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Tech Meetup WebHack would like to express the special thanks of gratitude toU-NEXT who provides the wonderful venue, food and drinks! 🍕🍺
WebHack is a Tokyo-based monthly tech meetup, focusing on wide-variety, cross-discipline technology sharing, as well as networking among all tech lovers.
Stop spending so much time fumbling over managing your client state and let Apollo and GraphQL handle it for you. This talk is a shallow dive into using Apollo and GraphQL in your frontend to make your data flow easier to reason about and get you back to doing the fun things on the frontend.
Ryan Cohen is a Senior Engineer at U-NEXT. He is currently spearheading the shift to GraphQL within the company. He also is building the U-NEXT web frontend and helping improve internal developer workflows, manage DevOps, and more. Ryan also maintains several popular OSS projects, as well as a website that is visited by over 3 million unique visitors a month.
In front end development teams, UI changes and bugs are often introduced late in the development flow. A bug found in staging takes a lot more effort to be traced and resolved than one found on a developer's laptop. This talk demonstrates a visual regression test that can be integrated into your daily development flow using Cypress.
Yifan is a senior engineer in the U-NEXT frontend team, leading several frontend projects and continuously contributing to designing the infrastructure of the U-NEXT web front team. He is recently focusing on the Chromecast receiver app integration with Google Home and Nest Hub using TypeScript.
Time | Session |
19:00 - 19:15 | Registration and Food |
19:30 - 20:10 | Rethinking your data flow with GraphQL and Apollo |
20:10 - 20:20 | Break |
20:20 - 21:00 | Discover UI bugs before QA with Visual Regression Tests |
21:00 - 21:30 | Networking & Mingling |
21:30 | Good night! |
U-NEXT Meguro
This meetup will be on the 9th floor of the Meguro Central Square building.Big thanks toU-NEXT who will be hosting us for this event!
jabbu12 さんが書き込みました。
2022/08/30 16:14
Here you can find best results for any class and all Pakistan Boardshttps://www.result.pk/
jibran1122w さんが書き込みました。
2021/08/05 21:17
Here you can find best results for any class and all Pakistan Boards...https://www.loresult.com/class-results-online/bisequetta-10th-results/
Shih Ting Huang (Neo) さんがWebHack#25 x U-NEXT: GraphQL & Regression Test を公開しました。
2019/08/05 16:48
Webhack#25 x U-NEXT: GraphQL & Regression Test has been published!
19:00 〜 21:30開催日時が重複しているイベントに申し込んでいる場合、このイベントには申し込むことができません
2019/08/05(月) 16:48 〜
2019/08/21(水) 21:30