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Currently,@tsed/mikro-orm allows you:

  • Configure one or more MikroORM instances via the@Configuration decorator. All databases will be initialized when the server starts during the server'sOnInit phase.
  • Use the Entity MikroORM as Model for Controllers, AJV Validation and Swagger.


To begin, install the MikroORM module for TS.ED:

npm install @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mongodb     # for mongonpm install @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mysql       # for mysql/mariadbnpm install @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mariadb     # for mysql/mariadbnpm install @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/postgresql  # for postgresqlnpm install @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/sqlite      # for sqlite
yarn add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mongodb     # for mongoyarn add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mysql       # for mysql/mariadbyarn add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mariadb     # for mysql/mariadbyarn add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/postgresql  # for postgresqlyarn add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/sqlite      # for sqlite
pnpm add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mongodb     # for mongopnpm add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mysql       # for mysql/mariadbpnpm add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mariadb     # for mysql/mariadbpnpm add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/postgresql  # for postgresqlpnpm add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/sqlite      # for sqlite
bun add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mongodb     # for mongobun add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mysql       # for mysql/mariadbbun add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/mariadb     # for mysql/mariadbbun add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/postgresql  # for postgresqlbun add @mikro-orm/core @tsed/mikro-orm @mikro-orm/sqlite      # for sqlite

Once the installation process is completed, we can import theMikroOrmModule into theServer configuration:

import {Configuration}from "@tsed/di";import {MikroOrmModule}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";@Configuration({  imports: [MikroOrmModule],  mikroOrm: [    {      contextName:'default',      type:'postgresql',      ...,      entities: [        `./entity/*{.ts,.js}`      ]    },    {      contextName:'mongo',      type:'mongo',      ...    }  ]})export class Server {}

ThemikroOrm options accepts the same configuration object asinit() from the MikroORM package. Checkthis page for the complete configuration documentation.

Obtain ORM instance

@Orm decorator lets you retrieve an instance of MikroORM.

import {AfterRoutesInit}from "@tsed/platform-http";import {Injectable}from "@tsed/di";import {Orm}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";import {MikroORM}from "@mikro-orm/core";@Injectable()export class UsersService {  @Orm()  private readonly orm!: MikroORM;  async create(user: User): Promise<User> {    // do something    // ...    // Then save    await this.orm.em.persistAndFlush(user);    console.log("Saved a new user with id: " +;    return user;  }  async find(): Promise<User[]> {    const users = await this.orm.em.find(User, {});    console.log("Loaded users: ", users);    return users;  }}

It's also possible to inject an ORM by its context name:

import {Injectable}from "@tsed/di";@Injectable()export class MyService {  @Orm("mongo")  private readonly orm!: MikroORM;}

Obtain EntityManager

@EntityManager and@Em decorators lets you retrieve an instance of EntityManager.

import {AfterRoutesInit}from "@tsed/platform-http";import {Injectable}from "@tsed/di";import {Em}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";import {EntityManager}from "@mikro-orm/mysql";// Import EntityManager from your driver package or `@mikro-orm/knex`@Injectable()export class UsersService {  @Em()  private readonly em!: EntityManager;  async create(user: User): Promise<User> {    await this.em.persistAndFlush(user);    console.log("Saved a new user with id: " +;    return user;  }}

It's also possible to inject Entity manager by his context name:

import {AfterRoutesInit}from "@tsed/platform-http";import {Injectable}from "@tsed/di";import {Em}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";import {EntityManager}from "@mikro-orm/mysql";// Import EntityManager from your driver package or `@mikro-orm/knex`@Injectable()export class UsersService {  @Em("contextName")  private readonly em!: EntityManager;  async create(user: User): Promise<User> {    await this.em.persistAndFlush(user);    console.log("Saved a new user with id: " +;    return user;  }}

Use Entity with Controller

To begin, we need to define an Entity MikroORM like this and use Ts.ED Decorator to define the JSON Schema.

import {Property, MaxLength, Required}from "@tsed/schema";import {Entity, Property, PrimaryKey, Propertyas Column}from "@mikro-orm/core";@Entity()export class User {  @PrimaryKey()  @Property()  id!: number;  @Column()  @MaxLength(100)  @Required()  firstName!: string;  @Column()  @MaxLength(100)  @Required()  lastName!: string;  @Column()  @Mininum(0)  @Maximum(100)  age!: number;}

Now, the model is correctly defined and can be used with aController ,AJV validation,Swagger andMikroORM.

