, then returnfalse.

    Note: 232 − 1 is the maximum array length allowed by JavaScript.

  8. Returntrue.

Thenamed property visibility algorithm is used to determine if a given named property is exposed on an object. Some named properties are not exposed on an object depending on whether the [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]extended attribute was used. The algorithm operates as follows, with property nameP and objectO:

  1. IfP is not asupported property name ofO, then return false.

  2. IfO has an own property namedP, then return false.

    Note: This will include cases in whichO has unforgeable properties, because in practice those are always set up before objects have any supported property names, and once set up will make the corresponding named properties invisible.

  3. IfOimplements an interface that has the [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]extended attribute, then return true.

  4. Letprototype beO.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().

  5. Whileprototype is not null:

    1. Ifprototype is not anamed properties object,andprototype has an own property namedP, then return false.

    2. Setprototype toprototype.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().

  6. Return true.

This ensures that for objects with named properties, property resolution is done in the following order:

  1. Indexed properties.

  2. Own properties, including unforgeable attributes and operations.

  3. Then, if [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]:

    1. Named properties.

    2. Properties from the prototype chain.

  4. Otherwise, if not [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]:

    1. Properties from the prototype chain.

    2. Named properties.

Toinvoke an indexed property setter on aplatform objectO with property nameP and JavaScript valueV, the following steps must be performed:

  1. Letindex be the result of calling?ToUint32(P).

  2. Letcreating be true ifindex is not asupported property index,and false otherwise.

  3. Letoperation be the operation used to declare the indexed property setter.

  4. LetT be the type of the second argument ofoperation.

  5. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingV to an IDL value of typeT.

  6. Ifoperation was defined without anidentifier, then:

    1. Ifcreating is true, then perform the steps listed in the interface description toset the value of a new indexed property withindex as the index andvalue as the value.

    2. Otherwise,creating is false. Perform the steps listed in the interface description toset the value of an existing indexed property withindex as the index andvalue as the value.

  7. Otherwise,operation was defined with an identifier. Perform themethod steps ofoperation withO asthis and «index,value » as the argument values.

Toinvoke a named property setter on aplatform objectO with property nameP and JavaScript valueV, the following steps must be performed:

  1. Letcreating be true ifP is not asupported property name, and false otherwise.

  2. Letoperation be the operation used to declare the named property setter.

  3. LetT be the type of the second argument ofoperation.

  4. Letvalue be the result ofconvertingV to an IDL value of typeT.

  5. Ifoperation was defined without anidentifier, then:

    1. Ifcreating is true, then perform the steps listed in the interface description toset the value of a new named property withP as the name andvalue as the value.

    2. Otherwise,creating is false. Perform the steps listed in the interface description toset the value of an existing named property withP as the name andvalue as the value.

  6. Otherwise,operation was defined with an identifier. Perform themethod steps ofoperation withO asthis and «P,value » as the argument values.

TheLegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty abstract operation performs the following steps when called with an objectO, a property nameP, and a booleanignoreNamedProps value:

  1. IfOsupports indexed properties andPis an array index, then:

    1. Letindex be the result of calling!ToUint32(P).

    2. Ifindex is asupported property index, then:

      1. Letoperation be the operation used to declare the indexed property getter.

      2. Letvalue be an uninitialized variable.

      3. Ifoperation was defined without anidentifier, thensetvalue to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface description todetermine the value of an indexed property withindex as the index.

      4. Otherwise,operation was defined with an identifier. Setvalue to the resultof performing themethod steps ofoperation withO asthis and «index » as the argument values.

      5. Letdesc be a newly createdProperty Descriptor with no fields.

      6. Setdesc.[[Value]] to the result ofconvertingvalue to a JavaScript value.

      7. IfOimplements an interface with anindexed property setter, then setdesc.[[Writable]] totrue, otherwise set it tofalse.

      8. Setdesc.[[Enumerable]] anddesc.[[Configurable]] totrue.

      9. Returndesc.

    3. SetignoreNamedProps to true.

  2. IfOsupports named properties andignoreNamedProps is false, then:

    1. If the result of running thenamed property visibility algorithm withproperty nameP and objectO is true, then:

      1. Letoperation be the operation used to declare the named property getter.

      2. Letvalue be an uninitialized variable.

      3. Ifoperation was defined without anidentifier, thensetvalue to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface description todetermine the value of a named property withP as the name.

      4. Otherwise,operation was defined with an identifier. Setvalue to the resultof performing themethod steps ofoperation withO asthis and «P »as the argument values.

      5. Letdesc be a newly createdProperty Descriptor with no fields.

      6. Setdesc.[[Value]] to the result ofconvertingvalue to a JavaScript value.

      7. IfOimplements an interface with anamed property setter, then setdesc.[[Writable]] totrue, otherwise set it tofalse.

      8. IfOimplements an interface with the[LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]extended attribute,then setdesc.[[Enumerable]] tofalse,otherwise set it totrue.

      9. Setdesc.[[Configurable]] totrue.

      10. Returndesc.

  3. ReturnOrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O,P).

3.10.Observable array exotic objects

Anobservable array exotic object is a specific type of JavaScriptProxy exotic object which is created using the proxy traps defined in this section. They aredefined in this manner because the JavaScript specification includes special treatment forProxy exotic objects that haveArray instances as their proxy target, and we wantto ensure thatobservable array types are exposed to JavaScript code with this special treatmentintact.

The proxy traps used by observable array exotic objects work to ensure a number of invariants beyondthose of normalArray instances:

Tocreate an observable array exotic object in arealmrealm, given Web IDL typeT and algorithmssetAlgorithm anddeleteAlgorithm:
  1. LetinnerArray be!ArrayCreate(0).

  2. Lethandler beOrdinaryObjectCreate(null,« [[Type]], [[SetAlgorithm]], [[DeleteAlgorithm]], [[BackingList]] »).

  3. Sethandler.[[Type]] toT.

  4. Sethandler.[[SetAlgorithm]] tosetAlgorithm.

  5. Sethandler.[[DeleteAlgorithm]] todeleteAlgorithm.

  6. LetdefineProperty beCreateBuiltinFunction(the steps from§ 3.10.1 defineProperty, « »,realm).

  7. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(handler, "defineProperty",defineProperty).

  8. LetdeleteProperty beCreateBuiltinFunction(the steps from§ 3.10.2 deleteProperty, « »,realm).

  9. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(handler, "deleteProperty",deleteProperty).

  10. Letget beCreateBuiltinFunction(the steps from§ 3.10.3 get, « »,realm).

  11. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(handler, "get",get).

