


Trac Hacks

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Add comments to wiki pages

Notice: This plugin does not necessarily meet coding standards or functions correctly in all use cases.


This macro allows for easily adding comments to a wiki page, in a standard format. Each comment is added in the following form:

==== Comment by <user> on <date> ====<comment-body>

The comment body supports normal TracWikiFormatting.

Comments are added after the first line that starts with[[AddComment]].

The macro supports previewing and adheres to theTracPermissions scheme, only allowing comments to be added if the user has write access to the page.

Since changeset[21] the macro can fulfil the role of an append only Wiki page. By passing the argumentappendonly to the macro, comments can be appended to the page even when the user does not have permission to modify the page. This is potentially unsafe, but can be useful.

Note that this macro differs from thestandard wiki #comment feature.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests forAddCommentMacro arehere.

If you have any issues, create anew ticket.


21 / 28


4 / 11


Download the version as per your Trac installation:

Download all versions as azip file.

The plugin is also available onPyPi.


You can check outAddCommentMacro fromhere using Subversion, orbrowse the source with Trac.


Dependencies: You need to install MacroPostPlugin first, or else the 'Preview' and 'Submit' buttons won't work:

$> easy_install$> easy_install

Add the following to yourtrac.ini file:


Alternatively, use the WebAdmin interface to enable both plugins.

Recent Changes

16765 byrjollos on 2017-08-26 02:58:15
TracAddCommentMacro 0.3: Add license info
16760 byrjollos on 2017-08-25 18:54:20
TracAddCommentMacro 0.3: Run autopep8 on codebase
16397 byrjollos on 2017-03-25 09:37:00
Remove obsolete "0.9" code


Contributors:eblot (ported Trac to trunk),osimons (0.11 version)

Last modified3 years agoLast modified on Apr 18, 2022, 10:26:44 AM

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