A successor of the Royal School of Surgery of Porto (1825) and the Medical-Surgical School of Porto (1883), the Faculty of Medicine opened its doors in 1911, and is, along with theFaculty of Sciences, one of the "founding" schools of the University of Porto.
Located since 1959 in the complex shared with the São João Hospital, FMUP collaborates closely with the hospital in the teaching and research of medicine, in addition to providing healthcare to the population.
In 2012, the FMUP a modern building specially designed for teaching and research activities was added to the faculty.
Currently attended by more than three thousand students, distributed over several study cycles, FMUP is a leading institution for Portuguese students wishing to pursue studies in Medicine. In addition to excellent teaching, the Faculty’s intense scientific activity and its services to the community in a variety of fields in medical science and practice serve as its calling card.
Choose the type of Course:
Courses from A to Z
- Bioethics
- Biomedicine
- Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences
- Clinical and Health Services Research
- Experimental and clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Forensic Sciences
- Global Public Health
- Health Data Science
- Medicine
- Mental Health
- Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental
- Molecular Medicine and Oncology
- Neurosciences
- Palliative Care
- Public Health
Courses from A to Z
Courses from A to Z
- Academic and Clinical Education
- Bioethics
- Course Orthognatic Surgery and Orthodontics
- Forensic Sciences
- Health Education
- Health Evidence and Decision
- Master Degree Clinical Communication
- Medical Informatics
- Metabolism - Biopathology and Experimental
- Molecular Medicine and Oncology
- Neurobiology
- Palliative Care
- Primary Health Care
- Public Health
Courses from A to Z
Courses from A to Z
- Continuing Training Course
- Angiogenesis methodologies: Hands-on lab course
- Basic and Advanced Life Support for Health Professionals-BLS+LLS
- Blended Learning Introduction to Clinical Studies
- Essential Molecular Biology - A hands-on laboratory course
- Exercise Prescripton Course
- Fetal Medicine
- Introduction to Clinical Studies - Africa
- Medicine and Rehabilitation in Football
- Mindfulness in Health Contexts
- Molecular Diagnostics in Pathology and Oncology
- Non-Technical Skills in Healthcare Teamwork Specialization
- Clinical Communicatios Skills
- Clinical Geatrics
- Clinical Orthodontics
- Healthcare Policies, Management and Evaluation
- Insurance Medicine
- Nursing in Anaesthesiology
- Occupational Medicine
- Occupational Medicine
- Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Oncology
- Pain Medicine
- Post-Traumatic Personal Injury Assessment
- Scientific Foundations of Anesthesiology
- Specialization Course in Clinical Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
- Specialization Course in Forensic Expertise
- Specialization Course in Public Health
- Sport and Exercise Rehabilitation
- Sports Medicine Advanced Studies
- Advanced Postgraduation Course in Clinical and Health Services Research Open Training CourseContinuing Training Unit
- Advancements in Nutraceuticals: Clinical Application and Current Practices
- Anaesthesia Obstetric and neonatal resuscitation
- Basic Life Support and AED for Community (BLS+AED)
- Basic Simulation Instructor Course
- Chronic Pain: clinical approach of the main conditions according to the ICD-11
- Clinical Nutrition for Hospital Doctors
- Clinical Nutrition in General Pratitioner
- Curso Básico de Eletrocardiografia
- Difficult Airway MAnagement
- Digital Cardiac Auscultation
- Gene and cell-based advanced therapies
- Hands-on Debriefing Course
- Healthcare-associated infections
- Health, Wellbeing and Architecture
- Introduction to Clinical Simulation Technology and Techiques
- Microbial quality and environmental safety in healthcare associated facilities
- Molecular Bioinformatics - A Hands-on Course Online
- Non-Technical Skills in Anesthesiology
- Radiation Protection and Safety in Environment
- Rapid laboratory diagnosis in Clinical Microbiology
- Telemedicine and e-health
- Theoretical and Practical Course of Complementary Laboratory Techniques for Research and Diagnosis
- Training in Obesity
- Gastrointestinal Physiology and Physiopatology from semiology to therapeitic
Courses from A to Z
- Continuing Training Course
- A coaching program for resident tutors
- Basic Clinical Research
- Basic Course of 24 hour ambulatory Blood pressure monitoring and of carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity
- Category B Laboratory Animal Science
- Child Abuse
- Continuing Education Course in Anesthesiology
- Course Forensic Balistics
- Course in Post-Traumatic Personal Injury Assessment for Lawyers
- Course in Recovery of Skeletal Human Remains in Forensic Context
- Course of Intevention with Victims of Violence
- Drug Repurposing for Oncology and COVID-19
- Faculty Development Programme in Health Sciences Higher Education
- Global Health and Ageing
- Health Sciences Higher Education Teacher's Development Programme
- Hydrology and Climatology
- Improvement Course of Sports Medicine
- Introduction to the approach to patients with high cardiovascular risk
- Laboratory Animal Science
- Medicine in Football
- Motivational Interviewing - theory and practice
- Oncological Breast Surgery
- Oncoplastic Breast Conserving Surgery
- Oral and Extra-Oral Rehabilitation with Osseointegrated Implants
- Pain Course for Training Physicians
- Preventive Medicine in Primary Health Care: Elderly Integrated Suport
- Preventive Medicine in Primary Health Care: Eldery and Health
- Preventive Medicine in Primary Health Care: Factors of Cardiovascular Risk
- Preventive Medicine in Primary Health Care: Innovations (II) / New features
- Social Medicine in Health Professions
- Sports Medicine Imaging Course
- The Scientific Foundations of Anaesthesiology
- Training on Forensic Interview
- Travel Medicine and Migration Medicine Course
- Updating Course on Forensic Sciences to Medico-legal Experts
- Vaccine development: from concept to clinic Specialization
- Aesthetics Oral Rehabilitation - Fundamental Basic and Practical Training
- Ageing, Health, Physical activity and Society
- Forensic Sciences
- Geriatric and Gerontological Nursing
- Geriatric Care
- Geriatric Health
- Geriatrics
- Health Informatics
- Human Dissection
- Orthodontics Postgraduate Course: Fundamental Basic and Practical Training.
