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  4. Source
  5. Installation, Example
  6. Recent Changes
  7. Author/Contributors

Tickets for project tasks

Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and availableforadoption.


We tried to use Trac for planning small projects.Tasks should be tickets. Entering tasks should be simple. Really simple.On the project page you should have the status overview.Each developer should then have her task list.

We created three simple macros for generating a tabular project task outline.Initially, task summaries are linked to the newticket form, all appropriate fields filled out. After having created the task ticket, summary is linked to the ticket itself.

Note: The macro is currently in German. The table generated has the header names: Entwickler, Datum, Aufgabe, Aufwand, which in English translates to: Owner, Due Date, Task, Effort. You may easily change this in

Note: This version assumes you have a custom fieldproject, which takes project names (dropdown in our case).

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests forTaskTicketsMacro arehere.

If you have any issues, create anew ticket.


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Download the zipped source fromhere.


Check outTaskTicketsMacro from theSubversion repository, orbrowse the source with Trac.

Installation, Example

Placeholder for screenshot

easyinstall is not yet provided.

Simply copy the 3 Python-Scripts to your plugin directory and restart:

trac-admin /instance_trac/ upgrade

In the headerheader of what?, enter field values for preselecting the fields owner and project in newticket.Please turn this sentence into 3 or 4 sentences and define termsIn the ticket, enter due date, summary and effort.In the footer, efforts are summed up.

[[TicketHeader(heyduk||FlowOpt1)]][[Ticket(24.01.2008 ||HeartBeat-Analyse, Loganalyse, DB-Indizes|| 1.75)]]...[[TicketFooter]]

Recent Changes

16397 byrjollos on 2017-03-25 09:37:00
Remove obsolete "0.9" code
8517 byrjollos on 2010-08-30 05:17:12
Added revision info to macros. Fixes#6563.
3233 byviola on 2008-02-13 20:23:58
Initial import. Use with care.


Maintainer:none (needsadoption)

Last modified9 years agoLast modified on Dec 8, 2015, 2:29:37 PM

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