  12. LetgetOwnPropertyDescriptor beCreateBuiltinFunction(the steps from§ 3.10.4 getOwnPropertyDescriptor, « »,realm).

  13. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(handler, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor",getOwnPropertyDescriptor).

  14. Lethas beCreateBuiltinFunction(the steps from§ 3.10.5 has, « »,realm).

  15. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(handler, "has",has).

  16. LetownKeys beCreateBuiltinFunction(the steps from§ 3.10.6 ownKeys, « »,realm).

  17. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(handler, "ownKeys",ownKeys).

  18. LetpreventExtensions beCreateBuiltinFunction(the steps from§ 3.10.7 preventExtensions, « »,realm).

  19. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(handler, "preventExtensions",preventExtensions).

  20. Letset beCreateBuiltinFunction(the steps from§ 3.10.8 set, « »,realm).

  21. Perform!CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(handler, "set",set).

  22. Return!ProxyCreate(innerArray,handler).


The steps for thedefineProperty proxy trap forobservable array exotic objects, givenO,P, anddescriptorObj are as follows:
  1. Lethandler be thethis value.

  2. Letdescriptor be!ToPropertyDescriptor(descriptorObj).

  3. IfP is "length", then:

    1. IfIsAccessorDescriptor(descriptor) istrue, then returnfalse.

    2. Ifdescriptor.[[Configurable]] is present and has the valuetrue,then returnfalse.

    3. Ifdescriptor.[[Enumerable]] is present and has the valuetrue,then returnfalse.

    4. Ifdescriptor.[[Writable]] is present and has the valuefalse,then returnfalse.

    5. Ifdescriptor.[[Value]] is present, then return the result ofsetting the length givenhandler anddescriptor.[[Value]].

    6. Returntrue.

  4. IfPis an array index, then:

    1. IfIsAccessorDescriptor(descriptor) istrue, then returnfalse.

    2. Ifdescriptor.[[Configurable]] is present and has the valuefalse,then returnfalse.

    3. Ifdescriptor.[[Enumerable]] is present and has the valuefalse,then returnfalse.

    4. Ifdescriptor.[[Writable]] is present and has the valuefalse,then returnfalse.

    5. Ifdescriptor.[[Value]] is present, then return the result ofsetting the indexed value givenhandler,P, anddescriptor.[[Value]].

    6. Returntrue.

  5. Return?O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P,descriptor).


The steps for thedeleteProperty proxy trap forobservable array exotic objects, givenO andP, are as follows:
  1. Lethandler be thethis value.

  2. IfP is "length", then returnfalse.

  3. IfPis an array index, then:

    1. LetoldLen behandler.[[BackingList]]'ssize.

    2. Letindex be!ToUint32(P).

    3. IfindexoldLen − 1, then returnfalse.

    4. Perform the algorithm steps given byhandler.[[DeleteAlgorithm]], givenhandler.[[BackingList]][index] andindex.

    5. Remove the last item fromhandler.[[BackingList]].

    6. Returntrue.

  4. Return?O.[[Delete]](P).


The steps for theget proxy trap forobservable array exotic objects, givenO,P, andReceiver, are as follows:
  1. Lethandler be thethis value.

  2. Letlength behandler.[[BackingList]]'ssize.

  3. IfP is "length", then returnlength.

  4. IfPis an array index, then:

    1. Letindex be!ToUint32(P).

    2. Ifindexlength, then returnundefined.

    3. LetjsValue be the result ofconvertinghandler.[[BackingList]][index] to a JavaScript value.

    4. Assert: the above step never throws an exception.

    5. ReturnjsValue.

  5. Return?O.[[Get]](P,Receiver).


The steps for thegetOwnPropertyDescriptor proxy trap forobservable array exotic objects, givenO andP, are as follows:
  1. Lethandler be thethis value.

  2. Letlength behandler.[[BackingList]]'ssize.

  3. IfP is "length", then return!FromPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor{[[Configurable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false, [[Writable]]:true,[[Value]]:length }).

  4. IfPis an array index, then

    1. Letindex be!ToUint32(P).

    2. Ifindexlength, then returnundefined.

    3. LetjsValue be the result ofconvertinghandler.[[BackingList]][index] to a JavaScript value.

    4. Assert: the above step never throws an exception.

    5. ReturnFromPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor{[[Configurable]]:true, [[Enumerable]]:true, [[Writable]]:true, [[Value]]:jsValue }).

  5. ReturnFromPropertyDescriptor(?O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P)).


The steps for thehas proxy trap forobservable array exotic objects, givenO andP, are as follows:
  1. Lethandler be thethis value.

  2. IfP is "length", then returntrue.

  3. IfPis an array index, then:

    1. Letindex be!ToUint32(P).

    2. Ifindex <handler.[[BackingList]]'ssize, then returntrue.

    3. Returnfalse.

  4. Return?O.[[HasProperty]](P).


The steps for theownKeys proxy trap forobservable array exotic objects, givenO, are as follows:
  1. Lethandler be thethis value.

  2. Letlength behandler.[[BackingList]]'ssize.

  3. Letkeys be an emptylist.

  4. Leti be 0.

  5. Whilei <length:

    1. Append!ToString(i) tokeys.

    2. Seti toi + 1.

  6. Extendkeys with!O.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().

  7. ReturnCreateArrayFromList(keys).


The steps for thepreventExtensions proxy trap forobservable array exotic objects are as follows:
  1. Returnfalse.


The steps for theset proxy trap forobservable array exotic objects, givenO,P,V, andReceiver, are as follows:
  1. Lethandler be thethis value.

  2. IfP is "length", then return the result ofsetting the length givenhandler andV.

  3. IfPis an array index, then return the result ofsetting the indexed value givenhandler,P, andV.

  4. Return?O.[[Set]](P,V,Receiver).

3.10.9.Abstract operations

Toset the length of an observable array exotic object givenhandler andnewLen:
  1. Letuint32Len be?ToUint32(newLen).

  2. LetnumberLen be?ToNumber(newLen).

  3. Ifuint32LennumberLen, then throw aRangeError exception.

  4. LetoldLen behandler.[[BackingList]]'ssize.

  5. Ifuint32Len >oldLen, then returnfalse.

  6. LetindexToDelete beoldLen − 1.

  7. WhileindexToDeleteuint32Len:

    1. Perform the algorithm steps given byhandler.[[DeleteAlgorithm]], givenhandler.[[BackingList]][indexToDelete] andindexToDelete.

    2. Remove the last item fromhandler.[[BackingList]].

    3. SetindexToDelete toindexToDelete − 1.

  8. Returntrue.

Toset the indexed value of an observable array exotic object givenhandler,P, andV:
  1. LetoldLen behandler.[[BackingList]]'ssize.

