A successor of the Polytechnic Academy, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto – initially the Technical Faculty, established in 1915 before its name was changed in 1926 – is among the oldest of the University’s Faculties.
Currently, FEUP is one of the most prestigious Portuguese teaching and research institutions in engineering and related areas. Its reputation is justified by the wide range of high-quality training offered at various levels of education.
The Faculty’s modern complex – which opened in 2000 on Campus 2 (Asprela) – is an incubator of innovation and knowledge, fostered by the work carried out in the research centres based there, in close contact with the business world and community.
Choose the type of Course:
Courses from A to Z
- Advanced Materials and Processing
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Digital Media
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Engineering and Industrial Management
- Engineering and Public Policy
- Engineering Physics
- Environmental Engineering
- Informatics Engineering
- Leaders for Technological Industries
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Mining and Geo-Resources Engineering
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering
- Spatial Planning
- Telecommunications
- Transport Systems
Courses from A to Z
Courses from A to Z
- Bioengineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering Structures
- Computational Mechanics
- Computer Vision
- Data Science and Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Industrial Engineering and Management
- Informatics and Computing Engineering
- Information Science
- Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship
- Integrated Building Design and Construction
- Master in Artificial Intelligence
- Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mining and Geo-Environmental Engineering
- Multimedia
- Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering
- Services Engineering and Management
- Software Engineering
- Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- Spatial Planning and Urban Project
- Sustainable Design, Construction and Management of the Built Environment
- Urban Mobility Management
Courses from A to Z
- Advanced Studies
- Advanced Studies in Building Rehabilitation
- Advanced Studies in Project in Engineering Open Training Course
- Entrepreneurship 4 Engineering
- Mathematics Uniformisation
- Transferable Skills: How to write an Engineering Dissertation Continuing Training Unit
- Academic Spinoff: From the Lab to the Market
- Catalytic Chemical Reactors
- Characterization and Processing of Polymeric Materials
- Circular Construction
- Decarbonizing the Buildings Sector to reach global Energy Sustainability
- Disinfection Technologies
- EBEC Porto 24h - Case Study
- EBEC Porto 24h - Team Design
- Electrical Power Systems for the Sustainability and Energy Transition
- Electronic Prototyping Fundamentals
- Engineering for Sustainability
- Fault diagnosis in industrial cyber-physical systems
- Global Engineering
- Guides on Contaminated Soils
- Hygiene and Chemical and Biological Safety
- Integrated Circuits: Implementation
- Introduction to Astrodynamics
- Introduction to data analysis in Excel
- Introduction to data analysis in Python
- Introduction to Electric Propulsion
- Introduction to New Space
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Introduction to research infrastructures
- Introduction to Robotics
- Introduction to satellite sensors
- Introduction to small satellite systems engineering
- Introduction to space optics
- Introduction to the Space Environment
- Maritime and Offshore Works
- MecGames Competition
- Mini projects on machine learning and control systems
- Modular Construction
- Natural radiation from geological materials
- Python Programming: Fundamentals and Applications in Chemical Engineering
- Railway Systems
- SAFE - Chemical and biological safety in research laboratories
- Spaghetti Bridges and Structures Competition
- Swarm Robotics Competitions
- The Challenges of Sustainable Development
- Training of FEUP Project Monitors
- Transferable Skills: Assembling and Testing Laboratory Facilities
- Transferable Skills: automated laboratory data acquisition
- Transferable Skills: BET Competition-Building Engineers of Tomorrow
- Transferable Skills: CiênciaVitae - the scientific curriculum
- Transferable Skills: Creating Opportunities for Innovation
- Transferable skills for engineering: Assertive Communication and Presentation Techniques (advanced module)
- Transferable skills for engineering: basic teaching skills
- Transferable Skills for Engineering: From Intellectual Property to Business
- Transferable skills for engineering: LaTex
- Transferable Skills for Engineering: Scientific Research Methodology
- Transferable skills for engineering: Time Management and Personal Organization (advanced module)
- Transferable Skills: ICEC - International Competition of Civil Engineering Students
- Transferable Skills: Professional Communication
- Transferable Skills: Publishing and Scientific Writing
- Transferable Skills: Research Data Management
- Transferable Skills: SciTech - Transversal Challenges in Science and Engineering
- Transversal Competencies - Leadership and Performance Management (advanced module)
- Transversal Competencies - Professional Negotiation Techniques
- Transversal Skills: Organisation of Scientific Conferences
- Transverse Skills for Engineering: Introduction to Linux
- Circular Economy Summer/Winter Course
- Personal Effectiveness and Leadership
Courses from A to Z
- Continuing Training Course
- Business Processes Engineering and Management Advanced Studies
- Advanced Studies in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering
- Advanced Studies in Technology Management Enterprise EUGLOH Training Activity
- Digital Media in Health Communication and Literacy Open Training Course
- Additive Manufacturing: Processing and Advanced Materials
- Community Service Engineering
- Databases
- European Adhesive Bonder
- Introduction to robotics for applications in ocean observations, archeology, and ecosystems mapping
- Organization of Public Transport of Passengers
- Power Systems Grounding
- Some Basics in Controllability of Nonlinear ODE's Continuing Training Unit
- Advanced Programming of PLCs ¿ IEC61131-3
- Advanced Training to Enable using ITED
- Atomic Force Microscopy Applied to Life Sciences
- Blended Intensive Program on Circular Economy
- Climate Transition and Sustainable Development
- Construction Management
- Digital Product Management
- EBEC Porto 24h - Competition Management
- Electronic Prototyping
- Engineering in the Human Body: Health and Thermal Comfort
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- EUGLOH Summer School on Immersive Media for Health and Well-being (ESSIM)
- H2 - Summer School
- Hands-on workshop on Image Analysis for Imaging flow Cytometry
- High Throughput Screening and Image Analysis for BioSciences
- IDEIA - Innovative Projects, Development, Experimentation, Investigation and Action
- Integrated Circuits: Design
- Introduction to MATLAB programming
- Introduction to optimization
- ITED-A: Project and Instalation ITED - Update
- Mobility Management
- Mobility Management in Local Authorities
- Operation Management on Public Transport
- Paint and Coating Technology
- Publishing and Scientific Writing
- Quantum Computing Architecture
- Road and Airfield pavements
- Science Communication for Non-expert Audiences
- Software Testing
- Training for Professional Certification in Computer Networks and Services
- Training ITUR (Telecommunications Infrastructure in housing developments, urban settlements and Building sets) - Enabling
- Transferable Skills: Music and Society
- Transferable Skills: Organization of Engineering Contests
- Transferable Skills: Organization of Technical-Scientifical Events
- Transferable Skills: Strategic Innovation Management
- Transferable Skills: Think Bio Competition
- Sustainability of Food Production and Consumption Summer/Winter Course
- It's Grapes O'clock: A journey through wine production
- Science Behind the Ocean
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Tel.:(+351) 225 081 400
E-mail:[email protected]