



Solinus, Polyhistor

Gaius Iulius Solinus, the Polyhistor, translated by Arwen Apps, Gaius Iulius Solinus and his Polyhistor, (PhD diss., Macquarie University, 2011), Copyright Arwen Apps, used in ToposText by gracious permission of the translator. This text has 1407 tagged references to 591 ancient places.
CTS URN:urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0264.stoa001; Wikidata ID:Q3395604; Trismegistos:authorwork/361     [Open Latin text in new tab]

§ i  (Translator's note: The Polyhistor has been translated into English only once. In 1587 Arthur Golding (more famous for his translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses) produced a version entitled The Excellent and Pleasant Worke of Julius Ca. Solinus, containing the Noble Actions of Human Creatures, &c. While Golding was on occasions misled by Solinus’ Latin, and failed to translate sections which offended his notions of propriety, his version is generally accurate, and, to modern ears, quaint and charming. As W.H. Stahl remarks, there is a certain appropriateness about an Elizabethan rendition of accounts of mirabilia (W.H. Stahl, Roman Science, p. 141). Stahl goes on to predict dire challenges for anyone undertaking a new translation of the Polyhistor, an “inexpertly and drastically reduced compilation”. If the translator adhered faithfully to the text, he theorised, the results would strike readers as strange, and at times nonsensical. Any attempt to gloss over Solinus’ “carelessness and ignorance”, he continued, would create a false impression of the author. But this is something on an exaggeration. Solinus was (in the main) not nearly so unskillful a writer as Stahl would have us believe. The translated text, as it stands, certainly does not require constant glossing to render it intelligible, though the esoteric nature of certain passages, particularly those describing gemstones (see e.g. XXXIII §18-19) ensures sporadic difficulties. The compilatory nature of the Polyhistor undoubtedly compromises ready comprehension at certain junctures, but the minutiae necessary for a deeper understanding are by no means indispensable navigatory aids. Certain passages do present distractingly contrasting styles (compare, e.g., the two prefatory letters, Chapters I-II, and Chapter XXIV) which may be galling to the modern reader, but I have attempted to preserve these contrasts in an effort to represent the relationship between the author and the text or texts he was abstracting.

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§ P.1  Greetings fromSolinus to Adventus:I realize that you, both in your ears’ forbearance and in your devotion to the liberal arts, excel others. I have had much experience of this, and thus cannot believe I rashly anticipate your kindness. Therefore, I thought to give the weighing of this trifling work especially to you. Either your diligence promises a ready judgment, or your generosity ready indulgence. 2 As far as reason would allow, this book has been designed with a view to brevity; moderately abridged, it has neither a wasteful abundance nor a detrimental beauty of style. If you study it earnestly, you will find it is leavened with knowledge rather than veneered with a gold-leaf of eloquence. 3 For I confess I have very conscientiously studied a number of excellent books, so I might leave the well-known subjects alone, and devote more attention to those which are less well-known. Observations of places occupy the majority of it, and nearly all the material is connected with the same. It seemed good to me to recall, in order, the famous sites on land, and the famous features of the seas, preserving the differences in the world.

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§ P.4  On the other hand, I have put in a good many other things, though harmoniously, so, if nothing else, the ennui of readers might be assuaged by the very variety. Among these I have included studies on the natures of Man and other animals. I have added some things about strange trees and the appearances of remote tribes, and the unusual rites of far-flung peoples. Also I have included not a few things, worthy of mention, which it seemed negligent to omit. 5 I would wish you, in your industriousness, to particularly understand that the authority for these things stems from the most accepted writers. For what can we claim as our own, since nothing has been passed over by the diligence of old? What remains untouched up to our own era? Therefore, I beg you not to weigh the credit of this work in the present time, seeing indeed that I, having followed the traces of the old stamps, prefer to choose the universal opinions rather than to innovate. 6 Thus, if you have a different opinion on something in my work, I wish you would grant indulgence to my foolishness; the consistency of truth is in the power of those whom I have followed.

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§ P.7  Those who imitate the shapes of bodies, setting the rest aside, figure the head before determining the lines of the other limbs. You might say they make their beginning at the very citadel of form. So I also will make my beginning with the “head” of the world, that is, the city ofRome, although the most learned authors have left nothing which may be newly spoken in her praise, and it may be almost superfluous to re-travel the course trodden over in so many chronicles. 8 Nevertheless, lest they be altogether ignored, I will follow the originals with as much faith as I can.

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§ P.9  Solinus to Adventus: Seeing that many people have hurried to snatch up the trifle with which I laboured, more impatiently than studiously, and that they have already assigned it to an obsolete, unpolished mediocrity, I inflict the final form of the unfinished work upon you. Now, things which were omitted have been added, with greater care, to the incorrect versions (which have been condemned, although, as if approved, they are widely circulated), towards the development of the inquiry. Lest by chance a rough copy, with incomplete content, as though endorsed by me, fall into your hands, I have sent, as you see, this collection, interspersed with my own opinions. I did so because, in the first place, the layout of the work had to be referred to your diligence, and so the betrayal of rough unshapeliness be expunged from the proper edition. Therefore, the title of the work shall be Polyhistor. The title I had designated in the beginning, to wit, Collection of Marvellous Things, I have rejected, and I am pleased to assign it to oblivion. So then, when you compare this letter to the one which forms the beginning of my scriptio, you will understand that you occupy the same place as he to whom I dedicated the culmination of my labour.

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There are some who would have it seem that the name “Rome” was first thought of byEvander. Coming across a town there, already built, which the young men called in Latin “Valentia”, he paid heed to the meaning of the prior name, and called it in Greek “Rome”. And since he and hisArcadians lived on the highest part of the hill, the derivation followed that the safest parts of cities were in later times called arces.

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§ 1.2  But according toHeracleides, afterTroy was captured, certain of theArgives came by way of theTiber to the place whereRome is now. They were persuaded by Roma, a most noble lady among their captives, who was as a companion to them, to burn their ships. They set up a base, built walls and named the resulting town “Rome” after her.

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§ 1.3  Agathocles writes that it was not the prisoner Roma, as is said above, but rather the daughter ofAscanius, granddaughter ofAeneas, who was the reason for the name.

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§ 1.4  Another name, peculiar toRome, is also recorded. However, it is strictly forbidden to publish it, as it is enunciated along with other secrets during our religious ceremonies. This was agreed upon so that the reverence given to the accepted silence might abolish knowledge of the thing itself. 5Valerius Soranus, who dared utter this name against the prohibition, was put to death because of his profane talk.

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§ 1.6  Attendance at the little shrine ofAngerona is among our most ancient religious observances: we sacrifice to the goddess seven days before the Kalends of January. She is the protector of Silence itself, and her statue shows her with her mouth gagged and sealed.

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§ 1.7  Because certain forms of cult were maintained here long beforeRome existed, the question of ambiguities arises. Indeed,Hercules dedicated an altar to his father Inventor, which he had vowed to do after the punishment ofCacus, when he had recovered his lostcattle. 8 ThisCacus lived in a place called Salinae, which is today the location of theTrigemina Gate.Gellius reports that he was taken prisoner byTarchon theTyrrhenian, to whom he had come as ambassador from KingMarsyas, with Megales thePhrygian as his associate. When he broke out of prison he returned from whence he had come, and with a superior number of troops, he seized the country aroundVulturnus andCampania. Next he dared to attack the territory which had been handed over toArcadian rule. But he was overwhelmed byHercules, who was by chance present there. 9 Megales was received again by theSabines, and he taught them the art of interpreting omens.

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§ 1.10  Hercules also set up an altar to his own divine spirit, an altar which is held in great reverence by our high priests. He did this after he learned from Nicostrate, mother ofEvander, who was calledCarmentis because of her prophesying, that he would one day become immortal. He made an enclosure for this altar, and taught thePotitii the rites of worship, which involved the sacrifice ofcattle. The sanctuary is in theForum Boarium, and evidence of his banquets and of his greatness remain there, 11 for, because of divine influence, neither flies nordogs can enter into the place. This came about, it is said, because whenHercules was performing the public distribution of the sacrificial meat, he invoked the god Myiagrus. Also, he left his club at the entrance, and thedogs fled at its smell. These things have endured to this day.

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§ 1.12  Hercules’ companions also constructed the temple which is now called the Treasury ofSaturn. They did this in honour ofSaturn, whom, they learned, had been an inhabitant of the region. In addition, they named what is now theCapitoline Hill the Hill ofSaturn,

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§ 1.13  and called the gate in the fortifications which they builtSaturn’s Gate. This name of the gate was later changed to Pandana. The lower part of theCapitoline Hill was the dwelling place ofCarmentis, now the location of the temple ofCarmentis, from which theCarmentalis Gate took its name.

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§ 1.14  No-one doubts that theArcadians were the founders of thePalatine. They also first established the town ofPallanteum, which theAborigines had inhabited for some time. However, because of the inconvenience of the nearby swamp, made by the flowingTiber, they soon left it behind and set out forReate.

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§ 1.15  There are those who wish to think that the name of thePalatine Hill was inspired by the bleating ofsheep, and that the name was arrived at by adapting the letters of the word balatus. Others think that the name was taken from that ofPale, the pastoral goddess, or, asSilenus shows, from the name of Palantho, the daughter of Hyperboreus, whomHercules was seen to have deflowered there.

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§ 1.16  These things aside, it is at least clear that the glory of the Roman name is indebted to that particular propitious omen which we all know so well, especially since the account of the years brings verification of its truth.

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§ 1.17  Varro (a very diligent author) asserts thatRomulus foundedRome. His parents wereMars andRhea Sylvia, or, as several people think,Mars andIlia. At first,Rome was called “Squareset”, because it was placed at the balancing point. 18 It began at the wood which is in the Area Apollinis, and had its end at the top of the Stairway ofCacus, where the cottage ofFaustulus was. This was whereRomulus stayed overnight; he auspiciously laid down the foundations of the walls when he was eighteen years old, eleven days before the Kalends of May, between the second and third hours, as Lucius Tarruntius, a very notable mathematician, has recorded.Jupiter was inPisces,Saturn,Venus,Mars andMercury inScorpio, the sun inTaurus and the moon in Libra. 19 Thereafter it became custom that no victims were sacrificed on this day, the festival of theParilia, so it should be free from blood. The meaning of the custom is derived fromIlia’s child.Romulus reigned for thirty-seven years. 20 He held his first triumph over theCaeninenses, and took booty from their king,Acron. This he dedicated toJupiterFeretrius, and called it “rich”. His second triumph was over the people ofAntemnae, and the third over the people ofVeii. He disappeared at the swamp of Capra, on the Nones of July.

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§ 1.21  I will now say where the other kings lived.Tatius dwelled in the citadel, where thetemple ofJunoMoneta is now.Tatius was killed by the Laurentes in the fifth year after he had come to the city; this occurred in the27th Olympiad.Numa at first lived on the CollisQuirinalis. Later he lived near thetemple ofVesta, in the palace which to this day has the same name.Numa reigned for forty-three years and is buried underJaniculum.

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§ 1.22  Tullius Hostilius lived atVelia, where later the shrine of the Penates was made. He reigned for thirty-two years, and died in the35th Olympiad.

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§ 1.23  Ancus Marcius lived at the uppermost end of the Sacred Way, where theshrine to the Lares is. He reigned for twenty-four years; he died in the41st Olympiad.

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§ 1.24  Tarquinius Priscus dwelt at the Mugonian Gate, above the top of the New Way. He reigned thirty-seven years.

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§ 1.25  Servius TulliusEsquilinus lived above the slope of the city; he reigned for forty-two years. 26Tarquinius Superbus, as Esquilinus himself, lived above the Clivus Pullius, at the Fagutaline Grove. He reigned for twenty-five years.

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§ 1.27  It pleasesCincius to deem thatRome was founded in the12th Olympiad.Pictor believes it was during the 8th; Nepos andLutatius, seconding the opinions ofEratosthenes andApollodorus, think it was founded in the second year of the7th Olympiad.PomponiusAtticus andMarcus Tullius hold out for the third year of the6th Olympiad. After comparing the judgments of usRomans with those of the Greeks, I conclude thatRome was founded at the beginning of the7th Olympiad, 433 years after the capture ofTroy.

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§ 1.28  To be sure, theOlympic contest (whichHercules proclaimed in honour ofPelops, his maternal ancestor) was discontinued for an interval.Iphitus theElean renewed it 408 years after the destruction ofTroy, and therefore we count thefirst Olympiad fromIphitus. Thus, allowing six Olympiads (each of which is reckoned at four years) in between, sinceRome was founded at the beginning of the 7th, it remains that there were 433 years between the capture ofTroy and the foundation of our city. 29 To the latter argument this can be added: whenGaius PomponiusGallus andQuintus Veranius were consuls [49 CE], it was the 801st year since the founding of the city, and at the time it was noted down in the public records that it was the207th Olympiad. Having multiplied 206 by four, one arrives at an answer of 824 years, to which the first year of the7th Olympiad must be added. In total, the number of years equals 825. After the 24 years of the six Olympiads which went before are subtracted, it is clear that 801 years remain. 30 Therefore, since the207th Olympiad [49 CE]is reckoned as the 801st year after the founding of the city, it is right to believe thatRome was founded in the first year of the7th Olympiad [752 BCE].

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§ 1.31  Rome was ruled by kings for 241 years. The Board of Ten was created in the 302nd year. The First Punic War began in the 489th year, the Second in the 535th year, and the Third in the 604th. The war with the Allies began in the 662nd.

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§ 1.32  A. Hirtius andC. Pansa became consuls in the 710th year [43 BCE]. During their consulship, the 18-year-oldCaesar Augustus was himself made consul. His principate was begun in such a way that through his vigilance the Empire remained both untroubled and safe. 33 Indeed, this is almost the only time in our history when wars almost ceased and talent could flourish. As the wars were in respite, doubtless this was so the works of virtue should not become weak through the idle holiday.

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§ 1.34  It was at this time, then, that the system of ordering the year, which had been covered in obscurity from the beginning of the world, was first explored. For beforeCaesar Augustus, the year was reckoned in an uncertain way. Among theEgyptians it was defined as having four months; among theArcadians three, and among theAcarnanians six. InItaly, among the people ofLavinium, it was reckoned as having thirteen. Their year is said to have had 374 days.

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§ 1.35  From the beginning, theRomans reckoned their year with ten months, starting from March. On the first day of the year they kindled fire on thealtar ofVesta, and changed their old bay-wreaths for green. The Senate and the people held elections, and the mistresses served dinner to their slaves, just as masters did at theSaturnalia. The mistresses did this so they might encourage better service by the reward; the masters, as it were, did it so they might reward the slaves for completed work. It can be neatly proved that March was the first month: the fifth month from it was calledQuintilis, and when the full number was passed through, 36 December completed the annual circuit within 304 days. For at that time that number of days finished the year, as six months had 30 days and the remaining four had 31. 37 But since this system (which was pre-Numa) differed from the course of the moon, they made the year equal to the lunar reckoning by adding 51 days. 38 So they might make up two more months, bringing the total number of months to 12, they took one day from the first six months, and added them to the extra 51 days. The resulting 57 days were divided into two months, one of which was 29 days long, and the other 28.

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§ 1.39  Thus the year began to have 355 days. Later it was by chance perceived that the year was wrongly confined within the boundaries I mentioned above, as the path of the sun clearly did not finish the course of theZodiac before the 365th day, overflowing even to another quarter of a day. So they added 10 1/4 days, and the year then consisted of 365 1/4 days. They lauded the accuracy of the odd number, whichPythagoras teaches it is fitting to prefer in everything. 40 Because of this, it is said that January and March, since they have an odd number of days, are assigned to theOlympian gods, while February, owing to its even number of days, is the province of the gods of the Lower World.

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§ 1.41  When this state of affairs was pleasing to everyone, the quarter was variously inserted by different peoples. However, the times were not made perfectly equal with any certainty.

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§ 1.42  The Greeks, every eight years, removed 11 1/4 days from each year, and multiplying this number by eight, they reserved the days to the ninth year. Having produced the number 90, they divided it into three months of 30 days, and restored them to the ninth year, ending up with a total of 444 days, which they called “odd” or “superfluous”.

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§ 1.43  At first theRomans approved of this reckoning, but because of the displeasing even number it was neglected, and in a short time, forgotten. The power of the addition was handed over to the priests, who, for a price, mostly acceded to the reasonings of the tax-gatherers, and shortened or lengthened the times as they wished.

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§ 1.44  When things were thus, the time inserted was sometimes too long, and sometimes too short, or ignored and let pass altogether unnoticed. Sometimes the months which were wont to be in winter came into their time in either summer or autumn.

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§ 1.45  ButGaius Caesar settled this universal disorder, and brought to an end the confusion of the calendar. So the past error might be remedied, he intercalated 21 1/4 days. By this means, the months were drawn back to their accustomed times, and the seasons could keep to their appointed order. Therefore, that year alone had 344; thereafter, all the others had 365 1/4. Even then the priests made a mistake. 46 For when they were instructed to insert one day every four years, which ought to have been done at the end of every 4th year before the 5th year began with auspices, they inserted it instead at the beginning of the 4th year.

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§ 1.47  Thus, in 36 years, when only 9 days should have been sufficient, 12 were inserted. This faultAugustus corrected; he ordered that 12 years pass without addition, so the three days which had been rashly added over the necessary 9 could be reconciled. By this amendment, a system was established for all times after.

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§ 1.48  Truly, although this and many other things are owed to the reign ofAugustus, who was almost peerless in his rule, he came upon many great misfortunes in his life. Thus it is not easy to tell whether he was more unhappy or more blessed. 49 Firstly, in his petition to his uncle for the office of Master of Horse, the tribuneLepidus was preferred to him, because of a sign at the taking of the auspices. Soon after, there was the burdensome power ofAntony in the Triumvirate, the battle ofPhilippi, and the ill-will which arose from the resulting proscriptions. Next there was the renunciation ofPostumus Agrippa, after the adoption, andAugustus’ subsequent great repentance. Then there were the shipwrecks atSicily, and his shameful lurking in a cave there, the many seditions of his troops and the anxiety atPerusia. Also there was the detection of his daughter’s adultery and of her wish to murder him. Then there was the disgrace of his granddaughter (no less a shame than the other) and accusations of causing the deaths of her sons. After his own children were lost, there was the grief of childlessness. There was the pestilence in the city, famine inItaly, military difficulties in theIllyrian War, his ill health, the abusive discord with his step-sonNero, the unfaithful plots of his wife and also ofTiberius, and many other things of the same sort.

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§ 1.50  Nevertheless, as though the spirit of the age were grieving, scarcity of all crops followed after the death ofAugustus. Lest this seem like a mere accident which had befallen, the imminent evil was portended by certain signs. 51 A certainFausta, a woman of low origins, brought forth two sets of twins at one birth -- two males and as many females. This monstrous fecundity foreshadowed the future calamity. Howbeit the authorTrogus affirms that inEgypt seven were brought forth together at one birth, this is no great miracle. For in that country, theNile with its fruitful water makes not only the fields on the land thrive, but also the wombs of women. 52 We read thatGnaeus Pompeius exhibited a woman fromAsia called Eutyche in the theatre with her 20 children, which were known to have been born in three births. Whence, I think it proper to go on from here to examine the begetting of Man.

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§ 1.53  Indeed, although I am going to treat all living creatures which seem worthy of mention, just as the country of each shall remind me, it is fitting for me to begin with that creature which Nature has placed before all in judgment of feelings and capacity for reasoning.

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§ 1.54  As the natural philosopherDemocritus observes, Woman is the only “monthly” animal. The monthly courses of women, as is observed by many, are justly to be accounted among the marvellous. 55 The fruit of the earth, stained by menstrual blood, will not sprout; the new wine becomes sour, the turf dies, the trees lose their produce. Iron is attacked by rust, copper becomes black. If anydogs taste it, they become enraged into a frenzy; anyone injured by their bites becomes mad.

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§ 1.56  But these are small things. Bitumen fromJudaea, which is produced at LakeAsphaltites, is very sticky, and has a gluey pliability; it cannot be dissipated. It is impossible to divide it -- if you wish to break it into parts, the whole will certainly stay together, as it extends as far as it is stretched out. But when the threads are brought near to the polluted blood, they are easily separated. When the noxious fluid is placed near any material, it is dissipated. The sudden division comes about through the tenacity being joined to the contagion.

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§ 1.57  To be sure, the substance does have one beneficial property: it averts the Star ofHelen, most pernicious to sailors. 58 For the rest, women themselves (whose functions are a necessity), do not possess harmless glances during the period they are subject to this natural law of theirs. The brightness of mirrors is spoiled by their aspect; offended, the mirror becomes dulled, and the quenched lustre loses its customary reflection of faces. The beauty of the gloss becomes obscured by darkness

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§ 1.59  Some women are always barren. Others, by dint of changing husbands, are able to leave sterility behind. Some bear only once; others bear only males or only females. By the age of 50, the fertility of all women is stilled, but men in the 80th year can still procreate, as in the case of KingMasinissa. He begot his son Mathumannus in his 76th year.Cato, when he was exactly 80 years old, begot the grandfather of the UticanCato with the daughter of his client Salonis.

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§ 1.60  It is also known that when two children are conceived within a short time of one another, both settle in the womb, as didHercules andIphicles, who were carried in the same pregnancy. Nevertheless, it seems that these two were born at the same interval at which they were conceived. 61 Then there is the case of the slave-girl fromProconnesus, who brought forth twins from her two-fold adultery, each similar to his father. ThisIphicles fatheredIolaus, who, after he went toSardinia, and by blandishments persuaded the fearful minds of the inhabitants into concordance, builtOlbia and other Greek towns. His descendents, called the Iolenses, bestowed a temple on his tomb, because, in imitation of his uncle’s virtue, he had freedSardinia from many evils.

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§ 1.62  Above all, women wanting children should beware of sneezing after sexual union, lest the sudden shock reject the semen before the paternal fluid can penetrate to the mother’s inner parts. If natural processes prevail, the pregnant mother will be troubled by pain on the tenth day from conception. From this time she will become restless in mind, and her sight will dim with darkness. Also the desire of her stomach lessens and she begins to loathe food. All agree that it is the heart which is first formed of all the flesh. It grows until the 65th day, and then diminishes. First of all the bones is the backbone. Because of this, it endangers life if either of these parts are harmed. 63 Certainly, if the little body is being fashioned into a male child, the colour of the mother is better, and the birth is easier. Also the baby begins to stir from the 40th day. A female first quivers after the 96th day. The conception of a female dyes the countenance of the pregnant mother with pallor. Also it hinders her legs with a faint lethargy.

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§ 1.64  In both sexes, when the hair starts to grow the mother becomes more troubled. The sickness is exacerbated when the moon is full; this time is always harmful until the birth happens. If the pregnant mother eats rather salty food, the child is born without nails. When the proper time for the birth draws near, it best suits the woman in labour to hold her breath, since yawning causes a lethal delay, suspending the birth.

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§ 1.65  It is against nature for children to be born feet first. Just like other children brought forth with difficulty, those who are born thus are called “Agrippa”. These same mostly lead unfortunate lives, and die young; .

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§ 1.66  only in one man,Marcus Agrippa, was it a sign of felicity. Nevertheless, one could hardly say he was completely untouched by hardship. It is rather that he had less of adversity than of good fortune. By the wretched pain of his feet, by the open adultery of his wife and by several other unhappinesses he paid for the foretoken of his inverted birth.

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§ 1.67  For female babies, there is another unpropitious manner of birth. This is when the child is born with the vulva grown together. In this way were the genitalia ofCornelia, mother of theGracchi -- she atoned for the portent by the unlucky death of her children.

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§ 1.68  A birth is more auspicious if the mother dies of it, as in the case of the firstScipioAfricanus. His mother died, and because he was born by being cut from her womb, he was the first Roman to be called “Caesar”.

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§ 1.69  On the subject of twins, if one of the two perishes by being prematurely born, the one that survives and is born at the proper time is called “Vopiscus”.

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§ 1.70  When people are born with teeth, as wereGnaeus PapiriusCarbo andMarcus Curius, they are given the surname “Dentatus”. Some in turn are armed with solid teeth which are one continual bone, such as the son of KingPrusias ofBithynia.

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§ 1.71  The sex of the child determines the number of teeth, since males have more and females fewer. Of those who have pairs of projecting teeth, if the double is on the right side, it gives hope of good fortune. In those whom the double is on the left, it is the opposite.

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§ 1.72  The first sound made by newborns is screaming; the emotion of happiness is delayed until the 40th day. I know of only one who laughed in the same hour as he was born, namely,Zoroaster, who became extremely skilled in the arts. ButCrassus, the grandfather of theCrassus who was violently seized in theParthian War, used to be surnamed “Agelastus”, because he never laughed. .

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§ 1.73  Among the other extraordinary things we are told aboutSocrates, it is a celebrated fact that his face kept the same expression, even when he was troubled by misfortune.Heraclitus andDiogenes theCynic never yielded from their hardness of spirit. Trampled upon by the whirlwind of fortune, they continued unchanged in their purpose against all sorrow and compassion.

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§ 1.74  It is said thatPomponius, the poet and consul, was a man who never burped. Among other examples is that ofAntonia, wife ofDrusus, who did not succumb to enticements to spit. I have heard of several born with hardened bones, who were not accustomed either to sweat or to thirst.Lygdamus theSyracusan is said to have been of such a sort. He was the first, in the33rd Olympiad, to carry away the crown of the gymnastic contest. His bones were found to have no marrow in them.

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§ 1.75  It is certain that the sinews make the greatest contribution to human strength. The thicker they are, strength is all the more ready to grow.Varro, in his report about unnatural strength, notes that there was a gladiator called Tritannus, who wore theSamnite armour, who had sinews both straight across and athwart his hands and arms, as well as his breast, like lattice. In conflicts, he conquered all his adversaries with a light touch, almost carelessly. .

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§ 1.76  Varro also writes about this man’s son, a soldier ofGnaeus Pompeius, who was born in a similar way. He fought an enemy who challenged him, overcame him with his unarmed right hand and with one finger carried him back as a captive to the camp of his own general.Milo ofCrotona is also reported to have done many things above the power of humans. It is even said that he felled abull at a blow from his bare hands, and that he willingly consumed the entire victim on the day which he had killed it. Of this there is no doubt, for there exists an inscription in witness of the deed. He died the victor of all competitions.

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§ 1.77  It is reported that there is a use for alectoria, which has the appearance of a crystal in the shape of a bean. It is found in the bellies of fowls: they say it is suitable for fighting cocks.Milo shone in the age ofTarquinius Priscus.

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§ 1.78  Now, the reader who presses on after his mind has been turned to other things, to the causes of likeness, will discover how great is the talent of cunning Nature! Sometimes we observe likenesses between relatives. By means of offspring, passages make them in families, just as small children frequently bear moles or scars, or some other mark of their ancestors. This was so among theLepidi, of whom three from the same house (although not in direct succession) were found to have been born with a membrane drawn across the eye. .

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§ 1.79  There is also the famous boxer ofByzantium. He had a mother who was the daughter of a bastardEthiopian, and although she in no way resembled her father, he himself begot children in the likeness of hisEthiopian grandfather.

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§ 1.80  But this is not so amazing if we consider the likenesses which have been observed between complete strangers. A certainArtemon, a low-born Syrian, of similar appearance, pretended to be KingAntiochus. It is further said thatAntiochus’ royal wifeLaodice, by showing this base fellow to the people, was able to conceal her husband’s death for a long time, until a successor of her choice was arranged for the kingdom.

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§ 1.81  Such was the uncertainty due to the similarity ofGnaeus Pompeius andGaius Vibius, a man of low origins, that theRomans calledVibius by the name ofPompeius andPompeius by the name ofVibius. The actorRubrius so resembled the oratorLucius Plancus that he was even calledPlancus by the people.

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§ 1.82  A herdsmen gladiator and the oratorCassius Severus did so resemble one another that if at any time they were seen together, no-one was able to tell them apart unless their dress betrayed the difference.Marcus Messala, who had been a Censor, and oneMenogenes, who was from the commonplace dregs of society, were so similar in appearance that no matter which was seen, people thoughtMessala to be none other thanMenogenes, andMenogenes to be none other thanMessala.

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§ 1.83  A fisherman fromSicily was compared to the proconsul Sura, because (among other things) of his open-mouthed expression. They resembled one another in the same impediment of speech, namely, in the natural obstacle of slowness in bringing forth words.

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§ 1.84  It is a marvel to see indistinguishable faces not only among strangers, but also among people drawn together from the furthest parts of the world. When a certainToranius sold two boys of extraordinary beauty as twins to the triumvirAntonius for 300,000 sestertii, he had acquired one fromTransalpine Gaul and the other fromAsia. Indeed, they might have been believed to be twins, had not their speech betrayed them.Antonius was angry at being deceived, .

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§ 1.85  butToranius not unreasonably remonstrated that the thing he as a buyer took such exception to was actually of great worth. It was, he said, no marvel for real twins to be alike, but that these two could be born more alike than twins, with such a great distance separating them, could not be priced at any value. .

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§ 1.86  Indeed,Antonius was mollified by this answer, and thereafter he would tell people that there was nothing among his possessions that he held more dearly.

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§ 1.87  Now, if we investigate the very shapes of men themselves, it is clearly evident that Antiquity proclaimed nothing falsely, but that the progeny of our time, corrupted by degenerate successors, and through the gradual deterioration of the children now born, has lost the grace of the old beauty.

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§ 1.88  Although the majority assert that no man can exceed a height of seven foot, which was the very measure ofHercules, it was found that in the time of theRomans under the divineAugustus that Pusio and Secundilla were ten feet high and more. Their remains are yet to be seen in the sepulchre of the Sallusts. 89 Later, in the principate of the divineClaudius, there was a man brought fromArabia, by name Gabbara, who was nine feet and as many inches high. But 1000 years beforeAugustus, no-one of such a sort appeared, just as afterClaudius, no-one of a like sort was seen. .

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§ 1.90  For who in this age is not born lesser than his parents were?Orestes’ remains testify as to the bulk of the men of old. His bones (they were discovered inTegea in the58th Olympiad by theSpartans, who had been advised by an oracle) were seven cubits long. Also, writings summon faithful memories from antiquity of an incident in theCretan war. 91 The rivers were swollen with more violence than is usual, and had broken up the ground; when the flood departed, among the many cracks in the earth a human body 33 cubits long was discovered.Lucius Flaccus the legate and evenMetellus himself desired to see it. People refuted the marvel as hearsay, but they saw it with their own eyes.

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§ 1.92  I must not omit that the son ofEuthymenes ofSalamis grew to three cubits high in three years. However, he was slow of gait, dull-witted, and boisterous of voice; he matured too soon and was immediately beset by many ills. He paid for his swift growth by falling prey to all manner of sicknesses.

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§ 1.93  Man’s system of measurements has a two-fold harmony, for the measure between the two longest fingers, the arms being stretched out, is as much as is between the sole of the foot and the top of the head. Therefore, the natural philosophers judge Man to be a little world.

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§ 1.94  More maneuverable movement is ascribed to the right hand, and greater firmness to the left. Whence, one is more suitable for gesticulating, and the other is more suited to bearing burdens.

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§ 1.95  Nature has devised a method of modesty even between dead bodies. If ever the bodies of those killed are borne up by the waves, those of men float face up and those of women float face down.

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§ 1.96  Now we may pass to the title of swiftness. A certainLadas gained the first award for speed. He was accustomed to run so fast above loose dust that the sand still hovered, and there was no evidence of his footprints.

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§ 1.97  WhenPolymestor, aMilesian boy, had been directed by his mother to feed thegoats, he chased a hare for sport and caught it. Because of this, he was immediately induced by the leader of his people to compete in the46th Olympiad. He was victor in the race, and won the crown.

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§ 1.98  Philippides, in the space of two days, ran the 1240 stades fromAthens toLacedaemon. Anystis theLaconian andPhilonides, couriers ofAlexander the Great, ran the 1200 stades fromSicyon toElis in one day, without halt. In the year thatFonteius andVispanus were consuls [59 CE], an eight year old boy inItaly ran 65 miles between noon and evening.

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§ 1.99  Next,Varro mentions oneStrabo, who, having the clearest sight, could see over 135 miles. From the watch tower atLilybaeum he was able to accurately note the number of ships in Punic fleet which had just leftCarthage.

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§ 1.100  Cicero reports that the wholeIliad was so finely written on vellum it could be enclosed within the shell of a nut.Callicrates carved some ants out of ivory; it was not possible to distinguish them from the real ones in the portico.