  2. Letindex be!ToUint32(P).

  3. Ifindex >oldLen, returnfalse.

  4. LetidlValue be the result ofconvertingV to the type given byhandler.[[Type]].

  5. Ifindex <oldLen, then:

    1. Perform the algorithm steps given byhandler.[[DeleteAlgorithm]], givenhandler.[[BackingList]][index] andindex.

  6. Perform the algorithm steps given byhandler.[[SetAlgorithm]], givenidlValue andindex.

  7. Ifindex =oldLen, thenappendidlValue tohandler.[[BackingList]].

  8. Otherwise, sethandler.[[BackingList]][index] toidlValue.

  9. Returntrue.

3.11.Callback interfaces

As described in§ 2.12 Objects implementing interfaces,callback interfaces can beimplemented in script by any JavaScript object.The following cases explain how acallback interface’soperation is invoked on a givenobject:

Note that JavaScript objects need not haveproperties corresponding toconstants on them to be considered asimplementingcallback interfaces that happento have constants declared on them.

AWeb IDL arguments list is alist of values each of which is either an IDL value orthe special value “missing”, which represents a missing optional argument.

Toconvert a Web IDL arguments list to a JavaScript arguments list, given aWeb IDL arguments listargs, perform the following steps:
  1. LetjsArgs be an emptylist.

  2. Leti be 0.

  3. Letcount be 0.

  4. Whilei <args’ssize:

    1. Ifargs[i] is the special value “missing”, thenappendundefined tojsArgs.

    2. Otherwise,args[i] is an IDL value:

      1. LetconvertResult be the result ofconvertingargs[i] to a JavaScript value. Rethrow any exceptions.

      2. AppendconvertResult tojsArgs.

      3. Setcount toi + 1.

    3. Seti toi + 1.

  5. TruncatejsArgs to containcount items.

  6. ReturnjsArgs.

Tocall a user object’s operation, given acallback interface type valuevalue, operation nameopName,Web IDL arguments listargs, and optionalcallback this valuethisArg, perform the following steps. These steps will either return an IDL value or throw an exception.

  1. Letcompletion be an uninitialized variable.

  2. IfthisArg was not given, letthisArg beundefined.

  3. LetO be the JavaScript object corresponding tovalue.

  4. Letrealm beO’sassociated realm.

  5. Letrelevant settings berealm’ssettings object.

  6. Letstored settings bevalue’scallback context.

  7. Prepare to run script withrelevant settings.

  8. Prepare to run a callback withstored settings.

  9. LetX beO.

  10. IfIsCallable(O) is false, then:

    1. LetgetResult beCompletion(Get(O,opName)).

    2. IfgetResult is anabrupt completion, setcompletion togetResult and jump to the step labeledreturn.

    3. SetX togetResult.[[Value]].

    4. IfIsCallable(X) isfalse,then setcompletion toCompletion Record { [[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: anewly createdTypeError object, [[Target]]: empty }, and jumpto the step labeledreturn.

    5. SetthisArg toO (overriding the provided value).

  11. LetjsArgs be the result ofconvertingargs to a JavaScriptarguments list. If this throws an exception, setcompletion to the completion valuerepresenting the thrown exception and jump to the step labeledreturn.

  12. LetcallResult beCompletion(Call(X,thisArg,jsArgs)).

  13. IfcallResult is anabrupt completion, setcompletion tocallResult and jump to the step labeledreturn.

  14. Setcompletion to the result ofconvertingcallResult.[[Value]] to an IDL value of the same type as the operation’sreturn type. If this throws an exception, setcompletion to the completion valuerepresenting the thrown exception.

  15. Return: at thispointcompletion will be set to an IDL value or anabrupt completion.

    1. Clean up after running a callback withstored settings.

    2. Clean up after running script withrelevant settings.

    3. Ifcompletion is an IDL value, returncompletion.

    4. Ifcompletion is anabrupt completion and the operation has areturn type that isnot apromise type, throwcompletion.[[Value]].

    5. LetrejectedPromise be!Call(%Promise.reject%,%Promise%, «completion.[[Value]]»).

    6. Return the result ofconvertingrejectedPromise to the operation’s return type.

3.11.1.Legacy callback interface object

For everycallback interface that isexposed ina givenrealm and on whichconstants are defined,a corresponding property exists on therealm’sglobal object.The name of the property is theidentifier of thecallback interface,and its value is an object called thelegacy callback interface object.

Thelegacy callback interface object for a givencallback interface is abuilt-in function object.It has properties that correspond to theconstants defined on that interface,as described in sections§ 3.7.5 Constants.

Note: Since alegacy callback interface object is afunction object thetypeof operator will return "function"when applied to alegacy callback interface object.

Thelegacy callback interface object for a givencallback interfaceinterface withidentifierid and inrealmrealm iscreated as follows:

  1. Letsteps be the following steps:

    1. Throw aTypeError.

  2. LetF beCreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « »,realm).

  3. PerformSetFunctionName(F,id).

  4. PerformSetFunctionLength(F, 0).

  5. Define the constants ofinterface onF givenrealm.

  6. ReturnF.

3.12.Invoking callback functions

A JavaScriptcallable object that is beingused as acallback function value iscalled in a manner similar to howoperations oncallback interface values are called (asdescribed in the previous section).

Toinvoke acallback function type valuecallable with aWeb IDL arguments listargs, exception behaviorexceptionBehavior (either "report" or "rethrow"), and an optionalcallback this valuethisArg, perform the following steps. These steps will either return an IDL value or throw an exception.

TheexceptionBehavior argument must be supplied if, and only if,callable’sreturn type is not apromise type. Ifcallable’s return type is neitherundefined norany, it must be "rethrow".

Until call sites are updated to respect this, specifications which fail to provide a value here when it would be mandatory should be understood as supplying "rethrow".
  1. Letcompletion be an uninitialized variable.

  2. IfthisArg was not given, letthisArg beundefined.

  3. LetF be the JavaScript object corresponding tocallable.

  4. IfIsCallable(F) isfalse:

    1. Note: This is only possible when thecallback function came from an attributemarked with [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull].

    2. Return the result ofconvertingundefined to the callback function’s return type.

  5. Letrealm beF’sassociated realm.

  6. Letrelevant settings berealm’ssettings object.

  7. Letstored settings becallable’scallback context.

  8. Prepare to run script withrelevant settings.

  9. Prepare to run a callback withstored settings.

  10. LetjsArgs be the result ofconvertingargs to a JavaScriptarguments list. If this throws an exception, setcompletion to the completion valuerepresenting the thrown exception and jump to the step labeledreturn.

