After a (brief) initial existence at the beginning of the 20th century, FLUP was closed by the political regime in 1928 and (re)established in 1961, reintroducing an education in humanities to the city.
With around 4,000 students, the Faculty currently offers a wide range of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in the following main subject areas: Archaeology, Communication and Information Sciences, Language Sciences, Romance and Classical Studies, English and English-speaking Studies, German and German-speaking Studies, Philosophy, Geography, History, History of Art, Museology and Sociology.
The Faculty also offers training in more specialised fields, such as International Relations, Translation, Portuguese as a Foreign Language, Comparative Literature, Didactics, African Studies, Heritage Studies, Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Planning, or Medieval Studies, as well as a wide range ofcontinuing education courses open to the entire community.
FLUP is a prominent centre for scientific research powered by the work of eightResearch and Development Units funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in Portugal. It has been housed in many of U.Porto'shistoric buildings throughout its existence. In 1995, the Faculty's current building opened its doors on the University's Campus III (Campo Alegre).
Choose the type of Course:
Courses from A to Z
- African Studies
- Anglo-American Studies
- Archaelogy
- Arts in Translation and Language Services
- Cities Challenges
- Communication and Management of Creative Industries
- Communication Sciences
- Contemporary History
- European Interdisciplinary Master African Studies
- Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Planning
- German Studies
- Hazards, Cities and Spatial Planning
- History and Heritage
- History, International Relations and Cooperation
- History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture
- Linguistics
- Literary, Cultural and Interart Studies
- Medieval Studies
- Museology
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Portuguese as second language / Foreign language
- Sociology
- Teaching English and Foreign Languages in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education, with specialties in Spanish or French or German
- Teaching English in the 1st cycle of Basic Education
- Teaching Geography in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education
- Teaching History in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education
- Teaching Philosophy in Secondary Education
- Teaching Portuguese and Foreign Languages in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education, with specialties in English or Spanish or French or German
- Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education
Courses from A to Z
- Continuing Training Course
- German (B2.1)
- Portuguese Foreign Language for University Students B1
- Portuguese Foreign Language for University Students B2
- Portuguese: Language and Culture I - Preparatory semester for U.Porto international candidates Specialization
- Specialization Course in Forensic Linguistics
- Specialization in Conference Interpreting
- Specialization in preventive conservation of graphic and photographic documents Open Training Course
- Experimental Textual Practices Lab
- French (B2.2) - Intensive Course
- Higher Education Studies for Older People
- Introduction to European culture, history and arts. Porto, a cutting-edge city.
- Public Communication in Practice Continuing Training Unit
- Arabic (1)
- Assessment in digital environments
- Chinese (1)
- Chinese (2)
- Chinese (3)
- English (A1)
- English (A1.1) - Intensive Course
- English (A1.2) - I.C.
- English (A2)
- English (A2.1) - Intensive Course
- English (A2.2) - Intensive Course
- English (B1)
- English (B1.1) - Intensive Language Course
- English (B1.2) - Intensive Language Course
- English (B2.1)
- English (B2.2)
- English (C1.1)
- French (A1)
- French (A1) - Intensive Course
- French (A2) - Intensive Language Course
- French (B1.1) - Intensive Course
- French (B2.1) - Intensive Course
- Geopolitics and Geostrategy
- German (A1)
- German (A1.1) - Intensive Language Course
- German (A1.2) - Intensive Language Course
- German (A2)
- German (A2.1) - Intensive Course
- German (A2.2) - Intensive Language Course
- German B1
- Hungarian Language and Culture
- Improving Classes through the representation of geographic information
- Intergenerational Dialogs in Education
- Introduction to emergency management in cultural institutions
- Introduction to International Security
- Italian (A1)
- Italian (A2)
- Japanese (1)
- Japanese (2)
- Japanese (3)
- Japanese (4)
- Korean - Language and Culture 1
- Korean - Language and culture 2
- Korean language and culture 3
- Latin I
- Latin II
- Philosophy of the City
- Portuguese: a linguistic and cultural experience II
- Portuguese Foreign Language (A1.1) - Intensive Course
- Portuguese Foreign Language (A1.1) - Intensive Course at Faculty of Engineering of the UP
- Portuguese Foreign Language (A1.1) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (A1.2) - Intensive Course
- Portuguese Foreign Language (A1.2) - Intensive Course at Faculty of Engineering of the UP