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§ 1.101  Apollonides mentions some women called the Bitiae, who live inScythia. They have twin pupils in their eyes, and if they look angrily at someone, they can kill by a glance. They also live inSardinia.

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§ 1.102  Among theRomans,Lucius SiciniusDentatus is shown to have been the most courageous by the number of his titles. He was Tribune of the Plebs a little while after the expulsion of the kings, whenSp. Tarpeius andA. Aterius were consuls [454 BCE]. He, eight times victor in challenges, had 45 scars in front, and no mark on his back. He captured spoils from the enemy 34 times. 103 He earned 312 gifts of phalerae, ceremonial spears, bracelets and crowns. He followed nine other generals in their triumphs; they had conquered because of his work.

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§ 1.104  AfterSicinius comesMarcus Sergius, who served twice in the military. The first time he was wounded 32 times in front; the second time he lost his right hand in battle. Because of this, he afterwards made himself an iron hand, and although neither hand was much use for fighting, he fought four times in one day and conquered with the left hand. He had twohorses slain under him..

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§ 1.105  He escaped twice when captured byHannibal. During the 20 months when he endured the fate of bondage, he was not for one moment without shackles and chains. He was rewarded with military honours in all the harshest battles theRomans experienced in those times. He carried away civil crowns fromTrasimene,Trebia andTicinus; also fromCannae, from which it was accounted an extraordinary feat merely to have escaped. He alone received a crown. Surely blessed would he be, with so many votes of glory, had not his heirCatiline, in the succession of his posterity, darkened his prizes with his hated name.

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§ 1.106  As much asSicinius andSergius shone among the soldiers, among leaders (indeed, I may with more truth say among all men) shoneCaesar the dictator. In his generalships, 1,192,000 of the enemy were slain. He was unwilling to note how many he routed during the Civil Wars. He fought 52 times in pitched battles. 107 He alone surpassesMarcus Marcellus who fought 39 times. Besides this, no-one wrote more swiftly, no-one read more quickly; he could dictate four letters at once. He was even endowed with kindness: those whom he had defeated in battle were further conquered by his clemency.

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§ 1.108  Cyrus was famous for the gift of memory. In the army which he captained, which was most numerous, he could address each man by name.Lucius Scipio did the same thing among theRomans. But we may believe thatCyrus andScipio did it out of habit, while 109Cineas, the ambassador ofPyrrhus, greeted both the Equestrian order and the Senate by their own names on the day after he had come toRome.Mithridates, thePontic king, ministered justice without an interpreter to the 22 nations he governed. Plainly, memory is governed by practice, as we see in the case ofMetrodorus the philosopher, who lived in the time ofDiogenes theCynic. He carried himself forward so much by regular practicing that he not only remembered the speech of many people speaking at once, but also the order of the words.

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§ 1.110  Nothing, however, it is often seen in men, can be so easily lost as memory, whether by fear, or falling, or sickness. I heard that someone struck by a stone forgot how to read. Certainly,Messala Corvinus, after an illness which he endured, was stricken to forgetfulness of his own name, notwithstanding how much his senses throve previously.

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§ 1.111  Fear destroys memory. Fear is in turn sometimes a stimulant for speech. Not only does fear incite speech in normal circumstances, but it can also wrench speech from those who were formerly dumb.

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§ 1.112  When in the58th Olympiad, the victoriousCyrus had eventually entered the Asian town ofSardis, whereCroesus was lying hidden, Alys, the king’s son, mute up to this time, erupted into speech at the violence of his dread. For it is said that he shouted out: “Spare my father, OCyrus, and learn from our plight that you are a man”.

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§ 1.113  It now remains to hold forth on men’s characters. Excellence stands out the most in two cases. Firstly, in the case ofCato, founder of the gensPorcia, who was an excellent senator, orator and general. He was arraigned 44 times, because he had striven in the hostile rivalry of hatred, but he was always acquitted.

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§ 1.114  Second, there isScipioAemilianus. Praise for this man is more favourably disposed. He, going beyond those things for whichCato was famous, also excelled in public favour.

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§ 1.115  ScipioNasica, an excellent man, was judged to be so not only by private testimony but also by a guarantee of the Senate. Of course, none could be found worthier than he to be entrusted with the office of special religion, since the oracle warned that the sacred ceremonies of theMother of the Gods should be brought fromPessinus.

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§ 1.116  Among theRomans many flourished in eloquence, but this good gift was never hereditary, except in the Curio family. Among them were three orators in succession. Certainly it was a great thing in those times, when eloquence was especially marveled at both in men and in gods.

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§ 1.117  Of course, thenApollo exposed the murderers of the poetArchilochus, and the crime of the robbers was detected by the accusing God.

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§ 1.118  And whenLysander theLacedaemonian besiegedAthens, where the unburied body of the tragedianSophocles was lying, fatherLiber continually warnedLysander in his sleep to allow his favourite to be buried.

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§ 1.119  He did not stop untilLysander, learning who had died and which god was commanding him, instituted a truce to allow the great man to be buried accordingly.

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§ 1.120  Castor andPollux, who were standing outside a dinner-party, called toPindar the lyric poet when he was threatened with catastrophe, lest he perish with the rest. By this ploy alonePindar escaped the impending danger.

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§ 1.121  Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus must be counted next to the gods. When he was about to enter the house ofPoseidonius, then the most famous teacher of wisdom, he forbade the lictor to strike on the door, as the custom was. Lowering the fasces, although he was victorious in the East and had subduedMithridates, he yielded of his own will to the door of learning.

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§ 1.122  Scipio Africanus earlier ordered a statue ofQ. Ennius to be put in his tomb. TheUticanCato brought one philosopher toRome when he was a military tribune, and another when he was ambassador toCyprus. He declared that by these deeds he had bestowed much on the Senate and the people, even if his ancestor had very often recommended that the Greeks should be driven from the city.

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§ 1.123  The tyrantDionysius sent ships decorated with ribbons to greetPlato, and he himself honoured him by coming to meet him as he stepped onto the shore, in a chariot drawn by four whitehorses.

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§ 1.124  Indeed, a well-respected example of piety shines forth from the house of theMetelli, but the most prominent is found in the case of a plebeian woman who had lately had a child. This woman was of low birth, and therefore of obscure fame. When she was allowed to go to her father (who was confined in prison, as a punishment) she was searched many times by the gaolers, lest she by chance had brought food for him. But later she was discovered feeding him from her breasts.

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§ 1.125  This -- both the place and the deed -- were consecrated. For the father, who was condemned to death, was spared because he was given a memory of such praise by his daughter. The place was set aside as a shrine to the god of Piety.

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§ 1.126  The Crown of Modesty was bestowed onClaudia by the ship which bore the sacred mysteries fromPhrygia, and she followed it with the ribbons of Chastity. ButSulpicia, daughter of Paterculus and wife ofMarcus Fulvius Flaccus, was chosen (she was carefully selected by the matrons, from the hundred most esteemed women) to dedicate the image ofVenus, as the Sybilline Books advised.

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§ 1.127  As touching happiness, a man has not been found who ought to be justly deemed happy.CorneliusSulla was said to have been happier than he actually was. TheDelphic Oracle judged oneAglaus alone to be blessed; he was the owner of a meagre plot in the narrowest niche inArcadia, and he was never found to have gone forth from the boundaries of his ancestral ground. About Man I have said enough.

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Now, in order to return to my resolve, I must steer my pen towards the commemoration of places. First, I will visitItaly, the splendour of which I have already touched upon in writing of the city ofRome. 2 But asItaly has already been discussed with such care by everyone, especially byMarcus Cato, there is nothing now to be found which the old authors’ diligence did not anticipate. As material is plentifully at hand for the praise of this excellent land, the most pre-eminent authors have reflected upon many things: the salubriousness ofItaly’s regions, the temperateness of the climate, the fertility of the soils, the sunny places on the hillsides, the shady groves, the benign passes, the successes of the vines and olives, the noble herds, the many rivers, the great lakes, and the violet beds that flower twice a year. 3 Then there is Vesubius, heated with the breath of a fiery spirit;Baiae, warm with springs; the many colonies; the constant beauty of new cities. There is the famed glory of the old towns, built by theAborigines, theAurunci, thePelasgians, theArcadians, theSicilians, then by migrants from all over Greece, and lastly by the victoriousRomans. Besides this,Italy’s coasts are full of havens; the coasts, with their open bays, are suitable for trading with the whole world.

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§ 2.4  However, lest it appear as though I have leftItaly entirely untouched, it seems by no means absurd for me to exert my mind about those things which are less familiar, and to travel through those areas which have been more sparingly investigated. 5 For who does not know thatJaniculum was either named or founded byJanus? ThatLatium andSaturnia were founded bySaturn,Ardea byDanae, and Polycle by the companions ofHercules? Who does not know thatPompeii was founded inCampania byHercules himself, because thence, after his victories in Spain, he had led his procession ofcattle?

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§ 2.6  Who does not know of the stony plains inLiguria, where the stones are believed to have been rained down when he was fighting there? Or thatIonia takes its name fromIone, the daughter of Aulochus, whom they sayHercules slew, as she impudently sat down in the road? Or that Archippe was founded byMarsyas, king of theLydians, and was destroyed by being swallowed up into an opening in the ground, into theFucine Lake? 7 Or that the temple ofArgiveJuno was founded byJason, orPisae by thePelopidae? Who does not know that theDaunii were named byCleolaus, son ofMinos; that theIapygians were named forIapyx, son ofDaedalus; theTyrrhenians forTyrrhenus, king ofLydia;Cora byDardanus;Agylla by thePelasgians, who first brought letters intoLatium;Falisca by theArgiveHalesus;Falerii by theArgive Falerius, and Fescenninum also by theArgives? Who does not know that the port of Parthenius was founded by thePhocians? ThatTibur, asCato gives testimony, byCatillus theArcadian, prefect ofEvander’s fleet, or, asSextius has it, by the youth ofArgos? 8Catillus was the son ofAmphiaraus. After the portentous death of his father atThebes, he, the sacrifice of the spring-born, was sent forth on his grandfatherOecleus’ orders, with all his children. InItaly he begot three more children: Tibertus, Coras andCatillus; he expelled fromSicilia the old inhabitants of the town, theSicani, and called it by the name of the eldest brother, Tibertus. Soon after, the temple ofMinerva inBruttium was built byUlysses.

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§ 2.9  The island of Ligea is called so because the body of aSiren named thus was cast ashore there.Parthenope, whichAugustus later preferred to be calledNeapolis, took its name from the tomb of theSiren Parthenopa situated in that place.Praeneste, asZenodotus writes, was named afterPraenestes, grandson ofUlysses and son ofLatinus. On the other hand, the books of thePraenestines say the city was founded by Caeculus, whom, as the tale goes, the sisters of the Digidii came upon hard by a fortuitous fire.

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§ 2.10  It has been noted thatPetilia was established byPhiloctetes,Arpi andBeneventum byDiomedes,Patavium byAntenor,Metapontum by thePylians andScylaceum by theAthenians.Sybaris was founded bySagaris, the son ofLocrianAjax, and theTroezenians; the country of theSallentines was established by theLyctians,Ancona by theSicilians, andGabii was founded by theSicilian brothers Galatius and Bius;Tarentum was founded by the Heraclidii, the island ofTempsa by theIonians,Paestum by theDorians,Croton by theAchaeanMyscellus,Regium by theChalcidians,Caulonia andTerina by theCrotonians, andLocri by theNaricii.Heretum was founded by the Greeks in honour ofHera (for thus the Greeks callJuno).Aricia was founded byArchilochus theSicilian, from whom, as it pleasesHemina to say, the name was derived. 11 In this placeOrestes, who had been advised by an oracle, consecrated the image ofScythianDiana, which he had carried out of Taurica before he made forArgos.Metaurum was established by theZanclenses;Metapontum, which, asBocchus asserts, is nowVibo, was established by theLocrians.Marcus Antonius reports that theUmbrians are descended from the ancient Gauls; the Gauls, because in the time of the calamitous flood they survived the rains, were called “Umbrians” by the Greeks.

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§ 2.12  It pleasesLicinianus to say that the name “Messapia” was originally given by the GreekMessapus to the area afterwards calledCalabria; in the beginning,Peucetius, brother ofOenotrus, had named itPeucetia.

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§ 2.13  Everyone agrees thatPalinurus was named afterAeneas’ helmsman,Misenum after his trumpeter, and the islandLeucosia after his first cousin on his mother’s side.Caieta was named afterAeneas’ nurse, andLavinium, which, asCosconius holds, was built four years after the destruction ofTroy, after his wife.

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§ 2.14  It must not be omitted thatAeneas landed onItalian shores in the second year afterTroy was captured, with not more than 600 companions, asHemina asserts. He pitched his camp in aLaurentine field. Here he dedicated an image, which he had carried out ofSicily, to his motherVenus, who is called Frutis, and received thePalladium fromDiomedes. Next, he accepted 500 iugera fromLatinus, and reigned for three years in conjunction with him. 15 AfterLatinus’ death,Aeneas ruled alone for a period of two years, and then, in the seventh year, disappeared at the RiverNumicius. The name FatherIndiges was given to him. 16 After this,Ascanius foundedAlba Longa,Fidenae andAricia; theTyrians foundedNola, and theEuboeansCumae. InCumae is the shrine of theSibyl who was involved in Roman affairs in the50th Olympiad, and whose Book was consulted by our priests up until the time ofCornelius Sulla. 17 At that time the Book — along with theCapitol — was consumed by fire. The two previous Books theSibyl had herself burned, asTarquinius Superbus had offered her a meaner price than she asked for them. Her tomb remains inSicily to this day. 18Bocchus asserts that theDelphicSibyl prophesied before theTrojan Wars, and he declares thatHomer inserted many of her verses into his work. Several years after her cameHerophile ofErythrae, who was also calledSibyl, because of the similarity of her talents. Among other magnificent things, she forewarned that theLesbians would lose dominion of the sea, long before it came to pass. Thus the sequence of time itself shows that theCumaeanSibyl was the third.

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§ 2.19  Italy as a whole — ancientLatium, formerly, reached from the mouth of theTiber all the way to the RiverLiris — springs from the ridge of theAlps and stretches to the promontory ofReginum and the shores of theBruttii, where it extends southwards into the sea. 20 Thence it proceeds, raising itself by degrees to theApennine range. It extends between theTuscan and theAdriatic, that is, between the upper and lower seas. In shape it is similar to an oak-leaf, namely, wider in length than in breadth. 21 Further off, where it disappears,Italy is split into two horns, one of which watches theIonian Sea, and the other theSicilian. One shore does not receive the onset of the sea which insinuates between these projections; the open sea is admitted separated by spurs, which jut out like projecting tongues. 22 Along the way, we might note things here and there: the citadels ofTarentum, the region of Scylacea with the townScyllaeum, and the RiverCrateisScylla’s mother, as antiquity has fabled. Then there are theRegian woodlands, the valleys ofPaestum, the rocks of theSirens, the charming tracts ofCampania, and the Phlegraean plains. There isTarracina, and thehouse ofCirce, once anisland encircled by the boundless sea, but now, in the fullness of time, attached to the mainland. It experienced the opposite fortune to theRegini, whom the sea, by insinuating itself between, violently separated from theSicilians. Also there isFormiae, which was inhabited by theLaestrygones, and much more beside, which I thought best to pass over, rather than taking the risk of pursuing in an unsatisfactory fashion.

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§ 2.23  The length ofItaly, which extends fromAugusta Praetoria through the City andCapua all the way to the town ofRegium, adds up to 1020 miles. The breadth, at the widest point, is 410 miles, and at the narrowest point, 136 miles. The narrowest part is actually near the port which is called “Hannibal’s Camp”, for there it does not exceed 40 miles. The centre ofItaly, asVarro set forth, is in theReatine fields. The circumference of the whole is 2049 miles. 24 In this circuit, the first gulf of Europe, having begun fromGades, has its end looking towards the beginning of the country of theLocrenses. The second, having begun fromLacinium, has its end atAcroceraunium.

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§ 2.25  Italy is famous for the RiverPadus, whichVesulus, the highest mountain, pours out of his bosom among the ridges of theAlps. ThePadus first hurls itself forward from this spring, which can be seen on the borders ofLiguria; after being submerged in an underground tunnel, it rises in the fields ofVibo.Padus is not lesser in fame than any river, and is calledEridanus by the Greeks. It becomes swollen at its source at the rising of theDogstar, with the melting snows and dissolving hoar-frosts of winter, and is augmented by the inflow of other waters.Padus carries 30 rivers into theAdriatic Sea.

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§ 2.26  Among other things worthy of remembrance, celebrated and conspicuously talked of by everyone, is this. There are a very few families in the fields of theFalisci who are called “Hirpus”. They make a yearly sacrifice toApollo onMount Soracte, in the course of which they dance with impunity in burning heaps of wood, making religious gestures. The flames yield in honour of the divinity. The Senate have honoured their devotion magnificently; the Hirpi were given perpetual freedom from all services.

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§ 2.27  It is not to be wondered at that theMarsi people are resistant to the bites ofserpents. They regard their family as being descended from the son ofCirce; because of this ancestral power, they know that they ought to hold poisons in servitude. For this reason, they disdain poisons.

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§ 2.28  GaiusCoelius says thatAeetes had three daughters: Angitia,Medea andCirce.Circe settled in the Circean mountains, and there with sorceries invented sundry contrivances to do with charms and phantoms. 29 Angitia lived in the neighbourhood ofFucinus, and spent her life pursuing the wholesome knowledge of prevention of disease. Since she gave her life to men, she is regarded as a goddess. 30Medea was buried byJason atButhrotum, and her son ruled among theMarsi.

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§ 2.31  But althoughItaly has this defence, it is not completely free fromserpents. 32 In fact, the inhabitants of Amunclae, which the Greeks fromAmyclae built, were driven forth from their town byserpents. There are numerous vipers with incurable bites inItaly. They are shorter than those which are found in other parts of the world; they harm all the more easily when, for this reason, they are deemed contemptible.

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§ 2.33  Calabria swarms with water-snakes, and gives birth to the boa, which is a kind ofsnake said to grow to an immense size. First, the boa hunts herds ofcattle, and he fastens himself to the udder of whichevercow is watered with the most milk. Fattened by continual sucking, he swells to such a state of satiety that no force is able to withstand his magnitude. Having plundered the animals, he brings the regions which he takes possession of to desolation. 34 In the reign ofClaudius, a whole child was seen in the belly of a boa slaughtered in the Vatican field.

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§ 2.35  Italy haswolves which are different to others; when one of thesewolves sees a man before the man sees thewolf, he is stricken dumb. Regarded by a baleful gaze, he does not have the use of his voice, even though he may wish to shout. 36 I pass over much I know aboutwolves, and include this as the most worthy of observance: a very small tuft of hair in the tail of this animal procures love. When he fears to be caught after being injured, thewolf willingly casts away this tuft, but it does not have the power unless it is pulled from thewolf while he is alive. Wolves do not breed on more than twelve days per year in total. In famines, they feed on the earth.

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§ 2.37  When those creatures who are called deer-wolves, after long hunger, light on flesh, they painfully begin to chew, but they forget their food if by chance they gaze on something else. Heedless of the present abundance, they go searching for the satiety they left behind.

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§ 2.38  Lynxes are to be numbered among this kind of animal. The urine of the lynx is said to collect and harden into precious stones by those who have narrowly investigated the nature of stones. That this is known to the lynxes themselves is proved by this example: when they discharge liquid, they immediately cover it, as much as they are able, with hillocks of sand. No doubt they do this from spite, lest such matter as issues from them be useful to us. AsTheophrastus holds, these stones are the colour of amber. The substance attracts by a breath things that are near at hand. It cures diseases of the kidneys and assuages the jaundice; it is called luncurium.

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§ 2.40  AtReginum, and nowhere else, the cicadas are silent. This silence is a marvel, and not to be deplored, since the neighbouringLocrian cicadas make more noise than all the rest.Granius relates the reason for their silence: when they were murmuring in protest atHercules, who was resting there, the god ordered them not to make such a loud noise. From that day, the silence which then began has remained.

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§ 2.41  TheLigurian Sea produces shrubs, which, however long they have been in the deeps of the water, are lush and flesh-like to the touch. When they are removed from their origins and finally raised into the upper world, they become as rocks. Not only their quality but also their colour is altered, for they immediately blush crimson. Their little branches are such as we see on trees, mostly half a foot long. It is rare to find one a foot long. From these plants are fashioned many things for the adornment of the body. 42 As Zoroastres says, this substance actually has a kind of power. For this reason, whatever may come from it, it is deemed wholesome. 43Metrodorus calls it gorgia; others call it “coral”.Metrodorus also affirms that it resists typhoons and lightning bolts. In a part ofLucania a gemstone with a very beautiful appearance may be dug up. It is saffron in colour, and it has stars inside it, which are dim, as though shining under a cloud. Since it was first discovered on the shores of theSyrtes, it is called the Syrtian stone. 44 There is also theVeiian stone, called so from the place where it is found. Its colour is black, which, with beautiful contrast, is intersected by white tracks and marks.

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§ 2.45  There is anisland which watches the shore ofApulia which is famous for the tomb and shrine ofDiomedes. Also, here alone nestDiomedes’ birds; these birds cannot be found anywhere else, which can be judged remarkable. Their shape is almost the same as that of a coot; they are white in colour, their eyes are fiery, and they have toothed bills.

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§ 2.46  They fly about in flocks, which, for purposes of proceeding efficiently, are not without order. There are two leaders who rule the onrush: one goes in front of the column and the other brings up the rear — the former that he might lead a direct route and the latter that he might urge on the tardy. This is the discipline of their traveling. 47 When the time for fructifying comes upon them, they dig trenches with their bills, and stretch shoots over the top, imitating the framework of a basket. Thus they cover up the space hollowed out underneath. Lest these lids be found wanting, and the wooden hollows carried away by chance winds, the birds press down the pile with the earth they dug out when raising their wells. 48 They build their nests with double entrances. It is not done fortuitously -- they mark out the entrances and exits according to the regions of the heavens. The opening that dismisses them to the feeding grounds is open to the east, and that which receives them is situated towards the west; thus, light rouses them, and does not deny them for their retreat. For the relieving of their bellies, they fly upwards in adverse winds, so their bodily discharges may be blown further away from them. 49 They judge between visitors. Those who are Greek they permit to approach, and as far as it is to be understood, they fawn coaxingly upon them as countrymen. If they are of another race, they rush upon them and attack. They frequent the sacred shrine every day, and their zeal takes this form: they wet their feathers with water, and they flock together with thoroughly soaked and dewy wings. By shaking off the moisture, they purify the shrine. Then they clap their wings and depart, as though they have completed their worship. 50 Because of this, the birds are said to have beenDiomedes’ companions. Certainly, before the advent of theAetolian leader, they did not go by the name ofDiomedes, but thenceforth they have been called thus.

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§ 2.51  Italy runs as far as the land of theLiburnians, who are an Asiatic race, to the foot ofDalmatia.Dalmatia extends to theIllyrian border, on which coast theDardanians have their home. These men have been brutalized from theirTrojan lineage into barbarous customs.

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§ 2.52  But from the other side it proceeds down theLigurian coast into the province ofNarbo. Here thePhocaeans, having at one time been driven into exile by the advent of thePersians, built the city ofMassilia in the45th Olympiad. 53Gaius Marius, in the war with the Cimbrians, let the sea into canals, and so assuaged the danger of sailing on the swollen riverRodanus. This river, cast down from theAlps, first runs through the territory of theHelvetii, dragging streams of running waters with it. It increases by a great amount, and becomes more turbulent than the sea itself, which it invades, except when the sea is raised.Rodanus rages even when the weather is calm, and for this reason it is reckoned one of the three greatest rivers of Europe. 54Aquae Sextiae also became famous there. Once this was the winter quarters of a consul, and later the waters were improved by walls. Their heat, which once breathed out sharply, evaporated over time, and now they do not enjoy their prior fame. If we have a mind to the Greeks, it is best to consider theTarentine coast. Thence, from that promontory which they callAcra Iapygia, is the shortest voyage toAchaia.

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From here, my pen must change its course. Other lands call on me, and it would be tedious to travel slowly along the shores of all the islands which face the promontories ofItaly. These islands are scattered in the most delightful nooks, and seem arranged by Nature as a show lest they be omitted. 2 But how long would I tarry, if, through idleness, I delayed treating the important things, and spoke ofPandateria, orProchyta, orIlva, fertile with iron, orCapraria, which the Greeks call Aegilon, orPlanasia, called thus because of its plain-like appearance, or from the wanderings ofUlysses? Or Columbaria, mother of the birds which bear this name, or Ilhacesia,Ulysses’ watchtower, orAenaria, namedInarime byHomer, and of others just as pleasing? Among these islands isCorsica, of which many have written fairly extensively, after having traveled around it. They have completed their narratives with the fullest diligence, and nothing has been omitted which it would not be superfluous to undertake anew. 3 They describe how theLigurians gave a beginning to the inhabitants, how towns were built, howMarius andSulla led colonists there, and how the level waters of theLigurian Sea lap upon it. But let these things pass.

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§ 3.4  Corsica alone brings forth the stone which they call catochitis, which is most worthy to be spoken of, as it is a unique thing. It is larger than other stones used for decorative purposes, and is not so much a gemstone as a common rock. It holds down hands placed upon it, attaching itself to adjoining bodies in such a way that those which it touches stick to it. There is in it I know not what — a kind of very sticky glue, like gum. 5 I have heard thatDemocritus ofAbdera often used this little stone to prove the hidden power of nature in disputes he had against magicians.

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As forSardinia (which we read about inTimaeus by the name Sandaliotis, and inCrispus by the name Ichnusa), in what sea it lies, and who the ancestors of the inhabitants were, has been sufficiently celebrated. It is to no purpose, therefore, to write thatSardus was begotten byHercules,Norax byMercury, and that the one traveled into this country fromLibya, and the other all the way fromTartessus in Spain. Or that the name was given to the land bySardus, and to the townNora byNorax. 2 Or that soon after,Aristeus, by ruling in the city ofCaralis, which he himself, joining the people of each blood, had founded, united the separate tribes under one custom, they nothing scorning his rule because of its strangeness. So we may pass over these things, as well asIolaus, who settled the land in those regions, and also theIlienses andLocrenses, let us note thatSardinia is truly withoutserpents. 3 But what bringsserpents to other places brings the solifuga to the fields ofSardinia. This is a very small creature with the shape of aspider, and it is called by this name because it flees daylight. It is found mostly in silver-mines (for the soil ofSardinia is rich in silver); it crawls secretly, and calls down pestilence on those who sit upon it unawares.

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§ 4.4  To this mischief is added the herb sardonia, which prospers quite plentifully in places where springs flow forth. If eaten by people who are ignorant of it, it tightens the muscles and divides the mouth into a rictus, so that those who thus meet death die with the appearance of laughter.

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§ 4.5  On the other hand, the waters ofSardinia have various benefits. The lakes have a great abundance of fish. The winter showers are saved for the summer scarcity, for theSardinian man has much wealth as regards rainy skies. They consume collected water, and it suffices for use where there are no bubbling rills. Springs, hot and wholesome, well up in many places. 6 They offer a cure for broken bones, and for the dispelling of poison inserted by solifugae, and also for the curing of eye diseases. 7 But what cures eyes is also powerful for discovering thieves. For whosoever denies a theft with an oath, and washes his eyes with these waters sees more clearly if he has not perjured himself. If a man falsely denies perfidy, his crime is revealed by blindness; captured by his eyes, he is driven to confess.

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If we were to pay respect to the progression of history, or of places, afterSardinia,Sicily would call us, firstly because both islands, brought under Roman jurisdiction, were made provinces at the same time, since in the same yearMarcus Valerius was appointed praetor ofSardinia, andGaius Flaminius the praetor of the other. Say in addition that when you come out of theSicilian Straits the sea bears the name “Sardinian”.

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§ 5.2  Sicily — this thing must be especially noted — is shaped like a triangle, by reason of its far-flung promontories.Pachynus guides its view towards thePeloponnese and the southern region;Pelorias, facing the west, watchesItaly, andLilybaeum stretches out towards Africa. Of these,Pelorias stands forth; it is praised for the unparalleled moderation of its soil, which is neither turned into mud by the moisture of swamps, nor cracked open into dust by drought.

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§ 5.3  WherePelorias retreats inland and spreads out in width, there are three lakes. That the first of these is abundant in fish, I do not, for my part, consider marvellous. But near to the lake, the land is thick with trees, and the groves of brushwood nurture wild beasts. Hunters and others on foot are given access by means of paths. Thus the lake offers the double pleasure of fishing and hunting, and can be numbered among the admirable features of this land.

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§ 5.4  The holiness of the third lake is proved by an altar which stands in the middle of it and divides the shallows from the deeps. Upon the way proceeding to it, the water is leg-deep. What is beyond it is neither permitted to explore nor touch. He who dares to do so is punished by misfortune, and how quickly he goes to ruin is gauged by how much of himself he immerses in the water. They say that a certain man threw a line as far as he could into these depths, and when he assuaged the labour of recovering it by dipping his arm into the water, his hand became rotten.

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§ 5.5  The Pelorian shore is inhabited by the colonyTauromenium, which the men of old calledNaxus. The townMessana is placed opposite toRegium inItaly. The Greeks calledRegium Ρήγιον, on account of the division. 6 There is a great abundance oftuna fish atPachynus, and because of this, the catch there is always large.

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§ 5.7  The town ofLilybaeum dignifies theLilybaean tomb of theSibyl. A long time before theTrojan War,Sicanus the king arrived here with a very large band ofSpaniards, and named the place “Sicania”, after himself. After this,Siculus, son ofNeptune, named the land “Sicily”. 8 Very manyCorinthians,Argives,Ilienses,Dorians andCretans flocked here. Among them wasDaedalus, the expert craftsman.Sicily has its chief city inSyracuse, where the weather is tranquil even when it is winter, and there is no day without sun. Add to this that the Spring ofArethusa is in this city.

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§ 5.9  Aetna andEryx are the highest of the mountains.Aetna is sacred toVulcan, andEryx toVenus. There are two gaps inAetna’s summit, called craters, through which vapour erupts after being noisily discharged. Loud noises precede it, rolled in different directions, with extended roaring, through the seething hiding-places of the caverns, in the bowels of the earth. Balls of fire do not lift themselves on high before internal uproar has occurred.

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§ 5.10  This is a marvel; and it is not less marvellous that in the burning heat ofAetna, the stubbornness of nature displays snow mingled with the flames. 11 AlthoughAetna exudes monstrous heat, the summit is perpetually white, holding on to the appearance of winter. There is an unconquerable violence in both: the heat is not mitigated by the cold, not the cold melted by the heat.

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§ 5.12  Two other mountains, Nebrodes and the Neptunian, are praised. On the Neptunian is a watchtower which looks into theTuscan andAdriatic seas. Nebrodes takes its name from the fallow deer and fawns which wander there in flocks.

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§ 5.13  WhatSicily produces (whether from the soil or by the genius of man) we may judge as approaching the best. The fruits of the earth are excelled byCenturipan saffron. Comedy was first invented here, and here the badinage of mimicry remained on the stage. The house ofArchimedes is here. He, familiar with the science of the stars, was an engineer and a maker of siege engines. Here wasLais, the woman who preferred to choose her country rather than to confess.

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§ 5.14  The huge caves bear witness to the race of theCyclops; the settlements of theLaestrygones are named thus to this day. Of this country wasCeres, the teacher of cultivation and fruit-nurturing. In the same place is the Field ofHenna, which is always in flower, and vernal every day. 15 Near to it is the sunken hole out of which Father Dis, as the tale goes, having swallowed the light, came forth to abductLibera. BetweenCatina andSyracuse there is rivalry concerning the story of some famous brothers. The two sides choose the brothers’ names to suit themselves: if we listen to theCatinenses, the names were Anapius andAmphinomus; if we were to prefer theSyracusan version, we would believe they were Emantia andCrito. Nevertheless, the locality gives the cause of the deed to theCatinenses. When the fires ofAetna burst out, the two young men lifted up their parents and carried them through the flames, unhurt by the conflagration. Their memory was given to posterity, as the place where their tombs are was named the Field of Piety.

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§ 5.16  As far asArethusa andAlpheus are concerned, it is true that the spring and the river come together. The marvels ofSicily’s rivers are exceedingly various. If someone who has lived unchastely drinks fromDiana’s river, which flows intoCamerina, the liquid of the wine and the liquid of the water will not join into one substance.

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§ 5.17  The River Helbesus, which is in the country of theSegestans, grows hot in the middle of its stream with sudden boilings. The riverAcis, although it comes down fromAetna, is colder than all. The zones of the heavens change the RiverHimera; it is bitter when it flows into the north, and it is sweet when it curls towards the south.

