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Mortmain Act 1391

As EnactedCited inAmendments2Related
JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1391 c. 5,15 Ric. 2 c. 5
Statutes made at Westminster, Anno 15 Rich . II.and Anno Dom.1391.Assurance of Lands to certain Places, Persons, and Uses, shall be adjudgedMortmain .

(15 Ric. 2) C A P. V.

‘ITEM, Whereas it is contained in the StatuteDereligiosis , That no Religious, nor other whatsoever he be, do buy or sell, or under Colour of Gift, or Term, or any other Manner of Titlt whatsoever, receive of any Man, or in any Manner by Gift or Engine cause to be appropriated unto him any Lands or Tenements, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the same, whereby the said Lands and Tenements in any Manner might come toMortmain . (2) And if anyReligious, or any other, do against the said Statute by Art or Engine in any Manner, that it be lawful to the King; and to other Lords, upon the said Lands and Tenements to enter, as in the said Statute doth more fully appear. (3) And now of late by subtile Imagination, and by Art, and Engine, some religious Persons, Parsons...

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