2018-05-11 23:39:01
2018-05-11 21:38:36
DNA and benzene rings..... ?! Straight to the cancer! Omg!DNAとベンゼン環!?めっちゃ癌起こす気満々じゃん。#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob#CancerResearchpic.twitter.com/NZSY51wvee
2018-05-11 19:33:27

2018-05-11 19:50:57

2018-05-11 19:53:00

2018-05-11 19:54:15

「私たちの会社は、自然環境を保護するため、植物の声に耳を傾けています 」※聴診器逆やで#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/ffWFvT4JBI
2018-05-11 20:07:24

This stock image of a scientist is PRICELESS. I too often find myself inspecting each nugget of dry ice one by one. Can never be too careful🤣pic.twitter.com/f1HrDgobuK
2018-04-25 06:10:21

@Nicole_Paulk@BioChicaGMOI feel#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob should be a thing.
2018-04-25 09:38:30
I can absolutely walk you through fixing your printer.#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/U0Iy80fmPE
2018-05-04 08:29:13

#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob We do not taste the stuff in our Petri dishes and plants do not grow out of desks.pic.twitter.com/rHDeFycctK
2018-05-04 10:25:54

If you're a nuclear engineer, carry your laptop around with you.... as you work AT A GAS PLANT#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/3oCGM9HrWT
2018-05-04 10:27:24

How did I not see this hashtag until now?#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob This is how I always show up to farm calls, BTW...pic.twitter.com/ePHEj8Wxxh
2018-05-04 11:51:28

Photo captioned: Mad scientist yelling at a lab mouse, angry about a failed experiment 😂#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/xYXhRS1iJN
2018-05-04 12:11:53

there are no#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob for software developerspic.twitter.com/7W5KAOypaw
2018-05-04 13:37:57

#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob Because THIS is how you program.pic.twitter.com/aniuO29NlD
2018-05-04 14:21:52

As a solution architect my day is usually pretty dull, until I stand up in the office and present THE TESSERACT AND MY COLLEAGUES BOW BEFORE MY MIGHT!#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/V7cbyGZYy2
2018-05-04 16:09:26

Environmental scientist lies prone in mud puddle#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/Igh1Pi0B4M
2018-05-04 17:27:56

#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob we sure like to cross our arms alotpic.twitter.com/BxYsRlFNr6
2018-05-04 17:51:02

Chemists stare longingly at mysterious pink liquid collected from the field#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/d9aHUjttjG
2018-05-04 18:08:00

I spend my days laughing at models of DNA that twist the wrong way#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/G0YxJOq9LF
2018-05-04 18:54:12

how to be a translator/an interpreter: 1) write 'hello' in different languages on the background 2) that's it#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/ofXIsIMhzA
2018-05-04 19:10:49

To build camaraderie, we sit uncomfortably close to each other during team meetings#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/0kcJOLQd0P
2018-05-04 19:23:31

Data Science... it's basically Minority Report without the psychics.#BadStockPhotosOfMyJobpic.twitter.com/ZPGzC4M2bL
2018-05-04 20:20:16