- Portuguese Foreign Language (A1.2) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (A2.1) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (A2.2) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (B1.1) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (B1.2) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (B2.1) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (B2.2) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (C1.1) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (C1.2) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (C2.1) - semester
- Portuguese Foreign Language (C2.2) - semester
- Russian (1)
- Spanish (A1) - Intensive Course
- Transversal and Transferable Skills: Around the stage in 80 hours: the Theatre as a space of learning
- Transversal and Transferable Skills: Ethics in the age of technology and information
- TTL - Tools and Transversal Skills in Social Sciences
- Turkish (1)
- Turkish (2)
- Turkish (3)
- Turkish (4)
- Ukrainian 1
- Urban Transformation and Public Safety Continuing Training Unit
- Diagnostic test
- Prova de Diagnóstico (Inglês)
Courses from A to Z
- Complementary Training CourseContinuing Training Course
- Almada Negreiros por Conhecer
- American Film and Culture since 1945
- Ancient Civilizations: a cultural history
- Ancient Greek II
- Annual Course of Portuguese for Foreigners
- Applied Climatology in Portugal
- Archaeological Drawing in ceramics
- Archaeological Drawing on Objects (metal, bone and wood)
- Art and Cinema
- Artistas e Filósofos do Século XX
- Artistic Practices and Intercultural Communication
- As the twig is bent, so grows the reader. Places for Books and Infancy in the world today
- Books, paths to peace. How to make a stand against violence in schools and in the world
- British Culture and Film since 1945
- Bulgarian
- Cartographic Representation Techniques and GIS
- Children's and Youth Literature: bibliotherapy and sexuality in school
- Chinese (4) - 90H
- Chinese 5
- Chinese for tourism and business II
- Chinese Intensive Course
- Chinese level 4
- Cinema, Vídeo e televisão em Portugal
- Classic Texts of Philosophy of Science: Bachelard, Popper e Kuhn
- CLUP-iGesto WORKSHOPS - 1: Methodologies of analysis of multimodality in face-to-face interaction: Gesture Studies with ELAN
- Collecting and Processing Spatial Data for GIS
- Contemporary Critical Thought - a few representative authors
- Contemporary Ethical dilemmas: contributions to the teaching of philosophy
- Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
- Contemporary Politics in the Middle East
- Course of Portuguese for Foreigners (A1.1)
- Course of Portuguese for Foreigners (A1.2)
- Crash Course on PFL for University Students
- Crisis Communication
- Cultural Projects funding by Sponsorship, Patronage and Crowdfunding
- Culture, territory and innovation: the contemporary city as a laboratory
- Curatorial lab for research
- Danish
- Danish II
- Data protection as applied to information management
- Death theory of Arturo Martini's sculpture and contemporany approaches
- Desenho e Desenvolvimento de Serviços de Documentação e Informação
- Dialogue in the Classroom
- Didáticas de Línguas e Culturas Estrangeiras
- Digital Humanities Education Programme
- Dimensões Sociais e Simbólicas do Corpo na Época Moderna
- Discovering Portugual: Intercultural connections
- Domestice Violence and Gender Violence in Portugal
- Do you like to read? Neither do I! (The importance of reading in education)
- Dutch I
- Economic and financial translation - English / Portuguese
- Economic and financial translation - German / Portuguese
- Educação do Olhar - da percepção ao(s) sentido(s)
- Elements of Statistics applied to Climatology
- English C1
- English - Intensive Language Course
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course (A1)
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course (A2)
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course (B1)
- Éticas Contemporâneas e Interculturalidades
- Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
- Evaluation of Quality of Life in Cities
- Feminist Epistemology applied to Research Design
- Feminist Studies and Queer Studies
- Field Trips: Natural Hazards and Coastal Planning
- Finnish
- Finnish 2
- Finnish 3
- French (B1)
- French B1 (Intensive Course)
- French B2
- French B2.2
- French Business Management
- French Business Management (2)
- French Tourism Hotel Management
- Fundamentals of Statistics Applied to Climatology
- Geo-Ecological Modelling and Data Analysi
- Geography for the 7th Grade
- Geography of Portugal Revisited - Solar Radiation
- Geopolitics Dynamics in Contemporary Europe
- Geo-technology Education applied 1 - Geographic Information Technology
- Geo-technology Education applied 2 - Analysis of Data and Thematic Mapping
- German (B1.1)
- German (B1.2)
- German (B2.2)
- German Intensive Course (Level B1.2)
- Gestão da qualidade em Serviços de Informação
- GIS Open Source Software, Applied to Spatial Planning
- Giving voice to the body and body to the voice: the Art in comunication - II
- Giving voice to the body, giving body to the voice: the art of communication
- Grammar in English language teaching