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§ 5.18  There is as much strangeness in the salt-mines as is in the waters. If you put salt fromAgrigentum in the fire, it is dissolved by the burning; if water draws near, it crackles as though it is being burned.Aetna produces salt of a dark red colour; that found atPachynus is transparent.

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§ 5.19  Other salt-mines, near toAgrigentum andCenturipe, do the work of quarries, for there statues are carved into the likenesses of gods and men. In the place where the hot springs are is an island with an abundance of reeds. They are very good for producing the sounds of all pipes — whether you make praecentoriae, which are for playing before couches of the gods, or vascae, which have more holes than praecentoriae, or maiden-pipes, which are called so because of their clear sound, or gingrinae, which, although they are shorter, nevertheless produce a finer sound, or milvinae, which issue the sharpest sound. These reeds are likewise good for making theLydian pipes, which are also called turariae, or theCorinthian, or the Aegyptian, or others, which musicians differentiate by function and name.

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§ 5.20  In the district ofHalesa is a spring which, when the environs are silent, is quiet and tranquil. If pipes are sounded, it rises up, exulting at the singing; it swells beyond its banks as though marveling at the sweetness of the voice.

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§ 5.21  The Gelonian Lake, with its foul stench, drives away those who draw near. Also in that place are two springs. One, if a barren woman drinks of it, she is made fertile; the other, if a fertile woman drinks of it, she becomes sterile.
22 The lake atPetra is noxious toserpents and healthful to men. Oil floats on the surface of theAgrigentine Lake. Because of their constant wallowing therein, the fat sticks to the foliage of the reeds. From the reeds’ hair-like fibres is gathered a medicinal ointment for use against the diseases of herdsmen.

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§ 5.23  Not far from there isVulcan’s Hill. Men who are sacrificing to the god go there and strew vine wood upon the altar. Fire is not placed near the heap. If the god is present when they carry in the carved meat, and the sacrifice is approved, the twigs, although green, catch fire. The kindling is done by the deity himself, without any burning breath.

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§ 5.24  When they are dining sumptuously, the flame frolics; it wanders on sinuous paths, and he whom it touches is not scorched. It is nothing less than an image, a message that the rite has been correctly and completely performed. In the sameAgrigentine field, muddy springs violently well up. The veins of the springs provide water to the streams; thus, in this part ofSicily, the soil is never deficient. The land vomits out land with eternal rejections.

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§ 5.25  FromSicily came the first agate stone, found on the banks of the river Achates. Agate is of no small value if it is found there, for the intersecting veins inscribe natural shapes upon it. When it is the best, the images of many things are displayed. The ring of KingPyrrhus (who waged war against theRomans), which was not of obscure fame, came from there. Its gem was an agate, in which the nineMuses, with their distinguishing marks, andApollo, holding his cithara, could be seen. The figures were not stamped there, but were made by nature.

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§ 5.26  Now agate is found in other places.Crete yields what they call coral agate, which is similar to coral, but is smeared all over with specks that sparkle like gold, and it resists the attacks of scorpions.India gives agates which are good for the eyes to look at. They have in them now the shapes of groves, now of animals. If these stones are taken into the mouth, they allay thirst. 27 There are also agates which, after they have been burned, are redolent of myrrh. Blood agates are red with blood-like spots. But the agates which are most sought after, such as theCyprian ones, have a clearness resembling that of glass; those which have a waxy appearance are abundant and are commonly ignored. The circuit of this entire island is completed in 3000 stadia.

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In theSicilian straits areHephaestus’ Isles, which are twenty-five miles distant fromItaly. TheItalians call themVulcan’s Isles, for their earth burns by its very nature. The fires are either borrowed fromAetna, or supplied through some hidden trade. This place was consecrated as the seat of the God of Fire. The islands are seven in number. 2Lipara is named after KingLiparus, who ruled there beforeAeolus. They call another of the islandsHiera. It is especially sacred toVulcan, and it has an exceedingly high hill which blazes most at night.

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§ 6.3  The third isStrongyle, the home ofAeolus. It faces towards the sunrise; it is the least angular island, and its flames appear more liquid than those of the rest. Chiefly from the smoke, the inhabitants know three days beforehand which winds will blow; for this reason,Aeolus was believed king of the winds. The others,Didyme,Eriphusa,Phoenicusa and Euonymon are so similar, I have to all intents and purposes described them already.

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The third gulf of Europe commences at theCeraunian mountains, and ends at theHellespont. On this coast, in the country of theMolossians, where the temple ofDodonaeanJupiter is, is Mount Talarus. It is famous, asTheopompus asserts, for the hundred springs around its roots.

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§ 7.2  InEpirus there is a sacred spring which is cold beyond all other waters, and which is observably unique. For if a burning torch is immersed in it, the torch is extinguished, but if you remove the torch to a distance, it rekindles of its own accord.

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§ 7.3  MountTmarus atDodona is lofty.Delphi is celebrated for the riverCephisos, for the springCastalia, and for MountParnasus.Acarnania is famous for MountAracynthus. The mountainPindus divides this country fromAetolia, and gives birth to the riverAchelous, gifted of old with renown as being among the chief rivers of Greece. This is not unworthy praise, since galactitis is found among the pebbles which glitter on its banks. Galactitis is a little black stone; if it is rubbed, it exudes a white juice tasting of milk. 4 If it is worn by women who are breast-feeding, their breasts become more fruitful. If it is bound to children, it causes them to swallow more saliva, and if it taken into the mouth, it melts. When, however, it is spat out, it kills the gift of memory. Besides by theNile, this stone is given only byAchelous, and not by any other.

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§ 7.5  Near to the townPatrae is a place called Scioessa, which nine hills overshadow with darkness. It is renowned for no other reason than it is almost inaccessible to the rays of the sun.

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§ 7.6  InLaconia is the vent called Taenaron.Taenaron is also the name of a promontory facing Africa. Here the shrine ofArion ofMethymna is situated.Arion, as his brazen image is witness, was carried hither by adolphin. The image shows the likeness of his plight and of his true exploit. In addition, the time is designated on the statue. It is the29th Olympiad, in which the sameArion is written as victor at theSicilian contest. So the deed itself is proven.

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§ 7.7  There is also a town of renowned antiquity calledTaenaron. There are several other cities inLaconia. Among them isLeuctra, which is today not unheard of, owing to the disgraceful end theLacedaemonians made there in times gone by. 8 There isAmyclae, ruined through its own silence;Sparta, notable for the temple ofCastor andPollux, and also for the monuments of that illustrious manOthryades;Therapne, whence first came the cult ofDiana;Pitane, whichArcesilaus theStoic (who was born there) brought into the light by the merit of his own wisdom;Anthia andCardamyle.

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§ 7.9  WhereThyrae is now said to have been is the place where, in the 17th year ofRomulus’ reign, a memorable war was fought between theLacedaemonians and theArgives. MountTaygetus and the riverEurotas are so well known they do not require a written description.

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§ 7.10  Inachus, a river inAchaea, bisects theArgive regions. KingInachus named it after himself. He was the founder of theArgive nobility.Epidaurus’s distinction is theshrine ofAesculapius; those who lie in it obtain remedies for their ills through advice given in dreams.

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§ 7.11  InArcadia is a town calledPallanteum. It is enough to remember that it gave the name to our ownPalatine throughEvander theArcadian. InArcadia also are the mountainsCyllene andLycaeus. Then there isMaenalus, illuminated by the gods who were nursed there. MountErymanthus is not obscure. Among the rivers isErymanthus, which is cast down from MountErymanthus, andLadon, the former famous because of a fight ofHercules, and the latter because ofPan.

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§ 7.12  Varro holds that there is aspring inArcadia whose draught is death. There is something worth relating about the birds in this same place. Although in other places, blackbirds are dusky, aroundCyllene they are a very bright white.

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§ 7.13  We should not scorn a rock whichArcadia yields. Its name is asbestos, and it is the colour of iron. If it is set on fire, it cannot be quenched.

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§ 7.14  TheIsthmus sprouts into the bay ofMegara. TheIsthmus is famous for the four-yearly games and thetemple ofNeptune. These games, they say, were instituted in remembrance of the five coasts of thePeloponnese, washed against by five seas: theIonian in the north, theSicilian in the west, theAegean in the south-east, theMyrtoan in the north-east, and theCretan in the south. The games were stopped by the tyrantCypselus, but were restored to their former solemnity by theCorinthians in the49th Olympiad.

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§ 7.15  For the rest, the name provides the evidence that thePeloponnesus was ruled byPelops. It is fashioned like the leaf of a plane-tree, with recesses and promontories. It makes a point of separation between theIonian andAegean seas, called theIsthmus because of its narrowness; the thin walk between either shore is not more than four miles.

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§ 7.16  Here beginsHellas, which people rightly consider the true Greece. What is now calledAttica was previously known as Acte.Athens is situated here. TheScironian Rocks are close to this city. They extend for six miles, and were thus named in honour ofTheseus the Avenger and the notable punishment. 17Ino cast herself and her sonPalaemon headlong from these cliffs into the deeps, and increased the gods of the sea.

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§ 7.18  We will not pass over the mountains ofAttica. There areIcarius,Brilessus,Lycabettus andAegialus, but first place is by right given, and deservedly, toHymettus. This is because it is especially abundant in flowers, and the excellent taste of its honey conquers that of all the honeys from its own and other lands.

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§ 7.19  The springCallirhoe is said to be miraculous, yet the waters of another spring, Crunesos, are numbered among the things of no account. The place of judgement for theAthenians is in the Arios pagos [Areopagos]. The plain ofMarathon was made famous by report of a most bloody battle fought there.

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§ 7.20  Many islands lie opposite to theAttic mainland.Salamis,Sunium,Ceos andCoos are almost suburbs of the city.Coos, asVarro testifies, was the first to make fine garments for women by the science of spinning.

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§ 7.21  Boeotia is celebrated for the city ofThebes.Amphion foundedThebes, not by commanding the stones with his lyre (for it is not likely that the deed should be done thus), but by coaxing the wild inhabitants of the rocks (who had uncouth customs) with sweet speech, towards the discipline of civil allegiance.

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§ 7.22  This city was glorified by the birth of gods within its walls, as is told by those who celebrateHercules andLiber in sacred songs. InThebes is the groveHelicon, the forestCithaeron, the riverIsmenus, and the springsArethusa, Oedipodia, Psamanthe andDirce. But before the other springs areAganippe andHippucrene. 23Cadmus, the first inventor of letters, discovered them when he was exploring on horseback, while he was searching out the regions he was taking possession of. The liberty of the poets was thus kindled: in their writings it is set down that one of these springs was opened by the hoof of the wingedhorse, and that the other, when drunk, gave literary inspiration.

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§ 7.24  The island ofEuboea makes the haven ofAulis by casting out its coast. This haven is recounted over the ages as the memorial to the Greek confederacy.

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§ 7.25  TheBoeotians used to be known as theLeleges. The riverCephisos flows through their territory and pours itself into the sea.

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§ 7.26  In this land is theOpuntian Bay, the townLarisa, andDelphi. There is alsoRamne, in which is ashrine ofAmphiaraus and the image ofDiana made byPhidias.

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§ 7.27  Varro asserts that there are two rivers inBoeotia, which, although they are separated by nature, do not differ in wonderfulness. If a herd ofsheep drinks from one of them, their fleeces become coloured. If a herd drinks from the other, any dark fleeces become white. 28 He says in addition that there is an unwholesome well there, whose liquid is death. Whereas the partridges everywhere are certainly free, as are all birds, inBoeotia they are not. They cannot fly where they will, but have boundaries in the very air which they do not dare to cross. They never fly forth from their borders, and thus do not traverseAttic soil. 29 This is peculiarlyBoeotian. What is common to all partridges, we will now pursue. Partridges make nests with clever defences. They clothe the exits of the nests with thorny bushes, so the animals which harass them are warded off by the harsh prongs. 30 They cover the eggs with dust, and return to them secretly, lest their frequent comings and goings betray where they are. The females repeatedly move the eggs about to cheat the males, who often crush them with their impatient flattering. The males fight for mates, and it is believed that the losers have to let the victors treat them like females. The females are so agitated by sexual lust, that if a breeze blows from the males, they are made pregnant by the smell. 31 If a man draws near where they nest, the mothers come out voluntarily and offer themselves to whoever is approaching. They assume a weakness of foot or wing (seeming as though they might by and by be caught) and counterfeit a limping walk. This fraud incites their enemies, and baffles them, until, enticed for a long while, they are diverted from the nests. 32 Nor are the chicks more torpid in the art of defensive action. When they begin to perceive that they themselves are seen, they cast themselves on their backs, and lift little clods of earth with their feet. They are so cleverly concealed by these that they escape notice even when seized.

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Thessaly is also known asHaemonia;Homer calls itPelasgian Argos.Hellen, the king for whom the Hellenes were named, was born here.Pieria extends from the back of this country toMacedonia.Pieria, after it was conquered, came under the yoke of theMacedonians. There are many towns and rivers there.

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§ 8.2  The notable towns arePhthia,ThessalianLarisa, andThebes. Among the rivers,Peneus is notable. It runs pastOssa andOlympus, and makesThessalianTempe, a wooded vale with gently rising hills on either hand. Flowing betweenMagnesia andMacedonia, wide and wavy, it falls into theThermaean gulf.

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§ 8.3  ThePharsalican plains belong toThessaly. The storms of civil war thundered in this place. We will leave the famous mountains to others — let those who seek the origin of theLapiths pursuePindus andOthrys, and let those to whom it is a delight to devote attention to the dwellings of the centaurs pursueOssa. 4Pelium has been given such celebrity by the wedding feast ofThetis andPeleus, that it would be more amazing in me to keep silent on the subject than to discuss it.

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§ 8.5  The things that are to be seen atOlympus show thatHomer did not celebrate it rashly. First, it rises so high, with a pre-eminent peak, that the inhabitants call the top of it heaven. 6 On the summit is an altar dedicated toJupiter. If burned offerings of entrails are brought to it, they are neither blown off by windy breath nor washed away by rain, but as the year rolls on, whatever is left there is discovered unchanged; what is consecrated to the god triumphs over time and the corruption of the air. Letters written in the ashes remain until the next year’s ceremony.

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§ 8.7  In the country ofMagnesia is the townMothona. WhenPhilip, father ofAlexander the Great ofMacedonia, blockadedit, he was wounded in the eye by an arrow. The arrow was fired by a townsman namedAster; the arrow was inscribed with his own name, the place of the wound, and the name of whom he attacked. That these people are skilled in the art of archery we can well believe, asPhiloctetes came from here —Meliboea is reckoned in the foot of this country. If I went no further on this subject, I would still have the help of the poets. The fountainLibethrius itself is also inMagnesia.

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The people who were once known as the Edonii, the land which was once known asMygdonia, and thePierian andEmathian territories, are now all called by the uniform name ofMacedonia. The divisions which, formerly, were made individually, were united and made into one body under this name. 2Macedonia is therefore bounded by the Thracian marches. In the south, theEpirotes hold the country ofThessaly, and in the western region are theDardanians andIllyrians. In the north,Macedonia is beaten by the cold north winds cast down from the mountainous borders. HerePelagonia andPaeonia protect the country from theTriballi.

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§ 9.3  The riverStrymon, which runs down from the ridge ofHaemus, makes the boundary betweenMacedonia andThrace. In order not to speak either ofRhodope (aMygdonian mountain), or ofAthos (which was cut off from the mainland by a distance of a mile and a half, so thePersian fleet could sail through), or of the veins of gold and silver (many of these, of the best quality, are dug up in the fields ofMacedonia), I will treat the country ofOrestis. 4 People here are called the “Orestae” because of the following tale. AfterOrestes had fled fromMycenae because of his matricide, he was determined to go far away. So he commanded that his son, who had been born inEmathia fromHermione, with whom he had associated as a companion during all his adventures, be hidden there.

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§ 9.5  The boy grew up with the air of one of royal blood, bearing anew his father’s name. Having seized the area which extends to theMacedonian Gulf and theAdriatic Sea, he called the land which he had conquered “Orestis”.

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§ 9.6  Phlegra (before the town was built it is said that the soldiery of heaven fought there with the giants) reminds us, as we thoroughly pursue such great proofs of sovereignty, that evidence of divine wars perseveres into this age. 7 If at any time here (as does bechance), the torrents become swollen with rain, and they break their banks with the increased weight of water, throwing themselves into the plain, bones are said to be even now uncovered by the inundation. These bones are in the form of human bones, but larger. Because of their immense size, it is said that they are from the bodies of that monstrous army. This argument is strengthened by the evidence of huge rocks, with which it is believed heaven was assaulted.

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§ 9.8  Let us proceed to the remainder ofMacedonia, which extends toThessaly andAthamania. The mountainous heights here are lifted higher than anywhere. There is nothing in any other land which can worthily be compared to such prominences. The assault of the Flood, which covered everything else with moist stagnation, did not reach this inaccessible soil. 9 That these places were above the Flood is made apparent by traces of no small authority which endure here. In the caves hidden in the cliffs, which were eroded by the violence of the water, remnants of shellfish were left behind, and of the many other things which were copiously spat out by the enraged sea. Thus, although this place is inland, it nevertheless has all the appearance of the sea-shore.

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§ 9.10  Now I will return to the inhabitants. Emathius, who was the first to obtain leadership inEmathia (whether because the truth about his origins has perished, or because it is indeed so) is thought to have been born from the earth. 11 After him, the nameEmathia, having started with him, endured inMacedonia. ButMacedo, the maternal grandson ofDeucalion, who alone with the family of his house survived the massacre, changed the name and called itMacedonia after himself.

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§ 9.12  Caranus, the leader of thePeloponnesian army, followedMacedo. In accord with an oracle, he built a city where he had seen a herd ofgoats rest, and called itAegae. It was the custom for the kings to be buried here; another place was not given for the tombs of the more distinguished men among the ancientMacedonians.

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§ 9.13  AfterCaranus, in the22nd Olympiad, camePerdiccas. He was the first to be named the king ofMacedonia. After him wasAlexander, son ofAmyntas, who was reckoned rich, not without cause. He had so many successes that first of all men he sent gold statues as gifts toApollo atDelphi and toJupiter inElis. 14 He was most indulgently given over to the pleasures of music, so much so that he held by his side with generous gifts many who were skillful instrumentalists. He did this while he lived for the sake of his delight.Pindar the lyric poet was among them.

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§ 9.15  Thence followed the reign ofArchelaus, who was skilled in war. He was also a pioneer of naval battles. ThisArchelaus was so great a lover of learning that he entrusted the highest of his confidences toEuripides the tragedian. At his death,Archelaus was not content to bear the cost of the funeral, but shore his hair and showed everyone on his face the sorrow he had conceived in his heart. 16 He won the prizes for the four-horse chariot at thePythian and theOlympic games. He bore that glory rather with the soul of a Greek than with a royal one.

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§ 9.17  AfterArchelaus,Macedonia was disturbed by dissension, but came to rest during the reign ofAmyntas, who had three sons.Alexander succeeded his father, but he was removed, and the wealth of that very ample power which had to be overtaken was first given toPerdiccas. Dying, he left the kingdom to his brotherPhilip who (as I have said above) lost his right eye atMothona. This debility was preceded by an omen. For whenPhilip got married, it is reported that the tibia-players brought from abroad sang of theCyclops as though in sport.

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§ 9.18  ThisPhilip begotAlexander the Great, however muchOlympias, his mother, desiring to gain a nobler father for him, claimed that she had been fertilised by aserpent. Nevertheless,Alexander himself behaved in such a way that he was believed to have been born from a god. 19 He travelled over every part of the world, making use of his teachersAristotle andCallisthenes. He conqueredAsia,Armenia,Hiberia,Albania,Cappadocia,Syria, andEgypt. He crossed MountTaurus and theCaucasus; he subdued theBactrians. He ruled theMedes and thePersians; he capturedIndia and passed beyond everything whichLiber andHercules had approached. 20 In appearance he was dignified beyond all men, with a long neck, cheerful, shining eyes, and cheeks pleasantly flushed. The rest of his body was not without a certain graceful majesty. This conqueror of all men was nevertheless himself conquered by wine and by temper. In this way, he was taken off inBabylon by the disease of drunkenness, a more humble fate than he had lived. 21 We find that those who came after him were born more for the profit of Roman glory than to the inheritance of so great a name.

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§ 9.22  Macedonia produces a stone which is called paeanitis. It is commonly said that this stone brings aid to child-bearing women, both in conceiving and giving birth.

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Now let us proceed toThrace, setting sail for the most powerful nations of Europe. Those who sedulously wish to learn of the barbarianThracians will easily discover that there is disregard of life among them. This is the result of their system of beliefs. 2 Every one of them agrees to a voluntary death, while not a few of them think that their souls return. Others think that their souls are not destroyed by death but become more blessed. Most of them deem childbirths to be sorrowful. Indeed, those who are newly parents receive the birth with weeping. 3 On the contrary, funerals are happy occasions, to such a degree that the deceased are escorted to the pyre with gladness. The men boast about the number of wives they have, and judge many marriages to be an honour. The women hold fast to their modesty. They throw themselves on the funeral pyres of their dead husbands, and, which is held to be the greatest mark of chastity, walk headlong into the flames. 4 Women of marriageable age do not have their husbands chosen by their parents. Those who are most beautiful prefer to be auctioned off, and with the liberty of appraisal permitted them, they do not marry the man of the highest morals, but the man with the most gifts. Those women who are hindered in this by a repulsive appearance obtain dowries, which they use to get a husband.

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§ 10.5  When they feast, both the men and the women roam about the hearths, casting the seeds of their herbs above the flames. The fumes overpower them; their senses are impaired, and in an imitation of drunkenness, they have good sport.

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§ 10.6  So much for the customs. Examination of the places and peoples will follow. TheDenseletae live near theStrymon, on its right side. Here also, up to the riverMestus, are many tribes of the Bessi. TheMestus runs around the roots of MountPangaeus.

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§ 10.7  The soil of theOdrysians pours forth the riverHebrus, which runs among thePriantae, theDolongi, theThyni, theCorpili, and many other barbarians. It also touches the territory of theCiconae. Next comesHaemus, six miles high. TheMoesians,Getae,Sarmatians,Scythians and many other peoples inhabit its hinder part.

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§ 10.8  TheSithonians occupy thePontic shore; theSithonians are judged among the foremost peoples asOrpheus the poet was born there. They report that he practised secrets (either religious rites or songs) on the promontory Sperchivum. Nearby is theBistonian lake. 9 Not far from this lake is theMaronian country, in which is the town Tirida. In Tirida were the stables ofDiomede’shorses, but they have yielded to time, and only traces of the tower endure. 10Abdera, whichDiomede’s sister both founded and named after herself, is not far from there. Later it was the home ofDemocritus the natural philosopher; therefore (to say truth) it is the more renowned.Abdera became decayed with age, and was restored to even greater beauty in the31st Olympiad by theClazomenians fromAsia, who claimed what had gone before, and was obliterated, for their own name.

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§ 10.11  The advent ofXerxes madeDoriscos famous, because the sum of his soldiers were mustered there.Aenus has the tumulus ofPolydorus, in the region held by the AroteresScythians. A certain city calledGerania (the barbarians call it Cathizon) there is celebrated. They say that thePygmies wereexpelled from it by cranes.

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§ 10.12  It is indeed obvious that in winter cranes congregate in great numbers in this northern region. It will not grieve me to recall how they direct their journeys. They go forward like a military company under a standard. Lest the strength of the breeze blow them off course, they consume sand, and ballast themselves with small stones to a moderate weight. 13 Then they hasten aloft, so they can mark the lands they are making for, as if from a tall watchtower. A bird confident of the course goes in front of the flock. She castigates idleness of flight with her voice, which gathers the troop together. When she has grown hoarse, another takes her place. 14 Preparing to crossPontus, they aim for the narrowest passage. This (it is easy to discern by looking) is between Taurica andPaphlagonia — that is, betweenCarambis andCriumetopon. When they know themselves to have passed the middle of the channel, their feet drop the bundles of small stones. 15 Sailors report that from this circumstance they are often rained upon with stony showers. The cranes do not bring up the sand again before they are settled as securely as possible. The birds are of one mind in caring for those who become weary; indeed, if some falter, they all flock together and continuously bear up the exhausted ones until they recover their strength by resting. They are not less zealous on land. 16 They divide the night watches so that at any one time ten of them are wakeful. The watchers clasp little weights in their claws, which if by chance are let fall, convict them of slackness. When they perceive something to take precautions against, they make a clamour. Their colour reveals their age: they grow dark with old age.

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§ 10.17  Let us go to the promontoryCeras Chryseon, famous for the townByzantium, formerly called Lygos. The town is 711 miles away fromDyrrhachium, for theAdriatic andPropontic Seas extend such a distance.

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§ 10.18  In the Ceniensian region, not far from the colonyFlaviopolis, is the townBizye, formerly the territory of kingTereus. It is hateful to swallows, and in turn inaccessible to them. Swallows also refuse to go toThebes, because its walls have very often been captured. 19 Among other things, swallows have a certain foreknowledge which is thus proved: they do not make for roofs about to fall and scorn houses about to perish. They are certainly not attacked by fearful birds and are not ever prey. Thus, they are sacred. They do not take up food standing, but capture and swallow it in the air.

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§ 10.20  There is another isthmus inThrace, which, by the art of the sea, has a similar narrow passage, and is of equal width.Pactye marks the Propontic shore, andCardia the bay ofMelas. This last was called “Cardia” because it is built in a heart-shape.

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§ 10.21  Here is, moreover, the greatHellespont, which is drawn together to a distance of seven stadia, and divides Europe from the Asiatic regions. Here also are two cities:Abydos on the Asian shore,Sestos on the European.

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§ 10.22  Next, there are two opposing promontories:Mastusia of theChersonese, where the third gulf of Europe finishes, andSigeum ofAsia, where the tumulusCynossema is, which is called the tomb of Hecuba. There is also thetower ofProtesilaus, used as a sanctuary.

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§ 10.23  On the northern marches ofThrace theHister is spread. In the east isPontus andPropontis and in the south, theAegean Sea.

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There is a rock (it more truly merits to be called a rock than an island) betweenTenedus andChios, whence theAegean gulf spreads out. It is on the right as people sail toAntandrus. Because, from a distance, it looks similar in shape to agoat, the Greeks call it “Aega”. TheAegean gulf takes its name from this rock. 2 A rock in the shape of a ship projects from Phalarium, a promontory ofCorcyra, into which, they believe,Ulysses’ ship was transformed.Cythera, which is five miles away fromMalea, went by the name ofPorphyris in former times.

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§ 11.3  It is easier to speak of the land ofCrete than to conclude in which sea it lies. For the Greeks have mixed up the names of the surrounding waters. Some names have been put in place over the top of others, so almost everything has been obscured. Nevertheless, I will arrange my work with a view to clarity as much as I can, lest uncertainties arise.

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§ 11.4  East and west,Crete extends in a very long tract. Greece lies on one side, andCyrene on the other. On the northern side,Crete is lashed by its own part of the seethingAegean -- that is to say, by theCretan Sea. On the southern side, it is bathed byLibyan and Aegyptian waves. It is not crowded with one hundred cities, as reported by those who prodigally give tongue, but it has great and ambitious towns, the chief of which areGortyna,Cydonea,Cnosos, Therapnae and Cylissos.

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§ 11.5  Dosiades reports thatCrete was named after a young maiden called Creta, who was daughter to theHesperides.Anaximander is of the opinion that it was named after aCretan king of theCuretes, andCrates holds the view that it was first calledAeria, and soon after Curetus. Not a few also record that it was named Macaronnesus because of the mildness of the climate.Crete was the first to gain power through oars and arrows, and was the first to write down its laws.Crete first taught (the inventor was Pyrrhichos) cavalry squadrons to interweave with mischievous whirlings. From this discipline came military practice.

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§ 11.6  The study of music has its origins inCrete, when theIdaean Dactyls changed little measures into the order of verse. They were led to this by the rattling and clanging of bronze.

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§ 11.7  Because of the mountain chains Dictynnaeus andCadistus,Crete appears white. These mountains glisten so that people sailing far off suppose them to be clouds.Ida stands before the others: it sees the sun before the sunrise.Varro, in his work about the shores, affirms that in his time, the tomb ofJupiter was to be visited there.

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§ 11.8  TheCretans are very devout in their worship ofDiana. In their native language they name herBritomartis, which in our language sounds like “sweet maiden”. No-one is allowed to enter theshrine of this deity unless bare-footed. The shrine displays the work ofDaedalus.

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§ 11.9  The riverLenaeus flows pastGortyna, where, theGortynians say,Europa was carried away on the back of abull. TheGortynians also honourEuropa’s brother Adymnus. They say that he is seen thereabouts, and runs to meets people, but that when the day draws towards evening, he offers himself to view with a more majestic appearance.

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§ 11.10  TheCnosians number the goddessMinerva among their citizens, and rashly contend with the Atticans that grain was first sown among them.

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§ 11.11  The Ager Creticus has many wildgoats, but no deer. It has never nourishedwolves,foxes or other noxious quadrupeds.

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§ 11.12  There are noserpents inCrete. There is an abundance of vines there, and the soil is wondrously kind. Products from trees are copious. In one part of the island, cypress trees which have been cut down send forth new growth. There is aCretan herb called alimos, which, if chewed, prevents hunger for a day.

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§ 11.13  There is also a kind ofspider called phalangium. If you research its strength, you will find that it has no vigour of body, but if you research what power it has, you will discover that it can kill a man with its poison.

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§ 11.14  The stoneIdaeus dactylus is also said to be native to this island. It is the colour of iron, and similar in shape to a human thumb.Crete has no night-owls. If one is imported, it perishes.

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§ 11.15  Carystos has hot springs, called the Ellopiae. It has birds called “Carystiae”, which fly through flames with impunity. It also has linen which remains strong in fire. This same place was calledChalcis by men of old, as the author Callidemus details, because bronze was first discovered there.

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§ 11.16  The religious rites make it clear that theTitans ruled there a very long time ago, for theCarystians make divine observances in honour ofBriareus, as theChalcidians do forAegaeon. TheTitans’ kingdom comprised almost all ofEuboea.

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§ 11.17  They say that theCyclades are so called because they are situated in a circle aroundDelos (although some jut out further than others), and the Greek word for circle is “cyclos”.Chios[Ios?], because it has thetomb ofHomer, surpasses the others.

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§ 11.18  It is suitable to observe here that after the first flood, noted to have been in the time ofOgyges, when continual night overshadowed the days for nine months together,Delos, first of all lands, was illuminated by the sun’s beams. BecauseDelos was the first to be restored to light, the name “Delos” was appointed. 19 The time betweenOgyges andDeucalion is given as 600 years.Delos is also known asOrtygia. The most famous of theCyclades, it is also variously namedAsteria (from the cult ofApollo), Lagia or Cynetho (because of the hunting to be had there), and Pyrpile, since both fire-instruments and fire itself were discovered there.

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§ 11.20  On this island, quails were first seen. The Greeks call them “ortygae”. These birds are thought to be appointed to the guardianship ofLatona. They are not seen in all seasons: they arrive when summer is drawing to a close. When they cross the sea, they put off making an effort through fear of a longer journey; they nourish their strength through slowness of movement. 21 When they can clearly see the land, they gather in large flocks and move more vigourously. Their haste often brings destruction upon sailors. At night, the birds rend ships’ sails, and weigh down the folds of sailcloth, so the ships become unbalanced. Quails never fly on the south wind, for they fear the strength of this swollen breeze. They commonly commit themselves to the northern breezes, as they are stronger and drier. Thus they are better able to carry the quails’ bodies, which are somewhat fat, and, because of this, slow. 22 The bird who leads the flock is called “ortygometra”. When he approaches the land, he is seized by a watching hawk; as a result, the work becomes universal. Having stirred up a leader of another kind, the quails escape the first danger. 23 Their favourite food is the seeds of poisonous plants. For this reason, the tables of wise men spurn them. This is the only animal except man to suffer from the falling sickness.

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§ 11.24  So small a channel dividesEuboea from theBoeotian continent that it is doubtful whether it ought to be numbered among the islands. For they say that this island is joined to the mainland by a bridge, and that through the ingenuity of this very short construction, it can be visited on foot.Euboea extends to the north by way of the promontoryCenaeum, and by way of two others, it extends to the south. Of these,Geraestos watchesAttica, andCaphereus juts out towards theHellespont. 25 After the fall ofTroy, either the wrath ofMinerva or (as more certain memory avouches) the star ofArcturus caused grave loss to theArgive fleet here.

