Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and availableforadoption.
This script contains some things to source from your .bashrc to simplify Trac administration.
$ tadm permission listUser Action--------------------------anonymous SEARCH_VIEWanonymous WIKI_CREATEanonymous WIKI_MODIFYanonymous WIKI_VIEW$ tlog -n421:32:23 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin unixgroups.unixgroups from /var/www/coderanger/tracs/tracdev/plugins/UnixGroups-0.1_r187-py2.4.egg21:32:23 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin goodies from /var/www/coderanger/tracs/tracdev/plugins/TracWikiGoodies-0.3_r483-py2.4.egg21:32:23 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin traccas from /var/www/coderanger/tracs/tracdev/plugins/TracCAS-0.1_r522-py2.4.egg21:32:23 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin hackinstall.web_ui from /home/coderanger/trac/hacks/hackinstallplugin/0.9
Make sure you change the first line of the bashrc.tx file to point at your default Trac environment. You may have to change other settings in this file depending on your system setup.
If you have any other pieces of scripting, contact me and I will request commit access for you.
Existing bugs and feature requests forTracBashrcScript arehere.
If you have any issues, create anew ticket.
Download the zipped source fromhere.
You can check outTracBashrcScript fromhere using Subversion, orbrowse the source with Trac.
Maintainer:none (needsadoption)