- Great Books, Great Masterpieces III
- Great Books, Great Masterpieces (Level 4)
- História da Transferência Tecnologica, do Empreendedorismo e do Património
- History of Communication
- History of Religions
- Hospitality in Religion, Literatures and Philosophy
- Hungarian
- Hungarian 1
- Hungarian 2
- Initiation to Nvivo: software for qualitative data analysis
- Intensive Chinese Language Course 1
- Intensive Chinese Language Course 2
- Intensive Chinese Language Course 3
- Intensive Chinese Language Course 4
- Intensive French Language Course
- Intensive German Language Course
- Intensive German Language Course (B2.1)
- Intensive Italian Course B1
- Intensive Italian Course B2
- Intensive Italian Language Course
- Intensive Italian Language Course
- Intensive Spanish Course B1.1
- Intensive Spanish Course B1.2
- Intensive Spanish Language Course
- Intercultural Communications Principies
- Introdução à Criação de Bases de Dados para a Investigação em Ciências e Técnicas do Património
- Introdução à Língua Gestual Portuguesa e Cultura Surda 1
- Introdução à Língua Gestual Portuguesa e Cultura Surda 2
- Introdução à Metaética Contemporânea
- Introdução ao Turismo Industrial
- Introduction to 20th Century Arabic Philosophy
- Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
- Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
- Introduction to History Ancient Philosophy
- Introduction to Remote Sensing Applied to Land Management
- Introduction to Screenwriting
- Introduction to Script Writing
- Introduction to Urban Ethnography Course
- Introdution to Contemporary Ethical Debates: Module I - What is morality?
- Italian
- Italian Course A2 (Anual)
- Italian - Intensive Language Course
- Italien - Introduction 1
- Italien - Introduction 2
- Itensive Italian Course A2
- Japanese (1)
- Japanese (2)
- Korean
- Legal French
- Legal Translation - English / Portuguese
- Localisation (Software Translation)
- Medicine French Course
- MEF - Macroestrutura Funcional para Autarquias Portuguesas
- Methodologies for preparing photographic documents for digitalization
- Metodologia da História e da Crítica da Arte Italiana Medieval e Moderna
- Modelação de Processos e Serviços de Informação I
- Modelação de Processos e Serviços de Informação II: Reengenharia contínua de processos (metodologia BPM)
- Modelling of spatial dynamics of Land Use and Land Cover and quantitative assessment of Landscape structure
- Municipal Planning Instruments and Urban Policy
- Narratives discourses and territorial representations
- Natural Hazards
- Natural Resources Management
- Niccolò Nasoni. Life and works (1691-1773)
- Organize and manage information in the Media
- Persian
- Philosophy and Culture of India
- Philosophy and Poiesis
- Philosophy for Children and Youths - Practical and Transdisciplinary Application
- Philosophy for Children and Youths - Supervision of Practical Activities
- Philosophy of Music
- Planning and Evaluating the Teaching of Geography
- Política e Espaço Público Contemporâneo
- Porto History
- Portugal Revisited: to develop the use of resources, to promote development
- Portuguese Annual Course as Foreign Language
- Portuguese Foreign Language - Summer (A1)
- Portuguese Foreign Language - Summer (A2)
- Portuguese Foreign Language - Summer (B1)
- Portuguese Foreign Language - Summer (B2
- Portuguese Foreign Language - Summer (C1)
- Portuguese Foreign Language - Summer (C2)
- Portuguese for Foreigners
- Portuguese for Foreigners - B1.1
- Portuguese for Foreigners: Faculty of Engineering of the UP
- Portuguese: Language and Culture II - Preparatory semester for U.Porto international candidates
- Portuguese Language Course
- Port Wine: memory, identity and resource
- Post Cold War Communism
- Powers and social and cultural dynamics in Early Modern History
- Practice Philosophy and Critical Thinking
- Praias de Portugal: Cultura, Urbanismo, Arquitetura e Património
- Pratical Philosophy
- Qualitative interviews: principles and practice
- Realities and Representations: a British Society since the 2nd World War
- Research and management bibliography
- Research Design: Strategies, Modalities and Implementation
- Roumanian
- Roumanian 1
- Roumanian 2
- Russian (1) - Intensive Course
- Russian (2) - Intensive Course
- Russian 3
- Russian 4
- Science journalism and nutrition: needs, risks and practices
- Science, Technology and Society in Portugal ¿ XIX-XX Centuries
- Show and Tell: helping Students speak fluently
- Skills for museum professionals at the 21st century
- Slovak
- Social Identities and Oral Traditional Literature
- Social policies and social inclusion
- Spaces and agents: relational methods and procedures
- Spanish A2
- Spanish B1
- Spanish B2
- Spatial Analysis of Natural Hazards and Civil Protection
- Swedish (1)
- Theatre and the Theatrical
- The Cinema in the Teaching of Philosophy
- The Soul and the knowledge of the Portuguese Language (A2.1)
- The Soul and the knowledge of the Portuguese Language (A2.2)
- The use of GIS in Forest Fire Protection Plans
- Übersetzung juristischer Texte - Deutsch-Portugiesisch / Portugiesisch-Deutsch
- Ukrainian for Business and Tourism
- Urban Ethnography Advanced Course
- Viral Communication
- What is History for?