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§ 11.26  Paros is famous for marble, which occurs most frequently in the town Abdelum. Before it was calledParos it was known as Minoia, for it was conquered byMinos, and as long as it remained underCretan law they called it Minoia. 27 Besides marble,Paros gives the stone sard, which is in fact superior to marble, but is regarded as being the most worthless among gems.

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§ 11.28  Naxos is separated fromDelos by 18 miles. The town Strongyle is situated there.Naxos was first calledDionysias, either because it played hostess toFather Liber, or because in the fertility of its vines it conquered all other places.

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§ 11.29  There are many others of theCyclades besides these, but the aforementioned are those which ought to especially be remembered.

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§ 11.30  Icaros, which gives theIcarian Sea its name, is one of theSporades. This isle, betweenSamos andMyconos, is rendered inhospitable by jutting rocks, and has no harbours. It is infamous for the inhumanity of its shores. Therefore,Varro wishes to believe thatIcarus ofCrete perished there by shipwreck, and that the name was assigned to the place because of his death.

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§ 11.31  InSamos, there has been no citizen more famous thanPythagoras. Offended by the arrogance of the island’s tyrannical regime, he abandoned his house and his country. He arrived inItaly in the time ofBrutus the consul, who expelled the kings from the city.

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§ 11.32  Melos, whichCallimachus called Mellimada, is the roundest of all the islands. It is hard byAeolia.Carpathus is the reason we call thus theCarpathian gulf. The sky is never so cloudy thatRhodes is not in the sun. TheLemnians worshipVulcan. Thus, theLemnian metropolis is calledHephaestia. 33 OnLemnos is also the townMyrina, into the forum of which theMacedonian MountAthos throws a shadow. This is not vainly observed among marvels, sinceAthos is separated fromLemnos by 86 miles. Truly,Athos is elevated to such a degree that it is judged higher than the place where the rains come from. This belief draws credit from the following: the ashes are never washed way from the altars which stand on the peak, nor are the ash-heaps in any wise destroyed, but remain in the heaps in which they were left.

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§ 11.34  The townAcroton was on this summit. The lives of the inhabitants were prolonged by half as much again as those of people living in other lands. For that reason, these men were called “Macrobians” in Greek, which is “long-lived” in our language.

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The fourth gulf of Europe begins at theHellespont, and ends at the mouth ofMaeotis. The entire expanse of this gulf, which divides Europe andAsia, is drawn together into a strait seven stadia wide. 2 This strait is theHellespont, whichXerxes crossed after making a bridge of ships. From here, a narrow channel extends to the Asian cityPriapus.Alexander the Great, on his mission to become master of the world, crossed to this city and conquered it. Thence, the gulf spreads out into open sea. Towards the end of thePropontis, it again draws together. Soon it narrows to half a mile, making the ThracianBosphorus, over whichDarius transported his armies.

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§ 12.3  This area harbours very manydolphins. These creatures provide multifarious causes for wonderment. First of all, the seas have nothing more speedy; many of them leap up and fly over the sails of ships. Wherever they go, they go in couples. 4 They beget young; the unborn offspring mature in nine months. The babies are born in summertime, and the mothers nourish them with their teats. When the babies are very young, the mothers take them into their mouths. The mothers follow their babies for some time while they are still weak. Dolphins live for thirty years, as has been investigated in an experiment, wherein some specimens’ tails were chopped off. Dolphins do not have their faces in the same place as other marine creatures do -- they are almost in their stomachs. Unlike other aquatic animals, they can move their tongues. 5 They have sharp dorsal fins, which bristle up when they become angry, and are concealed, as in a sheath, when their minds are in repose. They say thatdolphins do not breathe underwater, and they do not take in the breath of life except in the air above. For a voice, they have a moan similar to that of a human being. They are appropriately named “Snubnose”. This name pleases them, and they follow those who call them by it.

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§ 12.6  Dolphins hear men’s voices more easily when in the breezes of the north wind; contrariwise, their hearing becomes blocked up when the wind is blowing from the south. They are delighted by music: they rejoice in the songs of the tibia. Wherever there is harmony, they arrive in throngs.

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§ 12.7  InCampania, during the reign of the divineAugustus, a boy began to entice adolphin with broken bread. The habit did so much prevail, that thedolphin trusted the boy enough to take food from his hand. Soon, when his boyish daring grew, thedolphin carried the boy on his back in theLucrine Lake; after this the boy rode him from the Baian shore all the way toPuteoli. 8 This kept on happening for so long a time -- for many years -- that even while it was still occurring it ceased to be miraculous. But when the boy died, thedolphin perished before the eyes of all, because of the grief of the loss. It would pain me to declare this, if it were not included in the writings ofMaecenas and ofFabianus and of many others besides. 9 Soon after, atHippo Diarrhytus, on the African coast, adolphin was fed by the people ofHippo, and offered himself to be handled; he was also wont to carry those who were set upon his back. This was not only done by the Hipponians, for even the proconsul of Africa,Flavianus himself, touched thisdolphin, and anointed him with oil. Thedolphin was sent to sleep for some time by the oil’s strange odour, and was thrown about as though dead; for many months after he defected from his usual observance. 10 AtIasus, a city of Babylon, adolphin fell in love with a boy, and followed him over-eagerly when he left their accustomed playtime. He shot himself into the sand, and exhausted himself.Alexander the Great interpreted thedolphin’s love to be sacred, and placed the boy in charge of the priesthood ofNeptune.

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§ 12.11  Hard by the same city, as the author Hegesidemus affirms, another boy by the name ofHermias was similarly riding adolphin in the sea when he was drowned by the turbulence of the waves. Thedolphin carried him back to land, and as though confessing his guilt, showed his repentance by himself dying -- he did not go back out to sea. 12 There are other examples, even if we pass over that ofArion, of whose departure the honesty of the annals has given proof. To these things we may add, that if ever newdolphin babies run riot, a more mature preceptor is given to them by the elderdolphins. The young ones learn from this teacher to baffle the attacks of raiding marine animals, although in those parts, except forseals, such animals are rare.

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§ 12.13  There are manytuna inPontus. They spawn the most there, for nowhere else do they grow to full size more quickly. This certainly is due to the sweet waters. Thetuna come in springtime; they enter via the right-hand shore and leave by the left. It is believed this happens because thetuna see more acutely with their right eyes than with their left ones.

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TheHister rises from the German ranges, issuing from a mountain which faces theRauraci of Gaul. It takes sixty rivers into itself, of which almost all are navigable. It has seven mouths, which flow intoPontus. Of these, the first isPeuce, the second Naracustoma, the third Calonstoma, and the fourth Pseudostoma. The fourth, Borionstoma, and the following mouth, Spilonstoma, run more lazily than the preceding. As for the seventh, it is truly sluggish, and has a marshy appearance; it does not have a name because it does not resemble a river. The first four mouths are so great that for the distance of forty miles, their waters do not mix with the sea. They keep their sweet draught with an uncorrupted taste.

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§ 13.2  Throughout the whole ofPontus are a great number of beavers, which they call by another name, “castores”. The beaver is similar to an otter, and is a very powerful animal by reason of its bite. When it attacks a man, it does not relax the gnash of its teeth until it senses the snap of breaking bones. Their testicles are sought after for their healing properties. Thus, when the beaver understands himself to be hemmed in, lest his capture be useful to someone, he devours his own “twins”.

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§ 13.3  Pontus also yields gems of different kinds, which we call “Pontic”. Some have golden stars in them, other blood-red stars. They are indeed considered sacred, for they are gathered more for reasons of display than for any purpose. Another kind is not stained with specks, but is overlaid with long lines of colour.

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TheHypanis rises among theAuchetae; it is the principle river ofScythia. It is clean and wholesome to drink all the way to the borders of theCallipides. Here is the fountain Extampeus, infamous for its bitter waters. Extampeus mixes its waters with those of the clear stream, and turns the river to its own defect, soHypanis plunges into the sea dissimilar to itself. 2 Thus, tales about theHypanis are at variance between different peoples. Those who are acquainted with the upper reaches of the river, praise it, while those who know the end of it have good cause to curse it.

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The source of the riverBorysthenes is among theNeuri. In this river are fishes of excellent flavour, which have no bones except for a very tender cartilage.

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§ 15.2  TheNeuri, as we have heard, are transformed intowolves. They change back into their former shapes once the time to which this lot is attributed has expired. 3Mars is the god of these peoples. Swords are worshipped instead of images. As their sacrificial victims they have humans. They feed their altar fires with the bones. Adjacent to theNeuri are theGeloni. They make garments for themselves from the skins of their enemies as well as trappings for theirhorses. TheAgathyrsi border upon theGeloni; they paint themselves blue and dye their hair blue. This is not done indiscriminately, for the more eminent a man is, the more he is tinged with these distinguishing marks. It is an indicator of insignificance to be less coloured.

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§ 15.4  Next are the Anthropophagi, whose cursed food is human flesh. The gloomy solitude of the surrounding lands is what created this custom of this impious people. Because of their abominable custom, surrounding nations and fugitives avoid them in fear. For this reason, all the way to the sea they call Tabis, and throughout the length of its shore, which lies in the northeast, the land is without a human, and utterly deserted, until one comes to the land of theSerae.

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§ 15.5  TheChalybes and theDahae, who live in a part ofScythia which is inAsia, are just as cruel as the most brutal peoples. TheAlbani, who inhabit the coast, and wish themselves to be believed the posterity ofJason, are born with white hair. Their hair is white when it first begins to grow. Thus, the colour of their heads gives this people their name. The pupils in their eyes are a bluish grey, so they see more clearly by night than by day.

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§ 15.6  Dogs which excel all other beasts are born among this people. They subduebulls, overwhelmlions, and hinder whatever they are presented with. For these reasons, they too merit to be spoken of in these chronicles. 7 We read that asAlexander the Great was making forIndia, twodogs of this kind were sent to him by the king ofAlbania. One of them scorned theswine andbulls offered to him, as he was offended by such inferior and ignoble prey. He lay still for a long time, andAlexander, through ignorance, ordered him to be killed for a lazy animal. But the other, at the advice of those who had brought the present, despatched alion sent to him. Soon, seeing an elephant, he rejoiced; first, he cunningly fatigued the beast, and then, to the great wonder of the spectators, threw him to the ground. This kind ofdog grows to a very large size, and makes, with awe-inspiring barking, a noise beyond the roaring oflions.

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§ 15.8  The above items were specifically aboutAlbaniandogs; the rest concerns the features common to alldogs. Dogs esteem all masters equally, as is well-known from sundry examples. InEpirus adog recognised his master’s murderer in a crowd, and revealed him by barking. AfterJason theLycian was killed, hisdog scorned food, and died from starvation. 9 When the funeral pyre of KingLysimachus was lit, hisdog threw himself into the flames, and was consumed by the fire along with his master. The king of theGaramantes was brought back from exile by his two hundreddogs, who fought those who resisted them. TheColophonians and Castabalenses lead theirdogs to war, and in battle, build their front lines with them. 10 WhenAppius Iunius andPublius Sicinius were consuls [28 CE], there was adog which could not be driven away from his condemned master. Thedog accompanied his master into prison; when the man was executed, thedog followed after, howling. When, from pity, the people gave him food, he carried the meat to the mouth of his dead master. Finally, when the body was thrown into theTiber, thedog swam after it and tried to bear it up.

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§ 15.11  Dogs recognise their own names, and remember their journeys. TheIndians relegate their femaledogs to the forests when they are in season, so they mate with tigers. The offspring from the first conception are judged useless, owing to their excessive savagery; likewise the second. Those from the third conception are reared.

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§ 15.12  Egyptiandogs only lap swiftly from theNile, as they are wary of being ambushed by crocodiles.

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§ 15.13  TheEssedones are numbered among the Anthropophagi in this part ofAsia. They also, by way of their impious food, pollute themselves by murder. Among theEssedones it is a custom to follow the funeral processions of parents with singing. The bereaved children collect a gang of their nearest relatives, rend the very corpses with their teeth, and make a feast of the flesh, mixing it with the flesh ofsheep. The parents’ skulls are girded with gold, and are surrendered to the office of drinking-cups.

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§ 15.14  The Scythotauri murder foreigners as enemies. The Nomades follow the grazing. TheGeorgi, situated in Europe, cultivate fields. TheAsiatae, also situated in Europe, neither admire others’ property, nor permit others to admire theirs. TheSatarchae have condemned the use of gold and silver, and have banished avarice from their common weal forever.

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§ 15.15  The customs of theScythians who live further inland are even more savage. They inhabit caves. Their drinking-cups are not as those of theEssedones, but are made from the skulls of their enemies. They love battles, and drink the blood from the very wounds of those they kill. A man’s honour is proportional to the number of murders he has committed. It is a disgrace among them to have committed none. They ratify treaties by a draught of each others’ blood. This is not so much their own custom, but is usurped from that of theMedes. 16 Indeed, in the war which was waged betweenAlyattes theLydian andAstyages, the king ofMedia, in the49th Olympiad, the 604th year after the fall ofTroy, the oaths of peace were confirmed in this manner.

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§ 15.17  Amphitus and Cercius, the charioteers ofCastor andPollux, from whom rose the clan of the Heniochi, establishedDioscurias, the city of theColchi.

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§ 15.18  Above theSauromatae (who are situated inAsia, who gaveMithridates sanctuary, and from whom theMedes had their origin), the Thali have a common boundary with those nations which touch the straits of theCaspian Sea in the east. These straits are miraculously reduced by rain, and increased by heat.

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§ 15.19  TheAraxes pours out from the Heniochi mountains, and thePhasis pours out from theMoschi mountains. TheAraxes raises his head a small distance from the source of theEuphrates and is borne to theCaspian Sea.

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§ 15.20  TheArimaspi, who are situated around Gesclithron, are a one-eyed people. Above them and theRiphaean ridge is a country which is continually covered with snow. They call it Pterophoros, as the prolonged fall of hoar-frost there looks like feathers. 21 It is a condemned part of the world. By the nature of things it is immersed in a cloud of eternal fog, and is utterly numbed by the very receptacle of the north wind. Alone of all the lands, it knows not the succession of the seasons; it receives from the heavens nothing other than perpetual winter.

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§ 15.22  In AsiaticScythia the lands are rich, but nevertheless uninhabitable. While these lands abound in gold and gems, the gryphons hold universal sway over them. Gryphons are extremely ferocious birds, and have a rage worse than any madness. Owing to the necessity of facing the gryphons’ cruelty, the approach of visitors is rare. Indeed, the gryphons mangle anyone they see, as though born to punish the rashness of greed. 23 TheArimaspi fight them in order to steal a kind of stone, the nature of which we will not scorn to follow. This place is the native land of the smaragdi whichTheophrastus placed third among stones. For although there areEgyptian, Chalchedonian, Medician andLaconian smaragdi, those of principal esteem areScythian. The eyes can see nothing more pleasing or more useful than these stones. 24 In the first place, they are greener than water-grass and river herbs. Secondly, they restore the tired gaze by the mildness of their colour; smaragdi revive eyes which the brightness of another gemstone has weakened. They do have a disadvantage: although they are difficult indeed to wound, you cannot carve them, lest their beauty be damaged by the pits of the images. 25 The worth of smaragdi is assessed in the following ways: if they are transparent; if, when they are spherical, they colour the things nearest them by the rebounding air; if, when they are concave, they reflect the faces of those looking at them; if they are not altered by shadows either in the light of oil-lamps or in the sunlight. Yet those for which a level surface has been laid facing upwards and smoothed acquire the optimum positions.

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§ 15.26  They are found when theEtesian winds are blowing, for then, when the soil blows away, they glitter. TheEtesian winds move the sands greatly. Others, of less value, are to be seen in the seams of rocks or in copper mines. They call these cuprous smaragdi. 27 The inferior sort of these have some description of dirt on the inside, similar to lead or hair, or even to salt. The plain ones are praised. But they are efficacious with undiluted green oil, although they are wet by nature.

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§ 15.28  Cyneus is also fromScythia. The best glitters with a blue colour. Experienced persons divide these stones into males and females. The brightness of the females is pure, and a fine dust, beautiful to behold, variegates the males with gold-coloured specks.

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§ 15.29  Rock-crystal is also to be found in this place. Although the greater part of Europe, and a small part ofAsia furnishes rock-crystal, that whichScythia gives is the most precious. Rock-crystal is much used for making drinking-cups, but the cups cannot suffer anything other than cold drinks. 30 Rock-crystal is found in hexagonal shapes. Those selecting crystals aim for the clearest, lest some ingrained redness or cloudiness obscure the lucidity.

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§ 15.31  It is thought that ice gathers and makes rock-crystal, but this argument is to no purpose, for if it were so, neitherAlabanda inAsia, nor the island ofCyprus would produce this material, for the heat in these places is excessive.Livia, wife ofAugustus, dedicated a crystal of 150 pounds in size in theCapitoline treasure-chambers.

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If the stories which flow all the way from theHyperboreans to ourselves were rashly believed, we might consider these people to be a falsehood and an invalid rumour. But since the most trustworthy authors and those of sufficient credit make the same reports, nobody should fear fraud. On the subject of theHyperboreans, I will thus mention the following. They inhabit the land behind Pterophoros, which, I hear, lies above theNorth Wind. They are a most blessed people.

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§ 16.2  Some consider them to reside inAsia rather than in Europe, and believe that they occupy the space midway between the setting of the Antipodean sun and the rising of our sun. Logic refutes this theory, as there is such a vast sea surging between the two worlds. TheHyperboreans, therefore, are to be placed in Europe.

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§ 16.3  The hinges of the world are said to be near their land, as well as the uttermost extent of the stars. It is believed that there is six-month-long light there, with the sun disappearing for one day only. However, some think that the sun does not rise daily there, as it does for us, but rises only at the spring equinox, to set again at the autumnal equinox, creating six months of endless day, and another six of continual night. The climate is very mild; the breezes breathe wholesomely, and there are no harmful winds. The homes of theHyperboreans are forests or groves. The trees furnish them with nourishment from day to day.

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§ 16.4  They are ignorant of discord, and are not troubled by disease. Every one of them has the common wish of living innocently. They hasten the onset of death; by willfully killing themselves they prevent a slow demise. 5 When they have had enough of life, after feasting and anointing themselves, they leap headlong into the sea from a well-known cliff. This kind of grave is judged to be the best. It is also said that theHyperboreans were accustomed to send their most esteemed virgins to take the first of their crops toDelianApollo. 6 However, since, though the perfidy of their hosts the virgins did not return unimpaired, theHyperboreans soon took back the sacred dignity of the offerings, which they were wont to escort abroad, within their own borders.

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Another Asian people is situated towards the furthest north-east, where the ridges of theRiphaean Mountains end. Similar to theHyperboreans, they are called theArimphaei. They too take delight in the budding orchards, as they eat berries. The men and women alike are disgusted by hair, and both sexes shear their heads. They love quietude, and do not love violence. 2 They are thought to be sacred, and even the most ferocious nations account it a sin to lay hands on them. If someone fears danger from his own countrymen and flees to theArimphaei, he is safe, just as though he were protected in a sanctuary.

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§ 17.3  Above theArimphaei, theCimmerians and a race ofAmazons extend towards theCaspian Sea, which runs into theScythian ocean after flowing away through the back end of the Asiatic regions.

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§ 17.4  A great space intercedes between theArimphaei and the mouths of the riverOxus, which are held by theHyrcanians. This people possesses wild forests, which are abundant in savage beasts, and teem with tigers. 5 Their remarkable speed and well-known spots have rendered this kind of beast famous. They shine with a tawny colour. This tawniness in interspersed with strips of black, and on account of the contrast, the whole is most becoming. I do not know whether speed or endurance contributes more to the swiftness of their feet. No distance is so long that they will not traverse it in a short time; nothing can be so far ahead of them that they will not immediately overtake.

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§ 17.6  The power of tigresses is especially shown when they are urged on by their maternal feelings, and they pursue those who steal their cubs. Although the thieves arrange to carry away the booty with infinite cunning, and organize a series of freshhorses for themselves, if the sea is not there for their succour, all their daring is in vain. 7 Tigresses are very often observed to dive from the shore in impotent madness if ever they see the plunderers of their cubs sailing back again, as though castigating their own tardiness with voluntary ruin. However, from all the young, one is scarcely ever carried off.

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§ 17.8  Panthers are also considered to be inHyrcania. On the tops of their bodies they are painted with small circles, and the ornaments of their backs may be thus decorated with eye-like circles of a yellow, dusky or white colour. It is reported thatcattle are marvellously affected by the smell and sight of panthers. 9 Because of this, in order to safely lay waste the senseless herds which are lost in contemplation, the panthers hide their heads and present the rest of their bodies to view. But theHyrcanians, as man is ever full of devices, kill them with poison more often than with steel. 10 They smear flesh with aconite, and scatter it at the crossings of paths. This, when eaten, chokes the panthers. They therefore give the name of pardialanches to the plant. But the panthers devour human excrement to guard against the poison, resisting destruction by their own clever device. Their will to live is strong to such a degree that they delay dying a long time after their bowels have been extracted.

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§ 17.11  Pards, a second kind of panther, are also in these woods. They have been satisfactorily studied, so we need not extensively pursue them. The offspring of lionesses are degraded by adulterous unions with them. Lions are indeed thereby created, but are inferior.

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Since we are investigatingPontic matters, it must not be omitted whence the Mediterranean Sea raises its head. For indeed, it is thought that this gulf originates from the straits ofGades, and has no other beginning than the flow of the rushing Ocean. They say that the pervading gush of the Ocean causes the advances and retreats along many Mediterranean shores (for example, as in parts ofItaly).

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§ 18.2  Those who believe the opposite say that all the flow floods from the mouths ofPontus. This they support by a not unreasonable argument: the seething tide flowing forth fromPontus never goes back again.

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The island of theApollonitae is 80 miles away from the ThracianBosphorus. It is situated on this side of theHister. From thereMarcus Lucullus carried off theCapitolineApollo to us. Before theBorysthenes is theisland of Achilles with its sacred shrine, which no bird enters. If by chance one does fly in, it hurriedly makes its escape.

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§ 19.2  Hecataeus names the Northern Ocean “Amalcium” from that part where theScythian river Propanisus flows into it. In the language of the native people, the name signifies “frozen”.Philemon says that theCimbri call the area to the promontory Rubeae Morimarusa, that is, the Dead Sea. Whatever is above Rubeae is known as the Cronian Sea.

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§ 19.3  TheCaspian Sea, on the other side ofPontus, above theMassagetae and the ApalaeiScythians, was proved to be fresh water byAlexander the Great. Soon after,Pompey the Great discovered the same. AsVarro, a comrade of his, tells, he himself wished to test the truth of the tale by drinking of it. 4 This is thought to come about through the number of the rivers. So great an abundance of these flow together there that they change the nature of the sea. I will not omit that at the same time the selfsame Great was permitted to come through toBactria out ofIndia in eight days, all the way to the river Alierus (which flows into the riverOxus), and thence to theCaspian. From theCaspian he proceeded to the riverCyrus, which flows betweenArmenia andHiberia. 5 From theCyrus he pressed on to the Channel ofPhasis, in a terrestrial journey of not more than five days, with the ships following after him. Through this excursion, it was proved that it is possible to journey toPontus all the way fromIndia by water.

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§ 19.6  The authorXenophon ofLampsacus states that one may sail from the shore of theScythians to the island Abalcia in three days. This island is of immense size, and is almost the same as a continent. It is not far separated from the Oeonae islands, the inhabitants of which live on the eggs of sea birds and wild oats.

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§ 19.7  Other nearby islands are likewise constituted. The indigenous Hippopodes have human shapes down to the ankles -- but their legs end in equine feet.

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§ 19.8  Xenophon also speaks of the Phanesii, the ears of whom expand to great size, so that the rest of their bodies are covered with them. They need no other clothing.

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§ 19.9  Before we depart fromScythia, it is an obligation to [not] neglect the singular wild beasts which are found here. There are many deer in this land. We shall, therefore, pursue the subject of deer. When the male of this species is incited during mating time, he rages with a fury of desire. 10 Although they may mate with the females before, the females do not conceive prior to the appearance of the starArcturus. They do not educate their offspring at adventure. The mothers carefully stow their young, and when they are hidden in the depths of the thickets or foliage, they beat them with their feet so they lie concealed. 11 When their strength has matured enough for speed, the mothers teach by training and running, and accustom their offspring to leap by traversing rough and dangerous paths. When deer heardogs barking, they choose ways down wind, so their scent retreats with them. Deer marvel at the whistling of shepherd’s pipes. They hear most acutely when their ears are standing straight; when their ears are stooping, they hear nothing. Everything astounds them: they therefore put themselves more easily in the way of being shot by arrows.

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§ 19.12  If they swim across seas, they do not seek the shores by looking, but by smell. They place the weak in the last place, and by turns bear up the heads of the weary on their hindquarters.

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§ 19.13  Of their antlers, the right one is more efficacious for healing. If you are eager to putserpents to flight, you can burn whichever antler you wish. In addition, the fumes of the burning uncover defects, and reveal whether anyone has the falling sickness. The branches of the antlers grow with age. This growth continues for six years; thereupon the branches do not grow more numerous, but they can become thicker. 14 After deer are castrated their antlers never grow; nor, however, do they fall off. 15 The teeth of deer show their age; in old age either few or none are found. They swallowserpents: with the breath of their noses they drag them out from their burrow lairs. They find dittany; when they have fed on it they cast off arrows which they have received. 16 They also eat the herb which they call cinaris, as an antidote for harmful plants. The rennet of a fawn killed in the uterus of its mother is a marvellous remedy for poisons. It is well known that deer are never febrile. For this reason, ointments made from their marrow settle the burnings of sick men.

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§ 19.17  We read that many people who eat deer flesh in the early parts of the day are accustomed to be without fever and to live to great ages. This only happens, however, if the deer which they eat are killed by one wound.

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§ 19.18  Alexander the Great tied collars to many deer in order to determine their life-span. After one hundred years they were captured, and did not then show a sign of old age. 19 Those they call “goat-stags” are almost the same in appearance, only they have shaggy flanks and woolly chins with hanging beards. They are not to be seen anywhere except around thePhasis.

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Mount Saevo, which is itself vast, and not less in size than theRiphaen hills, is the beginning of Germania. The Inguaeones hold it. From them, first after theScythians, the name “Germania” rises. 2 This land is rich in resources, and is frequented by numerous and savage peoples. It extends between theHercynian forest and the cliffs of theSarmatae. Where it begins, it is watered by the riverDanuvius, where it ends, by the riverRhenus. From its inner parts, the very wide riversAlba, Guthalus and Vistla flow out intoOceanus.

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§ 20.3  TheHercynian forest produces birds whose wings, although night has prevailed and thickened the shadows, flash forth and shine through the darkness. Whence, the men who live there for the most part design their nocturnal excursions so they can use the birds for directing their journeys. The people cast them down in front on the dark paths, and the birds show the way by the guidance of their glittering feathers.

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§ 20.4  In this tract and certainly in the whole northern region, bison are extremely common. These wild beasts are similar tocattle, with shaggy necks and bristly manes. They run more swiftly thanbulls. When captured, they cannot be tamed. 5 There are also aurochs, whom the ignorant multitude call “bubali”, although bubali, which look almost the same as deer, are native to Africa. Those creatures we formerly called aurochs growbull-like horns, which extend to so great a size that they are cut off for reason of their conspicuous largeness, and are made into draught-carriers for royal tables.

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§ 20.6  There is also a beast called the alces which must be compared to the mule, and which has such a long upper lip that it cannot eat unless retreating into its former footsteps.

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§ 20.7  The island Gangavia, above the region of Germania, produces an animal like the alces. But, like the elephant, this creature is not able to bend its hocks, and does not, therefore, lie down when it must sleep. Trees sustain those who are drowsy. Men split these trees so that they are almost falling, so the beasts, supported by their accustomed props, fall. They are thus captured; it is otherwise difficult to seize them, for in that stiffness of knee they have an incomprehensible swiftness. 8 Of the Germanic islands, Gangavia is the greatest, but there is nothing great about it excepting itself.

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§ 20.9  Glaesaria gives crystal and amber. The Germans call this amber “glaesum” in their language. The characteristics of this material were only vaguely known beforeGermanicus Caesar explored all of Germania’s shores. There is a tree, of the pine type, which weeps amber from its middle in autumn. We may in addition understand from the character of the name that amber is the sap of a tree; if you burn it, the smell certainly will indicate pine, whence it is produced. Lest it is believed that the Padanian woods weep this stone, further investigation is worth the effort. The barbarians brought this splendour intoIllyria, 10 and it passed to the Transpadani throughPannonian trade; because our people had first seen it there, they also thought it was made there. 11 By a gift, all the trappings of the emperorNero were adorned with amber. It was not difficult, for at the same time, the king of Germania sent him a gift of 13,000 pounds of it.

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§ 20.12  When amber is first formed, it is rough and covered with a rind. After it has been boiled in the fat of a suckingpig, it is polished to produce the gloss which we see. 13 Amber has other names, which stem from its appearance: it is called “melleum” and “Falernum” from its similarity to honey and to wine. It is well known that it snatches leaves and draws chaff to itself. The knowledge of doctors teaches us that it certainly cures many ailments of the vitals.India also has amber, but Germania has the most and the best. In view of the fact that we had come to the island ofGlaesaria, we tackled the subject of amber.

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§ 20.14  “Gallaica” is to be found in the continent of Germania. It is to be placed before theArabian variety, for they are conquered by the beauty of the German gem. Indeed, theArabians say that it is not found anywhere except in the nests of the birds which they call “melancoryphi”. This no-one accepts, since, although it is rare, it may be seen in stones among the German peoples. It is verdant with a pale green colour; in esteem and value it approaches the emerald. Nothing becomes gold more delightfully.

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§ 20.15  There are many types of ceraunium. The German variety is white, but it glitters with blue. If you have it in the open air, it draws to itself the brightness of stars.

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Between theRhenus and thePyrenees is Gaul. It extends betweenOceanus and the Cebenna and Iura mountains. It has outstandingly rich earth, and is well-suited to fruit-bearing. Very much of it is sown with vines and orchards; it is most blessed with every crop useful to living beings. It is well-watered by rivers and springs. Sometimes the springs are sacred and hot. It is infamous because of the rites of its inhabitants, who, it is said, (for I do not ascribe this rash statement to myself) in their detestable rite of sacrifice make the offerings of religion by the offence of a human victim. You may go out from here into whatever part of the world you wish: intoItaly andHispania by land or by sea, and into Africa by sea only. 2 If you seekThrace, the best and fertile Raetican field greets you, famous for the Brigantine Lake, thenceNoricum, cold and less fruitful, where the very fertile land is carried off by the ridges of theAlps.

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§ 21.3  Then there isPannonia, with strong men and fertile soil, flat and productive, surrounded by the famous riversDravus andSavus. Then comesMoesia, which our ancestors justly named the barn ofCeres.

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§ 21.4  In the part which isPontic, a herb is seen, which dyes oil they call “Medicum”. When this is set on fire, if you eagerly cover it with water, it blazes up all the more; it cannot be put out by anything other than by casting sand on it.

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The Gallic sea-coast used to be the border of the world. But the island ofBritannia, from its size, almost merits the name of another world, for it is 800 miles and more in length, as we measure it all the way to the Calidonian angle. ThatUlysses was driven into this Calidonian nook is proved by an altar inscribed with Greek letters.

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§ 22.2  Britain is surrounded by many islands which are not unheard of. Of these,Hibernia approachesBritain in magnitude. The uncouth customs of this island’s inhabitants make it a savage land; otherwise, it is so rich in pasture that if thecattle are not now and then kept off the feeding grounds, the abundance endangers them.

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§ 22.3  In this place there are nosnakes, birds are rare and the people unwelcoming and warlike. When they are victorious in battle, they first drink the blood of the slain, then besmear their own faces with it. They consider that which is right and that which is wrong to be the same. {4} If a woman in labour brings forth a male child, she places his first food on her husband’s sword. On its very point, she gently stuffs the beginning of nourishment into the infant’s mouth, and makes barbaric prayers that he meet death not otherwise than under arms in war. {5}Those who strive for style mark the hilts of their swords with teeth of sea-monsters. These have an ivory-white brightness. For the greatest glory for the men is in the splendour of their weapons. There is never abee among them. If someone scatters dust or stones carried from that land among the hives, the swarms will abandon the honeycombs.

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§ 22.4  {6} The sea which flows between this island andBritain is wavy and unquiet, and is unnavigable except for a few days in the whole year. The Hibernians sail in boats of wickerwork, surrounded with a wrapping ofcow hide. The sailors abstain from food for as long as they hold their course.

