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Egg Cooking Tutorial

  1. Egg cooking
    1. Required items
    2. Directories
    3. Main plugin
    4. Make it a module
    5. Make it an egg
    6. First deployment
    7. Aftermath
  2. Cook even better eggs
    1. Adding template
    2. Tell Trac where the template is
    3. Copy template to egg
    4. Building and deploying
    5. Aftermath
  3. Cooking high-end eggs
    1. Important thing to check
    2. More directories
    3. Style is everything
    4. Image tells more than thousand words
    5. Egg grows
    6. Tell it to Trac
    7. Remember to load stylesheet
    8. Complete version of code
    9. Back to images
    10. Compilation and deployment
    11. Aftermath
  4. Egg publishing

Egg publishing

PyPi is one of the possibilities to publish your egg, see here for details:

Last modified17 years agoLast modified on Nov 7, 2007, 3:31:09 PM

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