  11. LetcallResult beCompletion(Call(F,thisArg,jsArgs)).

  12. IfcallResult is anabrupt completion, setcompletion tocallResult and jump to the step labeledreturn.

  13. Setcompletion to the result ofconvertingcallResult.[[Value]] to an IDL value of the same type ascallable’sreturn type. If this throws an exception, setcompletion to the completion valuerepresenting the thrown exception.

  14. Return: at thispointcompletion will be set to an IDL value or anabrupt completion.

    1. Clean up after running a callback withstored settings.

    2. Clean up after running script withrelevant settings.

    3. Ifcompletion is an IDL value, returncompletion.

    4. Assert:completion is anabrupt completion.

    5. IfexceptionBehavior is "rethrow", throwcompletion.[[Value]].

    6. Otherwise, ifexceptionBehavior is "report":

      1. Assert:callable’sreturn type isundefined orany.

      2. Report an exceptioncompletion.[[Value]] forrealm’sglobal object.

      3. Return the uniqueundefined IDL value.

    7. Assert:callable’sreturn type is apromise type.

    8. LetrejectedPromise be!Call(%Promise.reject%,%Promise%, «completion.[[Value]]»).

    9. Return the result ofconvertingrejectedPromise to the callback function’s return type.

Some callback functions are instead used asconstructors. Such callback functions must not havea return type that is apromise type.

Toconstruct acallback function type valuecallable with aWeb IDL arguments listargs, perform the following steps. These steps will either return an IDL value or throw an exception.

  1. Letcompletion be an uninitialized variable.

  2. LetF be the JavaScript object corresponding tocallable.

  3. IfIsConstructor(F) isfalse, throw aTypeError exception.

  4. Letrealm beF’sassociated realm.

  5. Letrelevant settings berealm’ssettings object.

  6. Letstored settings becallable’scallback context.

  7. Prepare to run script withrelevant settings.

  8. Prepare to run a callback withstored settings.

  9. LetjsArgs be the result ofconvertingargs to a JavaScriptarguments list. If this throws an exception, setcompletion to the completion valuerepresenting the thrown exception and jump to the step labeledreturn.

  10. LetcallResult beCompletion(Construct(F,jsArgs)).

  11. IfcallResult is anabrupt completion, setcompletion tocallResult and jump to the step labeledreturn.

  12. Setcompletion to the result ofconvertingcallResult.[[Value]] to an IDL value of the same type ascallable’sreturn type. If this throws an exception, setcompletion to the completion valuerepresenting the thrown exception.

  13. Return: at thispointcompletion will be set to an IDL value or anabrupt completion.

    1. Clean up after running a callback withstored settings.

    2. Clean up after running script withrelevant settings.

    3. Ifcompletion is anabrupt completion, throwcompletion.[[Value]].

    4. Returncompletion.


For everynamespace that isexposed in a givenrealm,a corresponding property exists on therealm’sglobal object.The name of the property is theidentifier of the namespace, and its value is an objectcalled thenamespace object.

The characteristics of a namespace object are described in§ 3.13.1 Namespace object.

3.13.1.Namespace object

The namespace object for a givennamespacenamespace andrealmrealm iscreated as follows:

  1. LetnamespaceObject beOrdinaryObjectCreate(realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Object.prototype%]]).

  2. Define the regular attributes ofnamespace onnamespaceObject givenrealm.

  3. Define the regular operations ofnamespace onnamespaceObject givenrealm.

  4. Define the constants ofnamespace onnamespaceObject givenrealm.

  5. For eachexposedinterfaceinterface which has the [LegacyNamespace] extendedattribute with the identifier ofnamespace as its argument,

    1. Letid beinterface’sidentifier.

    2. LetinterfaceObject be the result ofcreating aninterface object forinterface withid inrealm.

    3. PerformDefineMethodProperty(namespaceObject,id,interfaceObject, false).

  6. ReturnnamespaceObject.

Theclass string of anamespace object is thenamespace’sidentifier.


3.14.1.DOMException custom bindings

In the JavaScript binding, theinterface prototype object forDOMException has its [[Prototype]]internal slot set to the intrinsic object%Error.prototype%,as defined in thecreate an interface prototype object abstract operation.It also has an [[ErrorData]] slot, like all built-in exceptions.

Additionally, if an implementation gives nativeError objects special powers ornonstandard properties (such as astack property),it should also expose those onDOMException objects.

3.14.2.Exception objects

Simple exceptions are representedby native JavaScript objects of the corresponding type.

ADOMException is represented by aplatform object that implements theDOMException interface.

3.14.3.Creating and throwing exceptions

Tocreate asimple exception of typeT:
  1. Letmessage be animplementation-defined message appropriate for the exceptionalsituation. The calling specification may contain information to to help implementationsconstruct this message.

    Implementations need to be cautious not to leak sensitive or secured information whenconstructing this message, e.g., by including the URL of a cross-origin frame, orinformation which could identify the user.

  2. Letargs be «message ».

  3. Letconstructor becurrent realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%T%]].

  4. Return!Construct(constructor,args).

Tocreate aDOMException given a stringname:
  1. Assert:name appears in theDOMException names table.

  2. Letex be anewDOMException created in thecurrent realm.

  3. Setex’sname toname.

  4. Setex’smessage to animplementation-defined message appropriate forthe exceptional situation. The calling specification may contain information to to helpimplementations construct this message.

    Implementations need to be cautious not to leak sensitive or secured information whenconstructing this message, e.g., by including the URL of a cross-origin frame, orinformation which could identify the user.

  5. Returnex.

Tocreate aDOMException derived interface given theinterfaceidentifiertype and additional initialization instructions:
  1. Letex be anew instance of theinterface identified bytype, created in thecurrent realm.

  2. Setex’sname totype.

  3. Setex’smessage to animplementation-defined message appropriate forthe exceptional situation. The calling specification may contain information to to helpimplementations construct this message.

    Implementations need to be cautious not to leak sensitive or secured information whenconstructing this message, e.g., by including the URL of a cross-origin frame, orinformation which could identify the user.

  4. Perform any additional initialization onex as described by the caller.

  5. Returnex.

Tothrow anexception:
  1. LetO be the result ofcreating an exception with the samearguments.

