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Export wiki pages toPDF, ODT and DOC format


This plugin allows you to export wiki pages toPDF, ODT and DOC format. This plugin is licensed under LGPL.

When this plugin is active, the following options appear in the wiki pages:

Sincer5057, this plugin accepts a basic template system. This system works as follows:

  1. Create a wiki page calledWikiTemplateConf.
  2. Add to that page a text similar to the following:
    {{{template_list= .+, Manual, Listtemplate_file= default.odt, manual.odt, list.odt}}}
  3. template_list, regular expresion of wikipagenames.
  4. template_file, template file apply to wikipage.
  5. Attach to the page the files default.odt, manual.odt, list.odt (or those who have written in the template_file section)

Once this is done, when you export a wiki page, if the page name starts with a name written in the template_list section, the document created uses the template defined in theWikiTemplateConf page.


The listed values must be separated by both a comma and a space:

styles = Default, Heading 1, Heading 2                          Works finestyles = Default,Heading 1,Heading 2                            Doesn't work

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests forWikiExportPlugin arehere.

If you have any issues, create anew ticket.


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Download the zipped source fromhere.


You can check outWikiExportPlugin fromhere using Subversion, orbrowse the source with Trac.


This plugin has been developed withpython-uno 2.4.1,BeautifulSoup 3.0.7a andpython-imaging-library (PIL).

Note: The plugin has been tested with OpenOffice 3.2, Python UNO 3.2 and Trac 0.12.1 and works as designed.

Python-uno is not installed by default. The exact installation instruction depend on the operating system you are using:

  • Linux: If your Linux uses apt, you can install python-uno as follows:
    $ apt-get install python-uno python-beautifulsoup python-imaging
    • With Debian Lenny 5.0, if you want to runsoffice with-headless option, install these packages also:
      $ apt-get install
  • Mac: untested
  • Windows: The following article can be useful:


Before use, you must start Open Office in service mode. To start Office in this mode, use a command like this:

soffice"-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;" -headless(1)soffice -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager(2)

The version of Open Office used in the development of the plugin was the 2.4.

  1. Openoffice 2.4 with headless without framebuffer.
  2. Standard Openoffice server with X.

A possible configuration of this plugin is the following:

[openOffice-exporter]user=johnpsswrd=1234host=localhostport=8100para-styles=Text Body, Default, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, ..., Heading 10list-styles=List 1, Numbering 1, Numbering 2, Numbering 3char-styles=Default, Source Text, Internet LinkisPersonalizeAttribute=False

A brief description of the fields:

  • user andpsswrd: If the trac project needsauthentication, for export the images you need to pass a user and a password for construct a url that urllib can open.
  • host andport: When you start the soffice in service mode, you must specify a host and a port where the service accepts the connections. By default in this plugin, these values are localhost and 8100.
  • para-styles,list-styles andchar-styles: Are the styles that you want to use of the open office to export the wiki pages.

All these fields are optional, but the default configuration of this plugin is for the Spanish version of Open Office.

Recent Changes

15264 byrjollos on 2016-02-11 04:22:34
Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files

svn:mime-type was set to "plain" for many files.

9693 bysfhynx on 2010-12-16 11:48:00
Directory malformed
9680 bysfhynx on 2010-12-15 21:26:43
Branch created to work with Trac 0.12, Python 2.6 and OOo3.2


Maintainer:Claudio Manuel Fernández Barreiro

Last modified4 years agoLast modified on Jan 15, 2021, 8:32:56 PM


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