- Post-Traumatic Bodily Damage Evaluation
- Pulp and Periapical Therapy
- Senior Health, Rehabilitation and Active Aging
- Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain
- Ventilatory support in the adult critical patient Open Training Course
- Difficult Airway Management
- Integration of genetic testing in the clinical practice Continuing Training Unit
- Advanced Life Support
- Anatomoclinical and Radiologic Correlation Course
- Applications of Flow Cytometry to Microbiology
- Applied Rheumatology
- Approaching Diabetic Foot
- Artificial Intelligence in Health: Governance, Responsability and Decision-Making
- Basic Course in Molecular Pathology with enphasis in Oncology
- Basic course in Oncobiology Research
- Basic Life Support for health professionals
- Bayesian Models in Clinical Research and Decision Support
- Behaviour tests in rodents
- Biostatistics - linear and logistic regression
- Blended Intensive Programme in Geriatrics
- Breast Imaging Course
- CARDI@MICS: linking protein to function
- Cell Culture Training Course
- Chronobiology
- Clinical Cardio-Oncology
- Clinical Competencies in Medical Emergency
- Clinical Pathology Essentials
- Clinical Ultrasonography
- Community Intervention Project in the Family Medicine's Context
- Complementary Medicine in clinical practice: Acupuncture, Phytorerapy and dietetics in Chinese medicine
- Critical Appraisal of Randomised Controlled Trials
- Epigenetics and Epigenomics
- Evidence Based Preventive Medicine
- Evidence Synthesis - Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
- Hands-on course on Delivering Bad News
- Health Anthropology
- Health data Analysis: from theory to practice
- Health System Methods and Curent Research
- History of the Chirurgical Armamentarium
- Human brain dissection and neuroanatomy
- Immunotherapy and Immunomodulation
- Improving the Performance of Healthcare Services USing the Theory of Constraints
- Infectious Diseases in Europe: HIV and Hepatitis
- Intervention studies: Clinical Trials
- Introduction to Biomedical Data Analysis using R
- Introduction to Biomedical Data Analysis using SPSS
- Introduction to Value Based Healthcare Management
- Investigating in Diabetes - b-learning
- Lifestyle Interventions in Primary Health Care
- Medical and Scientific photography
- Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office
- Medical Mycology training course
- Medical Parasitology Training Course
- Molecular Bioinformatics - A Hands-on Course
- Multiple Myeloma
- Needs Assessment in Elderly Trainning: The Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE)
- Nephrolithiasis Pathophysiology - diagnostic and therapeutic implications
- Neuroanesthesiology
- NeuroTOX: from theory to pratice of neurotoxicity biomarkers
- Oncoplastics in Breast-Conserving Surgery - Theoretical and Practical Unit
- Pharmacovigilance Course
- PLEURAL - UP: Training in pleural disease of University of Porto
- Preventative Medicine in Primary Health Care: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
- Principles of Genetic Manipulation in Mice - a pratical approach
- QGIS Initiation: applications in health
- Qualitative Analyses with NVivo
- Research Methods for Review and Synthesis of Scientific Evidence in Health Sciences
- Rheumatology Course in Clinical Practice: frequently musculo-skeletal disorders in Primary Health Care
- R Programming Language Introduction for Life Scientists
- Scientific Information: Sources and Publication in Health
- Surgical Treatment of the Diabetic Foot
- Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis in Family Medicine
- To inform about Science & Health
- To observe: from art to clinics
- Tuberculosis
- Reproductive Endocrinology
- Food Allergy School
- Microsoft Excel for biomedical data analysis
- Redox state: diet, metabolic regulation and aging
- Preventive Medicine in Primary Health Care: Management of Global Cardiovascular Risk
- Social Accountability in Health
Alameda Prof. Hernâni Monteiro
4200-319 Porto, Portugal
Tel.:(+351) 225 513 600 (+ Contactos / + Contacts)
E-mail:[email protected]