We can use this model with a Controller like that:

import {Post, Post, Get}from "@tsed/schema";import {Controller, Inject}from "@tsed/di";import {BodyParams}from "@tsed/platform-params";@Controller("/users")export class UsersCtrl {  @Inject()  private readonly usersService!: UsersService;  @Post("/")  create(@BodyParams()user: User): Promise<User> {    return this.usersService.create(user);  }  @Get("/")  getList(): Promise<User[]> {    return this.usersService.find();  }}

Transactions and Request context

As mentioned in thedocs, we need to isolate a state for each request. That is handled automatically thanks to theAsyncLocalStorage registered via interceptor.

We can use the@Transactional() decorator, which will register a new request context for your method and execute it inside the context.

import {Post, Post, Get}from "@tsed/schema";import {Controller, Inject}from "@tsed/di";import {BodyParams}from "@tsed/platform-params";import {Transactional}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";@Controller("/users")export class UsersCtrl {  @Inject()  private readonly usersService!: UsersService;  @Post("/")  @Transactional()  create(@BodyParams()user: User): Promise<User> {    return this.usersService.create(user);  }  @Get("/")  getList(): Promise<User[]> {    return this.usersService.find();  }}

Retry policy

By default,IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED is used. You can override it, specifying the isolation level for the transaction by supplying it as theisolationLevel parameter in the@Transactional decorator:

@Post("/")@Transactional({isolationLevel: IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE})create(@BodyParams() user: User):Promise<User> {  return this.usersService.create(user);}

The MikroORM supports the standard isolation levels such asSERIALIZABLE orREPEATABLE READ, the full list of available options seehere.

You can also set theflushing strategy for the transaction by setting theflushMode:

@Post("/")@Transactional({flushMode: FlushMode.AUTO})create(@BodyParams() user: User):Promise<User> {  return this.usersService.create(user);}

In some cases, you might need to avoid an explicit transaction, but preserve an async context to prevent the usage of the global identity map. For example, starting with v3.4, the MongoDB driver supports transactions. Yet, you have to use a replica set, otherwise, the driver will raise an exception.

To prevent@Transactional() use of an explicit transaction, you just need to set thedisabled field totrue:

@Post("/")@Transactional({disabled:true})create(@BodyParams() user: User):Promise<User> {  return this.usersService.create(user);}

By default, the automatic retry policy is disabled. You can implement your own to match the business requirements and the nature of the failure. For some noncritical operations, it is better to fail as soon as possible rather than retry a coupe of times. For example, in an interactive web application, it is better to fail right after a smaller number of retries with only a short delay between retry attempts, and display a message to the user (for example, "please try again later").

The@Transactional() decorator allows you to enable a retry policy for the particular resources. You just need to implement theRetryStrategy interface and useregisterProvider() or@OverrideProvider() to register it in the IoC container. Below you can find an example to handle occurred optimistic locks based onan exponential backoff retry strategy.

import {OptimisticLockError}from "@mikro-orm/core";import {RetryStrategy}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";import {OverrideProvider}from "@tsed/di";import {setTimeout}from "timers/promises";@OverrideProvider(RetryStrategy)export class ExponentialBackoff implements RetryStrategy {  private readonly maxDepth = 3;  private depth = 0;  public async acquire<T extends (...args: unknown[])=> unknown>(task: T): Promise<ReturnType<T>> {    try {      return (await task())as ReturnType<T>;    }catch (e) {      if (this.shouldRetry(eas Error)&& this.depth< this.options.maxDepth) {        return this.retry(task);      }      throw e;    }  }  private shouldRetry(error: Error): boolean {    return errorinstanceof OptimisticLockError;  }  private async retry<T extends (...args: unknown[])=> unknown>(task: T): Promise<ReturnType<T>> {    await setTimeout(2 ** this.depth* 50);    this.depth+= 1;    return this.acquire(task);  }}

