manage_flask is toolset for managing Flask App.
Developed inpython code.
The README is used to introduce the modules and provide instructions onhow to install the modules, any machine dependencies it may have and anyother information that should be provided before the modules are installed.
Table of Contents
Used next development environment
Navigate torelease page download and extract release archive.
To installmanage_flask type the following
tarxvzf manage_flask-x.y.z.tar.gzcdmanage_flask-x.y.z/pip3install-r /FlaskApp/mv /manage_commands/ /FlaskApp/
During integration please check comments !
You can use docker to create image/container.
manage_flask requires other modules and libraries
Flask-Migrate== 2.6.0Flask-Script== 2.0.6
Expected manage structure
├── manage.pymanage_commands/ ├── ├── ├── ├── └──
More documentation and info at
Copyright (C) 2017 - 2024
manage_flask is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the same terms as Python itself, either Python version 3.x or,at your option, any later version of Python 3 you may have available.
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