  2. ThrowO.

The above algorithms restrictobjects representing exceptions propagating out of afunction object to be ones that are associated with therealm of thatfunction object (i.e., thecurrent realm at the time the function executes). For example, consider the IDL:

[Exposed=Window]interfaceMathUtils {  // If x is negative, throws a "NotSupportedError"DOMException.doublecomputeSquareRoot(doublex);};

If we applycomputeSquareRoot to aMathUtils object from a differentrealm, then the exception thrown will be from therealm of the method, not the object it is applied to:

const myMU= window.getMathUtils();// A MathUtils object from this realmconst otherMU= otherWindow.getMathUtils();// A MathUtils object from a different realmmyMUinstanceof Object;// Evaluates to true.otherMUinstanceof Object;// Evaluates to false.otherMUinstanceof otherWindow.Object;// Evaluates to true.try{,-1);}catch(e){  console.assert(!(einstanceof DOMException));  console.assert(einstanceof otherWindow.DOMException);}

3.14.4.Handling exceptions

Unless specified otherwise,whenever JavaScript runtime semantics are invoked dueto requirements in this document andend due to an exception being thrown, that exceptionmust propagate to the caller, and ifnot caught there, to its caller, and so on.

PerDocument conventions, an algorithm specified in this document may intercept thrown exceptions, either by specifyingthe exact steps to take ifan exception was thrown, or by explicitly handlingabrupt completions.

The followingIDL fragment defines twointerfaces and anexception. ThevalueOf attribute onExceptionThrower is defined to throw an exception whenever an attempt is made to get its value.

[Exposed=Window]interfaceDahut {attributeDOMStringtype;};[Exposed=Window]interfaceExceptionThrower {  // This attribute always throws a NotSupportedError and never returns a value.attributelongvalueOf;};

Assuming a JavaScript implementation supporting this interface, the following code demonstrates how exceptions are handled:

var d= getDahut();// Obtain an instance of Dahut.var et= getExceptionThrower();// Obtain an instance of ExceptionThrower.try{  d.type={ toString:function(){throw"abc";}};}catch(e){// The string "abc" is caught here, since as part of the conversion// from the native object to a string, the anonymous function// was invoked, and none of the [[DefaultValue]], ToPrimitive or// ToString algorithms are defined to catch the exception.}try{  d.type={ toString:{}};}catch(e){// An exception is caught here, since an attempt is made to invoke// [[Call]] on the native object that is the value of toString// property.}try{  d.type= Symbol();}catch(e){// An exception is caught here, since an attempt is made to invoke// the JavaScript ToString abstract operation on a Symbol value.}d.type= et;// An uncaught "NotSupportedError" DOMException is thrown here, since the// [[DefaultValue]] algorithm attempts to get the value of the// "valueOf" property on the ExceptionThrower object.  The exception// propagates out of this block of code.

4.Common definitions

This section specifies some common definitions that allconforming implementations must support.


typedef (Int8ArrayorInt16ArrayorInt32ArrayorUint8ArrayorUint16ArrayorUint32ArrayorUint8ClampedArrayorBigInt64ArrayorBigUint64ArrayorFloat16ArrayorFloat32ArrayorFloat64ArrayorDataView)ArrayBufferView;

TheArrayBufferView typedef is used to representobjects that provide a view on to anArrayBuffer orSharedArrayBuffer (when [AllowShared] is used).


typedef (ArrayBufferVieworArrayBuffer)BufferSource;

TheBufferSource typedef is used to represent objectsthat are either themselves anArrayBuffer or whichprovide a view on to anArrayBuffer.

Note: [AllowShared] cannot be used withBufferSource asArrayBuffer does not support it.UseAllowSharedBufferSource instead.


typedef (ArrayBufferorSharedArrayBufferor [AllowShared]ArrayBufferView)AllowSharedBufferSource;

TheAllowSharedBufferSource typedef is used to represent objectsthat are either themselves anArrayBuffer orSharedArrayBuffer or whichprovide a view on to anArrayBuffer orSharedArrayBuffer.


TheDOMException type is aninterface type defined by the following IDLfragment:

[Exposed=*,Serializable]interfaceDOMException { // but see below note about JavaScript bindingconstructor(optionalDOMStringmessage = "",optionalDOMStringname = "Error");readonlyattributeDOMStringname;readonlyattributeDOMStringmessage;readonlyattributeunsignedshortcode;constunsignedshortINDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1;constunsignedshortDOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = 2;constunsignedshortHIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3;constunsignedshortWRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4;constunsignedshortINVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5;constunsignedshortNO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = 6;constunsignedshortNO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7;constunsignedshortNOT_FOUND_ERR = 8;constunsignedshortNOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9;constunsignedshortINUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = 10;constunsignedshortINVALID_STATE_ERR = 11;constunsignedshortSYNTAX_ERR = 12;constunsignedshortINVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13;constunsignedshortNAMESPACE_ERR = 14;constunsignedshortINVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15;constunsignedshortVALIDATION_ERR = 16;constunsignedshortTYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17;constunsignedshortSECURITY_ERR = 18;constunsignedshortNETWORK_ERR = 19;constunsignedshortABORT_ERR = 20;constunsignedshortURL_MISMATCH_ERR = 21;constunsignedshortQUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 22;constunsignedshortTIMEOUT_ERR = 23;constunsignedshortINVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR = 24;constunsignedshortDATA_CLONE_ERR = 25;};

Note: as discussed in§ 3.14.1 DOMException custom bindings, the JavaScript binding imposes additionalrequirements beyond the normal ones forinterface types.

EachDOMException object has an associatedname andmessage, bothstrings.

Thenew DOMException(message,name) constructor steps are:

  1. Setthis’sname toname.

  2. Setthis’smessage tomessage.

Thename getter steps are to returnthis’sname.

Themessage getter steps are toreturnthis’smessage.

Thecode getter steps are to return the legacycode indicated in theDOMException names table forthis’sname, or 0 if no such entry exists in the table.

DOMException objects areserializable objects.

Theirserialization steps, givenvalue andserialized, are:

  1. Setserialized.[[Name]] tovalue’sname.
  2. Setserialized.[[Message]] tovalue’smessage.
  3. User agents should attach a serialized representation of any interesting accompanying data which are not yet specified, notably thestack property, toserialized.

Theirdeserialization steps, givenvalue andserialized, are:

  1. Setvalue’sname toserialized.[[Name]].
  2. Setvalue’smessage toserialized.[[Message]].
  3. If any other data is attached toserialized, then deserialize and attach it tovalue.


callbackFunction =any (any...arguments);

TheFunctioncallback function type is used for representing function values with no restriction on what argumentsare passed to it or what kind of value is returned from it.


callbackVoidFunction =undefined ();

TheVoidFunctioncallback function type is used for representing function values that take no arguments and do notreturn any value.


This section is informative.