- Women & creation: there (in)visible role throughout the ages Specialization
- Anglo-American Studies - Literary Translation
- Anglo-American Studies - Literatures and Cultures
- Anglo-American Studies - Women's Studies
- Communication, Production and Editorial Entrepreneurship
- History and Heritage
- History, International Relations and Cooperation
- Linguistics
- Linguistics and Literature: pedagogical and scientific issues
- Medievalism
- Medieval Studies
- Physical Geography and Natural Hazards
- Preventive conservation of graphic and photographic documents
- Social Representations ¿ Nobility and Military Orders in the Middle Ages
- Sources for Medieval Documents
- Spatial Planning
- Specialization Course in German Studies
- Specialization Course in Tourism
- Specialization in Cinema and Visual Studies
- Theatre Studies
- Urban Ethnography Open Training Course
- Advanced Analysis of Quantitative Data using SPSS
- Animation of radio
- Arabic /Islamic Medieval Philosophy
- Architecture, urban structures, society and heritage on the seaside resorts of Portugal
- Art, Culture and Food
- Braille spelling: read and write through Braille Code
- Chinese Language for trading and work (level 1)
- CLIL in Higher Education. Small Private Online Course (SPOC) for self Study
- Communication management in events
- Community Communication
- Contemporary Japan through Literature and Cinema
- Critical thinking and communication: questions and arguments
- Data Visualization and Data Storytelling - evidence representation tools as a persuasion strategy
- Digital competence for teachers: innovation in foreign language teaching
- Dramatic Writing
- Ethics through literature
- European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese: notes on the differences between these varieties
- European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese: variation and linguistic adaptation between these varieties
- Experimental Textual Practices Lab
- Fashion Communication
- French for professional purposes
- Geography Summer Course
- Hebrew
- Hebrew 2
- Hindi
- History and Traditional Culture of China
- History of Japanese Cinema
- How to implement the ICA-AtoM: open source software for manage information in archives
- Iberian History, Culture and Literature
- Information and Communication Technologies applied to Vision Disabilities
- Intensive Russian Language Course (3)
- International English Language Testing System
- In the field with Geography
- Introduction to Chinese Culture
- Introduction to conservation of archaeological material: From the archaeological site to the laboratory
- Introduction to Portuguese folk art
- Introduction to Russian Culture
- Japanese History and Culture
- Japanese Intensive Course
- Korean 1
- Korean 2
- Language and Literature: scientific and pedagogical issues
- Latvian
- Legal English
- Linguistic and cultural development training programme - University of Porto
- Literature and Theatricality: Multicultural Studies
- Luxury Communication in the Digital Times
- Management and Organization of the collection in school libraries and their Promotion
- Manage References with Endnote
- Modern Greek 1
- Museological equipment management: Practical speech
- Music and Plastic Arts: analogies and synergies at 20th century
- Oral Academic Presentations in Practice
- Oral history: conceptual definitions, reflections and practical applications
- Organizational and Strategic Communication
- Organization and Analysis of spatiotemporal data in social sciences and humanities
- Organization and representation of Informational Resources of the school library
- Persian 1
- Persian 2
- Polish B1
- Polish Business Management
- Portugal - History, People and Culture
- Portugal: The Hidden Gem
- Portuguese literature and culture - Free course for foreigners
- Portuguese Speaking African Authors (II) - Death: theme, imagery and symbologies in african tales
- Preparatory Course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3
- Press Relations: Be and manage the news
- Press Relations: from backoffice to frontoffice
- Processing, Transforming and Exploring Quantitative Data: Introduction to SPSS
- Professional English
- Prospects of/to History of Art: conceptual directions
- Reading, Bibliotherapy and Citizenship: The challenges of Literature for Children and Youth
- Religions in the City: Risks? Conflicts? Cultural enrichment?
