


Kontent qismiga oʻtish


Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya

StingThe Queen's Birthday Partyda (2018)
Umumiy maʼlumot
TavalludiGordon Matthew Thomas Sumner
2-oktyabr1951-yil (1951-10-02) (73 yosh)
New Wave
Faoliyat yillari1976—hozirgacha
GuruhlariThe Police
FuqaroligiBuyuk Britaniya bayrogʻiBirlashgan Qirollik
Turmush oʻrtogʻiTrudie Styler

Gordon Matthew Thomas SumnerCBE (talaffuzi: Gordon Metyu Tomas Samner; 2-oktabr 1951-yilda tugʻilgan) —inglizmusiqachisi,qoʻshiqchisi, qoʻshiqnavisi vaaktyori. U oʻn yetti karraGrammy mukofoti laureati,Oltin globus mukofoti sovrindori, toʻrt karraAkademiya (Oscar) vaEmmy mukfotlari nomzodidir.Britaniya imperiyasi ordeniningCBE darajasi bilan taqdirlangan. 2020-yildaRolling Stone jurnali uni barcha zamonlarning eng buyuk 50 ta ijrochisi roʻyxatida 32-oʻriga joylashtirdi.

Sting 1976—1984-yillardaThe Police guruhining yetakchisi sifatida faoliayat yuritgan.[4] 1994-yildan buyon yakkaxon ijod qiladi. OʻziningSting taxallusini sahnaga birinchi marta chiqqanida kiygan qora-sariq rangli sviteri uchun olgan. „To sting“ feʼli „chaqmoq“, koʻchma maʼnoda esa „kesatmoq“ maʼnolarini bildiradi.

2009-yil 17-oktabrdaToshkentda konsert dasturini taqdim etdi.[5]

Tanlangan mukofot va nominatsiyalari
;American Music Awards2537
Akademiya (Oscar)04

Grammy Awards

Oltin globus14

MTV Video Music Awards


Hollywood Walk Of Fame

Qabul qilingan


[tahrir |manbasini tahrirlash]


[tahrir |manbasini tahrirlash]
  • The Dream of the Blue Turtles (1985)
  • …Nothing Like the Sun (1987)
  • The Soul Cages (1991)
  • Ten Summoner’s Tales (1993)
  • Mercury Falling (1996)
  • Brand New Day (1999)
  • Sacred Love (2003)
  • Songs from the Labyrinth (2006)
  • If on a Winter's Night... (2009)
  • Symphonicities (2010)
  • The Last Ship (2013)
  • 57th & 9th (2016)
  • 44/876 (2018)(with Shaggy)
  • My Songs (2019)
  • The Bridge (2021)


[tahrir |manbasini tahrirlash]
1982„Spread a Little Happiness“Brimstone and Treacle OST
1985„If You Love Somebody Set Them Free“The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1985„Love Is the Seventh Wave“The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1985„Fortress Around Your Heart“The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1985„Russians“The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1986„Moon Over Bourbon Street“The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1987„Weʼll Be Together“…Nothing Like the Sun
1988„Englishman in New York“…Nothing Like the Sun
1988„Be Still My Beating Heart“…Nothing Like the Sun
1988„Fragile“…Nothing Like the Sun
1988„They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo)“…Nothing Like the Sun
1990„Englishman In New York“ (Ben Liebrand remiksi)-'
1991„All This Time“The Soul Cages
1991„Mad About You“The Soul Cages
1991„The Soul Cages“The Soul Cages
1992„Itʼs Probably Me“ (Eric Clapton bilan birgalikda)Ten Summoner’s Tales
1993„If I Ever Lose My Faith In You“Ten Summoner’s Tales
1993„Seven Days“Ten Summoner’s Tales
1993„Fields Of Gold“Ten Summoner’s Tales
1993„Shape of My Heart“ (Léon filmining saundtreki)Ten Summoner’s Tales
1993„Demolition Man“Demolition Man OST
1994„All For Love“ (Bryan Adams vaRod Stewart bilan birgalikda)The Three Musketeers OST
1994„Nothing 'Bout Me“ („Epilogue“)Ten Summoner’s Tales
1994„When We Dance“Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994
1995„This Cowboy Song“Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994
1996„Spirits in the Material World“ (with Pato Banton)Ace Ventura OST
1996„Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot“Mercury Falling
1996„You Still Touch Me“Mercury Falling
1996„I Was Brought to My Senses“Mercury Falling
1996„I’m So Happy I Canʼt Stop Crying“ (FtToby Keith)AMercury Falling
1996„On Silent Wings“ (Tina Turner Ft Sting)Wildest Dreams (Tina Turner albomi)
1997„Roxanne '97“ (Puff Daddy Remiksi) (Ft Pras of TheFugees)The Very Best of Sting & The Police
1999„Brand New Day“ („A Thousand Years“)Brand New Day
2000„Desert Rose“ (Cheb Mami bilan birgalikda)Brand New Day
2000„After the Rain Has Fallen“Brand New Day
2003„Rise & Fall“ (Craig David bilan birgalikda)Slicker Than Your Average (Craig David albomi)
2003„Send Your Love“Sacred Love
2003„Whenever I Say Your Name“ (Mary J. Blige bilan birgalikda)Sacred Love
2004„Stolen Car (Take Me Dancing)“ (Twista bilan birgalikda)Sacred Love
2005„Taking the Inside Rail“Racing Stripes saundtreki
2006„Always on Your Side“ (Sheryl Crow bilan birgalikda)Wildflower (Sheryl Crow albomi)


[tahrir |manbasini tahrirlash]
  1. „Readers Poll: Ten Best Post-Band Solo Artists – 7. Sting“.Rolling Stone. 2-may 2012-yil. 4-yanvar 2018-yildaasl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 30-yanvar 2021-yil.{{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: date format ()
  2. Seely, Mike. „The Ten Most Hated Men in Rock“ (1-sentabr 2004-yil). 25-may 2015-yilda asl nusxadanarxivlangan. Qaraldi: 30-yanvar 2021-yil.
  3. Collins, Robert. „Review: Sting and Paul Simon serenade Vancouver“.CTV Vancouver News (21-fevral 2014-yil).
  4. Stephen Thomas Erlewine.Sting Biography. AllMusic. Qaraldi: 7-noyabr 2010
  5. Sting, Valentino i drugie na Art Week Style.Uz-2009, 9-oktabr 2009-yildaasl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 8-oktabr 2009-yil{{citation}}: CS1 maint: date format ()


[tahrir |manbasini tahrirlash]
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