Extensions to language binding requirements can be specifiedusingextended attributes that do not conflict with those defined in this document. Extensions forprivate, project-specific use ought not be included inIDL fragments appearing in other specifications. It is recommended that extensionsthat are required for use in other specifications be coordinatedwith the group responsible for work onWeb IDL, whichat the time of writing is theW3C Web Platform Working Group,for possible inclusion in a future version of this document.

Extensions to any other aspect of the IDL language arestrongly discouraged.

6.Legacy constructs

This section is informative.

Legacy Web IDL constructs exist only so thatlegacy Web platform features can be specified.They are generally prefixed with the "Legacy" string.It is strongly discouraged to use legacy Web IDL constructs in specificationsunless required to specify the behavior of legacy Web platform features,or for consistency with such features.Editors who wish to use legacy Web IDL constructs are strongly advised to discuss thisbyfiling an issue before proceeding.

Marking a construct as legacy does not, in itself,imply that it is about to be removed from this specification.It does suggest however, that it is a good candidatefor future removal from this specification,whenever various heuristics indicate thatthe Web platform features it helps specify can be removed altogetheror can be modified to rely on non-legacy Web IDL constructs instead.

7.Referencing this specification

This section is informative.

It is expected that other specifications that define Web platform interfacesusing one or moreIDL fragments will reference this specification. It is suggestedthat those specifications include a sentence such as the following,to indicate that the IDL is to be interpreted as described in thisspecification:

The IDL fragment in Appendix A of this specification must, in conjunction with the IDL fragments defined in this specification’s normative references, be interpreted as required forconforming sets of IDL fragments, as described in the “Web IDL” specification. [WEBIDL]

In addition, it is suggested that the conformance class for useragents in referencing specifications be linked to theconforming implementation class from this specification:

A conforming FooML user agent must also be aconforming implementation of the IDL fragment in Appendix A of this specification, as described in the “Web IDL” specification. [WEBIDL]

8.Privacy and Security Considerations

This specification defines a conversion layer between JavaScript and IDL values. An incorrectimplementation of this layer can lead to security issues.

This specification also provides the ability to use JavaScript values directly, through theany andobject IDL types. These values need to be handled carefully to avoid securityissues. In particular, user script can run in response to nearly any manipulation of these values,and invalidate the expectations of specifications or implementations using them.

This specification makes it possible to interact withSharedArrayBuffer objects, which can beused to build timing attacks. Specifications that use these objects need to consider such attacks.


This section is informative.

The editors would like to thank the following people for contributingto this specification:Glenn Adams,David Andersson,Jake Archibald,Tab Atkins-Bittner,L. David Baron,Art Barstow,Nils Barth,Robin Berjon,David Bruant,Jan-Ivar Bruaroey,Marcos Cáceres,Giovanni Campagna,François Daoust,Domenic Denicola,Chris Dumez,Michael Dyck,Daniel Ehrenberg,Brendan Eich,João Eiras,Gorm Haug Eriksen,Sigbjorn Finne,David Flanagan,Aryeh Gregor,Dimitry Golubovsky,James Graham,Aryeh Gregor,Tiancheng “Timothy” Gu,Kartikaya Gupta,Marcin Hanclik,Jed Hartman,Stefan Haustein,Dominique Hazaël-Massieux,Ian Hickson,Björn Höhrmann,Kyle Huey,Lachlan Hunt,Oliver Hunt,Jim Jewett,Wolfgang Keller,Anne van Kesteren,Olav Junker Kjær,Takayoshi Kochi,Magnus Kristiansen,Raphael Kubo da Costa,Takeshi Kurosawa,Yves Lafon,Travis Leithead,Jim Ley,Kevin Lindsey,Jens Lindström,Peter Linss,呂康豪 (Kang-Hao Lu),Kyle Machulis,Darien Maillet Valentine,Mark Miller,Ms2ger,Andrew Oakley,岡坂 史紀 (Shiki Okasaka),Jason Orendorff,Olli Pettay,Simon Pieters,Andrei Popescu,François Remy,Tim Renouf,Jeremy Roman,Tim Ruffles,Alex Russell,Takashi Sakamoto,Doug Schepers,Jonas Sicking,Garrett Smith,Sam Sneddon,Jungkee Song,Josh Soref,Maciej Stachowiak,Austin Sullivan,Anton Tayanovskyy,triple-underscore,Peter Van der Beken,Jeff Walden,Allen Wirfs-Brock,Jeffrey Yasskin and,Collin Xu.

Special thanks also go to Sam Weinig for maintaining this documentwhile the editor was unavailable to do so.

This standard is written by Edgar Chen (Mozilla, and Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu( with substantial contributions fromBoris Zbarsky (,Cameron McCormack (,andTobie Langel (

IDL grammar

This section defines an LL(1) grammar whose start symbol,Definitions, matches an entireIDL fragment.

Each production in the grammar has on its right hand side either anon-zero sequence of terminal and non-terminal symbols, or anepsilon (ε) which indicates no symbols.Symbols that begin with an uppercase letter are non-terminal symbols.Symbols in monospaced fonts are terminal symbols.Symbols in sans-serif font that begin with a lowercase letter are terminalsymbols that are matched by the regular expressions (using Perl 5 regularexpression syntax[PERLRE]) as follows:

whitespace=/[\t\n\r ]+/
other=/[^\t\n\r 0-9A-Za-z]/

The tokenizer operates on a sequence ofscalar values.When tokenizing, the longest possible match must be used. For example, if the inputtext is “a1”, it is tokenized as a singleidentifier,and not as a separateidentifier andinteger.If the longest possible match could match one of the above named terminal symbols orone of the other terminal symbols from the grammar, it must be tokenized as the latter.Thus, the input text “long” is tokenized as the terminal symbollong rather than anidentifier called "long",and “.” is tokenized as the terminal symbol. rather than another.

The IDL syntax is case sensitive, both for the monospaced terminal symbolsused in the grammar and the values used foridentifier terminals. Thus, forexample, the input text “Const” is tokenized asanidentifier rather than theterminal symbolconst, aninterface withidentifier "A" is distinct from one named "a", and anextended attribute [legacyfactoryfunction] will not be recognized asthe [LegacyFactoryFunction]extended attribute.

Implicitly, any number ofwhitespace andcomment terminals are allowed between every other terminalin the input text being parsed. Suchwhitespace andcomment terminals are ignored while parsing.

