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- Cambridge International students – important message following the release of results 2024 Cambridge International results have been made available...
- 2024 NCEA results have been made available to the University. We have begun processing applications and will make decisions as soon as possible. It...
- The University calculates three different types of GPA: Term - all courses you enrolled in for that term e.g., Semester One Cumulative - all courses...
- StudyLink can be contacted via the following: Phone - 0800 88 99 00 (Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm) Visiting Contact StudyLink For more...
- Logging into Student Services Online Student Services Online allows you to enrol in classes, view your timetables, update your details and much...
- For more information on grades, and for grades not on this scale, please see Grade Descriptors Policy . Grade % range Grade points Pass...
- What is a Grade Point Equivalent (GPE)? Your GPE is the grades you achieved through study outside the University of Auckland, including examinations...
- Most academic documents can either be uploaded or shared digitally (where applicable). Your identity document can be submitted online, but must be...
- To log into Canvas, you can go to our Canvas page . Enter your University username and password, then click login. You can also access...
- The University of Auckland does not have a universal method to calculate grades across all faculties as our methods of calculating GPAs can vary...
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