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§ 22.5  {7} Those who have calculated honestly and truthfully estimate this sea to be spread out to a width of 120 miles.

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§ 22.7  {9} This turbid strait also divides the island Silura from the shore which is held by the Dumnonii, aBritish tribe. The men of this island even now preserve an old custom: they do not use coins. They give and accept, obtaining the necessities of life by exchange rather than by money. They reverence gods, and the men and women equally declare knowledge of the future.

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§ 22.8  {10} The island Tanatus is blown upon by the Gallic strait, and is separated from theBritish mainland by a narrow channel. It is blessed with fruitful plains and productive soil. It is not only healthful for its own inhabitants, but also for those of other places. Since Tanatus is crawled over by nosnake, the earth transported from there and imported somewhere else killssnakes.

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§ 22.9  {11} There are many other islands aroundBritain. Of these,Thule is the farthest away. There, when it is the summer solstice, and the sun is making its crossing down from the star ofCancer, there is no night. Similarly, at the winter solstice, there is almost no day. AboveThule we hear that the sea is sluggish and frozen. {12} For those seekingThule, the voyage from the Calidonian promontory to the Ebudes islands is two days long. These are five in number, and their inhabitants do not know grain, but live on fish and milk. {13} The islands are ruled by one king, as they are divided from one another by narrow straits. The king has nothing of his own; everything is held in common. {14} For fairness he is restricted by certain laws, and lest avarice divert him from truth, he learns justice in poverty, inasmuch as having no property, he is nourished by the state. {15} He is given no woman for his own, but in times of vicissitude, when troubled, he obtains one on loan. Whence, neither the wish for nor the hope of children is conceded to him. {16} The Orchades provide the second outpost for those journeying. But the Orchades, three in number, are seven days and as many nights further on from the Ebudes. They are vacant of men, have no forests, and tremble with rushy herbs. Others of them are bare of sand and have cliffs. {17} From the Orchades all the way toThule, the voyage is five days and nights. ButThule is fertile with plentiful, long-lasting fruits. At the beginning of the spring, those who dwell there live on fodder, among the herds, then on milk, and in winter on the fruits of the trees which they saved. They use the women in common: no-one is married.

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§ 22.10  {18} The circumference ofBritain is 4875 miles. In this space are many great rivers, and hot springs refined with opulent splendour for the use of mortal men.Minerva is the patroness of these springs. In her shrine, the perpetual fires never whiten into ashes. When they dwindle away, they change into stony globules.

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§ 22.11  {19} So I may pass over the plentiful and varied abundance of metals in which the soil ofBritain is everywhere strong, I will describe the stone gagates. InBritain there is the most, and the best. If you are curious as to its beauty, it is a black jewel; if to its character, it is almost weightless; if to its nature, it burns in water and is quenched by oil. If you are curious as to its power, it detains things close to it when heated by rubbing, like amber.

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§ 22.12  {20} For the most part,Britain is held by barbarians. Even from childhood, they are marked by local artists with various figures and images of animals. When a man’s body has been inscribed, the marks of the pigment increase with growth. The wild nations in this place consider nothing to be greater proof of patience than that through the unforgetful scars, their bodies may drink in the most dye.

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When we turn back towards the continent, Hispanian subjects summon us. Whether you are considering the wealth of the soil and the crops, or the fruit of the vines, the Hispanian tracts of land can be compared with the best, and are subordinate to none.

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§ 23.2  Hispania abounds in all materials — both in splendid riches and in life’s necessities. If you seek silver or gold,Hispania has them; it also has many iron-mines. It yields to none as far as vines are concerned, and its olives conquer all.

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§ 23.3  It is divided into three provinces, which were made ours by the Second Punic War. Nothing in this place is idle, and nothing is fruitless. Those parts which do not give harvests thrive with fodder, and even the barrenness of the arid areas supplies materials for seamen’s ropes.

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§ 23.4  They do not cook salt there, but gouge it out. They purge cinnabar from the shining sand. They dye wool, in order that they may set down for its red colour the undiluted poison of the coccum.

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§ 23.5  InLusitania there is a promontory which some call Artabrum, and which others call it the Olisiponian. It divides the heaven, lands and seas. In the case of the lands,Hispania’s flank ends. In this way, the promontory divides the climate and the seas, because the Gallic Ocean and the Northern frons begin from its outer edge, while theAtlantic Ocean and the West terminate.

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§ 23.6  The town ofOlisipo was founded here byUlysses. Here also is the riverTagus.Tagus is given preference above the other rivers because of its gold-bearing sands.

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§ 23.7  In the area close toOlisipo the mares frisk with marvellous fecundity. They conceive after they have been infused by the blast of the west wind; thirsting for males, they are married by the breath of the breezes

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§ 23.8  The riverHiberus gives its name to all ofHispania, and the riverBaetis to the province. Both are well-known. TheCarthage among theHiberians, which was made a colony, was founded by the Poeni. The Scipiones foundedTarraco, which is the capital of the provinceTarraco.

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§ 23.9  TheLusitanian shore blossoms with a great number of ceraunium gems. These are preferred to even theIndian variety. The colour of this ceraunium is like an alloy of gold and bronze. Its character is proved by fire. If the stone endures flames without damage, it is thought to be a help against lightning.

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§ 23.10  TheCassiterides islands watch the side ofCeltiberia, and are fertile in lead. There are also the three Fortunate Islands, of which the name alone is notable.

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§ 23.11  Ebusus, which is 700 stadia fromDianium, has noserpents, inasmuch as its earth putsserpents to flight.Colubraria, which is in the direction of theSucro, is full ofsnakes.

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§ 23.12  TheBaleares were the kingdom ofBocchus, and were at one time so plentiful in rabbits that the grain was destroyed. At the beginning ofBaetica, which is the outermost end of the known world, there is an island 700 feet from the mainland. TheTyrians, who came there from theRed Sea, named it “Erythrea”. The Poeni named it “Gadir” in their own language, that is, “hedge”. Many monuments prove that on this islandGeryon pursued his old age, although certain people think thatHercules carried thecattle off from another island which is in sight ofLusitania.

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§ 23.13  The Gaditane strait, which is called after the townGades, separates the regions, sending theAtlantic swell into our sea. For the Ocean, which the Greeks thus name because of its celerity, bursts in from the sinking of the sun and coasts by with Europe on the left and Africa on the right. He divides the mountainsCalpe and Abinna, which they call thePillars ofHercules, and pours betweenMauretania andHispania. 14 From this very strait, the length of which is 15 miles, and the width scarcely seven, the Ocean opens the entrance to the inner sea from a certain mouth. It mixes with the Mediterranean gulfs, and drives forward towards the Orient. Of these gulfs, that which bathesHispania is called the Hiberican Sea or the Balearican. That which bathes the province of Narbonensis is called the Gallic Sea, and then the Ligustican Sea. From this point toSicily is called theTuscan Sea. The Greeks name it theIonian orTyrrhenian Sea, and theItalians the Lower. FromSicily all the way toCrete is theSicilian Sea. 15 Thence is theCretan Sea, which continues toPamphylia andEgypt. The mass of water, after whirling into the northern side, and into the great curves next to Greece andIllyria, is constricted through theHellespont and into the narrows of thePropontis. ThePropontis divides Europe andAsia, and goes through towardsMaeotis.

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§ 23.16  The reasons for the names of the seas are not uniform. The names of the Asiatic andPhoenician seas stem from the provinces; those of theCarpathian,Aegaean,Icarian,Balearic andCyprian seas from islands. The names of theAusonian,Dalmatian, Ligustican andTuscan seas are from peoples; those of theAdriatic,Argolic,Corinthian andTyrian seas are from towns, and those of theMyrtoan sea and of theHellespont from the falls of mortals. The name of theIonian sea comes from the memory of a king, and that of theBosphorus from the transit of acow, or from the narrows or passage fordable bycows. The name of theEuxine comes from the customs of the inhabitants. Formerly, it was called “Axinos”. ThePropontis is named for the order of the streams. TheEgyptian sea is given toAsia, the Gallic to Europe, and the African toLibya; as each of these seas are closest to these countries, they have come into the quarters of these regions. 17 These ones are in the lands' embrace. However, the Ocean surrounds the farthest lands, and the seas there are named after their own shores: theArabian,Persian,Indian, Eoian, Serican,Hyrcanian,Caspian,Scythian, German, Gallic,Atlantic, Libycan andEgyptian.

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§ 23.18  Around the shores ofIndia, the flowing tides of the Ocean both rush forward very vigorously and make great departures. This is either because they the waters swell up, lifted on high by the force of the heat, or because in that part of the world there is a greater abundance of rivers and springs.

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§ 23.19  Even now it is deliberated what should cause the ocean to swell up and to subside again into itself, since it is itself superfluous. It is not unobscure that many theories have been put forward which are rather to show off the genius of their proposers than to seek the truth. But, omitting the doubtful arguments on the question, I have found these opinions the most trustworthy.

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§ 23.20  The natural philosophers say that the world is an animal which was pressed together from various elemental bodies, and that it is moved by a ruling spirit. Diffused through every limb, it drives the strength of its eternal mass of waves. 21 Therefore, just as in our own bodies there is movement of air, the nostrils of the world are located in the depths of the Ocean. Through them, breath is sent out or drawn in, both breathing out the seas and calling them back.

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§ 23.22  But those who follow the teachings of the stars contend that the movements themselves are provoked by the orbits of the moon, to such a degree that the changes of the waters, between meagreness and plenitude, are in respect of the moon’s growth and reduction. The time is not always the same; just as the moon sinks and rises, the wavering retreats fluctuate.

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From Spain we shall sally forth toLibya. For when one leaves the Baetican townBaelon,Tingi comes next, beyond the intervening thirty-three mile strait.Antaeus wasTingi’s first founder; now it is a colony ofMauretania. 2 Hereafter, because theEgyptian Sea finishes in this circuit and theLibyan begins, it seems good to me to call Africa “Libya”. Yet certain people have accepted instead thatLibya was named thus afterLibya, the daughter ofEpaphus, and that Africa was named after Afrus, the son ofHercules theLibyan.

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§ 24.3  Lix, also a colony, was established in the same region, in the place whereAntaeus’ palace was.Antaeus knew very well how to interweave and disentangle knots on the ground, as though born from Mother Earth. He was vanquished byHercules in this very spot.

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§ 24.4  Lest rumour’s immoderation wound the truth, I will here give an account of the gardens of theHesperides and the ever-watchful dragon. Out of the sea here is borne an estuary which has a winding channel; its sinuous sides are tortuous to such a degree that to those looking at it from afar, owing to its broken turnings, it resembles the gliding of asnake. 5 Thus it encircles what they call “the gardens”. People, understanding the channel to be the guardian of the apples, paved the way for the fabrication of lies. The island is perforated by the bays of the returning channel, and is situated within the coils of the water. Except for trees similar to wild olive, and an altar sacred toHercules, nothing other offers by which it might prolong the memory of antiquity. 6 In truth, it is a greater wonder -- more amazing than golden shrubs and leafy -- that although the ground here is lower than the level of the sea, the depression is never overflowed by the approach of the strait. The waves stick to the very edges because of some natural door-bar, and the advancing billows are resisted by the inmost eyebrows of the shores. Without doubt, the level ground remains dry owing to the admirable nature of the place, despite the advent of the downward-flowing waters.

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§ 24.7  The town Sala overhangs the river Sala. From here, though the territory of the Autoli people, is the way to theAtlas wilderness. 8Mount Atlas rises from the middle of sandy desolation. When it rears up, its head plunges above the clouds, into the vicinity of the lunar orbit. Where the mountain stretches towards the ocean (to which it gave its own name), it flows with springs, bristles with groves and is rugged with cliffs. It is a barren waste, and the land is bare and without grass. Where the mountain turns towards Africa, it is blessed with fruits which grow of themselves. It is shaded with tall trees which have an oppressive odour and foliage similar to cypress. The foliage is clothed with a down which is no cheaper than silken fleece. 10 The summit of the range is always snow-covered. Elephants, quadrupeds,serpents and wild beasts have together overtaken the passes. All is silent and concealed throughout the day, which is not without dread. But in the night the mountain shines with fires, and choirs of Aegipans ring on all sides. Songs of tibiae, and the jangling of cymbals are also heard along the sea-coast.

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§ 24.11  MtAtlas is 205 miles away fromLix;Lix is 112 miles away from the Gaditane strait.Mount Atlas was previously inhabited; the appearance of the place indicates former cultivation. All the way to our time the traces of vines and date-palms are extant. 12 The top was traversable forPerseus andHercules, but is inaccessible to everyone else. Thus the inscription of the altars makes the truth plain. From whereAtlas watches the west, woods notorious for wild beasts blockade it for 496 miles between the river Anatis.

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§ 24.13  The rivers aroundMount Atlas are not to be passed over in silence. Although they are separated by rather wide distances, they nevertheless do certain service toAtlas’ name. 14 Asana has brackish water. Bambotum is crammed with crocodiles and hippopotami. Further on is yet another river which flows with a black colour through the most secret inmost scorched deserts. The deserts never claim this river with their perpetual burning and excessive sun, which is more than fiery heat.

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§ 24.15  Both the books of theCarthaginianHanno and our annals assert these things aboutAtlas, which theMauri name Addiris.Juba, the son ofPtolemy [sic], who became master of both kingdoms ofMauretania, also mentions them.SuetoniusPaulinus also, who carried the Roman banners aboveAtlas first and almost alone, reliably established this knowledge.

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Tingitana, one of the Mauretanian provinces, meets the solstitial region. Where it stretches towards the inner sea, seven mountains rise, which, because of their similarity to one another, are called the Brothers. They border upon the strait. 2 Elephants are very numerous in these mountains. This admonishes me to here speak of this type of animal. Elephants have an understanding close to the intelligence of humans. They have memories and keep the discipline of the stars. When the moon begins to shine they seek the rivers in herds. Next, drenched with liquid, they salute the rising of the sun with what movements they can. Then they return to the forests.

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§ 25.3  There are two breeds of elephant. The more noble breed is indicated by its larger size. They call the smaller breed “bastards”. An elephant is understood to be young if its teeth are white. Of these teeth, one is always in use. The other is spared, lest, blunted by continual abrasion, it is less effective for fighting. 4 When elephants are pursued by hunters, they break both teeth together, so, having damaged the ivory, they are not sought after. For they understand that this is the cause of their danger. They wander in herds. The eldest by birth leads the herd; the nearest in age collects the followers. 5 When they are about to cross a river, they put the smallest in front, lest the elders wear away the river bed by their ingress, and make deep ruts in the low fords. The females do not mate before they are ten years old, and the males before they are five. In a period of two years, elephants do not mate on more than five days in a year. They do not return to the main herd until they have cleansed themselves with fresh water. 6 Because elephants never fight over females, they know no adultery. The virtue of compassion is in them. If they by chance see a man wandering through the desert, they lead him all the way to known paths. Or if they meet with throngingcattle, they make passage for themselves with their trunks gently and placidly, lest they kill any animal in the way by an accidental collision.

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§ 25.7  If ever battle is fought, elephants have a not mediocre care for the injured. They receive the weary and wounded into the middle of the herd. When elephants come into captivity at the hands of men, they are tamed by draughts of barley.

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§ 25.8  When they are about to pass over the seas, they will not climb into the ships before an oath is sworn to them about their return. Mauretanian elephants fearIndian elephants, and, as though conscious of their own smallness, scorn to be seen by them. The wombs of elephants do not grow heavy over a period of ten years, as the common people think, but in two, asAristotle specifies. They do not bring forth more than once, nor more than singly.

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§ 25.9  Elephants live for 300 years. They are most intolerant of cold. They eat tree-trunks and swallow stones. They consider dates the most pleasing of foods. They actually flee the odour of amouse most of all; they even refuse fodder which has been touched by a littlemouse. 10 If by chance any of them devour a chamaeleon, a worm which is poisonous to elephants, the elephant heals itself of the pest by eating wild olive. Elephants’ skin is very hard on their backs, and softer on their bellies. They have no bristles or hair. Between elephants andsnakes is continual enmity. 11 Indeed, traps are prepared by the following craftiness. Theserpents lurk on paths along which the elephants are accustomed to wander. After the leading elephants have passed, theserpents assail the hindmost elephants, so those who preceded them cannot aid them. Theserpents first bind the elephants’ feet with knots so their legs are ensnared, and their means of advancing is impeded.

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§ 25.12  For the elephants, unless prevented by this hindrance of coils, bring themselves into contact with either trees or rocks, so they may kill the brazenserpents by means of their oppressive weight. 13 The especial cause of this combat, they say, is this. Elephants have rather cold blood, and for this reason, in the scorching heatsnakes long for it most avidly. Wherefore,snakes never attack elephants unless they are burdened with water, as when the elephants’ veins are inundated, theserpents may take greater satiety from those they overwhelm. 14 Theserpents seek the elephants’ eyes above all, because they know that these alone are vulnerable. They also seek the inner parts of the elephants’ ears, as this place cannot be defended by the trunk. When they drink the blood, and the beasts fall, thesnakes are crushed. 15 Thus on both sides the poured blood soaks the land, and whatever tints the earth becomes a pigment which they call cinnabar.Italy first saw elephants in the 472nd year after the founding ofRome, in theEpirote war inLucania. Because of this, they were calledLucaniancows.

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§ 25.16  The colonyCaesarea is in Caesarensis. It was founded by the divineClaudius, and was formerly the residence ofBocchus. After a while it was kindly given toJuba as a gift. Caesarensis also has the townSiga, which was inhabited bySyphax.

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§ 25.17  We should not depart fromIcosium in silence. WhenHercules was passing over the spot, twenty men who deserted from his company selected a place and built walls. Lest somebody boast in private that the place was named after himself, the name of the city was given from the number of the builders.

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The waters of the river Amsiga are given toNumidia. When they led wandering existences in search of pasturage, the inhabitants of this land were called “Nomads”.Numidia has many noble cities, butCirta is pre-eminent. Next in importance is Chulli: its purple-dyed fleeces are regarded as equal to theTyrian.

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§ 26.2  This whole region borders on Zeugitana. Where it is wooded,Numidia rears wild beasts; where it is steep and mountainous, it nourisheshorses. It is also praised for the excellence of its marble.

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§ 26.3  Numidian bears excel others in fierceness, and have longer hair; their reproductive power is equal to those born in any other place. I will speak on this subject without delay.

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§ 26.4  Bears do not mate in the same way as do other four-footed beasts. Suited to mutual embraces, they copulate just as human couples. Winter kindles desire in them. The males treat the pregnant mothers with respect and keep to themselves; they sleep in the same dens, but in partitioned private sleeping quarters, divided by trenches. Pregnancy is quite speedy; in fact, the womb gives forth by the 30th day. This precipitate fertility produces unformed offspring. 5 The mother bears bring forth very small lumps of flesh, which are white in colour and have no eyes. Because of the haste and immaturity, the cubs, excepting the outlines of claws, are nothing but undeveloped bloody matter. The mothers gradually shape the cubs by licking and cherishing them. Sometimes they hold them clasped to the breast, so they might be warmed by continual incubation and draw in the breath of life. 6 Meanwhile, the mothers take no food. Indeed, for the first fourteen days they fall into sleep, and cannot be woken even if wounded. When they have given birth, they lie hidden for four months. When they go forth into the open day, they suffer so from the unaccustomed light, you would think them overcome by blindness.

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§ 26.7  The head of the bear is feeble; their greatest strength is in their arms and loins. Whence, they sometimes stand on their hind feet. They ambush beehives, as they greatly desire honeycombs; they do not pursue anything more avidly than honey.

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§ 26.8  When they have tasted the fruits of the mandrake, they die, but if they fight against the destructive power of the poison, they devour ants to recover their health.

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§ 26.9  If bears ever prey onbulls, they know the body parts against which they should above all direct their attacks: they seek thebulls’ horns and noses the most. They seek the horns so that they may exhaust thebulls by their weight, and the nostrils so that they may inflict sharper pains in a tender place.

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§ 26.10  WhenMarcus Messala was consul [61 BCE],Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus was curule aedile, and he exhibited 100Numidian bears and as manyAethiopian hunters in the circus atRome. This spectacle was recorded amongst his memorable titles.

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All Africa begins from the foot of Zeugitanus from the Promontory ofApollo, which is opposite toSardinia. Advancing to the Promontory ofMercury, which faces the forepart ofSicily, it extends to two projections. One of these is called the Candidan Promontory, and the other, which is in the territory ofCyrenaica, they callPhycus. 2 This last stretches through theCretan gulf, opposite the island ofCrete, which facesLaconianTaenarum.

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§ 27.3  The sands of theCatabathmus insinuate intoEgypt, to which the Cyrenenses are neighbours. The Catabathmi extend between the twoSyrtes, and the shallow and ebbing sea make the place inaccessible. The reason for the diminution and advancement of the salt-water is by no means easy to discover, as its movements are so uncertain; now it resides in hilly shallows, now it floods with unquiet tides. 4 As the authorVarro affirms, the ground there is susceptible to penetrating winds; the sudden force of the breath very quickly either removes or swallows down the obstacles.

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§ 27.5  All this region is divided fromAethiopia and the ends ofAsia by theNigris river, which gives birth to theNile, and fromHispania by the strait. On the side which lies towards the south, it is destitute of springs and notorious for thirst; on the other side, which faces north, it has plentiful sources of water.

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§ 27.6  In theByzacene tract, which extends for 200 miles or more, the soil is so exceptionally rich that seed sown there is renewed with its growth of fruit 100 times.

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§ 27.7  That many strangers have come together in this place, I give this argument about the cities and places. The promontoryBorion, which is smote upon by the north wind, was so named by immigrant Greeks.Hippo, afterwards called Regius, and likewise the otherHippo (called Diarrhytus from the straits flowing between), most noble towns both, were founded by Greek knights.

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§ 27.8  The Siculi built the townClypea, and first named itAspis, and also Veneria, into which they carried across the rites ofVenusErycina. TheAchaeans so designated Tripolis in their own language from the number of the cities, that is,Oea,Sabrata, andLeptismagna.

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§ 27.9  The people ofTyre were the founders ofHadrumetum andCarthage. What the veracious books record aboutCarthage I shall here record. 10Cato asserts in his senatorial oration that this city was built by the ladyElissa, of thePhoenician house, when King Iapon was master inLibya. She called it Carthada, because it meant “new city” in thePhoenician tongue. Soon, their speech was changed to Punic, and both the former and the latter were respectively called “Elisa” and “Carthage”.Carthage was razed 737 years after it was established. 11 Next, it was given toItalian colonists byGaius Gracchus, and called by him Iunonia. For some time it was ignoble and had powerless status; at length, 102 years interposing, whenM. Antonius andPublius Dolabella were consuls [44 BCE], it came to the renown of the secondCarthage, the other beauty of the earth after the city ofRome.

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§ 27.12  Verily, as I return towards Africa, it is itself surrounded by its own sea.

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§ 27.13  Many beasts, indeed, are in Africa’s interior, but it is principally held bylions, which, asAristotle holds, alone of that type they call “toothed”, can see as soon as they are born. These may be broken into three sorts: the smaller, which have curly manes, are generally cowardly and unwarlike; the larger, which have smooth hair, are more fierce. But those which are produced by leopards lack manes and remain undistinguished. All equally refrain from gorging. They do so because they drink and catch food on alternate days; oftentimes, if they do not enjoy good digestion, they postpone their usual repast another day. 14 If the consumed flesh is greater than what is right, and they are weighed down, they put their claws into their mouths and voluntarily bring it to light. 15 They also do the same when fleeing in a state of satiety. Weakness of the teeth indicates old age. The indications of mildness are many: they spare those who prostrate themselves, and they rage against men rather than women. They do not kill children except in great hunger. Neither are they separated from mercy: in fact, it is well known by many examples that they have been lenient; when many captives were exposed to severallions, they were repatriated untouched. Also the name of a woman of Gaetula is recorded in the books ofJuba, who implored obstructing wild beasts and returned unharmed.

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§ 27.16  They mate behind, as do lynxes,camels, elephants, rhinoceros and tigers.

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§ 27.17  At the first birth, lionesses bring forth five cubs, then they melt away the number by one with the years passing, and at last the maternal fecundity recedes to one. Then they become barren for eternity.

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§ 27.18  The tail and the forehead indicates the courage of alion, just as the mettle of ahorse is to be understood by its ears: Nature gave these marks to each noblest beast. Lions’ greatest strength is in their breasts, and they have especial firmness in the head. When pressed bydogs, they scornfully withdraw and sometimes halt in doubtful retreat, and feign fear. 19 They do this if hemmed in in naked and open plains, but if in woody places, as though not shrinking from witness of their cowardliness, they take themselves away in flight as fast as they can. When they give chase, they aid their pursuits by leaping. When they flee, they cannot leap. When they walk, they close the sharp points of their claws in the sheaths of their paws, lest their sharpness be blunted by the abrasion. In this they are scrupulous to such a degree that they do not run without withdrawing their little curved blades.

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§ 27.20  Surrounded by hunters, they gaze at the ground in contemplation, so they might be the less terrified by the sight of the hunting spears. They never look aslant and wish least that they should themselves be observed. They fear the songs of domestic poultry, and the noise of wheels, but fear fire more.

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§ 27.21  I have heard of little creatures called leontophoni, which are caught and incinerated. Flesh polluted with a dusting of their ashes, and planted at crossroads may killlions, if they take never so small a piece thereof. 22 Therefore,lions oppress the leotophoni with a natural hatred. When given opportunity, they kill them; they abstain from biting them, but tear them to pieces with the strength of their paws.Scaevola, son of Publius, first made exhibition of these beasts when he was curule aedile.

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§ 27.23  Africa also gives forth hyenas. The necks of these creatures are stiffened with a spine which is one continual unit, and they cannot turn except by an entire revolution of the body. Hyenas possess many marvellous features. First, they range around shepherds’ huts and learn, by assiduous listening, to mimic the human voice, so they may savage men called out in the night by their cunning. 24 They also imitate the sound of people vomiting, and thus devour thedogs attracted by their false retching. If by changedogs out hunting touch the shadow of a hyena while pursuing him, they lose their voices and cannot bark. Hyenas, by way of spying out buried bodies, dig up tombs. It is an easier matter to capture a male hyena, for in the females a more crafty cunning is instilled by birth. Their eyes change colour and have a complex variety. 25 In the pupils of hyenas a stone is found which they call “hyaenia”. It possesses this power: when placed under the tongue of any man whatever, he prophesies the future. Any animal which the hyena walks around three times cannot move. For this reason, they proclaim that the hyena has magical knowledge.

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§ 27.26  In a part ofAethiopia, the hyena mates with lionesses. From these unions, monsters named “corocottae” are born. This creature also feigns the voices of men. It never moves the pupils of its orbs, but stares, gazing without blinking. It its mouth it has no gums, and one continual tooth. In order that this is never blunted, it is by nature closed up in a sort of casket.

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§ 27.27  Among those which they call “grazers”, Africa has wildasses. Individual maleasses rule over herds of females. The males stand in fear of lustful rivals. So it is that they watch over their pregnant females, and if opportunity arises, they bite off the testicles of the new-born colts. The females are thus wary and secrete their offspring in secluded places.

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§ 27.28  Africa is so abundant inserpents that it may be deservedly given the palm award for that evil. The cerastae carry four-fold little horns; they display them as bait, and destroy the birds they attract. They diligently hide the rest of their bodies in the sand, so that no sign of them is visible saving that part aforementioned. By this trick they ambush and kill birds, who have been lured by the hope of food.

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§ 27.29  The amphisbaena grows twin heads, one in the proper place, and the other where the tail should be. For this reason thesnake glides in a circular shape, as the heads, contrary to what is right, strain from both ends.

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§ 27.30  Iaculi climb trees, down from which they whirl with great force, and pierce any animal which happens to be exposed to them. The back of the scytale shines outstandingly, and the beauty of its spots gives pause to anything which beholds it. The scytale crawls rather slowly, but through its own marvel it seizes those astounded creatures which it is not otherwise able to overtake. 31 Nevertheless, as bright as its scales may be, it is the first to slough its winter coat. The species of asps are many and varied, and indeed, they have disparate manners of harming. The dispas destroys by thirst; the hypnale kills with sleep. This last is even -- asCleopatra may bear witness -- purchased for death. 32 The poisons of otherserpents, since they are treatable, merit less of fame.

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§ 27.32  The haemorrhois brings forth blood with its bites, and, having destroyed the circulation, it lures out whatever is left of life through a stream of blood. Whomever the prester pierces becomes distended, and dies swollen to immense corpulence.

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§ 27.33  The sting of the seps is followed by putrefaction. There are also ammodytae, chenchres, elephantiae, chersydri and chamaedracontes. There have been as many deaths as there are names. Scorpions, skinks and lizards are reckoned worms, notserpents. 34 If these monsters hiss, they strike more slowly. They have feelings; they do not rashly stray except in couples. If one is captured or killed, the other, left behind, is maddened. The heads of females are more slender, their bellies more swollen and their venom more harmful. The male is equally smooth, higher, and also meeker.

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§ 27.35  The vision of allserpents is dull. They seldom look directly ahead, and not without cause, as they do not have eyes in front, but on their temples, so far back that they hear more readily than they see.

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§ 27.36  There was dispute betweenAethiopia, Africa andCyprus as to which yielded the best type of the gem heliotrope. Heliotrope is green in colour, not so vivid, but rather cloudy and restrained, spotted above with crimson stars. 37 The reason for the name is from the effect and power of the stone. When dropped into a copper bowl, it changes the rays of the sun with bloody reflections and casts its splendour outside the water and steals it. Also this is able to be said: that the herb of the same name, mixed and consecrated with the right prayers, takes he by whom it is swallowed away from the sight of men.

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§ 27.38  If one intends to journey between theSyrtes by land, one must order it by the stars; otherwise the course will be unclear. For the wind alters the appearance of the crumbling soil; the smallest breeze effects so great a difference that the locales are changed, and no landmarks remain to be recognised, since not only high hills subside into valleys, but valleys are piled over with sand.

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§ 27.39  Thus the continent suffers from the nature of its own sea. It does not matter where the storms are, since the elements act together towards the destruction of travellers. The winds rage on land, and the land on the sea.

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§ 27.40  The twoSyrtes are separated by 250 miles. Thesmaller is considerably more peaceful. I have heard that whenGnaeus Servilius andGaius Sempronius were consuls [253 BCE], the Roman fleet finally sailed over the shallows between them without coming to harm. In this bay, on the island ofMenis,Gaius Marius had a hiding place after theMinturnine Swamps.

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§ 27.41  Above theGaramantes used to live thePsylli. They were fortified against harmful venoms by incredible strength of body, and they alone did not perish from the bites ofserpents, and although assailed by lethal fangs, endured in unimpaired health. They even offered their newly-born to theserpents. 42 If the child was the fruit of unlawful love, the crimes of the mother were punished by the destruction of the little one; if the mother was chaste, the right of paternal blood protected the child of honourable ancestry from death. Thus they proved the truth of origin by a judging poison. But this people were overrun by theNassamones and perished. Nothing other than the reputation arising from the vestige of their name remains of thePsylli.

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§ 27.43  TheNassamones yield a stone called nassamonite, which is bloody all over and shadowed with black veinlets. We learn that within the inmost recess ofSyrtis Major, around theAltars of the Philaeni, lived the Lotus-Eaters, and it is no uncertain claim. From theAltars of the Philaeni, it is not far to the swamp into which the riverTriton flows. It is here they believe the goddess of the arts herself was seen.

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§ 27.44  Syrtis Major displays a town they callCyrene, whichBattius theLacedaemonian founded in the45th Olympiad, when KingMarcius held sway overRome, in the 586th year after the fall ofTroy. This place was the homeland and dwelling-place ofCallimachus the poet.

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§ 27.45  BetweenCyrene and thetemple ofHammon is a distance of 400 miles. A spring sacred toSol is near to this temple, which draws the soil into knots of water, and also solidifies ash into clods. In which clods, miraculously, a lake spurts forth, surrounded on every side, contrary to what is expected, with dry fields.

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§ 27.46  In this place one collects a stone called horn ofHammon, for it is so twisted and bent that it resembles a ram’s horn. It has a golden radiance, and it is said that it engenders prophetic dreams if placed under the head of somebody who is sleeping.

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§ 27.47  There is also a tree by the name melopos, from which moisture flows sluggishly forth. It is called hammoniacum after the place.