The following LL(1) grammar, starting withDefinitions,matches anIDL fragment:

Definitions ::ExtendedAttributeListDefinitionDefinitions    εDefinition ::CallbackOrInterfaceOrMixinNamespacePartialDictionaryEnumTypedefIncludesStatementArgumentNameKeyword ::asyncattributecallbackconstconstructordeleterdictionaryenumgetterincludesinheritinterfaceiterablemaplikemixinnamespacepartialreadonlyrequiredsetlikesetterstaticstringifiertypedefunrestrictedCallbackOrInterfaceOrMixin ::callbackCallbackRestOrInterfaceinterfaceInterfaceOrMixinInterfaceOrMixin ::InterfaceRestMixinRestInterfaceRest ::identifierInheritance{InterfaceMembers};Partial ::partialPartialDefinitionPartialDefinition ::interfacePartialInterfaceOrPartialMixinPartialDictionaryNamespacePartialInterfaceOrPartialMixin ::PartialInterfaceRestMixinRestPartialInterfaceRest ::identifier{PartialInterfaceMembers};InterfaceMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListInterfaceMemberInterfaceMembers    εInterfaceMember ::PartialInterfaceMemberConstructorPartialInterfaceMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListPartialInterfaceMemberPartialInterfaceMembers    εPartialInterfaceMember ::ConstOperationStringifierStaticMemberIterableAsyncIterableReadOnlyMemberReadWriteAttributeReadWriteMaplikeReadWriteSetlikeInheritAttributeInheritance :::identifier    εMixinRest ::mixinidentifier{MixinMembers};MixinMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListMixinMemberMixinMembers    εMixinMember ::ConstRegularOperationStringifierOptionalReadOnlyAttributeRestIncludesStatement ::identifierincludesidentifier;CallbackRestOrInterface ::CallbackRestinterfaceidentifier{CallbackInterfaceMembers};CallbackInterfaceMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListCallbackInterfaceMemberCallbackInterfaceMembers    εCallbackInterfaceMember ::ConstRegularOperationConst ::constConstTypeidentifier=ConstValue;ConstValue ::BooleanLiteralFloatLiteralintegerBooleanLiteral ::truefalseFloatLiteral ::decimal-InfinityInfinityNaNConstType ::PrimitiveTypeidentifierReadOnlyMember ::readonlyReadOnlyMemberRestReadOnlyMemberRest ::AttributeRestMaplikeRestSetlikeRestReadWriteAttribute ::AttributeRestInheritAttribute ::inheritAttributeRestAttributeRest ::attributeTypeWithExtendedAttributesAttributeName;AttributeName ::AttributeNameKeywordidentifierAttributeNameKeyword ::asyncrequiredOptionalReadOnly ::readonly    εDefaultValue ::ConstValuestring[]{}nullundefinedOperation ::RegularOperationSpecialOperationRegularOperation ::TypeOperationRestSpecialOperation ::SpecialRegularOperationSpecial ::gettersetterdeleterOperationRest ::OptionalOperationName(ArgumentList);OptionalOperationName ::OperationName    εOperationName ::OperationNameKeywordidentifierOperationNameKeyword ::includesArgumentList ::ArgumentArguments    εArguments ::,ArgumentArguments    εArgument ::ExtendedAttributeListArgumentRestArgumentRest ::optionalTypeWithExtendedAttributesArgumentNameDefaultTypeEllipsisArgumentNameArgumentName ::ArgumentNameKeywordidentifierEllipsis ::...    εConstructor ::constructor(ArgumentList);Stringifier ::stringifierStringifierRestStringifierRest ::OptionalReadOnlyAttributeRest;StaticMember ::staticStaticMemberRestStaticMemberRest ::OptionalReadOnlyAttributeRestRegularOperationIterable ::iterable<TypeWithExtendedAttributesOptionalType>;OptionalType ::,TypeWithExtendedAttributes    εAsyncIterable ::asynciterable<TypeWithExtendedAttributesOptionalType>OptionalArgumentList;OptionalArgumentList ::(ArgumentList)    εReadWriteMaplike ::MaplikeRestMaplikeRest ::maplike<TypeWithExtendedAttributes,TypeWithExtendedAttributes>;ReadWriteSetlike ::SetlikeRestSetlikeRest ::setlike<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>;Namespace ::namespaceidentifier{NamespaceMembers};NamespaceMembers ::ExtendedAttributeListNamespaceMemberNamespaceMembers    εNamespaceMember ::RegularOperationreadonlyAttributeRestConstDictionary ::dictionaryidentifierInheritance{DictionaryMembers};DictionaryMembers ::DictionaryMemberDictionaryMembers    εDictionaryMember ::ExtendedAttributeListDictionaryMemberRestDictionaryMemberRest ::requiredTypeWithExtendedAttributesidentifier;TypeidentifierDefault;PartialDictionary ::dictionaryidentifier{DictionaryMembers};Default ::=DefaultValue    εEnum ::enumidentifier{EnumValueList};EnumValueList ::stringEnumValueListCommaEnumValueListComma ::,EnumValueListString    εEnumValueListString ::stringEnumValueListComma    εCallbackRest ::identifier=Type(ArgumentList);Typedef ::typedefTypeWithExtendedAttributesidentifier;Type ::SingleTypeUnionTypeNullTypeWithExtendedAttributes ::ExtendedAttributeListTypeSingleType ::DistinguishableTypeanyPromiseTypeUnionType ::(UnionMemberTypeorUnionMemberTypeUnionMemberTypes)UnionMemberType ::ExtendedAttributeListDistinguishableTypeUnionTypeNullUnionMemberTypes ::orUnionMemberTypeUnionMemberTypes    εDistinguishableType ::PrimitiveTypeNullStringTypeNullidentifierNullsequence<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>Nullasync iterable<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullobjectNullsymbolNullBufferRelatedTypeNullFrozenArray<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullObservableArray<TypeWithExtendedAttributes>NullRecordTypeNullundefinedNullPrimitiveType ::UnsignedIntegerTypeUnrestrictedFloatTypebooleanbyteoctetbigintUnrestrictedFloatType ::unrestrictedFloatTypeFloatTypeFloatType ::floatdoubleUnsignedIntegerType ::unsignedIntegerTypeIntegerTypeIntegerType ::shortlongOptionalLongOptionalLong ::long    εStringType ::ByteStringDOMStringUSVStringPromiseType ::Promise<Type>RecordType ::record<StringType,TypeWithExtendedAttributes>Null ::?    εBufferRelatedType ::ArrayBufferSharedArrayBufferDataViewInt8ArrayInt16ArrayInt32ArrayUint8ArrayUint16ArrayUint32ArrayUint8ClampedArrayBigInt64ArrayBigUint64ArrayFloat16ArrayFloat32ArrayFloat64ArrayExtendedAttributeList ::[ExtendedAttributeExtendedAttributes]    εExtendedAttributes ::,ExtendedAttributeExtendedAttributes    εExtendedAttribute ::(ExtendedAttributeInner)ExtendedAttributeRest[ExtendedAttributeInner]ExtendedAttributeRest{ExtendedAttributeInner}ExtendedAttributeRestOtherExtendedAttributeRestExtendedAttributeRest ::ExtendedAttribute    εExtendedAttributeInner ::(ExtendedAttributeInner)ExtendedAttributeInner[ExtendedAttributeInner]ExtendedAttributeInner{ExtendedAttributeInner}ExtendedAttributeInnerOtherOrCommaExtendedAttributeInner    εOther ::integerdecimalidentifierstringother--Infinity....:;<=>?*ByteStringDOMStringFrozenArrayInfinityNaNObservableArrayPromiseUSVStringanybigintbooleanbytedoublefalsefloatlongnullobjectoctetoroptionalrecordsequenceshortsymboltrueunsignedundefinedArgumentNameKeywordBufferRelatedTypeOtherOrComma ::Other,IdentifierList ::identifierIdentifiersIdentifiers ::,identifierIdentifiers    εExtendedAttributeNoArgs ::identifierExtendedAttributeArgList ::identifier(ArgumentList)ExtendedAttributeIdent ::identifier=identifierExtendedAttributeWildcard ::identifier=*ExtendedAttributeIdentList ::identifier=(IdentifierList)ExtendedAttributeNamedArgList ::identifier=identifier(ArgumentList)

