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The Official

Fuel Wallet

With the Fuel Wallet,
you can explore DApps on Fuel
and manage your crypto assets,
all in one place.

Supported on

Install from source code

You can also install directly from our source code through a zip file. Here's how you can do it:

  • DownloadFuel Wallet zip fileIcon Link;
  • Inside Chrome or Brave;
  • Open the extensions page:
    • Click on settings -> extensions, or;
    • Accessbrave://extensions/ orchrome://extensions/.
  • Enable the "Developer mode" switch on the top right
    • Drag your downloaded Fuel wallet file and drop it in the extensions page, or;
    • Click onLoad unpacked and select the downloaded zip file.
  • If all goes right, the wallet onboard page will open instantly.

The Fuel Wallet extension is now ready to use.

Wallet Versions

Developing a DApp

If you are a developer and want to integrate Fuel Wallet into your DApp, you can do so by following the Fuel Wallet SDK.

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