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§ 27.48  In addition, sirpe grows among theCyreneans. It has odiferous roots, more like those of a brushwood herb than of a fruit-tree. In the summer time, its stem exudes a dewy grease which sticks to the little beards of feeding billy-goats. When dried, it turns into icicle-like specks, and it is collected for the use of the table, or rather of healing. 49 It was first called “sirpic milk”, since it pours like milk does. Finally, deriving from custom, it was named laser. The seeds have been almost completely rooted up, first by an invasion of barbarians, who laid the fields waste, and later by the inhabitants themselves, by reason of an intolerable excess of tax.

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§ 27.50  Africa is on the left ofCyrene, andAegypt is on the right. In front is the cruel and harbourless sea, and behind, divers nations of barbarians and inaccessible wildernesses, which bear the basilisk, an evil unique in all the lands. 51 It is aserpent, almost half a foot in length; its head is lined, as though with a little white head-band. It is given to the destruction not only of men and other living things, but also of the land itself. Wherever it chooses to make its toxic den is polluted and burned. It devastates vegetation and kills trees, and also contaminates the very breezes. So it is that no bird can fly unharmed over air infected by its unwholesome breath. 52 When it is agitated, it crawls along with one half of its body, and rears the other half up high. Evenserpents recoil in terror from its hissing, and when they hear it, they all hurry to flee in any possible direction. 53 Anything that dies from its bite is not devoured by wild beasts or touched by birds. Nevertheless, the basilisk is defeated by weasels, which men in those parts stuff into the caverns in which it takes shelter. Yet it does not lack power even when dead. Indeed, thePergamenes acquired, for a pretty penny, the remains of a basilisk, sospiders would not spin on their shrine, famous for the workmanship ofApelles, nor birds fly into it. The corpse was placed there suspended in a golden net.

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§ 27.54  Around the farthest end of theSyrtes, the riverLethon flows to the townBerenice. They believe this river rushes forth from an underground source, and it is remembered by the old poets for its waters, which induce forgetfulness.Berenice, who was married to the thirdPtolemy, built this town inSyrtis Major.

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§ 27.55  All the country spread out betweenAegypt,Aethiopia andLibya -- as far as it is wooded -- is filled with various types of apes. I hope that anyone offended by the name does not take the following knowledge amiss. 56 For indeed, the value of toil lies in omitting nothing in which the providence of nature is to be seen. Among these apes is a common sort which is seen everywhere. They have the talent of mimicry, by which they come more easily to the hand. They eagerly imitate the gestures of hunters, who purposely leave behind an ointment-box of bird-lime. Because the apes saw the hunters feign the deed, they smear their eyes with it, and thus, with their vision obscured, it is easy to seize them. 57 They exult at the new moon, and are sad when a planet is horned and hollow. They love their young immoderately; indeed, they may more easily lose the cubs they hold dearer and carry in front of themselves, since the neglected ones always stick behind the mothers.

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§ 27.58  Cercopitheci have tails: this is the only distinction between them and the apes. The cynocephali are themselves of the number of the apes. They are very frequent in parts ofAethiopia. They leap violently, bite savagely and are thus never tamed.

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§ 27.59  Sphinxes are also considered among the apes. They have shaggy heads, rather deep and prominent breasts, and are amenable to forgetfulness of the wild state.

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§ 27.60  And there are those they call satyrs, which are exceedingly pleasing in appearance, and restless with gesticulations and movements. Callitriches differ from the others in almost all respects. They have bearded faces and broad tails. It is not hard to catch them, but it is rare to carry them away in captivity, for they will not live otherwhere than inAethiopia, their own clime.

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Between theNassamones and theTrogodytae live the Amantine people. They construct buildings from salt. They raise these like crags from the mountains, secure them with piles of concrete and use them as temples. There is such great abundance of this ore there that they may make their houses from salt. 2 These are theAmantes, who trade precious stones, carbuncles, with theTrogodytae. On this side of theAmantes, nearer to theNassamones, the'>Asbytae subsist on laser (plant-juice). This nourishes them; for them, it is edible.

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There is a town of theGaramantes called Debris, which has a marvellous spring. Why so? It is alternately cold during the day and hot during the night. Now it rages with fiery steam, now it trembles with icy coldness, through the same channels. 2 It is incredible to note that nature should manufacture such dissonant variety in so short a course. He who wished to investigate in the shadows of night would believe that there was eternal heat in the stream; he who examined it by day would judge the wintry spring to be nothing other than perpetually frozen. 3 For this reason, Debris is not undeservedly celebrated among the nations. The quality of its waters changes according to celestial movements, although contrary to the discipline of the stars. When evening tempers the heat of the world at sunset, the spring begins to heat, and it may be harmful to touch it if you cannot abstain from doing so. 4 With the rising of the sun, when everything is warmed and heated up with its rays, the spring vomits out wintry water, so it cannot be drunk even by people who are thirsty. Who would not wonder at a spring which becomes cold through heat, and becomes heated through cold?

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§ 29.5  The chief city of theGaramantic region is Garama. The way to it was for a long time tortuous and impassable, for robbers buried the wells in sand so that, having removed the water by transitory deceit, the way might become notorious for thirst, and debar the arrival of travellers. 6 But during the war inVespasian’s principate, which was waged against theOeenses, this difficulty was overcome by the convenient discovery of a shorter passage. 7CorneliusBalbus subdued theGaramantae, and with this victory was the first to triumph over them. Indeed, he was the first foreigner (inasmuch as he was born atGades) who attained the glory of a triumph. Thecattle of theGaramantae graze with bent necks, for if they direct their faces to the pasture straight on, their horns impede their passage to the ground. We hear that in the neighbourhood ofCercina is an island called Gauloe, whereserpents are neither born nor live if brought there. In addition, the dust from there wards offsnakes if strewn anywhere in the world. Thrown over scorpions, it kills them immediately.

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TheAethiopians and the people ofMount Atlas are separated by theNigris river, which is thought to be part of theNile. It is similarly green with papyrus and fringed with reeds; it brings forth the same animals and floods at the same seasons. It also returns within its banks at the time when theNile is content with its own channel.

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§ 30.2  TheGaramanticAethiopians do not have private marriage, but permit everyone to have sexual relations in common. Thence it is that only mothers recognise their sons; there is no deference for the paternal name. 3 For who could truly know his father in this extravagance of uncleanliness run riot? TheGaramanticAethiopians are thus counted as degenerate among all peoples. This is not undeserved, seeing that they have overthrown chastity and have destroyed knowledge of descent through their wicked custom.

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§ 30.4  The name of theAethiopians extends widely. In the part of Africa whereLibya seesMeroe, there are many and varied nations of them. Of their number are the Nomades, who live on the milk of cynocephali. TheSerbotae are twelve feet tall. 5 The Azachaei devour elephants they capture by hunting. ThePsambarae have no eared quadrupeds, not even elephants, in their territory. Their nearest neighbours hand over their highest royal power to adog. They divine his commands by his movements.

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§ 30.6  They say that the maritimeAethiopians have four eyes, but the truth is otherwise. In fact, they say this because they see excellently well and aim their arrows very accurately. The Agriophagi hold the ground towards the west, and eat only the flesh of panthers andlions. They have a king who has one eye in his forehead.

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§ 30.7  There are also the Pamphagi, who eat everything which is chewable, and anything which happens to be born. There are also the Anthropophagi, whose name expresses their customs.

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§ 30.8  They say that the Cynomolgi have canine jaws and prominent snouts. TheArtabatitae go prone like four-footed beasts, and rove abroad without abode, like wild animals. The people bordering onMauretania gather land locusts at a fixed season, and harden them in brine; then they have them as their lone preserver of life. But of these, none exceed forty years of age.

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§ 30.9  From this Ocean toMeroe, which theNile makes with his first embrace, is 620 miles. BeyondMeroe, above the rising of the sun, the MacrobianAethiopians are said to dwell. Their lives are longer than ours by half. 10 TheseMacrobii maintain justice, love equality, are healthy and vigorous, and are graced with particular beauty. They ornament themselves with copper and make gold fetters for their criminals. There is a place among them called Heliustrapeza, which is loaded with sumptuous dishes, of which anyone may eat indiscriminately. They consider that they are thus divinely exalted.

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§ 30.11  Also in that place is a lake, in which people’s bodies, if bathed, shine as if with olive oil. The water of this lake is extremely health-giving. It is so limpid that fallen fronds do not float on it; immediately the leaves fall, they sink to the bottom because of the thinness of the water.

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§ 30.12  Above this are deserted and savage wildernesses all the way to theArabian gulf. Next, in the farthest Orient, are races of monstrous appearance. Some have hideous visages without noses, and their faces are of a uniform flatness.

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§ 30.13  Others have closed up mouths, and can only swallow sustenance into the small holes by way of oaten stalks. Not a few of them lack tongues, and use nods and gestures instead of speech. 14 Certain of these nations, before the time of theEgyptian kingPtolemy Lathyrus, were ignorant of the uses of fire.Aethiopia holds everything from the south-east to the south-west. Whatever of it is under the southern axis blooms with groves, which are at their most verdant in winter. From the middle part, a high mountain overhangs the sea, and quietly flaming on its summits, glows eternally with gentle fire. 15 Among these fires of continual heat there is a great abundance of dragons. True dragons have small mouths, which do not gape open to bite. They have a narrow tube, through which they drag breath and thrust out their tongues. Of course, they do not have their strength in their teeth, but in their tails, and they cause harm by lashing these rather than with their jaws.

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§ 30.16  A stone called dracontia is excised from the brains of dragons. But it cannot be pulled out unless the dragon is alive. For if theserpent dies first, the hardness dissolves and vanishes with its life. The kings of the Orient especially glory its use, although, by reason of its hardness, it permits no flattery of artifice. Whatever is noble in it is not made by the hand of man, and it shines with no other colour than with its natural white. 17 The authorSotacus writes that he has even seen this gem, and teaches by what methods it may be stolen. The bravest men search out the pits and retreats of theserpents. Then they stand ready for them when they come out to feed. They run past them as fast as they can and cast before them plants steeped in things which are most powerful for provoking sleep. 18 The dragons are then rendered insensible by sleep, and the men sever their heads. From their daring booty they then carry back the rewards of their rashness.

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§ 30.19  The areas held by theAethiopians are full of wild beasts, one of which they call the nabun. We call it the giraffe. It has a neck like ahorse, feet likecattle’s and a head like acamel. It shines with a reddish colour, and is sprinkled on top with white spots. 20 This animal was first shown atRome at the games ofCaesar the Dictator. At almost the same time, monsters called cephi were exhibited there. Their hind feet, from the ankle to sole, resembled human limbs, and their fore feet recalled men’s hands. But they were not seen by us more than once.

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§ 30.21  Before the games ofGnaeus Pompeius, the shows of theRomans were ignorant of the rhinoceros. This colour of this beast is like box-wood. On its nose is a single backwards-facing horn, which it sharpens to a point by repeated grinding on stones. It uses it to fight elephants, to which it is equal in length, but shorter in the leg. The rhinoceros instinctively seeks out the elephant’s belly, which it knows is the only part penetrable to its blows.

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§ 30.22  The catoblepas is produced close to the riverNigris. It is a sluggish beast of medium size, and bears its burdensome head with difficulty. It has a destructive glance, for whoever encounters its eyes dies immediately.

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§ 30.23  The ants here are shaped like hugedogs, and dig up the golden sand with their feet, which are likelions’. They guard it lest someone steal it, enticing and pursuing them to the death.

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§ 30.24  Aethiopia engenders the lycaon. It is awolf with a mane on its neck, of so many colours that they say no colour is absent from it. 25Aethiopia also engenders the parandrus, which is the size of anox. It has cloven footprints, branching horns, and a deer-like head. It is the colour of a bear, and has equally shaggy hair. This parandrus, it is asserted, changes its shape when alarmed; when it takes cover, it becomes similar to whatever is near to it, be it white like a stone, green like a thicket, or whatever else it prefers. 26 Cuttle-fish do the same in the sea, and chamaeleons on land. But both the cuttle-fish and the chamaeleon are hairless; it is easier for them, from the slipperiness of their skin, to imitate what is near. It is, then, an extraordinary and remarkable thing that the parandrus’ rough hair should give rise to changes in colour. Because of this, parandri are difficult to catch.

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§ 30.27  It is characteristic ofAethiopianwolves that they have the upward thrust of a bird when springing; they are less proficient at running than at leaping. Nevertheless, they never attack men. They are long-haired in winter, and bald in summer; they are called thoae.

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§ 30.28  The porcupine is also very common in this place; it is similar to the hedgehog. Its back is bristly with spines, which it frequently shoots out with a voluntary heave, so it might wound attackingdogs with unremitting showers of barbs.

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§ 30.29  The pegasus is bird of these skies, but this pegasus has nothing equine about it excepting its ears. The tragopan is another bird, larger than aneagle. Its head is armed, and carries ram-like horns.

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§ 30.30  TheAethiopians gather cinnamon. This shrub grows from a short stalk, with small and stunted branches, and is never above two cubits in height. Those which grow more thinly are considered the more select, while those which grow more thickly are scorned.

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§ 30.31  It is collected by priests, who slaughter sacrificial victims beforehand. When favourable omens are given, they are careful that their harvest neither anticipates sunrise nor continues past sunset. Whoever holds first place among the priests divides the heaps of twigs with a spear which has been consecrated for that purpose. A portion of 1/3 is dedicated to the sun, and if it has been divided correctly, it ignites spontaneously.

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§ 30.32  Among the things we have spoken of, the hyacinthus, which has a shining sky blue colour, is to be found. It is a valuable stone if discovered without blemish, for it is not a little subject to flaws. It is frequently either tempered with a violet colour, or covered with cloudiness, or softened to a white wateriness. The best type is not blunted by too solid a colour, nor over-clear with an eager transparency, but sweetly draws its bloom from both, dyed with the right proportions of light and purple. 33 This stone perceives the winds and changes with the sky: it is not equally bright when the day is cloudy as when it is clear. In addition, the stone is colder when put into the mouth. It is certainly not suitable for carving, as it defies all grinding. Yet it is not utterly invincible; it can be scratched and inscribed by a diamond.

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§ 30.34  Chrysoprase is also to be seen in the places hyacinthus is. Light conceals this stone, and shadows reveal it, for this divergence is in it: it glows by night and is pale by day. Out of this same soil we take haematite, which has a bloody redness, and for this reason is called haematite.

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The area which is spread out from theAtlas all the way to the Mouth ofCanopus, which is the end ofLibya and the threshold ofEgypt (it was named afterCanopus, the helmsman ofMenelaus, who was buried on the island which makes the mouth of theNile), is held by different peoples. These have withdrawn into the secrets of the trackless wilderness. 2 The Atlanteans exist utterly removed from the customs of humans. None have individual appellations, and none have special names. They receive the rising of the sun with curses, and pursue his setting with curses. They are scorched by the burning sky of this region, and hate the god of light. It is affirmed that they do not dream, and that they keep away from all living creatures. 3 TheTrogodytae dig pits, and hide themselves in them. They have no love of possessions: they have renounced riches for a voluntary poverty. They boast only one precious stone, which we call hexecontalithos. It is spotted with such diverse markings that the colours of sixty gems can be discerned within its little compass. These men live on the flesh ofserpents. They are ignorant of speech, and shriek rather than talk.

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§ 31.4  TheAugilae only worship the dead. On the first nights of marriage, they force their wives to lay themselves open to adultery. Soon after, they bind them to perpetual chastity with the strictest laws.

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§ 31.5  The Gamphasantes abstain from fighting, and shun commerce. None of them permits himself to mingle with foreigners. It is believed that theBlemmyae (not those who live in the vicinity of theRed Sea) are born headless, and have their mouths and eyes in their chests.Satyrs resemble men in nothing other than shape.

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§ 31.6  The Aegipans are those which we see to be painted. The Himantopodes, rather than walking, crawl about with weak pushes of their legs, proceeding by sliding more than by stepping. The Pharusi, who were companions ofHercules when he went to theHesperides, became weary of the journey and settled here. To this placeLibya.

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Egypt withdraws inwards towards the south, until it meets theAethiopians at its rear. TheNile flows around its lower regions. TheNile divides at a place called the Delta, and encircles areas between its rivers, like islands. As we shall declare, it is asserted that the spring theNile rushes from is almost unknown. 2 Its source is on a mountain of LowerMauretania which is near to the ocean. This is affirmed by the Punic Books; we have heard that KingJuba recorded it. Straightway theNile makes a lake called Nilides. 3 It is inferred that theNile begins thence, as the lake produces the same plants, fishes and animals as does the river. And if everMauretania, where the source is, is inundated with thick snow or plentiful rains, the flood inEgypt is increased. 4 But when theNile is discharged from this lake, it is absorbed by the sands, and is hidden in secret underground tunnels. 5 Next, it rushes forth into the sight ofCaesariensis, displaying the same characteristics as we noted of its source. Then it sinks down again, and does not rise up before it reaches theAethiopians after an extended journey. Here it makes the riverNigris, which, as we said above, is the border of Africa. Thence, people call it theAstapus, as the water flows out from the shadows. 6 TheNile embraces many great islands. Of these, the majority are so wide, and so vast in size, that someone could scarcely travel past them in the course of five days, even if he proceeded rapidly.7 The most well-known of these isMeroe. Having been divided around it, the right channel of the river is called Astosapes, and the left Astabores. Then, having traversed great expanses, it becomes violent with obstructing rocks; it is carried by streams of such a size through opposing crags that it falls rather than flows. At length, from the final cataract (for thus theAegyptians call certain of theNile's straits), it is safe. 8 Then the river leaves the name Giris behind, and travels along uninterrupted. It is made into seven mouths; turned to the south, it is received into the Aegyptian Sea.

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§ 32.9  Those ignorant of astronomy and geography have given a variety of reasons for the floods of theNile. Some affirm that theEtesian winds force an abundance of clouds to the place where the river begins, and that the spring itself, swelled by the moisture above, has as much magnitude of flood as of fuel the clouds have furnished to the waters. 10 Others say that because the river is struck against by blowing winds, and cannot move forward with its accustomed speed, it becomes swollen, its waters wrestling in the narrows. The more strongly, they say, the contrary winds resist, the higher is the swift river beaten back and elevated into vertices of height. The weight of the torrent presses on, and it is compressed into its original fissure, its violent force rushing together in this way, from one side the elements insistent, from the other the resistant waves springing up, so that a barrier is formed, which causes the departure.

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§ 32.11  Not a few affirm that the river's spring, which is calledPhialus, is raised by the motions of the heavenly bodies; dragged forth by the shining sunbeams, it is suspended by the heavenly fire. This is not, however, without a certain discipline -- that is, the new moon. 12 The origin of theNile's flooding is completely drawn from the sun. The first swelling is made when the sun passes throughCancer. Afterwards, whenCancer's thirty parts have been played out, and when the sun entersLeo, and the starSirius rises, all the waves are discharged, and the entire fluctuation erupts. 13 The priests judge this time to be the world's birthday: that is, between the 20th and the 22nd of July. When the sun passes into Virgo, all the inundation is recalled, and when the sun enters Libra, the river is captured deep inside its own banks. 14 This also they add -- that the flood harms equally whether it rages abundantly or sparingly, since scarceness brings a bare minimum of fertility, and the more eager plenty delays the tillage because of its long-lasting moisture.

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§ 32.15  They say that in its greatest excess theNile rises to 18 cubits, and at its most equable, it is tempered at 16. If it rises to 15, there is no lack of successful harvest, but anything below this causes famine. 16 They also give theNile this distinction: that it foretells the future. At the battle ofPharsalus, it did not exceed five arm-spans. It is plain that it alone of all rivers breathes forth no breezes. The river begins to belong to the realm ofAegypt fromSyene, where the borders ofAethiopia are. Thence, until it falls into the sea, it holds the name of “Nile”. 17 Among all the things possessed byAegypt which are worthy of mention, theox they callApis is especially to be wondered at. They worship him as a god. He is distinguished by a white spot which grows naturally on his right side, recalling the appearance of the horned moon. 18 The length of his life is pre-determined. When the time has elapsed, he is killed by being drowned in the sacred spring, so he does not live longer than is permitted. Soon, not without public mourning, another is sought. When he is discovered, 100 priests follow him toMemphis, so when he has been initiated by way of rites, he may begin to become sacred. 19 The temples which he enters or sleeps in they mystically call “bride-chambers”.Apis gives revealing omens about the future, especially if he takes food from the hands of those seeking counsel. He rejected the right hand ofGermanicus Caesar, and thus revealed the danger he was in. Not long after, Caesar was killed. 20 Boys followApis in flocks, and suddenly, as though frenzied, tell of things to come. Once a year a femaleox is shown toApis. She herself is not without certain marks. She is found, presented and killed on the same day. 21 TheMemphites celebrate the birthday ofApis by a casting of golden bowls. They throw them into an appointed spot in theNile. The solemnity is carried out over seven days. During this time the crocodiles maintain an armistice with the priests and do not touch anyone washing in the river. But on the eighth day, when the ceremonies are finished, they resume their accustomed atrocities.

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§ 32.22  The crocodile is an evil four-footed beast. It thrives equally well both on land and in the river. It does not have a tongue. It moves its upper jaw. Its jaws meet with a horrible tenacity, and its chains of teeth press together like combs. The majority of these creatures grow up to 20 fathoms in size. They bring forth eggs like geese’s eggs. 23 The crocodile marks out a place for its nest with a natural foreknowledge, concealing its young in a place beyond the reach of theNile’s flood. The male and female take turns at looking after the brood. Except for a gap on its face, the crocodile is armoured. It also has brutal claws.

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§ 32.24  During the nights it passes its time in the water, and in the day it rests on the land. Its skin is of great strength, so much so that its back deflects missiles hurled by catapults.

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§ 32.25  The strophilos is a small bird. Aiming at hanging bits of meat, it scratches slowly at the mouths of the crocodiles, and bit by bit, coaxing and tickling, it goes all the way in to the beasts’ jaws. When an enhydrus, another kind of ichneumon, notices this, it infiltrates the crocodile and plunders its guts. Then it leaves, having eaten away the beast’s stomach.

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§ 32.26  There is also a kind ofdolphin in theNile, whose backs have serrated crests. Thesedolphins zealously entice the crocodiles into swimming. Submerged, thedolphin swim underneath the crocodiles with fraudulent cunning, and sever their tender bellies, killing them.

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§ 32.27  On an island in theNile live men very small in stature, but with a boldness which extends all the way to offering themselves to opposing crocodiles. For these monsters pursue those who flee, and fear those who make a stand. Therefore, when captured, they become subjugated and enslaved between their own waters. Thoroughly tamed by dread, they are so accommodating and forgetful of their wildness, they carry their conquerors as riders on their backs. 28 Whenever, therefore, the crocodiles detect the smell of this island or this people, they flee far away. Crocodiles have rather dull vision in water. On land it is most acute. They catch no food in the winter; they undergo four months of starvation from the beginning of the cold weather.

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§ 32.29  Skinks are also very frequent around theNile. Indeed, they are similar to crocodiles, but smaller and narrower in shape. They are an indispensable aid to health: physicians infuse drinks with them, thereby destroying the power of poison.

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§ 32.30  The hippopotamus is nurtured by this same land and river. It has ahorse-like back, mane and neigh, a turned-up nose, cloven hooves, tusks like a wildboar’s and a twisty tail. In the night, it lays waste the grain-fields. With crafty cunning, it proceeds towards these backwards, so that when it goes to return, its deceptive footmarks ensure no ambush is prepared for it. 31 When overfull with excessive feasting, it seeks newly cut reeds, and walks to and fro through them for so long a time, that the sharp ends of the plants wound its feet, and its satiety is lightened by the flow of blood. Then it plasters the area with mud, until the wounds heal into scars.Marcus Scaurus was the first to bring hippopotami and crocodiles toRome.

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§ 32.32  The ibis bird frequents the same banks. It plundersserpents’ eggs, and carries off the choicest of them as food to their own nests. Thus the success of noxious broods is prevented. 33 These birds are not useful only within Aegyptian borders. The swamps ofArabia send forth swarms of wingedserpents, whose venom is so quick-acting, that, after a bite, death follows more quickly than pain. The ibis, from an innate wisdom, go out aroused and in readiness for battle and devastate this foreign evil before it reaches the borders of their land. Mobbing the pestilential horde in the air, they devour all of it. For which reason, ibis are deservedly held to be holy, and no-one may injure them. They lay eggs with their mouths. OnlyPelusium produces black ibis; all other places breed white ones.

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§ 32.34  Concerning the trees which grow only inAegypt, the Aegyptian fig is particularly worthy of mention. It has leaves like the mulberry, and grows fruit not only on its branches, but on its trunk as well. It is narrow right up to the point of its productiveness. In one year, it bears fruit seven times. Where you pluck a fruit, another bulges out without delay. 35 When its wood is thrown into water, it sinks. When it has sat in the liquid for some time, it is made lighter and rises up. It is dried by moisture, something against the nature of other woods.

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§ 32.36  The Aegyptian palm must also be spoken of. It is specifically called adipsos, and so it ought to be, as the fruit, once tasted, wards off thirst. Its aroma is the same as that of the apple. But the fruit only allays thirst if it is plucked before it is ripe, for if it is taken when mature, it steals the senses, hinders the feet, and retards the tongue: taking possession of the faculties of the mind and body, it manufactures the vice of drunkenness.

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§ 32.37  Peoples who live where the borders ofAegypt stretch towards Diacecaumen discern the moment in which they say the world recommences its yearly motion by the following method. A sacred grove is chosen, where animals of the most diverse kinds are fenced in. These, when the heavens arrive at the appointed configuration, give vent to their feelings with what outward signs they can. 38 Some howl, some bellow, some shriek and some bray. Some flee together to wallowing-holes. This evidence is as a teacher to them for discerning the beginning of the year. 39 The same peoples say that it was handed down to them by the first ancestors of their tribe that where the sun now sets, it formerly rose.

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§ 32.40  Thebes is famous among Aegyptian cities for the number of its gates, to whichArabians andIndians convey cargoes. The region Thebaica is named after this city. 41Abydos is also famous, formerly for the palace ofMemnon, now for the temple ofOsiris. The magnitude of its works and itsMacedonian founder ennobleAlexandria. The architectDinocrates, when he had laid it out, held another place in his memory through the agency of its founder. 42Alexandria was founded in the112th Olympiad, whenLucius Papirius, son of Spurius, andGaius Poetelius, son of Gaius, were the Roman consuls [326 BCE]. It was established not far from the mouth of theNile, which is called Heracleotic by some, and Canopic by others. 43 There is alsoPharos, a colony settled byCaesar the dictator. Nocturnal navigation is steered from it by burning lights. ForAlexandria is approached by a treacherous harbour, with deceptive shallows and uncertain seas. It admits sailors through three channels only --Poseidon, Teganus andTaurus. Because of this, machines devised for the office of lighting harbours are called phari.

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§ 32.44  The pyramids are pointed towers, above the height of everything which can be manufactured by the hand of man. Having surpassed shadows, they have none. Now let us turn our pen away fromAegypt.

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Above thePelusiac mouth isArabia, which extends to theRed Sea.Varro says this sea was named Erythraeum not for the colour alone, but after kingErythras, son ofPerseus andAndromeda. The same author affirms that on the shores of this sea is a spring; ifsheep drink of it, the colour of their fleeces change. Formerly white, they lose the colour they had until drinking, and afterwards, darken to black. 2 The townArsinoe is also on theRed Sea.Arabia extends all the way to the rich, spice-bearing land held by the Catibanian and ScaenitanArabs, also famous for the mountainCassius. 3 The reason for the name of theScaenitae is considered to be that they live in tents, and do not have other homes. The tents themselves aregoat blankets; they say that the covers are woven from the hair ofgoats. 4 In addition, they abstain entirely from eatingpigs’ meat. This kind of animal, if brought here, immediately dies. The Greeks namedArabia Eudaemon, which is “Beata” in our tongue. It is inhabited on a hill made by the hands of men, which is between the riversTigris andEulaeus. This last is so famous for the purity of its flow, that all the kings there drink its waters and no other.

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§ 33.5  You may hereby understand that Eudaemon was not vainly named: besides spices, of which it produces a great number, it alone yields frankincense. The whole country does not produce it: in its midst are theAstramitae, in a district of theSabaei, which is separated from the incense-bearing region by eight days’ journey. It is calledArabia, that is, “sacred”, for so it is understood to signify. 6 The brushwoods are not public property, but, which is a novelty among barbarian nations, are passed by right of inheritance to family successors.

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§ 33.7  Whoever, therefore, holds mastery over the grove, theArabians call “sacred”. These same men, when they either chop down or cut open the grove, neither take part in funerals nor pollute themselves with the company of women. 8 Before the truth was well-known, some used to equate the frankincense tree with the mastic-tree, and others with the terebinth. Then the books which KingJuba dedicated to Caesar, son ofAugustus, made it plain that it was a tree with twisted twigs and branches like a maple’s, which poured forth juice as does the almond-tree, and that it is cut at the beginning of thedog-days, when the sun is at its hottest.

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§ 33.9  Myrrh grows in the same forests. Its roots rejoice when the soil around them is loosened, which produces the same effect as raking grape-vines. When laid bare, the roots flow with thickish tears. The juice which comes forth spontaneously is the more valuable; that elicited by wounds in the bark is judged less so. 10 Its rough bark is twisted into whorls and spikes, and its leaves are similar to those of an olive, though more wrinkled. It grows to a maximum height of five cubits. TheArabians maintain fires with its twigs, the fumes of which are so harmful, that if they did not counteract them with the scent of burned styrax, they would frequently contract incurable diseases. The sameArabians gather cinnamon. This shrub is grown from a short stalk, with small and stunted branches, and is never above two cubits in height. Those which grow more thinly are considered the more select, while those which grow more thickly are thought less useful. It is collected by priests, who slaughter sacrificial victims beforehand. When favourable omens are given, they are careful that their harvest neither anticipates sunrise nor continues past sunset. Whichever of the priests holds first place divides the piles of twigs with a spear which has been consecrated for this service. A portion of 1/3 is dedicated to the sun, and if it has been divided correctly, it is burned by the sunbeams, and taken up by fire.

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§ 33.11  Among the same people thephoenix bird is born. It is the size of aneagle, and has plumes projecting from an imposing head into a cone shape. It has tufted cheeks and it neck is a brilliant gold. Its hinder parts are purple, except for the tail, which is of roseate feathers, interspersed with shining sky-blue. 12 It has been proven that thephoenix lives for 540 years. It builds its funeral pyre with cinnamon; it puts it together nearPanchaea, and places the heap above the altar in the city of theSun. 13 Authorities are convinced that its life coincides with the cycle of the Great Year, although many of them say a Great Year lasts not 540 years, but 12,954. 14 WhenQuintus Plautius andSextus Papinius were consuls [36 CE], aphoenix flew intoEgypt. It was captured in the 800th year since the founding of the City, by order of the emperorClaudius. It was displayed in theComitium. This occasion, contrary to enduring censure, is preserved in the city’s records.

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§ 33.15  The cinnamolgus is likewise a bird ofArabia. It weaves its nest from cinnamon fruits in the highest trees. Since the nests are inaccessible, owing to the height and fragility of the branches, the inhabitants aim at the heaps with leaden darts. They sell what they pull down for high prices, because merchants esteem this cinnamon more than others.

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§ 33.16  TheArabians live far and wide, spread out, with different manners and customs. They have a great deal of hair, wear a headdress on their heads; a part with equal binding around, the beard shaved to their skin. They busy themselves with trade, not buying foreign wares, but selling their own, as they obviously have both rich forests and rich seas.

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§ 33.17  Shadows which are on the right for us are on the left for them. Some of them live like savages, and eatsnakes; they care neither for the soul nor for the body, and therefore are called “snake-eaters”.

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§ 33.18  From this sea-coast kingPolycrates carried the first sardonyx gem into our world, where it aroused the firebrand of luxury. But the sardonyx is so well-known by everyone, that I think not much need be said about it. Its surface is esteemed if it is an undiluted red; it is rejected if full of sediment. 19 Its middle is encircled by a white border. The best type neither scatters its colour into the next section, nor itself borrows from the other. The rest ends in black. This, if transparent, is judged faulty: if it wards off clearness, it makes for beauty.

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§ 33.20  TheArabian also finds the molochite, which is a richer green than the smaragdus. It has a natural power which wards off danger from infants. TheArabian also finds iris in theRed Sea, which is six-cornered like the crystal. When struck by the rays of the sun, it gives a reddish reflection of the air out of itself, like a rainbow.

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§ 33.21  The sameArabians collect androdamas, which has a silvery brightness and equal square sides. You might think it borrows somewhat of the diamond. It is supposed it was named for this reason: it assuages the fury of heated minds, and checks swelling anger.

