This plugin allows you to change your password defined inLDAP. It also has the basic properties ofLDAP (user and mail) moved to the corresponding properties in Trac. This plugin is licensed under the LGPL.
(es-ES) Permite cambiar la password definida enLDAP. Tambien traslada las propiedades basicas delLDAP (usuario y correo) a las correspondientes propiedades del Trac. La licencia del plugin es LGPL.
Existing bugs and feature requests forAccountLdapPlugin arehere.
If you have any issues, create anew ticket.
defect | 6 / 8 | ||
enhancement | 3 / 5 |
Download the zipped source fromhere.
Check outAccountLdapPlugin fromhere using Subversion, orbrowse the source with Trac.
General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on theTracPlugins page.
See code in Subversion.
This plugin uses some of the same configuration values asLdapPlugin to bind to yourLDAP server and knows how to access your user data. In yourtrac.ini
file add the following lines:
[ldap]basedn=dc=example,dc=comuser_rdn=cn=ExampleUserGroup,dc=example,dc=comhost=ldap-server.example.combind_user=example_userbind_password=example_passwordattempts=1 (LDAP connection attempts).user_filter=uid (for Active Directory put sAMAccountName)
svn:mime-type was set to "plain" for many files.
svn:mime-type was set to "plain" for many files.
Maintainer:Carlos López Pérez
Contributors:rmad, ValereJeantet,onecreativenerd