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I can't run it in my browser, I get this error message:
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)"
I'm running a Chromium browser, if that's helpful.
Overall good. I’m still excited for the eventual full release, but I’d like to comment on a few things.
The art, though charming in its own way, is definitely a downgrade compared to the previous iteration. The best of both worlds would be the use of color present in the new (darker, less saturated palette with bright & saturated player, enemies, & projectiles), with the detail & fidelity of the old, though I’m guessing the change was made mainly due to time?
The difficulty should definitely be raised. If aiming is going to see less emphasis, then more emphasis should be put on dodging. As is, it just feels like aiming was removed, but no compensation was made in other areas. This game should lean more into bullet hell than it currently does, with most, if not all, enemies having a projectile. As is, the game very often feels like waiting for the enemies to die, rather than frantically dashing all over the place, trying to find safe spots, which I believe is the intended play experience.
Thanks for taking the time to play the new demo and leave feedback!
I'm pretty firm on the artstyle change. Interestingly, the color palette is exactly the same as the previous art. I'm just using the colors in different ways. The change actually wasn't because of time. There were some small gameplay reasons, but mostly I just prefer these visuals. I know some people will prefer the previous art and see this as a downgrade, but there are others who prefer this and see it as an upgrade. I can't quantify these numbers, but I did have a mockup of the new visuals do very well on mastodon (compared with previous visuals falling a bit flat on twitter). I'm planning to add more animations to the levels and enemies to increase the detail and liven it up.
I agree with you on difficulty. I also want to lean more into the bullet hell side of things. I have plans to add projectiles to more of the enemies, though not all of them. From a design perspective, I consider some enemies "homing projectiles" that you can destroy with your own projectiles. Under that framing, I may need to increase their movement speed as a solution to the problem you are experiencing (waiting for the enemies to die).
Again, I appreciate the feedback and I hope you continue to play future builds and let me know your thoughts on them.
Thanks for the feedback on audio. I'll make some adjustments there. Glad you like the look of the new art!
I've got another biome mockup done on the steam page (forest). What did you mean by "bright" in this context. Is there any art you could point me to that is similar to what you are thinking.
Thanks again for playing and for the feedback!
so i pulled a screenshot into microsoft paint for this, so it is not very well made! But heres two examples.
Generally pastel colors could work i think, since most of the mobs, and the player, are pretty high contrast. And then i Don't know if you would have to redo the way outlines work on your characters or not, but here i just made the inside of the hat stay dark for the mc. : )
If you purchase the tiger's tail while at 1 heart and 2 max hp, you end up with 1 empty heart and become unable to interact with coin pickups, heart pickups, and the sneaker relic (I left it in on the floor in the starting room). You are still able to interact with the boss room spellbook and the stairs, and can still die by getting hit. idk if you can still interact with the shop because I had 0 coins lol.
Edit: It also happens if you buy the tiger tail with 1 max HP.
When choosing secondary spells and buying items: maybe you could just put the symbols instead of the words, in the parentheses?
So spells just had their dmg and then a (*symbol*) afterwards and in the shop, items all just had their element at the bottom of the text also written like (*symbol*).
I think it would make it easier to understand what you are looking at.
I really like the elemental aspect, could the main character maybe switch color when reaching like lvl 5 or 8 in a certain attribute? That would also make it more intuitive, what your strength is. You could even mix the colors, so both yellow and blue at a certain lvl could make you a green wazard! Although getting all three would make you brown, which would slightly be anticlimatic.
I started a run with two max hearts, maximum strength and maximum starting gold, and got the artifact to turn hearts into coins and then the one that reduces my max hearts by two.
I was expecting either to have a single heart or instant death. I got a single empty heart, and I couldn't collect hearts or coins.
I love this game, i also love the color system. but why does the sound taking damage sound effect sound like a sigh, and can you make it so you can see what your previous spells and items do. it would also be cool if you added one time use item like healing potions and such. and different charecters with different stats and different pros and cons for each. but an extra challenge would be nice.
Played through the demo and here are some observations.