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§ 33.22  We also obtain paederos and arabica from here. Arabica is like ivory: it refuses to be engraved. To those holding it, it is useful against muscle pain. In the paederos, all that is excellent is united: it shines like a crystal vessel, and blushes like purple cloth. It has a golden halo on its outermost edge, which looks as though it were underwater. It affects the eyes with this beauty, and draws the vision, holding the gaze of those who regard it. For its agreeableness, it is also pleasing to theIndians.

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§ 33.23  I have said enough aboutArabia. Let us return toPelusium.

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FromPelusium, MountCassius is also the shrine ofJupiterCassius.Ostracine is the place renowned for the tomb ofPompey the Great.Idumaea, rich in date-palms, begins from here. Next isIoppe, which is the oldest town in the entire world, in as much as it was founded before the inundation of the lands. 2 This town displays a rock which to this day retains traces of the chains used to bindAndromeda.Rumour set it about (and not in vain) that she was exposed here to the sea-creature.Marcus Scaurus exhibited the bones of this monster atRome, among other marvels, during his aedileship. 3 The occurrence was noted in the chronicles, and measurements were preserved in trustworthy books: the length of the ribs exceeded 40 feet, and the monster was loftier than the elephants ofIndia. Furthermore, the vertebrae of its spine were more than half a foot wide.

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Judaea is famous for its waters, but the nature of all these waters is not the same. The riverJordan is exceptionally sweet; it is discharged from the springPaneas, and flows past the most beautiful regions. Soon it is plunged into LakeAsphaltites, and is tainted by its waters. 2Asphaltites brings forth bitumen; it is not inhabited by any animals. Nothing can drown in it. Evenbulls andcamels have swum there without coming to harm.

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§ 35.3  There is also Lake Sara, which extends for 16 miles, surrounded by very many celebrated cities, itself equal to the best of them in merit. But LakeTiberias is set before all: it is salubrious with natural heat, and the use of its waters is efficacious in promoting health.

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§ 35.4  The capital ofJudaea wasJerusalem, but it was destroyed.Jericho succeeded it, but was also abandoned, conquered in the war withArtaxerxes. The spring Callirrhoe is next toJerusalem, and is greatly commended for its curative heat. It is called thus for praise of its waters.

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§ 35.5  Balsam is produced in this land. Until our victory, the crop was confined within the borders of 20 acres of land. But when we got possession ofJudaea, the groves were so increased that now we are yielded balsam by very extensive hills. The balsam-tree has stocks similar to the grape-vine. It is planted with a mallet-shoot, and flourishes with drag-hoes. It rejoices in water, and loves to be pruned. Its leaves are tenacious, and the tree is perpetually covered. 6 The wood in the trunk dies without delay if it is touched with iron. Because of this, they are wounded (but only in the bark) with a cunning slit, made either with glass or little knives made of bone. Out of this slit pours gum of excellent sweetness. After the sap, the fruit holds the second place in value, the bark the third, and the final honour is given to the wood.

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§ 35.7  Far fromJerusalem lies a sorrowful bay. It was stricken by heaven, as the black soil, which scatters like ashes, testifies. 8 Here there were two towns, one named Sodomum, and the other Gomorrum; near to them grows a kind of apple, which, although it may appear ripe, cannot be eaten. For the outer skin contains only ashy soot, which, when lightly touched, puffs out like smoke and crumbles into airborne dust.

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§ 35.9  The inner west ofJudaea is held by the Esseni, who, gifted with a remarkable discipline, have withdrawn from the customs of all other peoples, fastened to their tradition, as I believe, by the providence of divine majesty. There are no women there: they have utterly divorced themselves from sexual appetite. They do not know money. They live on dates. 10 Nobody is born there, but they do not lack a multitude of men. The place is devoted to modesty: although very many men from peoples all about hurry there, nobody is admitted unless he is worthy, accompanied by true faith and integrity.

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§ 35.11  He who is guilty of even a minor crime, however much he wishes to gain entry with the highest influence, is debarred by divine influence. Thus, incredible to say, this people is perpetual through an immense space of time, though free of child-births.

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§ 35.12  The town Engada was among the Esseni, but it was destroyed. Nevertheless, the beauty of its celebrated and noteworthy forests, with their groves and date-palms, endures, diminished by neither time nor war. At the border ofJudaea is the fortressMassada.

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I will pass overDamascus,Philadelphia andRaphana, but I will tell of the first inhabitants and founder ofScythopolis. When FatherLiber had given his nurse to the earth, he founded this town in order to increase the distinction of her grave with the walls of a town. 2 As inhabitants were wanting, he choseScythians from among his companions. In order to strengthen their resolve towards ready resistance against invaders, he gave their name to the place as a reward. 3 InSeleucia, nearAntioch, there is another MountCassius. From its summit, the sun’s globe is visible from the fourth watch, and by a small rotation of the body (the rays dissipating the heat), day can be discerned on one side, and night on the other. The view fromCassius is so great that you may see the light earlier than the day begins.

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TheEuphrates river flows out of GreaterArmenia. It rises above Zima, below the roots of a mountain next toScythia, which the local people name Catotes. Here it receives several other rivers into itself, and grows strong. Filled full with the converging waters, it struggles against the obstruction of MountTaurus, which it splits at Elegea, although the mountain resists it with a width of twelve miles. After running a long time, it leavesCommagene on the right andArabia on the left. 2 Flowing past many peoples, it dividesBabylon, once the capital of theChaldaeans. It enrichesMesopotamia with yearly floods, which cover the land like the river of theEgyptians does. It brings fertility to the soil at almost the same time as does theNile, when the sun is located in the 20th part ofCancer. The flood is lessened when the sun has passed throughLeo and is making its journey towards the uttermost reaches of Virgo. 3 The gnomonicists contend that the sun falls in similar parallels, which the right-angled symmetry of the line makes equal in position in the lands. 4 Whence, it appears that these two rivers, although they flow out of different regions, are located to the measure of the same plumbline, and have the same cause of increase.

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§ 37.5  It seems reasonable to now speak of the riverTigris. It raises its head in a region ofArmenia. It flows marvelously clear, from a famous spring in a high place which they name Elegos. It is not large right at its beginning. At first it flows slowly, and not under its own name, but when it reaches the frontiers of theMedes, it is called “Tigris”, for this is theMedes’ word for “arrow”. 6 It flows into Lake Aretisa, which supports all weights. Aretisa’s fish never enter the channel of theTigris, nor do the river’s fish go across into the lake. The river passes through the lake swiftly, and is a different colour. Soon theTigris comes up againstTaurus, and is drowned in a deep cave. It flows underneath, and shoots out the other side at Zomade, dragging sedges and much other rubbish along with itself. Then, it repeatedly sinks down and resurges. It flows past theAdiabeni and theArabians. It embracesMesopotamia and receives the most noble riverChoaspes; it carries theEuphrates into thePersian Gulf.

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§ 37.7  As many countries as drink from theEuphrates glitter with a different stone. Zmilanthis is gathered in the channel of the river itself. It is a gem with the appearance ofProconnesian marble, except that the middle of the greyish stone shines forth like the pupil of an eye.

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§ 37.8  Sagda has come to us all the way from theChaldaeans. It would be by no means easy to find, if it did not, as they say, give itself up to be seized. For its inborn spirit seeks ships which pass over them in the depths, and it joins itself tenaciously to their keels. It is difficult to take them off except by shaving away some of the timber. 9 This sagda, because of its known properties, is held in highest esteem among theChaldaeans. It is green, and because of this charm, it is liked more than other stones.

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§ 37.10  The myrrh-stone is common among theParthians. If you judge this stone by eye, it is not impressive, being the colour of myrrh. But if you happen to investigate it more thoroughly, and arouse it by chafing it until it is hot, it breathes out the sweetness of nard.

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§ 37.11  InPersia, there is so great an abundance and diversity of stones that it would be a lengthy matter merely to recall their names. 12 Mithridax, when struck by the sun, flashes with many colours. Tecolithos is spurned when looked upon, as it is similar in appearance to an olive-stone. But its medicinal virtue conquers the beauty of other stones. When it is dissolved and drunk it gets rid of kidney stones and relieves bladder pain.

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§ 37.13  The hammochrysos, in sands mingled with gold, has little squares now of gold-leaf, now of dust.

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§ 37.14  Aetites is yellow and smooth. It holds another stone inside it, and resounds with its rattling when moved. However, they say that the little stone inside does not make the clanging, but the spirit of the most knowledgeable. 15Zoroaster gives preference to this stone above all others and assigns the greatest power to it. It is found either in the nests ofeagles or on the shores of the sea, most of all inPersia. Bound under the hope of the womb, it protects a woman from abortion.

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§ 37.16  Pyrites is black, and does not permit itself to be strongly held. If ever it is tightly pressed in the hand, it burns the fingers.

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§ 37.17  Chalazias has the shape and whiteness of a hailstone, with the most durable and invincible hardness. Echites has spots like those of a viper.

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§ 37.18  Dionysias is dusky and sprinkled with red spots. This same, if ground up and mixed with water, is redolent of wine, and (what is a wonder with that scent) resists drunkenness.

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§ 37.19  Glossopetra falls from the sky when the moon is waning. It is similar in appearance to the human tongue. The Magi hold it to be of considerable power, and think that it causes the lunar movements.

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§ 37.20  The Jewel of theSun is very white, and looks like a glittering star; it throws golden-red rays out of itself. The Hair ofVenus has a dark shine, showing inside it the likeness of red hair.

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§ 37.21  Selenites is transparent, with a white and honey-coloured radiance. It contains an image of the moon; they say that it diminishes or increases from day to day, according to the course of the planet itself.

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§ 37.22  Meconites resembles poppies. Myrmectites is inscribed with the likeness of crawling ants. Chalcophthongos resounds like beaten bronze. Kept virtuously, it preserves clearness of voice.

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§ 37.23  Siderites looks the same as iron. It is truly noxious: wherever it is brought, it arouses discord. Phlogites shows within itself the likeness of billowing flames. Anthracias glitters with sparkling stars.

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§ 37.24  Enhydros sweats, so you might think a gushing spring was enclosed in it.

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If we speak ofCilicia (which is now to be done) as it is now, we shall seem to detract from the credit of antiquity, but if we describe the borders which it once had, it would be inconsistent with present circumstances. Therefore, the best we can do between each fault is to report the situation of the country in both eras.

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§ 38.2  Formerly,Cilicia extended all the way toPelusium inEgypt. TheLydians,Medes,Armenians,Pamphylia andCappadocia were under the rule of theCilicians. Soon it was subdued by theAssyrians, and smaller bounds were decreed for it. Most ofCilicia lies in the plain. It receives theIssican sea into a wide bay, and is closed in behind by the mountain ridges ofTaurus andAmanus.

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§ 38.3  The name of the country derives fromCilix, concealed from us by an ancient age, almost beyond the reach of memory. It is saidCilix was the son ofPhoenix (who is older thanJupiter), one of the first nurslings of the Earth.Cilicia hasTarsus, mother of cities, founded byPerseus, the famous son ofDanae. 4 The city is intersected by the riverCydnus. Some record that thisCydnus is cast down fromTaurus, others that it is diverted from the channel of theChoaspes. The riverChoaspes is so sweet that thePersian kings, as long as it flows between banks ofPersian soil, claim draughts of it for themselves only. When they go abroad they carry its waters along with them. 5 From this parent,Cydnus draws its wondrous sweetness. Whatever is white, the Syrians call “cydnus” in their native tongue, whence the name was given to this river. In the spring, when the snows are melting, it swells; during the rest of the year, it is quiet and feeble.

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§ 38.6  AroundCorycus inCilicia the saffron is most plentiful and the best. AlthoughSicily,Cyrene andLycia produce it, this is supreme. It is the more fragrant, and more golden in colour; its juices are more effective for medicines. 7 There is also a townCorycos, and a cave, which carves out the mountain on the edge of the sea from the highest summit. It gapes in a very wide chasm. Its sides drop down into the depths of the earth, surrounding the middle emptiness with a wooded circle. Inside, it is verdant with hanging greenery.

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§ 38.8  The descent into it is 2 1/2 miles long, lit with plentiful sunlight, and constantly gushing with springs. When you come to the bottom of the first gulf, another cave is spread out. This cavern is at first open with wide passages; after a while it is darkened by progress into narrow places. In this cave is a sacred shrine ofJupiter. Those who so wish believe that the bed of the giantTyphon was placed in its innermost recess.

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§ 38.9  Heliopolis was the ancient capital ofCilicia. It was the hometown ofChrysippus, most potent inStoic wisdom. It was conquered byTigranes theArmenian, and for a long time bore the nameSoli.Gnaeus Magnus, after defeating theCilicians, surnamed it “Pompeiopolis”.

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§ 38.10  MountTaurus first rises from theIndian Sea. Having cast itself towards the north on the right side, and towards the southern region on the left, and turned its front full towards the west, it goes between theEgyptian andPamphylian Seas at theChelidonian Rocks. It is clear that it wishes to extend the lands and penetrate the sea; but the resistance of the deep forbids it to extend its roots further. 11 Indeed, those who treat the natures of places show that it has attempted all passages with its promontories. Wherever it is bathed by the sea, it goes forth into projections, but it is hindered, now by thePhoenician gulf, now by thePontic, sometimes by theCaspian orHyrcanian. Thereupon, broken by these struggles, it writhes towards LakeMaeotis. Wearied by its many troubles, it joins itself to the ridges of theRipaean mountains. 12 It is diversely named for the variety of nations and tongues it passes. Among theIndians it is Imaeus and Propansius; among theParthians Choatras, afterNiphates. Thence, it isTaurus, and where it rises to the highest altitudes,Caucasus. It also draws names from peoples. On the right side it is calledCaspius orHyrcanus; on the left, Amazonicus, Mosichus, and Scythicus. Besides these names, it has many others. 13 Where it splits open into gaping ridges, it makes gates, the first of which areArmenian, thenCaspian, and finallyCilician.Taurus stretches forth a peak into Greece, which is known as Ceraunius. From the frontiers ofCilicia, it forms the border ofAsia. As much of it as faces the south is scorched by the sun; whatever is opposite the north is beaten by winds and snow. Where it is wooded, it is wild, with many beasts and monstrouslions.

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While inCampania there isVesubius, and inSicily,Etna, inLycia there is MountChimaera. This mountain breathes out smoke during nocturnal seethings, whence the fable of a three-formed monster was brought about amongst the common people. They thought this animal was theChimaera. Seeing that the same fiery nature was beneath, theLycians dedicated their nearest city toVulcan, and called it Hephaestia, after his original name.

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§ 39.2  Olympus was also, among others there, a famous town, but it was destroyed. Now it is a fortress. Within it are waters called “royal”, for reason of the notable spectacle the flow presents to visitors.

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Asia comes next, but I do not mean to speak of theAsia which, in the third separation of the world, has rivers as its borders: theNile from theEgyptian Sea and theTanais from LakeMaeotis. I will speak ofAsia as beginning fromTelmessus inLycia, whence theCarpathian gulf also has its genesis.Lycia andPhrygia enclose this part ofAsia from the east, the shores of theAegean in the west, theEgyptian Sea in the south, andPaphlagonia in the north.

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§ 40.2  Ephesus is the most famous city in this region. The glory ofEphesus is thetemple ofDiana, work of theAmazons. It was so magnificent thatXerxes, when he had burned down all the other temples inAsia, spared it. 3 ButXerxes’ clemency did not long protect these sacred shrines from evil. ForHerostratus, to immortalise his name by committing a crime, set fire to the noble building with his own hands, from a desire to achieve wider fame, as he himself confessed. 4 It is recorded that the temple ofEphesus was burned down on the same day asAlexander the Great was born atPella. He arose, as Nepos says, whenM. Fabius Ambustus andT. Quintius Capitolinus were consuls [354 BCE], in the 385th year since the founding of the City. 5 When afterwards theEphesians restored it to an even more imposing grandeur, the craftsmanDinocrates was in charge of the work. ThisDinocrates, as we explained above, designedAlexandria inEgypt by order ofAlexander. The disasters inAsia have made it clear that nowhere else in the world are there such incessant earthquakes and frequent devastations of cities. In the reign ofTiberius, twelve cities fell simultaneously in one ruin.

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§ 40.6  The talent ofAsia is celebrated throughout the world. For poetry, there wasAnacreon,Mimnermus,Antimachus,Hipponax andAlcaeus. Among them was also a woman,Sappho. The historians wereXanthus,Hecataeus,Herodotus,Ephorus andTheopompus. Of the Seven gifted with wisdom, there wereBias,Thales, andPittacus.Cleanthes was the most eminent of theStoics;Anaxagoras was a revealer of Nature.Heraclitus devoted his time to the secrets of more subtle learning.

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§ 40.7  Phrygia succeedsAsia. The town ofCelaenae was there; this prior name was rejected and changed toApamea, a town afterwards established by KingSeleucus. ThereMarsyas was born, and there he was buried, whence a nearby stream is called “Marsyas”. 8 For not far off is a valley which testifies to his deed of sacrilegious rivalry and the audacious tibiae against the god, and shows the outcome of the affair. It is ten miles fromApamea, and is calledAulocrene to this day. The riverMaeander rises from the citadel of this town. It is sinuous, and its banks wind betweenCaria andIonia. It discharges into the bay which dividesMiletus andPriene.

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§ 40.9  Phrygia itself is behindTroas. Its northern parts border onGalatia, and the southern onLycaonia,Pisidia andMygdonia. On the eastern side it is neighbor toLydia, in the north toMoesia, and toCaria on the side which faces midday. TheLydian mountainTmolus blooms with saffron. 10 The riverPactolus, which rushes with a golden flow, others call the Chrysorrhoa. In these parts an animal called the bonacus is produced. Its head and the body which follows is like that of anox, except that it has a mane like ahorse’s. Its horns run back on themselves with such multitudinous winding that if someone bumps against them, he is not wounded. 11 The protection the forehead denies to this monster is provided by its belly. When it turns to flee, it discharges dung with a quick evacuation of its stomach, for a length of three acres. The heat of the dung burns whatever it touches. Thus it wards off pursuers with its noxious secretion.

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§ 40.12  Miletus is the capital ofIonia. It was formerly the residence ofCadmus, who first founded the discipline of prose composition.

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§ 40.13  Not far fromEphesus is the community ofColophon, which is famous for the oracle ofClarianApollo. MountMimas rises by no means distant from here. Its summits show the nature of oncoming weather by the clouds flying above.

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§ 40.14  The capital ofMaeonia isSipylus, formerly calledTantalis. The bereavements ofNiobe preserve the memory of the name.

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§ 40.15  The river Meles flows aroundSmyrna. Among the streams ofAsia, it is easily the principal river. The riverHermus severs the plains ofSmyrna; it rises inDorylaum inPhrygia, and dividesPhrygia fromCaria. The ancients also believed that theHermus foamed with waves of gold.

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§ 40.16  Smyrna is especially famous as the homeland of the poetHomer, who died in the 272nd year after the fall ofTroy, whenAgrippaSilvius, son ofTiberinus, was king atAlba, in the 160th year before the foundation of the city.

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§ 40.17   138 years intercede betweenHomer andHesiod, who died at the beginning of the1st Olympiad. On theRhoetian shore, theAthenians andMytileneans established the townAchillion, at the tomb of theThessalian leader. It is pretty well ruined.

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§ 40.18  Next, almost 40 stadia away, in another nook of the same shore, is a town which was built by theRhodians in honour ofAias ofSalamis, to which they gave the nameAeantium.

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§ 40.19  Hard byIlium stands the tomb ofMemnon. Birds fromAethiopia continually fly to it in flocks. The people ofIlium call them theMemnoniae. The authorCremutius records that these same birds gather inAethiopia from every side in flocks every fifth year, from wherever in the world they might be, and come together at the palace ofMemnon.

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§ 40.20  The inland areas which are above a part ofTroas are the region ofTeuthrania, which was the native land of theMoesi.Teuthrania is watered by the riverCaicus.

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§ 40.21  There are many chameleons inAsia. The chameleon is a four-footed creature which looks like a lizard, except it has longer, straight legs which are joined to its belly. It has a long twisty tail, and hooked claws with a subtle inward curvature. It moves slowly, having almost the same gait as a tortoise. The skin of its body is rough, as I have indicated is the case with crocodiles. 22 Its eyes are withdrawn into sunken recesses, and it never obscures them by blinking. It sees not by moving its pupils around, but by directing the gaze of its rigid orbs. It gapes eternally, and without any reason, since it neither captures food nor is sustained by drink. It lives by no other nourishment than by draughts of the air. 23 Its colour is variable, and changes in a moment. It becomes the same colour as whatever it joins itself to. There are two colours which it is not powerful enough to create: white and red. The rest it can easily imitate. Its body is almost without flesh, and the vitals without a spleen. It has little blood, except in its heart. It lies hidden during winter, and comes forth in the spring. 24 It is poisonous to ravens. If it is killed by a raven, it destroys the very conqueror which has killed it, for if the bird consumes even a little of it, it immediately perishes. But the raven has a defence, as Nature has stretched forth its hand with a cure. When the raven understands itself to be afflicted, it eats a laurel leaf, and is restored to health.

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§ 40.25  There is a place inAsia in the open plains called Pythonos Come, where all the storks fly at the time of their first arrival. They tear the one who gets there last to pieces. These birds, they say, have no tongues, and the rattling sound they make is produced by their mouths rather than by their voices. 26 Storks possess extraordinary pietas: the same length of time as they spend educating their young, they themselves are in turn nourished by their own chicks. They cherish their nests so immoderately, that they lose their feathers from the constant sitting. 27 It is regarded an impious act in all places to harm storks, but inThessaly most of all. Here there is an abundance of frightfulserpents, which the storks pursue and eat, thus removing much evil from theThessalian region.

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Galatia was captured in early times by the Tolosboci, the Veturi and the Ambituti, ancient nations of the Gauls whose names survive to this day. WhenceGalatia was called is expressed by the name itself.

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Bithynia is at the entrance ofPontus, facing towards the region of the eastern sun and oppositeThrace. It is wealthy, and rich in cities. It begins at the springs of the riverSagarus. Formerly it was calledBebrycia, then Mygdonia, thenBithynia, after King Bithynus.

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§ 42.2  The riverHylas flows into this country and into the city ofPrusias. LakeHylas also waters the country; it is believed that the boyHylas, the delight ofHercules, who was raped by theNymphs, rests there. In his memory, the people to this day perform a ceremonial run around the lake and shout out “Hylas!”

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§ 42.3  InBithynia, hard byNicomedia, is a place calledLibyssa, famous for the tomb ofHannibal. After his judgment atCarthage, he fled to KingAntiochus; afterAntiochus’ unfortunate battle atThermopylae, the king being discouraged by the vagaries of fortune, he resorted to the hospitality ofPrusias. Lest he be handed over toTitus Quintius, who was sent intoBithynia for this reason, and come toRome as a captive, he poisoned himself, and defended himself against Roman chains by death.

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On the coast ofPontus, after the straits ofBosporus, the riverRhesus and the port ofCalpae, is the riverSagaris, which rises inPhrygia; by many it is called the “Sagarius”. It makes the beginning of theMariandyne gulf, on which is the townHeraclea, on the riverLycus, and the port Acone. Acone is famous for the prospering of wicked weeds; we name noxious herbs “aconite” after this place. 2 Nearby is the Acherusian cave, which, they say, is a dark fissure opening to deeps all the way to Hell.

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Paphlagonia is surrounded in the rear by the marches ofGalatia.Paphlagonia faces Taurica from the promontory ofCarambis, and rises to MountCytorus, which extends for 36 miles. It is famous for the place calledEnetus, from which, asCornelius Nepos holds, thePaphlagonians, soon to be known as theVeneti, crossed over intoItaly.

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§ 44.2  TheMilesians founded many cities in this region.Mithridates foundedEupatoria, which was subdued byPompey and namedPompeiopolis.

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Of all the realms which neighbour on theBlack Sea,Cappadocia withdraws the furthest distance inland. On the left side, it passes both the Armenias andCommagene; on the right, it is enclosed by many Asian peoples. It is carried to the ridges ofTaurus and the rising of the sun. It passes byLycaonia,Pisidia andCilicia. 2 It goes above the tracts of SyrianAntioch, and persists intoScythia at another part. It is divided from GreaterArmenia by the riverEuphrates. GreaterArmenia begins where the mountains of Panedrus are.

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§ 45.3  There are many famous cities inCappadocia. In order to turn my feet from the others, I will mention the colonyArchelais, which was settled byClaudius Caesar. The riverHalys flows next to it. 4 TheLycus bathesNeocaesarea;Semiramis foundedMelita. TheCappadocians reckonMazaca, which is situated below Argaeus, to be the mother of cities. Argaeus is high among the snowy ridges. Indeed, it does not lack hoar-frost even in the burning summer. The local people believe that a god lives there.

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§ 45.5  This land, before all others, is a nourisher ofhorses, and is most accommodating to equine success. I suppose, therefore, that the nature ofhorses must be here investigated.

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§ 45.6  Many examples have revealed thathorses possess discernment, since several have been found which would recognise only their first masters. If ever they changed their accustomed master, they became forgetful of their tameness. So well dohorses know those inimical to their side that in battle they attack and bite their enemies. 7 But this is a greater thing: whenhorses have lost riders whom they held dear, they bring death upon themselves by starvation. These characteristics are to be found in the most outstanding type ofhorse, for those who are of inferior breeding have given no accounts of themselves. 8 Lest we appear to make over-free claims against the truth, we will frequently give examples.Bucephalus, thehorse ofAlexander the Great, was called so either because of his wild appearance, or because of the mark, shaped like abull’s head, which he had branded on his shoulder, or because of certain little horns which protruded from his forehead when he was angry. He would calmly allow his groom to ride him, but when he bore the royal saddle he would deign to carry no-one but his master. 9 There are more than enough proofs of him in battle, when, by his own efforts, he carriedAlexander out safely from the harshest conflicts. For this service, when he died inIndia, the king led his funeral procession, gave him a tomb, and even founded a city which he calledBucephala, in memory of his name. 10 Thehorse ofGaius Caesar would not permit anyone to ride him exceptCaesar. They say that his front hooves had the appearance of human feet, just as on the statue placed before the shrine ofCaesar’s ancestressVenus. 11 When a victorious antagonist wished to despoil a king ofScythia whom he had killed in single combat, he was mangled by the heels and teeth of the king’shorse. Tombs ofhorses are common in the region ofAgrigentum. This observance, we believe, was given for services of the highest honour.

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§ 45.12  Spectacles in the circus have shown thathorses take pleasure in such things. Somehorses are provoked into running by the songs of tibiae, some by dancing, some by the different colours, and not a few by the lighted torches.

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§ 45.13  Tears prove equine affection. When KingNicomedes died, hishorse rejected life by way of starvation. WhenAntiochus had conquered theGalatians in battle, he was set to rejoice, and mounted thehorse of the leader, by name Cintaretus, who had been killed in the fight. Thehorse scorned the sharp-toothed curb to such a degree that he fell, and threw down both himself and his rider into equal ruin.

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§ 45.14  The games in theCircus also showed the talents ofClaudius Caesar’shorses. When the driver of the four-horse chariot fell, they outstripped their opponents not less by cunning than by speed. After the correct distance had been run, they stopped at the place of the palm, demanding as it were, the reward for victory. 15 Some otherhorses also threw off their charioteer (who was named Rutumanna), took the chariot from the contest, and sprang forth to theCapitoline, not halting before traversingJupiterTarpeius three times on the right. 16 The male of this type of animal lives longer. Indeed, we have read of ahorse which lived to 70 years of age. It is unambiguous that they engender offspring in the 33rd year, inasmuch as they are sent to stud after their 20th year. Ahorse calledOpus is also noted, who continued to serve the herd until his 40th year. 17 The lust of mares is extinguished by clipping their manes. A love-poison is produced in the foreheads of newly-born foals. It is dark in colour, like a fig, and is called hippomanes. If it is immediately snatched away, the mother will never offer the youngster her teats to suck.

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§ 45.18  The fiercer and braver ahorse is, the deeper he will plunge his nostrils into water when drinking. Malehorses are never taken to the wars by theScythians, because the females can empty their bladders in flight. Mares bring forth offspring sired by the wind, but they never live longer than three years.

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Assyria begins atAdiabene, where the region ofArbela is. The victory ofAlexander the Great does not allow this place to be passed over. For here he routedDarius’ forces, and overcame the man himself. When his camp was plundered, a box crammed with unguents was found among the remaining possessions of the king, whence Roman excess first made contact with foreign perfumes. 2 Nevertheless, for some time we were defended from the allurements of these vices by the men of old, even in the time of the CensorsPublius LiciniusCrassus andGaius JuliusCaesar. These men, in the 565th year since the foundation of the City, forbade the importation of foreign unguents. 3 Afterwards, our vices triumphed, and the delights of perfumes became pleasing even to the Senate. They were even employed in murky penal cases, as in the case ofLucius Plotius, brother ofPlancus, who was twice consul. Proscribed by the Triumvirs, the perfume of his unguents betrayed his hiding-place inSalernum.

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§ 46.4  Media follows these lands. A tree of this country became famous because of theMantuan poems. The tree itself is huge, and its leaves are like those of a strawberry tree, only differing in one respect: they are prickly, with pointed spines. It bears a fruit which is inimical to poisons. It has a harsh taste, as of the bitterness of unmixed wine. Its fragrance is more than pleasant, and is discernible from far off. 5 Its fruitfulness is such that it is always weighed down with the burden of its produce, for immediately the fruit ripens and falls, others grow. The abundance has only this delay: the fruit must fall before others can be grown.

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§ 46.6  Other nations have wished to grow these trees themselves, though the industry of transported shoots, but Nature resists, and other lands are not able to borrow the bounty given toMedian soil.

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TheCaspian Gates extend for eight miles through a man-made passage. Their width is scarcely enough to admit a wagon. In these narrow places is also this difficulty: the rocks of the precipitous sides, owing to veins of melting salt, sweat out copious moisture, which is congealed by the force of the heat, as it were, into summer ice. Thus the way becomes impassable.

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§ 47.2  In addition, the whole region, for 28 miles, in whichever direction one proceeds, has arid soil, and there is thirst without respite. Serpents from surrounding lands come together here immediately upon the arrival of spring. Thus, the concurrence of danger and difficulty denies access to theCaspian except during winter.

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Eastwards from theCaspii is a place called Direum. To its fruitfulness nothing can be compared. The Lapyri, Narici andHyrcani live around about this place. 2 The region ofMargiana is close by. It is famous for the commodiousness of its weather and its soil. This is true to such a degree that in all this land,Margiana alone rejoices in vines. It is enclosed by mountains, like a theatre, for the extent of 1500 stadia. It is almost inaccessible by reason of the dangerous sandy wilderness which surrounds it for 120 miles on every side. 3Alexander the Great so admired the amenity of this region that he founded the first Alexandria there. Soon destroyed by the barbarians, it was restored byAntiochus son ofSeleucus, and calledSeleucia, after the name of his house. The circumference of the city is 75 stadia. Into this cityOrodes brought theRomans captured at the defeat ofCrassus. 4Alexander established another town on theCaspian, which was calledHeraclea while it lasted. But it also was ruined by the same peoples, and then rebuilt byAntiochus. He preferred that it should afterwards be named Achais.

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The riverOxus rises from Lake Oaxus. The Bateni and theOxistacae dwell on the shores of this river, but theBactrians hold the principal part of it. TheBactrians also have a river of their own, theBactros, after which they named the town they inhabit, Bactrus.

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§ 49.2  Those of these people which are behind, are encircled by the ridges of Propanisus. Those opposite are restricted by the springs of theIndus. The rest are enclosed by the riverOchus.

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§ 49.3  Above these peoples is Panda, the town of the Sogdiani, on whose bordersAlexander the Great founded the third Alexandria, to commemorate the limits of his journey. 4 For here is the place where first FatherLiber, thenHercules, then Samiramis and finallyCyrus set up altars. All considered this the most glorious -- that his journey extended all the way to this place.

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§ 49.5  The riverJaxartes divides the borders of this whole generalship from the adjoining lands. TheBactrians alone call it theJaxartes, for the otherScythians name it theSilis. The army ofAlexander the Great believed this river to be theTanais.Demodamas, a captain ofSeleucus andAntiochus, a sufficiently able author, crossed this river, going beyond the monuments of all, and discovered it to be different from theTanais. 6 In order to advance his name, for the sake of commemoration of his glory, he built a high altar toApolloDidymaeus. It is here that the borders of thePersians and theScythians come together. ThePersians call theScythians Sacae in their language; in turn, theScythians name thePersians Chorsaci, and theCaucasus mountains Croucasis, that is, “white with snow”.