- Russian for Business
- Russian for Tourism
- Russian for tourism and business
- Russian Literature I
- Scanning in Information Services
- Science and Health Communication
- Spanish for business purposes
- Strategic Communication in Municipal Environments
- Strategies for language and literacy development in primary bilingual classrooms
- Structuring and writing a scientific paper: phases and procedures
- Swedish 2
- Swedish B1
- Teacher training: how to prepare students for Cambridge English exams
- The impact of the contexts in the formation of the brain reader
- Theory of Literature - The Literary as an Object of Knowledge
- Voice: technical and communication
- Ways of thinking: Critical Thinking in everyday life
- Workshop of Theatre and Communication Continuing Training Unit
- Ancient Greek
- Ancient Greek
- Arabic (2)
- Book and Library History
- Challenges in teaching of foreign languages
- Chinese ($)
- Chinese for tourism and business I
- CLIL in the Primary School Context
- Community involvement in safeguarding local heritage
- Contemporary Art World, a new paradigm
- Curriculum flexibility: learning design
- Data analysis using the SPSS
- Desinformation, Automation, Infodemics and Factchecking
- Digital competences for learning in social sciences and humanities
- Diplomacy
- Drawing of archeological ceramics
- Education and Museums: contributions for global citizenship and development
- English (C1.2)
- English language for CLIL teachers
- Facing Portuguese classroom challenges
- Foreign policy
- Forensic Linguistics, Legal Interrogation and Interviewing
- French (A2)
- French (B1.2) - Intensive Course
- Governance and Geopolitics of Outer Space
- Greek I
- Health Communication and Digital Media: Intelligent Big Data Analysis and Visualisation
- History of Education: sources, themes and issues. Porto Spring Course (ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Programme)
- History of Reading and Writing of Children's Books
- Images and Applied Arts in Porto
- Intercultural Intelligence 101
- Interculturality and Accessibility in Inclusive Processes
- Interdisciplinary Experimentation Open Laboratory
- International heritage: new approaches
- International Heritage Summer School
- Italian (A1) - Intensive Course
- Language and Portuguese Culture - A1
- Linguistic context in Africa: Elements of Nyungwe
- LITHME Training School
- Mindfulness for Teachers
- Modern and Contemporary Art Themes
- Music and Literature
- Photographic recording of archaeological finds
- Polish (1)
- Polish (2)
- Porto: Territory, Devotion and Image
- Portugal and the space sector: agents, regulations and economic potential
- Portuguese: a linguistic and cultural experience I
- Portuguese for specific purposes in healthcare I
- Portuguese for specific purposes in healthcare II
- Post-68 protests and social movements
- Rawls and criticisms of the theory of justice
- Recording and illustration of archaeological context
- Russian (2)
- Spanish (A2) - Intensive Course
- Teachers of Portuguese as a Foreign Language - Refresher Course
- Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language: Crossing experiences, multiplying resources
- The Bible, Book of books I
- The Bible, Book of books II
- The Bible. Book of Books III
- The contribution of military orders in peripheral territories to boosting european globalization ( 12th-16th centuries)
- The European Union as a global actor
- The League of Nations in the international relations¿ interwar crossroads
- The Literary Text, pragmatic and formative perspective
- The Soul and the knowledge of the Portuguese Language (A1.2)
- The utilitarian tradition
- Towards an understanding of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Perspectives and Practices
- Training of monument keepers
- (Trans) forming professional training: Supervision in teacher training
- Transversal and Transferable Skills: Culture, Art, and Heritage: The museum as a place of fruition
- Transversal and Transferable Skills: Philosophy and Literature: Vergílio Ferreira and Eduardo Lourenço
- Turkish (5)
- Turkish (6)
- Women in Contemporary History
- Writing and memory in the diocesan territory of Oporto
- Writting in the urban context in medieval and pre-modern Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal
Tel.:(+351) 226 077 100 (+ Contactos / + Contacts)
E-mail:[email protected]