First is that there is no tension going back to unexplored rooms after defeating each floor boss room. I feel there should be some decision of either moving down the stairs or risking more exploration for more reward. Something like ennemies get stronger if you don't go down the stairs fast enough, or the rooms get filled with poison and you take a damage. Only examples to illustrate the feeling, not necessarily advocating for these specific solutions.
Second, every attack and spawn are telegraphed with red circles and rectangles but not the projectiles like the red slime and dragons fireball. That felt awkward because you are trained to avoid red indicators but the fireball are identical to your projectiles and don't have collision indicators. I feel you should either expect all attacks to have collider indicators or none.
Bonus, the yell sound effect when you get hit doesn't sound good, it feels out of place.
Overall, it felt like ArcHero meets binding of Isaac. Even in this early alpha prototype stage it's clear it will be a buy for me.
Thanks for all the feedback. That is super useful.
For the enemy projectiles are you imagining a red circle under them to indicate the collision box?
I agree with the sound effect for getting hit. Some of the other sounds effects still need work as well.
I've got a lot of work ahead of me still, but I'm happy to hear you enjoy the core of the game :)
I disagree about the telegraphing. the projectiles telegraphing is already in the game. its moving towards you at a slow enough speed so i get out of the way. i think that needs to stay exactly as it is. Similar to Isaac or Gungeon i think exploring back is fine as is as well. I really like the accessibility of the game.
I was able to beat the game first try with only taking two damage from the exploding slimes so i think it could be more challenging as you go on. it felt like my damage scaling overpowered enemy scaling. Though for context I am also a game dev, currently developing a bullet hell game, but i thought it might be helpful to know.
overall i really felt the mechanics were good and the demo felt well polished. with some more challenge and bosses i could see myself playing this quiet a bit.
really love the game, played an hour : )
I think it would be cool with like an ice mob that made the floor slippery, or variated blue or purple slimes who make the floor sticky so it slows. Since movement is the main mechanic, it feels relevant to challenge it!
I also started imagining something like a "mariokart questionmark", which might be a debuff or an enemy reroll, but could also be a 2-3 second buff for attack speed or a single use spell, like the dash, that you can use up, with spacebar. It could be potions or elixirs of different colors.
I think that might make it more unpredictable, wacky even : )
With the most recent update this game goes from super easy to quite difficult, midas touch and shopkeepers dagger both received huge nerfs, meaning no more absurd builds based on those two with survival burger and bat fang charm, and extra floors just add more to the game, great game, I can't wait to see where it goes next
I had a small glitch. The bread reads as adding +2 gold instead of +2 hearts.. I think it’s because I had Midas Touch on a previous run which changed its effect to the +2 gold and it didn’t revert back on restart. Picking up does add +2 hearts as normal though. Great game so far btw! Been having a lot of fun!
Hey, just finished trying out this demo. It's honestly very fun to play. I love the concept of a Vampire Survivor + The Binding of Isaac mashup. This has the potential of having cool synergies and more spells to make an incredibly fun experience.
My only criticism would be that the wizard's collision seems a bit funky. I'm able to collect pickups with my head, but I would expect the collision to be at the foot of the player. I think that is more natural on a top-down bullet hell game.
Congrats, this is a very fun concept. Honestly I'd love to make a game with this concept myself, looks simple and very fun to make. Good luck on your project!
Really enjoying this so far.. though I really feel like the current state of the game doesn't reflect the description of "wacky" too much yet. I love the spider design and hope to see many more enemies, rooms, bosses, and items that help reinforce this theme. This may be something that comes later with visual design iterations, though please don't forget this in the long run! I personally believe this is an important aspect in establishing the game's identity and theme and would hate to see it left behind
Thanks for the feedback. I agree. I've tried some different monster iterations for the bat, the snake, and the slimes but I haven't quite found something that worked yet. I'll keep iterating until I find something that works. The dragon boss is going to need some iteration as well. Needless to say, I have my work cut out for me still on the art design side haha.
Great game, super fun but sometimes when killing enemies they'd drop a heart without the fang . Also after the 10 soul upgrades the games grinds to a halt as you have to spend run after run for the 30 soul ones, this might not be a problem in the longer runs of the full game but as a suggestion maybe you could add an upgrade or item to earn more souls.