Bylaws of the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees

(Updated: June 25, 2024)

As the governing body of The University of Tennessee, the Board of Trustees has full authority and control over the University’s organization and administration, constituent parts, and funds. The Board has all express powers granted by acts of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee.

These bylaws lay out a broad overview of the University’s governance, structure and organization.

Download the complete bylaws (PDF)

  1. Article I: Powers and Responsibilities of the Board
  2. Article II: Officers of the Board
  3. Article III: Meetings of the Board
  4. Article IV: Committees
  5. Article V: Meetings of Committees
  6. Article VI: Officers of the University – Appointment and Removal
  7. Article VII: Officers of the University – Duties
  8. Article VIII: Participation in Meetings by Electronic or Telephonic Means
  9. Article IX: Parliamentary Authority
  10. Article X: Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal of Bylaws
  11. Article XI: Suspension of Bylaws
  12. Article XII: Emeriti Trustees
  13. Appendix
    Appendix A: Powers and Responsibilities of the Board


If you have questions regarding the bylaws or the University’ governance please