Support what matters most to you

UM Student Food Bank

Area of Greatest Needs
In the ever-changing environment of post-secondary education, the fund provides critical resources to address the immediate priorities of today, while building a stable foundation for a bright future. This flexibility builds on existing efforts, creates new opportunities and opens doors.

Price Student-Managed Investment Fund

A Pivotal Time, A Sacred Place, A Permanent Legacy

UM Emergency Bursary Fund

Our path to reconciliation and healing

UM Work-Study Program

Your generosity changes lives
Your gift makes a difference at the University of Manitoba. You help drive innovation, leadership and excellence and inspire our students, staff, faculty and researchers.
Brighter Futures
When individuals, organizations and communities unite in the spirit of giving, it allows our students to access quality education, fostering brighter futures. We are grateful to our donors, who recognize the role that philanthropy plays in education.
Browse inspiring stories to see how your philanthropy is creating brighter futures.

Areas to support
Whether you're passionate about student experiences and campus spaces or Indigenous achievements and cutting edge research, UM offers many opportunities to support the areas most important to you.
Explore our giving opportunities, or donate to the President's Fund, where you can be sure your gift will be used where it is needed most.
Contact us
Donor Relations
Unit 100-137 Innovation Drive
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 6B6 Canada
Charitable registration number: 11926-0669-RR0001