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UT Extension

Follow any road in Tennessee and you’ll find people whose lives have been influenced by Extension’s educational programs.

UT Extension provides Real. Life. Solutions. throughout Tennessee. With an office in each of the state’s ninety-five counties, UT Extension helps Tennesseans to improve their quality of life and solve problems through the application of research and evidenced-based knowledge about agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, and community development.

UT Extension provides a gateway to the University of Tennessee as the outreach unit of the Institute of Agriculture. It is a statewide educational organization, funded by federal, state and local governments, that brings research-based information about agriculture, family and consumer sciences, and resource development to the people of Tennessee where they live and work.

Agriculture and Natural Resources - Farm scene
Agriculture and Natural Resources
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University of Tennessee Extension’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Team helps Tennesseans run more profitable farms and agricultural holdings, grow and process abundant and safe food, and create a cleaner environment.

Mother and child cooking
Family and Consumer Sciences
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UT Extension Family and Consumer Sciences professionals use research-based education to help Tennesseans improve their well-being, resulting in economic benefits for individuals, families, and communities.

4-Her at Camp learning wood working
4-H Youth Development
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Tennessee 4-H encourages youth to “Learn by Doing.” Members develop their skills and talents to the fullest potential through 4-H clubs, special interest groups, afterschool programs, camps, and many other activities.

Community Economic Development - Town Street Front
Community Economic Development
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UT Extension’s Community Economic Development Team assists Tennesseans and their communities in areas such as small business transition and growth, entrepreneurial training, workforce development, and technology transfer.


Our Focus Areas

4-Her geocaching
4-H Youth Development
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We provide educational programs for children in elementary through high school that help them strengthen life skills through events and projects, take on leadership roles, and serve others.
Agri-business Economics and Entrepreneurship - Farmers Market in Franklin, TN
Agri-business economics and Entrepreneurship
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We help producers and growers market their crops, livestock, or other farm resources to consumers.
Commercial Horticulture - Seedlings
Commercial Horticulture
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We help growers manage the production of ornamental plants and turfgrass, as well as fruits and vegetables, for profit.
Mom and kids making school lunches
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We help people make healthy food choices, manage their weight, preserve food, and handle food safely.
Woman exercising
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We help people make healthy choices, prevent and manage chronic conditions, and increase opportunities for better health.
Crop Production Systems - Corn Harvest
Crop Production Systems
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We provide support to crop producers in marketing, integrated pest management, sustainable cultural practices, environmental and human health risks, invasive species, regulations, and profitability.
Environmental Stewardship - Tree putting on leaves
Environmental Stewardship
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We protect our air, water, and soil through educational programs that promote the responsible use and protection of natural resources through conservation and environmentally sustainable practices.
Mom and child playing
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We foster healthy parenting skills, enrich family relationships, and promote emotional wellness.
Livestock and Forage Systems - Angus Cow
Livestock & Forage Systems
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We provide research and education to help Tennessee meat, milk, and fiber producers of all ages improve production and management.

Man working with his finances
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We help families increase savings, decrease debt, spend wisely, and plan for the future.

Leadership Development - People in conference room with instructor at front of room
Leadership Development
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We prepare Tennesseans to serve as entrepreneurs and leaders within their communities, and help increase economic opportunities at the local level.
Residential and Consumer Horticulture - Bee on Flower in UT Gardens
Residential and Consumer Horticulture
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We help homeowners manage their lawns, gardens, and ornamental landscapes.

Natural Resources - Middle Prong of Little Pigeon River
Natural Resources
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We develop and deliver educational programs that help the public and private industries be good stewards of our land, air, water, and other natural resources.
Man and woman in front of house
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We help families save energy, prepare for emergencies, and make their homes healthy and safe.
Localist Online Calendar Software

  • Office of the Interim Dean
  • 2621 Morgan Hall, Suite 121
  • Knoxville, TN 37996
  • P:865-974-7114


Faculty & Staff Team Site

Extension Evaluation and Staff Development

Extension Bylaws

