


Every Morning

A game made for the Zero Hour Jam 2023 ! With our friend, we have decided to use the theme "Exactly like in real life". You must snooze every alarm clock before 7:01

Controls : Arrow keys

  •  You can press multiple times
  • Up acts to make you bounce higher : 
    • Pushes up, if you are moving up
    • Pushes down, if you are going down

Goal : Snooze every alarm clock quick enough (again and again)

Un jeu fait en un rien de temps, entre 2h et 2h du matin lors du changement d'heure du 29 octobre 2023. Nous nous somme donné un thème : "exactement comme dans la vraie vie"

EDIT : This is the "post compo" version released at 3am, as the compression of the video took some extra time...

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