


Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Tom Wilkinson

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Tom Wilkinson

Wilkinson 2016-yilda
Thomas Geoffrey Wilkinson

5-fevral1948-yil (1948-02-05) (77 yosh)
FuqaroligiBuyuk Britaniya bayrogʻiBirlashgan Qirollik
Faoliyat yillari1976-yildan beri

Thomas Geoffrey Wilkinson OBE (1948-yil 5-fevralda tugʻilgan) –britaniyalikaktyor. Ikki karraOscar mukofoti nomzodi.Oltin globus,BAFTA vaEmmy mukofotlari sovrindori.Britaniya imperiyasi ordeni sohibi[2].

Shakespeare in Love (1998),The Patriot (2000),Black Knight (2001),Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004),Batman: Muqaddima (2005),Valkyrie (2008),The Ghost Writer (2010),Uddalab boʻlmas topshiriq 4 (2011),Belle (2013),Selma (2014),The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), vaSnowden (2016) kabi filmlarda suratga tushgan.


[tahrir |manbasini tahrirlash]
1976Smuga cieniaChef Ransome
1985SylviaKeith Henderson
WetherbyRoger Braithwaite
1990Paper MaskDr Thorn
1993In the Name of the FatherGrant Richardson
1994PriestFather Matthew Thomas
A Business AffairBob
Prince of JutlandHardvendel
1995Sense and SensibilityMr Dashwood
1996The Ghost and the DarknessRobert Beaumont
1997Smillaʼs Sense of SnowProf. Loyen
The Full MontyGerald Cooper
WildeMarquess of Queensberry
Oscar and LucindaHugh Stratton
1998The GovernessCharles Cavendish
Rush HourThomas Griffin/Juntao
Shakespeare in LoveHugh Fennyman
1999Ride with the DevilOrton Brown
Molokai: The Story of Father DamienBrother Joseph Dutton
2000Essex BoysJohn Dyke
Vatanparvar (film)General Lord Cornwallis
Chain of FoolsRobert Bollingsworth
2001In the BedroomMatt Fowler
Another LifeMr Carlton
Black KnightSir Knolte of Malborough
2002The Importance of Being EarnestDr. Frederick Chasuble
Before You GoFrank
2003Girl with a Pearl EarringPieter Van Ruijven
2004If OnlyTaxi driver
Piccadilly JimBingley Crocker
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindHoward Mierzwiak
Stage BeautyBetterton
A Good WomanTuppy
2005Ripley Under GroundJohn Webster
Batman MuqaddimaCarmine Falcone
The Exorcism of Emily RoseFather Moore
Separate LiesJames Manning
2006The Night of the White PantsMax Hagan
The Last KissStephen
2007DedicationRudy Holt
Cassandra's DreamHoward
Michael ClaytonArthur Edens
2008RocknRollaLenny Cole
ValkyrieGeneralFriedrich Fromm
2009DuplicityHoward Tully
44 Inch ChestArchie
2010The Ghost WriterPaul Emmett
Burke and HareDr. Robert Knox
Jackboots on WhitehallAlbert and Joseph Goebbels
2011The Green HornetJames Reid
The ConspiratorReverdy Johnson
The DebtStefan Gold
Uddalab boʻlmas topshiriq 4IMF Kotibi
2012The Best Exotic Marigold HotelSir Graham Dashwood
2013The Lone RangerLatham Cole
BelleLord Mansfield
FelonyDetective Carl Summer
2014Grand Budapesht Mehmonxonasi
Good PeopleDI John Halden
SelmaPresidentLyndon B. Johnson
2015Unfinished BusinessTimothy McWinter
Bone in the ThroatCharlie
Little BoyFr Oliver
Jenny's WeddingEddie
2016The ChoiceDr. Shep
SnowdenEwen MacAskill
DenialRichard Rampton
This Beautiful FantasticAlfie Stephenson
2018The Catcher Was a SpyPaul Scherrer
BurdenTom Griffin
Dead in a Week or Your Money BackLeslie
The Happy PrinceFr Dunne
The TitanProfessor Martin Collingwood
2020SAS: Red NoticeLewis
TBAOperation Mincemeat


[tahrir |manbasini tahrirlash]
  1. „Person Details for Thomas G Wilkinson, "England and Wales Birth Registration Index, 1837–2008" —“.
  2. „Honorary graduates 2000–09“. University of Kent. 2010. 2013-yil 6-oktyabrda asl nusxadanarxivlangan. Qaraldi: 1-dekabr 2024-yil.


[tahrir |manbasini tahrirlash]

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