


Trac Hacks

Context Navigation


  1. Description
    1. Icon Library License Terms
  2. Bugs/Feature Requests
  3. Download
  4. Source
  5. Installation
  6. Configuration
  7. Color macro syntax
  8. Recent Changes
  9. Author/Contributors

Wiki Extras for Trac


TheWikiExtrasPlugin extends the Trac Wiki in several ways:

Each feature can be disabled individually if needed.

There are 3 macros that can be used to show detailed instructions to wiki authors on how to use some of these features, suitable to be placed on one wikipage each:

Please also see the built in plugin documentation presented in the plugin admin panel of your Trac environment.

This plugin is made for Trac 1.0. It could work with Trac 0.12, but the visual impression may not be as intended.

See also:EntityMacro,NewsFlashMacro,NoteBoxPlugin.

Icon Library License Terms

The icon library contained in this plugin is composed of theFugue icon library with additional icons, and can be used for any commercial or personal projects, but you may not lease, license or sublicense the icons. The icon library is provided for convenience, though download and installation time is taking a hit since it contains more than 3000 unique icons in two flavors; shadowed and shadowless, yielding a grand total of almost 7000 icon files. The library is released underCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.Some icons are copyrightYusuke Kamiyamane, where all rights are reserved.

Additional icons are released under the samelicense terms as Trac.Some icons are copyrightEdgewall Software, where all rights are reserved.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests forWikiExtrasPlugin arehere.

If you have any issues, create anew ticket.


13 / 20


3 / 10


2 / 3


Download the zipped source fromhere.


You can check outWikiExtrasPlugin fromhere using Subversion, orbrowse the source with Trac.

The plugin is also available onPyPI.


trunk (1.0dev) -- To use this plugin according to built in instructions, Trac 1.0 or newer isrequired.

General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on theTracPlugins page.

Activate the plugin by adding the following line to yourtrac.ini file:



The built in documentation explains the configuration of this plugin thoroughly.The following examples are provided as an overview of the customization capabilities of the plugin.

Configure boxes(showing default configuration):


Configure icons(showing default configuration):


Configure smileys(example):

[wikiextras-smileys]_remove_defaults=truesmiley=:-) :)smiley-wink=;-) ;)

Configure attention phrases(showing default configuration) and see alsoTracIni#wikiextras-section:

[wikiextras]fixme_phrases=BUG, FIXMEtodo_phrases=REVIEW, TODOdone_phrases=DONE, DEBUGGED, FIXED, REVIEWED

Configure custom phrases (see#10648). The section keys define the classes (e.g.nice,attention andnew), and the values define the phrases. The styles for the classes should be defined in thesite CSS:

[wikiextras-custom-phrases]nice=NICE, COOLattention=ATTENTIONnew=NEW

Configure symbols(example):


FormerWikiGoodiesPlugin users might find the following compatibility definitions useful:

[wikiextras-smileys]exclamation--frame=/!\exclamation-diamond-frame=<!>thumb={DN} {!OK}thumb-up={UP} {OK}star={*}star-empty={o}light-bulb=(!)priority1={p1} {P1}priority2={p2} {P2}priority3={p3} {P3}

Note: The priority smileys as defined above,{p1} etc, maynot work since they conflict with InterTrac ticket report references (#1799), which are handled by the Trac core.

Color macro syntax


[[Color(text, fg/bg/size)]]


  • text is the text to decorate. Enter a leading and/or trailing space character to surround the text with a decorated space.
  • fg/bg/size defines the foreground and background colors, and a font size. All parameters are optional and separated by slash character (/).

Colors may be specified as anRGB triplet in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet; e.g.#000 or#000000 for black); they may also be specified according to their common English names, for example 'red', 'green', 'blue'. Seehere for details.


[[Color(Large red on yellow, red/yellow/150%)]][[Color(Red on yellow, red/yellow)]][[Color(Yellow background, /yellow)]][[Color(Large red, #f00/2em)]][[Color(Large on yellow, /yellow/20px)]][[Color(Text, can, have, commas, /yellow)]][[Color( Surrounding space is also decorated , white/red)]]

To set the foreground color for a larger block, the processor variant can be used(background color and font size may not display as expected due to the mechanisms of cascading style sheets, be advised and use thecolor parameter only):

{{{#!Color color=green...}}}

Recent Changes

18651 byjun66j5 on 2024-08-09 09:27:12
TracWikiExtras 1.3.2dev: follow-up tor18475, sort longer phrases before shorter ones in regular expression for wiki syntax (refs#14133)
18604 byjun66j5 on 2023-12-16 00:28:54
TracWikiExtras 1.3.2dev: fix sending non-bytes instance from boxes component (closes#14257)
18475 byrjollos on 2022-04-09 03:51:16
TracWikiExtras 1.3.2dev: Make compatible with Python 3




Author:mrelbe andcboos
Maintainer:Mikael Relbe
Contributors: This plugin is based on theWikiGoodiesPlugin bycboos. Also, kudos tocboos (again) for the icon wiki markup idea:(|name|)

Last modified3 years agoLast modified on Jan 5, 2022, 4:57:11 PM

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ByEdgewall Software.

