
An interesting question: why is there so very few western foods that are steamed?🤔pic.x.com/c0f167uAbS
2024-10-12 16:33:35興味深い質問です。なぜ西洋料理には蒸し料理がほとんどないのでしょうか? 🤔


2024-10-13 11:53:50
2024-10-13 11:55:30
@thinking_panda Europe historically have always been more energy abundant than China on a per capita basis. If you look at early 20th century China, it had much fewer trees than today because the land was deforested a long time ago for firewood.
2024-10-12 22:34:19当該の回答はこちら

@thinking_panda Europe historically have always been more energy abundant than China on a per capita basis. If you look at early 20th century China, it had much fewer trees than today because the land was deforested a long time ago for firewood.
2024-10-12 22:34:19歴史的に、一人当たりで見ると、ヨーロッパは中国よりもエネルギーが豊富だった。20世紀初頭の中国を見ると、昔から薪のために森林が伐採されていたため、今日よりも樹木がはるかに少なかった。

@thinking_panda Chinese use chopsticks because the food is chopped into small pieces before cooking since ancient times. Pre-cut food can be cooked very fast because it has greater surface area/volume ratio. European style baking/roasting use an insane amount of fuel.
2024-10-12 22:35:53中国では昔から調理前に食材を細かく切り刻むため、箸が使われています。あらかじめ切り刻まれた食材は表面積と体積の比率が大きいため、非常に早く調理できます。ヨーロッパ式の焼き物やローストは大量の燃料を消費します。

@thinking_panda If you look at Chinese cooking techniques for regular people, they are extremely energy efficient in terms of amount of food you can cook per unit of time/energy.
2024-10-12 22:38:05一般の人向けの中国の調理法を見てみると、時間/エネルギー単位あたりに調理できる食品の量という点で、非常にエネルギー効率が良いことがわかります。

@thinking_panda Water vapor carries a lot more energy than dry air. This is why steaming is much faster than baking. You can steam a bun in 8-10 minutes, but baking bread takes at least 30 minutes.
2024-10-12 22:42:19水蒸気は乾燥した空気よりもはるかに多くのエネルギーを運びます。そのため、蒸すのは焼くよりはるかに速くなります。パンを蒸すのは8~10分でできますが、パンを焼くには少なくとも30分かかります。

@thinking_panda In the time that you can bake a loaf of bread, you can steam 3-4 batches of buns/baozi. The fuel efficiency of steaming is much higher.
2024-10-12 22:43:33パン一斤を焼くのと同じ時間で、3~4個のパンや包子を蒸すことができます。蒸し焼きの燃料効率ははるかに高くなります。

@thinking_panda If you look at power generation tech even today, until you get to operating temperatures much higher than boiling point of water, steam turbine is always used. Nuclear and coal power plants are basically giant steamers.
2024-10-12 22:47:51今日の発電技術を見てみると、水の沸点よりもはるかに高い動作温度に達するまでは、常に蒸気タービンが使用されています。原子力発電所や石炭発電所は、基本的に巨大な蒸気船です。

@thinking_panda Historically, China had way more people than even India. Before the industrial revolution, there were 2x as many people in China as in India. Chinese culture evolved to be extremely energy efficient.pic.x.com/eO3pobaP48
2024-10-12 22:52:34

@thinking_panda Most people in China can't imagine how much energy the average person in the West use just for heating/cooling the house. Per capita residential consumption of electricity in China is only ~1000 kwh/year. Americans use 9000 kwh/person/year just for residential uses.
2024-10-12 22:58:11中国人の大半は、西洋の平均的な人が家の冷暖房だけでどれだけのエネルギーを消費するか想像もつきません。中国における一人当たりの住宅電力消費量は、年間約1000kwhです。米国人は住宅用途だけで一人当たり年間9000kwhを消費しています。

@thinking_panda Scandinavian cultures have bonfire festivals where they just pile up a bunch of wood and burn it as a social event. Can you imagine people wasting fuel like this in China? How many buns can you steam with all this wood?pic.x.com/wRmORByFRd
2024-10-12 23:05:25