


Tanks of Freedom

Tanks of Freedom

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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Tanks of Freedom II is now available!

A new and original story with unique characters and even more powerful units!

About the game

Indie Turn Based Strategy in Isometric Pixel Art

In a world full of corruption and political struggles the voice of the weak is often left unheard. When people rebel against governments it is time to pick your side. Join the forces of newly created government and help them rise, or ally with loyalist forces aided by the intervention of one of the neighbouring countries.

Challenge yourself in campaign against AI or battle your friends in a hot-seat mode, where you will fight for control of strategic locations by issuing commands to your infantry, tanks and airforce.

Create your own maps using in-game map editor, then share them with the world.

32 colour pallete

Each sprite was handcrafted in gorgeous, 32 colour pixel art.

Original soundtrack and sound effects were made on real GameBoy hardware. Game is open-source and runs smoothly thanks to Godot Engine.

Download game

Latest release: beta 0.7.1 (changelog,source code)
Release date: 22.12.2022
Download links for PC are on thebottom.

Online map browser

Visit our online map browser and get some new maps for multiplayer battles.


Game development began on Global Game Jam 2015
First, working prototype has been created in 48h. We have been actively developing the game in our spare time ever since.

Open Game

Full source code is available atgithub.

Milestones & Goals

Developement process can be tracked on ourtrello board. For changes history we are keeping achangelog.

Dev Team


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Magic Internet Money

Bitcoin* wallet address: 18oHovhxpevALZFcjH3mgNKB1yLi3nNFRY

* recommended solution - bitcoin is free, fast and it's about sending a message to the big banks and corporations like PayPal. Also, PayPal charges for every transaction.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

ToF Beta 0.7.1 Android 64bit22 MB
ToF Beta 0.7.1 Linux 32bit36 MB
ToF Beta 0.7.1 Linux 64bit37 MB
ToF Beta 0.7.1 OSX 64bit27 MB
ToF Beta 0.7.1 Windows 64bit27 MB

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