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Data Processing Through Edge Analytics

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Data analytics is transforming in this new era of cloud edge computing. Learn all about edge analytics and how it can enhance the performance of your cloud.

Edge computing has been the buzz word in the tech industry for a while now. It brings the outskirts of administrative domains as close as possible. Thus, transforming the way some regular cloud computing services are offered and used. One such area would be data analytics and its scope. Therefore, data analytics also takes place on the edge of the network.

What is Edge Analytics?

Data analytics in the world ofedge computing is better known as edge analytics. It collects and analyzes data from the first touchpoint itself rather than after being transferred to the cloud. So, data is accessed right at the device where information is first generated.

Additionally, it allows the analysis to take place within the device where data generation takes place. In a way, the cloud is not part of the process at all, and embedded IoT devices can do all the work. Edge analytics is not here to replace data analytics in the cloud but rather supplement it.

Edge Computing and Edge Analytics

Both these cloud services are not exclusive of each other, and the latter just goes farther in the aspect of running analysis. On the one hand, edge computing uses devices to act as computers for inter-device communication. On the other hand, edge analytics uses the same devices to not only process the computed data but also give actionable insights.

How Edge Analytics affects Cloud Computing?

Moving all data to the cloud before analyzing adds more dependencies and drains resources as well. Furthermore, data generation at a rapid rate causes the price of data transfer and storage to spike monumentally.

Organizations are now partaking in analyzing data on edge by deploying devices along the edge of their network. These smart devices are connected to gather and analyze operational data without the hassle of managing in the cloud.

An edge to cloud architecture is an ideal set up for organizations. Sharing the load among them can prove to be cost-efficient and productive. While edge analytics provides real-time insights, cloud computing delivers other services with reduced burden on its resources.

The synchronization betweencloud computing and edge analytics creates a balance of sorts. Data processing through edge analytics will accelerate the efficiency of your cloud environment.

Is Edge Analytics for you?

Edge Analytics is for those industries that require data insights in real-time and at the edge. Some of the industries that are deploying this service are retail, transportation and manufacturing.

If you are in a business where timely data analysis is highly valued, edge analytics could be for you. Making it a part of your cloud infrastructure can help you increase the efficiency manifold. Want to know about how OpenStack is transforming for the edge? Get in touch with ourOpenStack Consulting experts to learn more!

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