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Faculties -Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Founded in 1919, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLUP) is a leading international institution in the teaching and research of the Humanities.

After a (brief) initial existence at the beginning of the 20th century, FLUP was closed by the political regime in 1928 and (re)established in 1961, reintroducing an education in humanities to the city.

With around 4,000 students, the Faculty currently offers a wide range of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in the following main subject areas: Archaeology, Communication and Information Sciences, Language Sciences, Romance and Classical Studies, English and English-speaking Studies, German and German-speaking Studies, Philosophy, Geography, History, History of Art, Museology and Sociology.

The Faculty also offers training in more specialised fields, such as International Relations, Translation, Portuguese as a Foreign Language, Comparative Literature, Didactics, African Studies, Heritage Studies, Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Planning, or Medieval Studies, as well as a wide range ofcontinuing education courses open to the entire community.

FLUP is a prominent centre for scientific research powered by the work of eightResearch and Development Units funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in Portugal. It has been housed in many of U.Porto'shistoric buildings throughout its existence. In 1995, the Faculty's current building opened its doors on the University's Campus III (Campo Alegre).

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Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Tel.:(+351) 226 077 100 (+ Contactos / + Contacts)
E-mail:[email protected]

