byGene Crawford |Aug 18, 2016 |Gallery,Portfolio
Pretty nifty approach. The site largely exists as a slideshow. You could pretty much use it as a slide deck when you’re talking with a client. I like that. Clever sectioning of the case study project displays as well. Submitted by: G Filipovic Role: Designer...byGene Crawford |Jul 18, 2016 |Gallery,Portfolio
Pretty cool custom personal site. I dig the black and white and the three column basic approach. Very cool and simple.byGene Crawford |Jul 12, 2016 |Gallery
Some really nifty and intense looking visual interactions for the Website Style site. I dig the muted (black and white) visual look as well as the long scrolling page with tons of detail work. Solid looking work. The experience gained during our previous realizations...byGene Crawford |Jul 5, 2016 |Gallery
Really nice product based website. Honestly it’s really straight forward and in many ways set’s the “standard” for how one could approach a product site design. Plenty of straight up product details and minimal but well done interactions.byGene Crawford |May 16, 2016 |Design Firm,Gallery
Woah. That’s what I said when I first loaded this site up. It’s plenty full of visuals and good looking teaser imagery. It’s pretty solid in execution too. I love that first moment when you start to scroll this site down the most. It’s a nice...@font-faceagencyAnimatedblock designcard designcleanCrispcss animationDark BackgroundFixed HeaderFixed NavigationGridGrid 2 ColumnGrid 3 ColumnhamburgerHeavy DetailHeavy Typehorizontal navHTML5iconsIllustrationsImage Backgroundimage richlarge photoLight BackgroundMedium Backgroundminimalno navigationoff screen navigationOn-scroll actionsparallaxportfoliopre-loaderRealistic Elementsresponsivescrolling animationSingle Page LayoutSlideshowSVGTypeKitUKUSAvertical navvideovideo background