


Urania Games

Hi there! My name is Kyle, an RPG creator and writer from South East Asia, making games that aim for the stars. Expect small games that tell intimately personal stories, and larger games that weave themes common among a wide swathe of mythological and literary influences. I also do quick one-pagers and supplements for games that I find really interesting. No matter the scope and size, what I want is for players to enjoy each and every experience.

If you like my work and want to read about my writing process, you can toss me a coffeehere! You can also find a fuller bibliography of my workhere! And if you want updates on what I write and do, check out my newsletterhere!

Profile Picture by @chaosIegion!

A campaign for Apocalypse Keys
36 words about first meetings and loneliness.
A game of supernatural beings clashing wills and filling seats!
A duet game about pulling the plug on a program.
A faction and creature for Liminal Horror.
Four supernatural encounters for Mausritter.
A game about the horrors of applying for work!
A Bad Time Game of facing demons!
A supplement for Liminal Horror

Games I've Made

A short story of two halves.
A one page war between wizards!
Where stories are your greatest weapon.
A game about the horrors of applying for work!
A Bad Time Game of facing demons!
A game about those on the run.
A solo journaling game of music to soothe the savage beast.
A solo defense game in Caltrop Core.
A book of 50 single-page RPGs from dozens of different creators.
A weird little OSR game of doing odd jobs for strange people.
A game of sacrifice and redemption.
A CYOR (Choose Your Own Rasputin) Game
An intimate game of complicity and guilt.
A game where you try to avoid dying gruesomely!
A solo journaling game about analog food in a digital future.
A solo journaling game about playing a beloved childhood toy.

Supplements for Other Games

A series of eighty nautical insults, curses, exclamations, and things you'd rather do.
A bestiary of 13 foes compatible with the Trophy RPG.
An ambitious supplement for HUNT.
A two player haunt for Liminal Horror.
Four supernatural encounters for Mausritter.
A time and space bending one-shot for Mothership 1E.
A randomized pointcrawl for Mork Borg.
A MOSAIC Strict invitation to clash!
A supplement for Liminal Horror
A Playbook for use with Apocalypse Keys from Sword Queen Games
A playable class and three enemies for CY_BORG.
A collection of playbooks for Wanderhome
A shining Spark for NOVA!
A system agnostic adventure of defying the gods.
A Trouble and Mark for Orbital Blues
Unofficial New Content for External Containment Bureau
A character archetype for Lay On Hands by Alfred Valley.

SRDs I've Made

How To Make A Bad Time Game!

Collaborative Work

A Radioactive Forestcrawl for Eco Mofos
A TTRPG about the power of clothing, or lack thereof, to cause a revolution!
A Sci-fi TTRPG about space, horror, and senior ladies piecing together a mystery.
A Sci-Fi TTRPG about senior ladies finding solutions where everyone else has failed.
a mixed-media religion-building journalling ttrpg
A book of 50 single-page RPGs from dozens of different creators.
An analytical and introspective TTRPG zine

Bad Time Games

Un juego en solitario de horror cotidiano
A Bad Time Game of facing demons!
A game where you try to avoid dying gruesomely!
A Bad Time Game about the struggles of retail workers
A GM-less TTRPG about minions' desires to get promoted causing the Overlord's Plans to fall apart
A zombie apocalypse Bad Time Game
Play NPCs struggling for survival in a fictional MMO
Can you keep Galactic Peace ? ·Community profile

