My dear friends and enemies of the world,
I cried for those who died, and I've been crying as hard as I can for what many of you have been doing about it. Be assured: we are aware of what's happening in Greece, Spain, France, Italy, and possibly the United States, and on behalf of all the residents of my country, Japan, I express unequivocal solidarity with you.
On the other hand, I'm troubled by the length of the list. The same thing is happening all over the world, and it can't be contained in Europe. This is a world revolution, my comrades, and I urge you to expand the list.
For example, this is what happened in Japan in 2008.
You probably failed to notice this, due to the specific nature of the mainstream media in this country. But I'm telling you, and now you know it. I hear similar events (in a variety of ways) have been taking place in Korea and China.
The rest of the world? Well, my knowledge is restricted, but myimagination makes it possible to believe that this is a global phenomenon: I hear the screams and gunshots from everywhere, and I'm cryingin advance for those of you I don't yet know about.
So my friends, I have a proposal. Let's revise the list: why don't we include every single country and area on the earth? Actually, I have an even better and much more economical solution: radically shorten the list so it includes only one phrase: the world.
What about the Red Planet? Ok, then probably "theuniverse" is a betteralternative, although it might trigger a string of questions about the definition of the word "list," and ways of thinking about a part and the whole.
Yujiro Tsuneno,
Tokyo, Japan