アルジェリアのサハラ砂漠で37年ぶりに降った雪で幻想的に彩られた土地の写真の紹介記事。bit.ly/2h2WaCS 微地形に対応した薄雪の分布が興味深い。地元の Karim Bouchetata 氏による写真の著作権を英写真家が買い取り、世界に紹介したようだ。
2016-12-22 07:05:01
An amateur photographer has captured rare and beautiful images of the first snowfall in the Sahara desert for nearly 40 years.#saharasnowpic.twitter.com/IcIpB5Pyac
2016-12-22 01:34:20

Sahara Snow seen in Sahara Desert#SaharaSnow:youtu.be/0-Eu-VZUE4o?a via@YouTube
2016-12-22 05:45:07
Pour la 1ère fois en 37 ans, les dunes du#Sahara recouvertes de neige >>rtl.fr/actu/environne…#mustsee#SaharaSnowpic.twitter.com/sf0FdYox1t
2016-12-22 15:53:49

The snow fall in the#Sahara desert seen from a#satellite. We always like to see things from a different point of view#SaharaSnowpic.twitter.com/rtNTtEkxbW
2016-12-22 19:55:59

Snow in the world’s Largest Hot Desert ..#SaharaSnowpic.twitter.com/SrPMaAA5b2
2016-12-22 22:05:51

#Neige sur le desert#SaharaSnow . Belles photospic.twitter.com/jXDNl06iUk
2016-12-22 23:24:02

Beautiful photo of the snow in the North of Africa#SaharaSnowBy@NASApic.twitter.com/57QhFYaVu3
2016-12-23 01:05:35

Yesterday saw the first#SaharaSnow since 1979! Seasons greetings from@eumetsat 🎄pic.twitter.com/DYRIwxIdMu
2016-12-23 18:44:16

🌨 🏜 Snow in the Sahara Desert?! Check it out! 5 Unusual Places That Rarely See Snowbuff.ly/2in6dDU@jennykmac#SaharaSnow#TTOTpic.twitter.com/Z3F9IVdYQ4
2016-12-23 21:46:13