ExponentialBackoff invokes passed function recursively is contained in a try/catch block. The method returns control to the interceptor if the call to thetask function succeeds without throwing an exception. If thetask method fails, the catch block examines the reason for the failure. If it's optimistic locking the code waits for a short delay before retrying the operation.

Once a retry strategy is implemented, you can enable an automatic retry mechanism using the@Transactional decorator like that:

import {Post, Post, Get}from "@tsed/schema";import {Controller, Inject}from "@tsed/di";import {BodyParams}from "@tsed/platform-params";import {Transactional}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";@Controller("/users")export class UsersCtrl {  @Inject()  private readonly usersService!: UsersService;  @Post("/")  @Transactional({retry:true})  create(@BodyParams()user: User): Promise<User> {    return this.usersService.create(user);  }  @Get("/")  getList(): Promise<User[]> {    return this.usersService.find();  }}

Managing Lifecycle of Subscribers

With Ts.ED, managing the lifecycle of subscribers registered with Mikro-ORM using the IoC container is simple. To automatically resolve a subscriber's dependencies, you can use the@Subscriber decorator as follows:

import {EventSubscriber}from "@mikro-orm/core";import {Subscriber}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";@Subscriber()export class SomeSubscriber implements EventSubscriber {  // ...}

In this example, we register theSomeSubscriber subscriber, which is automatically instantiated by the module using the IoC container, allowing you to easily manage the dependencies of your subscribers.

You can also specify the context name for a subscriber to tie it to a particular instance of the ORM:

import {EventSubscriber}from "@mikro-orm/core";import {Subscriber}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";@Subscriber({contextName:"mongodb"})export class SomeSubscriber implements EventSubscriber {  // ...}

Transaction Hooks

The transaction hooks allow you to customize the default transaction behavior. These hooks enable you to execute custom code before and after committing data to the database. These transaction hooks provide a flexible way to extend the default transaction behavior and implement advanced patterns such as the Inbox pattern or domain event dispatching.

BeforeTransactionCommit Hook

TheBeforeTransactionCommit interface allows you to define hooks that are executed right before committing data to the database. This hook provides a way to modify data within the same transaction context and perform additional operations before the transaction is committed.

To use theBeforeTransactionCommit hook, first, you have to implement theBeforeTransactionCommit interface:

import {BeforeTransactionCommit}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";import {EntityManager}from "@mikro-orm/core";import {Injectable}from "@tsed/di";@Injectable()export class Hooks implements BeforeTransactionCommit {  $beforeTransactionCommit(em: EntityManager): Promise<unknown>| unknown {    // Custom code executed before committing data  }}

Then just write your code inside the$beforeTransactionCommit method. This code will be executed before the transaction is committed.

AfterTransactionCommit Hook

TheAfterTransactionCommit interface allows you to define hooks that are executed right after committing data to the database. This hook enables you to execute code after the data is committed, making multiple transactions.

To use theAfterTransactionCommit hook, you have to implement theAfterTransactionCommit interface:

import {AfterTransactionCommit}from "@tsed/mikro-orm";import {EntityManager}from "@mikro-orm/core";import {Injectable}from "@tsed/di";@Injectable()export class Hooks implements AfterTransactionCommit {  $afterTransactionCommit(em: EntityManager): Promise<unknown>| unknown {    // Custom code executed after committing data  }}

It's important to note that when using theAfterTransactionCommit hook, you need to handle eventual consistency and compensatory actions in case of failures on your own.



