Note: This plugin will bedeprecated whentrac:#11870 is implemented. The following notification subscriber rules provide equivalent functionality:
This plugin adds a list of entries to the CC field when a new ticket is created, based on the selectedComponent.
The CC lists can be configured for each Component through theTicket System Components admin panel.
Plugin activation:
Components list:
Component edit:
Ticket created:
Existing bugs and feature requests forDefaultCcPlugin arehere.
If you have any issues, create anew ticket.
defect | 22 / 22 | ||
enhancement | 4 / 4 | ||
task | 2 / 2 |
Download the zipped source fromhere.
The plugin is also available onPyPI.
You can check outDefaultCcPlugin fromhere using Subversion, orbrowse the source with Trac.
General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on theTracPlugins page.
Published topypi:TracDefaultCc.
Author: jeangui
Maintainer:Ryan J Ollos
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