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§ 49.7  A great number of peoples here observe the same law as theParthians, with uncorrupted discipline, from the beginning of the agreed custom. The most famous of these are theMassagetae, theEssedones, theSatarchae and the Apalaei. 8 After these, as the most savage barbarians intercede, we shall direct our attention, almost inconstantly, to the well-known facts concerning the customs of other nations.

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§ 49.9  Bactria produces the most powerfulcamels. AlthoughArabia also breeds manycamels, they are different. TheArabian type has a double hump on its back, and theBactrian a single hump. They never wear away their feet, for their feet are fleshy with certain backwards-facing excrescences of a lung-like quality. Thence, there is an antithetical problem when they walk: there is no supporting protection for the pressure of standing. They are used for two purposes. Some are suitable for bearing burdens, while others are swifter. They will not accept a more than reasonable load, and neither will they wish to go beyond an accustomed distance. 10 At mating time they are enraged by lust to such a degree that they are cruel when they seek their pleasure. They hatehorses. They endure thirst for four days. When an opportunity of drinking arises, they take enough to satisfy themselves for their past privation, and to serve them for a long time in the future.

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§ 49.11  They desire muddy water, and refuse clear. Unless the liquid is already rather filthy, they stir up the silt by continuous trampling so it becomes turbid. They live for 100 years, unless by chance they are carried across into a foreign country, and contract diseases from the changed air. The females are prepared for the wars. It was found that their desire to mate is removed by a certain operation. For it is thought that thecamels become stronger if they are prevented from mating.

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Where our course is turned to the Eastern Ocean, from theScythian Ocean and theCaspian Sea, there are at first deep snows. Soon there are huge wastes, then the Anthropophagi, the most savage of races, then regions overrun with wild beasts. Almost half the distance is rendered impassable. 2 A mountain overhanging the sea, which the barbarians call Tabis, signals the end of these difficulties. After, there are still extensive wildernesses. Along the expanse of this shore, which faces the summer east, the first men we are aware of after the wild places are theSerae. They flood leaves with sprinklings of water, and comb out the fleeces of the trees by means of the liquid; they subdue the delicate fineness of the down to subservience by moisture. 3 This is the silk permitted for common use to the detriment of strictness. Because of it, lust for luxury persuaded in the first place women, and now even men, to exhibit rather than to clothe their bodies. TheSeres are gentle and very peaceful among themselves. They otherwise shun the society of the rest of mankind, to such a degree that they reject the trade of other nations.

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§ 50.4  The merchants go across their land on the principal river. On the banks, with no verbal exchange between the parties, theSeres judge the value of the things put down with their eyes, and hand over their own wares, but do not buy ours.

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The Attacene gulf, and the race of theAttacori follow. To them prerogative furnishes marvellous clemency and temperance of air. Indeed, the hills ward off noxious breezes. The hills are cast out on all sides, and the healthful sunniness is shut off; the hills prevent unhealthy airs. For that reason, as Amometus affirms, the lifestyle of theAttacori is similar to that of theHyperboreans. Between this people andIndia, the most knowledgeable writers locate theCiconae.

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India begins from theMedian mountains, and extends from the southern to the eastern sea. It is most salubrious, owing to the breezes of the west wind. It has summer twice in a year, and collects the harvest twice in a year.

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§ 52.2  Posidonius thinks that it stands opposite Gaul. Surely there can be no doubt in the matter, forIndia was discovered byAlexander the Great, and afterwards scoured by the diligence of other kings, and it has wholly yielded to our knowledge. 3 Indeed,Megasthenes stayed for some time with the kings ofIndia, and wrote on thingsIndian, in order that he might give the truth, which he had seen with his eyes, to posterity.Dionysus also, who was sent by KingPhiladelphus as a witness, for the sake of testing the truth, wrote the same. 4 They report that there are 5,000 large towns inIndia, and 9,000 peoples.India was also for a long time believed to be a third of the world. The abundance of men and cities is not remarkable, since theIndians alone have never moved away from their native soil.

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§ 52.5  FatherLiber was the first to enterIndia, inasmuch as he was the first to hold a triumph. 6,451 years and three months are numbered between him andAlexander the Great. The reckoning is calculated through the kings, 153 of whom were discovered to have reigned in this time.

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§ 52.6  The greatest rivers in the land are theGanges and theIndus. Some hold that theGanges rises from unknown springs and floods in the manner of theNile; others prefer to believe it begins in the mountains ofScythia. 7 TheHypanis is also a very notable river. It was the end of the march ofAlexander the Great, as the altars set up on the banks testify. The minimum width of theGanges is eight miles, and the maximum twenty. The depth, where it is shallowest, is 100 feet.

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§ 52.8  TheGangarides are the most distant ofIndia’s people. Their king has 1,000 knights, 700 elephants and 60,000 foot-soldiers in his army.

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§ 52.9  Certain of theIndians cultivate the fields; most of them serve in the military. Others deal in merchandise. The best and wealthiest attend to public affairs: they administer justice and sit alongside the kings. There is there a quiet class, of very distinguished wisdom. When they have had their fill of life, they bring death on themselves by throwing themselves on lighted funeral pyres.

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§ 52.10  Those who abandon themselves to more a savage lifestyle, and pursue existence in the forest, hunt elephants. When the elephants have been tamed, they either plough fields or bear burdens.

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§ 52.11  There is an island in theGanges which is occupied by a very populous nation. The king has 50,000 foot-soldiers and 4,000 knights in his armies. Whoever is gifted with royal power does not go to war without a great number of elephants, knights and footsoldiers.

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§ 52.12  The Prasians are a very puissant people. They inhabit a city called Palibothra, whence some have named the people themselves thePalibothri. Their king calls 600,000 foot-soldiers, 30,000 knights and 8,000 elephants daily for military service.

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§ 52.13  Above Palibothra is Mount Malleus. For half the year, in winter, its shadow falls on the northern side, and in summer it falls on the southern side. The Great Bear is visible once a year in this region, for not more than fifteen days. The authorBaeton holds that this happens in most parts ofIndia.

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§ 52.14  The people adjoining the riverIndus in the southern regions are, beyond the others, scorched by the heat. The colour of the people reveals the strength of the sun.

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§ 52.15  The Pygmaei hold the mountains. The people who neighbour on the Ocean live without a king. The Pandaean people are ruled by women. They deem their first queen to have been a daughter ofHercules.

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§ 52.16  The city ofNysa is also in this region, and a mountain sacred to Iuppiter, by nameMeros.Meros has a cave in which the old people among theIndians assert FatherLiber to have been reared. From the evidence of the name (the story running riot), it is believed thatLiber was born from Iuppiter’s thigh.

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§ 52.17  Beyond the mouth of theIndus are two islands,Chryse and Argyre. They are so rich in metals that a great many people have recorded that their soils are composed purely of gold and silver.

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§ 52.18  AllIndians have long flowing hair, dyed a blue or saffron colour. Their chief adornments are precious stones.

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§ 52.19  Their funerals are without trappings. In addition, as is set forth in the books of the kingsJuba andArchelaus, the attires of the peoples are as discrepant as their customs.

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§ 52.20  Some clothe themselves in robes of linen, others in robes of wool. Some go naked, and others cover only their private parts. A great many even dress in flexible tree-bark. Some peoples are so tall that they can vault over elephants, as though they werehorses, with a very easy leap.

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§ 52.21  Many of them do not deem it good to kill animals, or to eat flesh. The majority are nourished by fish alone, and are sustained by the sea.

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§ 52.22  There are those who slaughter their kinsfolk and parents before they are diminished by either age or sickness, as though it were a sacrifice. Then they feast on the flesh of those killed. In those parts it is not accounted criminal, but righteous. There are also those, who, when diseases lie upon them, go far away from others to a secret place, unanxiously awaiting death.

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§ 52.24  The territory of the Astacani is green with woods of laurel and groves of box. Indeed, it has very copious harvests of vines and of all trees which the Greeks delight in.

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§ 52.25  TheIndians have philosophers (they call them gymnosophists), who, from the rising to the setting of the sun, fix their eyes on its bright orb, searching the fiery globe for secrets, standing all day on burning sand on alternate feet.

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§ 52.26  At the mountain called Nulo there live some people who have backwards feet, with eight toes on each.

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§ 52.27  Megasthenes writes that in the mountains ofIndia there are some people who have heads likedogs, are armed with talons, dress themselves in clothes of hide, and have no human speech, but make barking noises with mouths agape.

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§ 52.28  In the works ofCtesias, it is said that certain women inIndia give birth only once, and that the children immediately become grey-haired. It is said in turn that there is another people whose hair is white in youth, and blackens with old age, and that they last many years beyond the limit of our life-spans.

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§ 52.29  We also read of the Monocoli, born with one leg, which is of singular swiftness. When they wish to defend themselves against the heat, they lie on their backs and are shadowed by the great size of their feet.

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§ 52.30  Those who live near the source of theGanges need no food, and live by the scent of the woodland fruit. When they go on journeys, they carry some in order that they might be nourished by the smell. But if by chance they draw in foetid air, it is certain that they will die.

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§ 52.31  It is also held that there is a type of women who conceive aged five years, but do not live beyond eight years.

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§ 52.32  There are some who are without heads, and have eyes in their shoulders. There are some who live in the forests, with hairy bodies and teeth likedogs, who make terrifying snarling. However, among those who take more especial care to live according to reason, many wives are married to the same man; when the husband dies, each speaks of her merits before the most solemn judges. The one who, by the opinion of the judges, was more dutiful and excelled the others, receives this reward: that by her own will she might ascend the pyre of her husband and give herself as an offering at his funeral rites. The rest live in ill-repute.

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§ 52.33  Theserpents are of such immensity that they swallow deer and other animals of like size whole. Moreover, as great as theIndian ocean is, they penetrate the islands separated from the mainland by a great distance to seek food. And that this very thing happens is not common knowledge through any great size, so that they may make their way across to the places determined through such a great breadth of sea.

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§ 52.34  There are many wonderful beasts inIndia. We will examine a few of their great number. The leucocrota excels all beasts in speed. It is the size of a wildass, and has the haunches of a deer. It has the breast and legs of alion, the head of a badger, and cloven hooves. Its mouth gapes from ear to ear, and it has continual bone in place of teeth. This is its shape: in voice it imitates the sound of men speaking.

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§ 52.35  There is also the eale. Otherwise like thehorse, it has a tail like an elephant, is black in colour, and has jaws like aboar. In front it carries horns over a cubit long. These are serviceable for use in what movement it wishes, for they are not rigid, but can be moved, as need requires, for fighting. When it fights, it extends one horn; the other it folds back, so, if the sharpened point of one is spoiled by some blow, the prong of the other succeeds it. It has been compared to the hippopotamus, and indeed, it rejoices in the water of streams.

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§ 52.36  Indianbulls are tawny in colour, and exceedingly fleet. Their hair is turned backwards, and their heads are all mouth. The hardness of their hides rejects all spears, and they are of such inexorable wildness that when captured they kill themselves from madness.

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§ 52.37  Amongst these the mantichore also is born. It has three ranks of teeth, joined in alternate lots. It has the face of a man, grey eyes, and is the colour of blood. It has the body of alion, and a tail sharpened like the sting of a scorpion. Its voice is so sibilant that it imitates the songs of pipes and the shouting of trumpets. 38 It avidly desires human flesh. It is so active on its feet, and has such power in its leap, that neither the most extensive spaces nor the widest obstructions can check it. There are in addition one- and three-hornedcattle with solid, not cloven, hooves.

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§ 52.39  But the cruellest of all is the monoceros, a monster which roars horridly, has the body of ahorse, the feet of an elephant, the tail of apig, and the head of a deer. 40 A horn of wonderful lustre sticks out of its forehead, to a length of four feet. It is so sharp that whatever it attacks is easily pierced by its blows. It does not come alive into the power of men. It may, indeed, be killed, but not captured.

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§ 52.41  The waters bring forth no lesser wonders. TheGanges rears eels 30 feet long.StatiusSebosus says, among especial marvels, that this same river abounds in worms, blue in both name and colour. They have two arms, not less than six cubits in length, of such great strength that they drag elephants who come to drink into the depths, seizing their trunks by biting.

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§ 52.42  Indian seas have whales bigger than four acres in size. They are called physeterae, and are huge beyond the bulk of mighty pillars. They lift themselves above the yard-arms of ships, and discharge such a tide (which they have sucked up) from their water-pipes that they often sink the mariners’ ships with their rainy floods.

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§ 52.43  India alone breeds the parrot, which is green in colour with a crimson neck. Its beak is so hard that when it casts itself down from on high, it saves itself by the strength of its bill, using it as though it were a foundation of extraordinary firmness. 44 Its head is so strong that if ever it stands in need of a blow of correction (for it strives to speak like a man), it must be beaten with a little iron rod. While it is a chick, and in its second year of age, it learns more quickly what is shown to it, and retains it more tenaciously. When it is a little older, it is forgetful and unteachable. 45 The number of toes distinguishes between the better and worse types of parrot. Those who have five toes are pre-eminent; the rest have three toes. The parrot’s tongue is broad, broader by far than those of other birds, whence it happens that it utters words distinctly. This talent was so marvelled at by Roman voluptuaries that barbarians made a trade in parrots.

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§ 52.46  The trees of theIndians are raised to such a lofty height that they cannot shoot arrows over them. 47 They have orchards of figs. The trunks measure 60 paces around, and the shadows of the branches consume two stadia in every direction. The size of their leaves is comparable to that of Amazonian shields. Their fruit is of an excellent sweetness.

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§ 52.48  There are marshes which grow reeds of such thickness, that cloven in half, they can serve sailors as boats. From their roots a pleasant liquid is expressed, as sweet as honey.

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§ 52.49  Tylos is anIndian island. It bears date-palms, produces oil, and abounds in vines. It conquers all lands with this sole marvel: whatsoever tree grows there is never without leaves.

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§ 52.50  Here are theCaucasus mountains, whose perpetual ridges penetrate the greater part of the world. On the side which faces the sun pepper trees grow. They declare that this tree is like the juniper, but bears different fruit. {51} The first to sprout, like a fringe of hazel, is called “long pepper”. The type which falls off and is dried by the hot sun takes its name from its colour. The type stripped from the tree itself, as is, is called “white pepper”. {52} AsIndia alone produces pepper, it also alone produces ebony. By no means all ofIndia brings forth this type of tree, but a very small part. The tree is for the most part finely made, and frequently has few twigs. It swells to the thickness of a stock, and has cracked, very net-like bark with gaping veins, to such a degree that for all the protection it has, its innermost part is scarcely hidden by a thin covering. {53} All the wood is medicinal; it is almost the same in appearance and brilliance as the stone jet. TheIndian kings have their sceptres made from it, and the images of their gods are of nothing other than ebony. They say that harmful liquid is not kept safe by this material, and that whatever injury it holds is averted by the ebony’s touch. {54} Owing to this advantage, they have cups made of ebony. It is thus no wonder if it is of high value, because it is honoured where it grows.

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§ 52.52  {55}Pompey the Great was the first to exhibit ebony fromIndia atRome, in his triumph overMithridates.India also produces scented reeds, powerful against the inconveniences of internal afflictions, and many other perfumes with marvellously sweet breath.

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§ 52.53  {56} The first place amongIndian stones is given to the diamond, inasmuch as it drives away madness, resists poisons, and expels empty fears of the mind. 54 {57} It is fitting to mention these things about the diamond first, as we consider them practical uses. Now we shall return to the appearance and colours of diamonds. An excellent sort is to be found in a certain type of crystal. Its unclouded radiance is similar to that of the substance in which it is formed. It is smoothed into a hexagonal point on both sides, so as to be cone-shaped, and it is never found above the bigness of a hazelnut kernel. 55{58} Closest to this in distinction is the type found in gold. It is paler, and shines rather with the colour of silver. The third kind occurs in veins of copper, and is nearer to the appearance of brass. The fourth is gathered from iron. It excels the others in weight, but not in strength. 56{59} For both this kind and the kind found in copper can be broken, and for the most part can also be pierced by other diamonds. But the kind which we first mentioned are not conquered by iron, nor subdued by fire. Nevertheless, if they are soaked for a long time ingoat’s blood, after several hammers and anvils are broken and wasted, they finally yield and split into shards. These fragments are in demand among engravers, who use them for inscribing gems. 57{60} Between the diamond and the lode-stone there is a certain hidden dissension. If the diamond is placed near, it does not allow the lode-stone to snatch iron. Or if the lode-stone has already drawn iron to itself, the diamond snatches it away and steals it, as though it were booty.

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§ 52.58  {61}India likewise bears lychnites. The blaze of oil-lamps stirs up the vigour of its light, for which reason the Greeks called it lychnites. 59{62} It has two manifestations. Either it shines out with purple brightness, or it is filled more undilutedly with a blush of scarlet. If it is pure, it lets in an uninterrupted clearness throughout itself, and if it flares up in the rays of the sun and becomes enraged, or made hot by rubbing with the fingers, it snatches chaff husks and filaments of papyrus to itself. 60{63} It stubbornly resists engraving, and if at any time it is carved, when theseal presses down, it restrains a part of the wax as though a creature with a bite.

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§ 52.61  {64} TheIndians grind beryls into hexagonal shapes, in order that the dull and mild colour is enhanced to strength by the reflection of the angles. There are manifold types of beryl. The exceptional are grey and blue, with green in the middle, showing the grace of the pure sea. 62{65} Below these are the chrysoberyls, which sparkle more dully, and are draped around with golden clouds. There are also chrysoprases, drawing a mingled light of gold and leek, adjudged equal with the class of beryls. 63{66} The hycaninthine sort, which certainly recall hyacinthus, are also approved. But those which are like crystals, darkened with running fibres (for this is the name of the fault) the wisest count among the common stones.

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§ 52.64  {67} The kings ofIndia love to fashion this type of gem into very long cylinders. When pierced, they hang them on the bristles of elephants, and use them as collars, or often, they enhance them to a richer brightness with gold bosses, and place them on both sides of their heads, so that through the industry of the metal, the stones might show a more brilliant light.

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Before the rashness of man (after the sea had been thoroughly explored) had revealed the truth, it was thought that the island ofTaprobane was another world. Indeed, it was believed that it was inhabited by theAntichthones. But the bravery ofAlexander the Great did not suffer the ignorance of this common error to longer remain; he extended the glory of his name all the way to this remote place. 2 Consequently,Onesicritus, commander of theMacedonian fleet, was sent to explore this land. He gave to our knowledge how big it is, what it produces, and in what manner it is held. It is 7,000 stadia in length, and 5,000 in width.

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§ 53.3  Taprobane is divided by a river flowing through it. One part is full of wild beasts and elephants, bigger by far than those produced byIndia. The other part is held by men. It abounds with pearls and all other gems. It is situated between the East and the West.

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§ 53.4  The island begins at the eastern sea and stretches toIndia. The voyage toTaprobane from the Prasian territory inIndia was at first twenty days, but this was when it was accomplished by way of reed ships like those from theNile. Soon the journey was made by our ships in a voyage of seven days. 5 A shallow sea lies between, not more than six fathoms deep, yet excavated to such a degree by certain channels that no anchors can arrive at the bottoms of the chasms. 6 The stars are not used to navigate, for the Great Bear is not seen there, and thePleiades are never observed. They only see the moon above the land from the 8th day to the 16th. 7 The star Canopos, bright and very large, shines there. They have the rising sun on the right, and the setting sun on the left. As no observations serve to navigate, in order that those proceeding towards a goal secure the right place, they carry birds. For directing the voyage, they have as pilots the passages of the birds seeking land. The way is not sailed above four months in a year.

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§ 53.8  In the principate ofClaudius, we knew only these things aboutTaprobane. ThenFortune opened up a wider way to knowledge. For a freedman ofAnnius Plocamus (who then managed the revenue of theRed Sea), was seekingArabia when he was caught by the north wind in front ofCarmania. On the fifteenth day, he finally landed on this shore, arriving at the port which is named Hippuros. 9 Then, he learned the language in six months and was sent to meetings with the king. What he learned, he reported. 10 The king was astounded at the money which had been captured with him, because it was marked with disparate faces, but was of the same weight. When the king desired the friendship ofRome all the more eagerly from contemplating this uniformity, he sent ambassadors, the chief of whom was Rachia, and from them everything became known.

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§ 53.11  These men are taller than all others. They soak their hair in dye, have blue eyes, are fierce of countenance, and the sound of their voices is terrifying. 12 Such of them who die untimely live for 100 years; all the others have a longer lifetime, almost above the extent of human frailty. 13 Nobody sleeps either before daybreak or throughout the day; they dedicate part of the night to quiet, and wakefulness precedes the rising of the light. Their buildings are raised to a modest height above the ground. The price of grain is always constant. They are ignorant of vines; they have an abundance of fruits. 14 They worshipHercules. In the election of the king, the nobility does not prevail, but the vote of everybody. The people choose someone of tested character and long-standing mildness, who is old in years. But this is sought in him: that he has no children. He who is a father, even if his life has been under scrutiny, is not allowed to rule. If by change when reigning he begets a child, he is stripped of power. This is most guarded, lest the kingdom become hereditary.

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§ 53.16  Even if the king displays the greatest fairness, they prefer not to give him complete control. He takes thirty advisers, lest he alone judge in capital cases. Also, if the judgement is displeasing, the people appeal it; the verdict is then decided by 70 chosen judges, and to this everyone must acquiesce. 17 The king, with a different custom to everyone else, dresses in a syrma, as this is the garment in which we see FatherLiber is clothed.

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§ 53.18  If the king is convicted of some sin, he is punished with death, but not at the hands of the common people. By the public consensus of the whole state, supplies are forbidden to him. Even the power of speech is denied him.

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§ 53.19  They strive to cultivate everything. They indulge in hunting; they do not pursue common prey, but seek only tigers and elephants. 20 They also ransack the seas for fish, and rejoice to catch sea turtles. These are of such size that their shells make houses which shelter numerous families without artifice.

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§ 53.21  The greater part of this island was burned up in the heat, and lapsed into vast wildernesses. The sea which bathes its shore is bushy with bright green (plants), so that the crests of the trees are frequently chafed by the rudders of ships. From the tops of their mountains, the islands can see the shores ofSerica.

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§ 53.22  They admire gold, and they use its splendour for the grace of all drinking cups with gems. They quarry marble with tortoiseshell patterns.

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§ 53.23  They gather a great number of very large pearls. This type of stone is found in molluscs. At a fixed time of year, these molluscs run riot because of conception. They thirst after dew as after their mates. For desire of it they gape. When the shower of the moon melts away the most, they drink in the desired moisture with a certain gaping. Thus they conceive and become pregnant.

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§ 53.24  The condition of the pearls depends on the quality of what the molluscs drink in. For if they accept something pure, the little orbs are white; if it is something murky, they either are tired and pale, or stained with red. 25 Thus, the molluscs’ offspring are more from the sky than from the sea. As often as the molluscs receive the mist of the morning air, the brighter the pearls become; as often as they receive the evening mist, the darker the pearls become. The more the molluscs drink, the more the stones grow. If a gleam flashes unexpectedly, the molluscs squeeze shut in untimely dread. Blocked up from sudden terror, they draw in abortive defects. The stones either become very small, or nonexistent.

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§ 53.26  The molluscs have senses. They fear that their offspring will become tainted, and when the day burns with more fiery rays, they sink down into the deep, lest their stones become stained by the rage of the sun. Subsiding into the depths, they protect themselves from the heat. Age brings relief to this providence. For radiance is destroyed by it, and the pearls in the growing molluscs turn yellow. The pearl is soft in water, and hardens when removed. 27 Two the same are never found: thence the name uniones was given. They deny they are found above a semuncia in size. Molluscs fear the ambushes of fishermen. Thence it is that most of them hide either between the rocks or amongst the sea-dogs. The molluscs swim in flocks. A swarm has a designated leader; if he is captured, then even those who escaped turn back into the nets.

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§ 53.28  India gives pearls; so do the shores ofBritannia. The divineJulius wished it to be understood by an adjacent inscription that the breastplate he dedicated in the temple of his ancestressVenus was made fromBritish pearls.

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§ 53.29  It is commonly known thatLolliaPaulina, wife of the princeps Gaius, had a tunic of pearls then valued at 40,000,000 sesterces. Her fatherManilius despoiled areas of the Orient in his greed to obtain it, and offended Gaius Caesar, son ofAugustus. Forbidden the friendship of the princeps,Manilius poisoned himself.

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§ 53.30  This also the diligence of old records: that pearls were first brought intoRome during the time ofSulla.

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From its island, the mainland follows: therefore, fromTaprobane we shall return toIndia. But if I should continue with theIndian cities and peoples, I would go against the promised method of abridgement.

Event Date: -1LA

§ 54.2  Near to the riverIndus there was a city, Caphisa, which was demolished byCyrus. Samiramis foundedArachosia, which is positioned on the riverErymanthus. The town of Cadrusium was set up near theCaucasus byAlexander the Great. There also is Alexandria, which spreads out to a width of 30 stadia. There are many others, but these are the most eminent.

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§ 54.3  After theIndians, theIchthyophagi hold the mountainous areas.Alexander the great subdued them, and forbade them to eat fish. Beforehand, they were nourished thereby.

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§ 54.4  Above these are the wastes ofCarmania andPersia, then a voyage, in the course of which is the Island of theSun, red, and inaccessible to all kinds of living things. Any animal brought to it is destroyed.

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§ 54.5  Those returning fromIndia first see the Great Bear at Hyanus, a river ofCarmania. 6 The dwellings of the Achaemenids were in this area. Between the promontory ofCarmania andArabia lie 50 miles. Then there are three islands, around which come forth sea-snakes twenty cubits in length.

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§ 54.7  The way fromAlexandria inEgypt toIndia must here be explained. The course is theNile, which carries one all the way toCoptos by way of the blowingEtesians. Then one goes by land as far as Hydreum. After several days’ journey have been accomplished, one arrives atBerenice, the port of theRed Sea. 8 Thence, one strikes Oceli, a port inArabia. Zmirim follows, which is the nearest market town ofIndia, infamous forpirates. Next, after going through scattered ports, one arrives at Cottonare, to which pepper is conveyed in boats made of single pieces of wood.

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§ 54.9  Those seekingIndia set sail in midsummer, either before the beginning of the Dog Days, or immediately after, and those returning sail back in the month of December. 10 Propitious winds out ofIndia are south-easterly, but when one sails into theRed Sea, the winds are either south-westerly or southerly. The area ofIndia is reported as being 17,050 miles. That ofCarmania is 100 miles. A part ofCarmania is not without vines. 11 In addition, there is a race of men there who live on nothing other than the flesh of tortoises. They are hairy all over, up to the face, which is itself ugly. They dress in fish skins, and are called theChelonophagi.

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§ 54.12  TheRed Sea bursts forth onto these shores, and is broken into two gulfs. The eastern one is called thePersian, since thePersian people inhabited the coast; it is 6200 miles about. On the opposite side, whereArabia is, the other gulf is called theArabian. They named the ocean which flows in there the “Azanian”.

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§ 54.13  Persis is joined toCarmania, and begins from the island Aphrodisia. It is rich in a variety of resources. Having been translated to theParthian name, it lies opposite the west on the shore which stretches out for 1550 miles. 14 Its most famous town isSusa, in which is the temple of SusanDiana. 135 miles distant fromSusa (or Carbyle), is the town of Barbitace. Here all humans, for their hatred of gold, buy up this kind of metal and cast it into the depths of the earth, lest they be polluted by its use, and corrupt equality with avarice.

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§ 54.15  Hereabouts the measures of the lands are most inconstant, and not without reason, since some nations aroundPersis use schoini, and others use parasangi. The inconsistent methods make the truth of the measures uncertain.

Event Date: -1LA

All ofParthia is so great in size that it encloses theRed Sea in the south, and theHyrcanian ocean in the north. In it there are eighteen kingdoms, divided into two parts. The eleven which are called the “upper” begin from theArmenian frontier and the shores of theCaspian, and stretch to the lands of theScythians, with whom theParthians exist amicably. 2 The remaining seven “lower” kingdoms, for thus they are called, have the Arii to their east,Carmania and theAriani to the south, theMedes in the western region and theHyrcanians to the north.Media itself, flankingParthia in the west, embraces both theParthian kingdoms.Armenia is enveloped in the north; from the west it sees theCaspii, and from the south,Persia. This tract of land then proceeds all the way to the fortress occupied by the Magi, Fidasarcida by name. The tomb ofCyrus is there.

Event Date: -1LA

Babylonia, founded by Samiramis, is the capital of theChaldaean nation. It is so famous that both theAssyrians and theMesopotamians took its name.

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§ 56.2  The city is 60 miles around, surrounded by walls 200 feet high and 50 feet thick, each foot being larger than our measure by three fingers. 3 TheEuphrates flows through it. The temple of IuppiterBelus is there, whom even the religion which accepts God reports as the founder of the heavenly discipline. In rivalry of this city, theParthians foundedCtesiphon.

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§ 56.4  Now it is time to turn back to the shores of the Ocean, and pull my pen back toAethiopia. For, as we formerly explained that theAtlantic swell began from the west and Spain, it is equally to be set down whence from these parts of the world it first assumes the name “Atlantic”.

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§ 56.5  TheAzanian Sea advances all the way to the shores ofAethiopia, and theAethiopian Sea to the Massylican promontory, whence it is again theAtlantic ocean.

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§ 56.6  A great many people have denied this whole region to be passable, for reason of the heat of the sun;Juba gives us to understand that all this sea is navigable fromIndia toGades, and makes argument for the confirmation of this truth by mentioning peoples and islands. The north-west breezes can carry any fleet toArabia,Egypt andMauretania, provided that the course is steered from theIndian promontory which some name LepteAcra and others Depranum. 7 He also adds the locations of outposts and the distances. From theIndian projection to the island Malichu he affirms that it is 1500 miles, and from Malichu to Scaenon 225 miles. Thence, it is 150 miles to the island Adanum; thus, 1875 miles are traversed to the open sea.

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§ 56.8  Juba struggles against the opinion of the many who hold that the most part of this region is inaccessible to the human race because of the scorching heat of the sun: he says that the crossing of the traders there out of theArabian islands is harassed by those theArabians call theAscitae. The name is given for this reason: they man wicker boats covered withcattle hides, and from this manner of craft harass passersby with poisoned arrows.

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§ 56.9  He also adds that theAethiopian deserts are inhabited by theTrogodytae and Ichthophagi tribes. TheTrogodytae are so swift that they overtake on foot the wild beasts they chase. The Ichthophagi are powerful sea swimmers, not less than marine beasts.

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§ 56.10  TheAtlantic Sea having been investigated all the way to the West,Juba also pays heed to theGorgon Islands. TheGorgon Islands, as we understand, are opposite the promontory which we call Hesperu ceras. 11Gorgon monsters inhabit them, and truly this monstrous clan lives there still. 12 Finally,Xenophon ofLampsacus asserts thatHanno, the Punic general, passed through these islands. Women were found swift as birds; out of all those they saw, two were captured, so hairy and rough of body thatHanno, for remembrance of the occurrence, hung up their two skins in the temple ofJuno, where they remained until the time of the destruction ofCarthage.

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§ 56.13  Above theGorgons are the Islands of theHesperides, which are, asSebosus affirms, withdrawn 40 days' sail into the inmost gulf of the sea.

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§ 56.14  We accept that the Fortunate Islands lie, without doubt, over against the left side ofMauretania;Juba says they are situated under the South, but next to the West. 15 I do not wonder that something great should be anticipated on account of the name, but the truth is not equal to the fame of the appellation. On the first island, which is called Embrion, there are no buildings, nor has there been. Reeds there grow to the size of trees. Black ones of these, when squeezed give forth the most bitter liquid; white ones spew out water suitable for drinking. 16 They say that there is another island called Iunonia, on which there is a little temple, with a low pointed roof. The third is close by, and has the same name; all of it is bare. The fourth is calledCapraria, and is crowded beyond all measure with huge lizards. 17 Nivaria follows. It has thick, cloudy air; therefore, it is always snowy. Then there is Canaria, replete withdogs of most distinguished form. Two of these were even presented to KingJuba. 18 On this island, traces of buildings remain. There are great numbers of birds here, fruit-bearing forests, palm-groves bearing caryotae, many pine-nuts, plentiful honey, and rivers abundant in silura fish. 19 It is also held that the wavy sea spits out sea monsters on to the shores of this island. When the monsters are decomposing into putrefaction, everything there is imbued with a foul reek: for this reason, the nature of the islands does not wholly agree with their nomination.

Event Date: -1LA
Event Date: -1

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