


Trac Hacks

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  1. Description
    1. Usage scenario
  2. Bugs/Feature Requests
  3. Download and Source
  4. Source
  5. Installation
  6. Recent Changes
  7. Author/Contributors

Backlinks for tickets in comment history


This plugin automatically creates intra-Trac references between tickets. Example: when a comment on ticket A references ticket B, a comment is made on ticket B letting you know that ticket A has referenced it.

Adding the following comment in ticket A (in casu 39):

Results in the following trackback in ticket B (in casu 67):

Note: This plugin will not retroactively create trackbacks for existing comments.

Usage scenario

If developer A is working on ticket 1 and developer B is working on ticket 2 and writes some notes (on ticket 2) how it's related to ticket 1, it automatically makes a (ticket-2)-to-(ticket 1) link that's easy to follow to get more details. So far so good. However, developer A has no idea her ticket has just been discussed on ticket 2, and tinkers on blithely unaware of what is going on around her, because there is no reciprocal (ticket 1)-to-(ticket 2) link.

How can we automatically indicate that tickets are being discussed at other tickets? This plugin creates that reciprocal (ticket 1)-to-(ticket 2) link so that anyone looking at ticket 1 can see it has been talked about on ticket 2 as well.

See also:BackLinksMacro,TracBackLinkPlugin

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests forTracBacksPlugin arehere.

If you have any issues, create anew ticket.


10 / 14


2 / 8


4 / 5

Download and Source

Download the zipped source fromhere.


Check outTracBacksPlugin using Subversion fromhere orbrowse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on theTracPlugins page.

Recent Changes

18131 byCinc-th on 2021-04-01 17:28:12
TracBacksPlugin: fix for Trac 1.5. Bumped version to0.3.0.
17657 byrjollos on 2020-01-11 08:11:46
TracBacks 0.2dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.4+


17656 byrjollos on 2020-01-11 08:07:50
Conform toPEP8


Contributors:tcoulter (original proposer), Doug Mayle,magicbronson,k0s,rjollos

Originally written atThe Open Planning Project.

Last modified7 years agoLast modified on May 12, 2018, 9:25:27 AM


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