The developers currently working on Trac are:
The other developers of Trac which are no longer actively working on it are:
Some of the early days developers of Trac were:
Since we added i18n support to Trac in version0.12, we gained a number of active committers who are nowmaintaining the catalog files for their respective language: lgaifax, itamaro, fschwarz, mrelbe, wdiestel, aprudnikov, jomae, lwatter, narine_martirosyan, nzoltan, vezjakv, lholst, rmorales, zclin, raragon, jordi, zengjie, and asurion.
See theTHANKS file in the repositoryfor the maintained list of contributors.
And everyone who keeps providing us with great feedback, helping improve Trac.
Apologies to everyone we forgot to mention, but without whose invaluablehelp, Trac would not evolve.
Finally, thanks to the following companies:
JetBrains PyCharm for providing complementary licenses to the TracTeam.
UptimeRobot for providing a free plan for monitoring the Trac infrastructure.
See also:TracProject,Repositories
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ByEdgewall Software.
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