



After almost 10 years of only thinking of making youtube video's, I finally grabbed myself a hold of, and I will try to make a name for myself and a community called my own.
A community where everybody is welcome to stay and feel at home.
I will earn my subsribers trust via funny gameplay and without cursing, so even the younger generation can watch my videos, without the parents consern over my channel.
Right now, I only have a mic, but maybe later on I will do face cam. videos as well, for a more in depth experience.
I dont know where I will end, but right now I have one goal.
To earn atleast 50 subscibers. Then a 100. 250. 500. 1000.
But I will be overjoyed even If I will hit at least 100.
If I could make youtube my full time job, that would mean the world to me.
With all that being said, welcome to my channel and I hope you will find good company here and enjoy my content :). ·Community profile

