


Trac Hacks

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Restrict access rights for tickets based on user's group


This plugin restricts the user's access rights for tickets depending on the group the user belongs to. This plugin was modified from theSensitiveTicketsPlugin.

For example, suppose there some users which have been assigned to 3 groups:

user1 user1 user4
user2 user3 user5

A user can belong to more than one group. In the ticket view, I have created an additional field to enter a comma delimited list of groups I should restrict access to the ticket.

For example when creating a new ticket, I may decide that grpA and grpC should be restricted from viewing the ticket. In that case, just enter a comma delimited list of groups that require access to be restricted:

And then the ticket will be hidden from users in these 2 groups.

In our example, only users from grpB (user1 and user3) are allowed to see the ticket. However, user1 has already been restricted due to him belonging to grpA, so in effect, only user3 has access to the ticket.

Note that if a user hasTRAC_ADMIN permissions, then this user will be allowed full access, regardless of the restrictions imposed by the plugin.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests forTicketAccessPlugin arehere.

If you have any issues, create anew ticket.


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Download the zipped source fromhere.


You can browseTicketAccessPlugin fromhere.


After downloading and installing, you will need to enable it in the Trac admin page.You will have to perform an upgrade of your Trac database:

trac-admin /instance_trac/ upgrade

Changes are also needed in thetrac.ini file. Under thetrac subsection, please add the permission policyTicketAccessPolicy to the beginning of the permission_policies item:


Thereafter when you create a ticket, there will be a new textfield to key in the users you want to restrict from accessing the ticket.



Last modified7 years agoLast modified on Dec 23, 2017, 9:27:51 AM


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