Note: TheOther non-terminal matches any single terminal symbol except for(,),[,],{,} and,.

While theExtendedAttribute non-terminal matches any non-empty sequence of terminal symbols (as long as anyparentheses, square brackets or braces are balanced, and the, token appears only within those balanced brackets),only a subset of thosepossible sequences are used by theextended attributes defined in this specification — see§ 2.14 Extended attributes for the syntaxes that are used by these extended attributes.

Document conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in this document:

The following conventions are used in the algorithms in this document:


Everything in this specification is normative except for diagrams,examples, notes and sections marked as being informative.

This specification depends on the Infra Standard.[INFRA]

The following conformance classes are defined by this specification:

conforming set of IDL fragments

A set ofIDL fragments is consideredto be aconforming set of IDL fragments if, taken together, they satisfy all of themust-,required- and shall-levelcriteria in this specification that apply to IDL fragments.

conforming implementation

A user agent is considered to be aconforming implementation relative to aconforming set of IDL fragments if it satisfies all of the must-,required- and shall-levelcriteria in this specification that apply to implementations for all languagebindings that the user agent supports.

conforming JavaScript implementation

A user agent is considered to be aconforming JavaScript implementation relative to aconforming set of IDL fragments if it satisfies all of the must-,required- and shall-levelcriteria in this specification that apply to implementations for the JavaScriptlanguage binding.

Intellectual property rights

This Living Standard includes material copied from W3C’sWebIDL [sic] Level 1,which is available under theW3C Software and Document License.

Copyright © WHATWG (Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft). This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0International License. To the extent portions of it are incorporated into source code, suchportions in the source code are licensed under theBSD 3-Clause License instead.

This is the Living Standard. Thoseinterested in the patent-review version should view theLiving Standard Review Draft.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

Anne van Kesteren.DOM Standard. Living Standard. URL:
ECMAScript Language Specification. URL:
ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification. URL:
Anne van Kesteren; et al.HTML Standard. Living Standard. URL:
IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. 22 July 2019. URL:
Anne van Kesteren; Domenic Denicola.Infra Standard. Living Standard. URL:
Perl regular expressions (Perl 5.8.8). February 2006. URL:
Edgar Chen; Timothy Gu.Web IDL Standard. Living Standard. URL:

Informative References

Martin Thomson; Jeffrey Yasskin.Web Platform Design Principles. URL:
Chris Lilley; David Baron; Elika Etemad.CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 3. URL:
Daniel Glazman; Emilio Cobos Álvarez.CSS Object Model (CSSOM). URL:
Anne van Kesteren.Fetch Standard. Living Standard. URL:
Nikunj Mehta; et al.Indexed Database API. URL:
Proposal to add float16 TypedArrays to JavaScript. URL:
Yoshisato Yanagisawa; Monica CHINTALA.Service Workers. URL:
Adam Rice; et al.Streams Standard. Living Standard. URL:
Daniel Ehrenberg.WebAssembly JavaScript Interface. URL:
. Ms2ger.WebAssembly JavaScript Interface. URL:
Tim Bray; et al.Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition). 8 December 2009. REC. URL:

IDL Index

typedef (Int8ArrayorInt16ArrayorInt32ArrayorUint8ArrayorUint16ArrayorUint32ArrayorUint8ClampedArrayorBigInt64ArrayorBigUint64ArrayorFloat16ArrayorFloat32ArrayorFloat64ArrayorDataView)ArrayBufferView;typedef (ArrayBufferVieworArrayBuffer)BufferSource;typedef (ArrayBufferorSharedArrayBufferor [AllowShared]ArrayBufferView)AllowSharedBufferSource;[Exposed=*,Serializable]interfaceDOMException { // but see below note about JavaScript bindingconstructor(optionalDOMStringmessage = "",optionalDOMStringname = "Error");readonlyattributeDOMStringname;readonlyattributeDOMStringmessage;readonlyattributeunsignedshortcode;constunsignedshortINDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1;constunsignedshortDOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = 2;constunsignedshortHIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3;constunsignedshortWRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4;constunsignedshortINVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5;constunsignedshortNO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = 6;constunsignedshortNO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7;constunsignedshortNOT_FOUND_ERR = 8;constunsignedshortNOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9;constunsignedshortINUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = 10;constunsignedshortINVALID_STATE_ERR = 11;constunsignedshortSYNTAX_ERR = 12;constunsignedshortINVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13;constunsignedshortNAMESPACE_ERR = 14;constunsignedshortINVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15;constunsignedshortVALIDATION_ERR = 16;constunsignedshortTYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17;constunsignedshortSECURITY_ERR = 18;constunsignedshortNETWORK_ERR = 19;constunsignedshortABORT_ERR = 20;constunsignedshortURL_MISMATCH_ERR = 21;constunsignedshortQUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 22;constunsignedshortTIMEOUT_ERR = 23;constunsignedshortINVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR = 24;constunsignedshortDATA_CLONE_ERR = 25;};callbackFunction =any (any...arguments);callbackVoidFunction =undefined ();


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE9+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile12.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile12.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE9+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile12.1+

