About:trac-hacks.org Blog
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This is the Trac-Hacks.org blog.
To comment on blog posts, pleaselog in if not already authenticated.
Until now a registered user has been able to make a change without authenticating, by entering their username in the author field. Any user could make a comment using a registered username. While this hasn't been a significant problem up until now, it was possible that a user could make changes with malicious intent, disguising themselves as a registered user. The issue was discussed in#11622 and changes have been deployed to trac-hacks.org.
Please note that you are still free to make a comment or create a ticket using a username or email that has not been registered at trac-hacks.org. If you have any questions or concerns please leave a comment below.
The permission schema has been modified to give users additionalpermissions:
).The site is now running Trac 1.2. Trac 1.2 is the latest stable release at the time of this writing, and we'll aim to keep trac-hacks.org on the latest release of Trac going forward.
There was a small amount of downtime related to the upgrade which will be avoided in the future through improved configuration management.
Due to a regression in Trac 1.0.7, attempts to login to the site with a username containing special characters such as.
will result in an error. The issue is captured intrac:#12129 and should be resolved with a new Trac release this week.
trac-hacks.org is now configured to serve all traffic overHTTPS. You likely won't notice any change,HTTPURLs will redirect toHTTPS.
Your Subversion working copies will need to be relocated if checked-out overHTTP. In that case an error like the following will be seen:
svn: E175011: Repository moved permanently to 'https://trac-hacks.org/svn/fullblogplugin'; please relocate
The working copy can be fixed usingsvn relocate
$ svn relocate http:// https://
For Subversion < 1.8, you'll need to usesvn switch --relocate
trac-hacks.org has the foremost aims of facilitating collaboration among the community of Trac plugin developers and easing the process of locating plugins for Trac. AsGitHub has become more popular for hosting open source projects a greater number of plugins for Trac can be found on that site. Some of those plugins also have a page on trac-hacks.org, but many do not1.
In order to make it easier to locate Trac plugins onGitHub, atrac-hacks organization has been created. Several users have already moved their plugins to the organization and invites are being sent to authors of original plugins hosted onGitHub.
Users that move their repositories to the trac-hacks.org organization retain full administrative control over their repositories. Besides greater visibility to your project, the primary advantage to moving your project to the organization is that the trac-hacks administrators team can help your project find a new maintainer if you should choose to no longer continue developing the project.
All interestedGitHub users may join the organization, regardless of whether you are currently developing a plugin. You can request to join the one of the organization teams from theTeams page, or send a request to th-users@….
If there's something trac-hacks.org can do better, please let the community know by commenting here, or in thediscussion on the trac-dev mailing list.
In the coming months trac-hacks.org will be moved to a new server, which should provide better availability and performance than the existing hosting. At the moment we continue to experience intermittent but brief downtime, and slow site performance, which we are aiming to resolve with this move.
Edgewall, which created and continues to host Trac, Genshi and Babel has generously offered to provide the hosting for trac-hacks.org. From a user standpoint, nothing will change except for an improved experience in accessing the site. Hosting by Edgewall should ensure that trac-hacks.org remains available with free hosting for Trac plugins for a long time to come.
Following the site move, the trac-hacks.orgadmin team can start focusing on more improvements to the site, so stay tuned! Please don't hesitate to comment if you have any questions or concerns.
TheXML-RPC interface to trac-hacks.org, made possible by theXmlRpcPlugin, is available once again. !Anonymous users can access throughhttp://trac-hacks.org/rpc, and authenticated requests can be made throughhttps://trac-hacks.org/login/rpc.
TheNewHack tab is once again available to logged-in users, allowing new hacks to be published to the site. This feature has been unavailable since the site upgrade in June 2013. Sorry for its long absence!
Thanks to Michael Renzmann (otaku42) for creating the new version of theTracHacksPlugin, and to Jun Omae (jun66j5) for fixing many issues and making it compatible with Trac 1.0.
If you spot any issues, please let us know by opening aticket.
After installingBabel v0.9.6 and placing Trac 1.0.1 by its side now you'll notice a lot of localized content, according toyour session preferences and browser language settings. And it is not only about messages,dates and time-stamps are localized as well.
Localized messages for Trac have been available even since version 0.12, but we know i18n/l10n-support for most plugins to have plenty of room for improvements, if available at all.
Make yourself familiar with thesteps required to use Trac plugin i18n support in your plugin too, please. Users around the world will love you for taking care of seamless integration of you code into Trac core.
And consider joining the effort to presentas many Trac plugin message catalogs as possible in a single placeat Transifex for translators convenience. This way you'll get more translations done than by just letting catalogs sit and way in the repository alone.
We're proudly announcing the arrival ofTrac 1.0.1 (current stable) at this site.
Bear with us for a number of rough edges. Most will be gone by next week.Hope to see you continuing to unleash the power of your Trac plugin development enthusiasm.
--osimons,otaku42,rjollos,hasienda from the current Trac-Hacks.org admin group