Tweet an emoji to@NYPLEmoji, get an image from our collections in response.pic.twitter.com/VO5Njd6oDf
2016-08-21 04:50:23

✨Send@NYPLEmoji an emoji, receive an image ✉️ from@NYPL collections. ⏰Tweets once a day. ✒ Curated by@lolibrarian ✂ Source:https://t.co/pX0zfPTWPB

2016-08-21 05:27:59
@murakamirico 🔍digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47de…
2016-08-22 12:40:11
.@NYPLEmoji is amazing. Tweet any emoji at them and get an appropriate pic from their archives. 👯 yieldsdigitalcollections.nypl.org/items/c3fd2980… 🔥🔥🔥🔥
2016-08-22 13:13:19
Tweet an emoji to@NYPLEmoji and get a pic from their archives in returnbit.ly/2b4J1rJpic.twitter.com/HBDI5DCWZV
2016-08-18 02:47:42

Tweet an emoji to@NYPLEmoji bot and they'll tweet back an image from their collection!! 🔮pic.twitter.com/rhKkwM7yLj
2016-08-19 03:17:30

1. Send@NYPLEmoji an emoji.2. Receive an image from@NYPL collections. 👌🏼pic.twitter.com/VB9gaK7JKN
2016-08-17 23:33:33

FUN WITH LIBRARIESsend an emoji to@NYPLEmoji, get a matching historic image back!dnain.fo/2bCAIr2♨️ =pic.twitter.com/p7553K9Tub
2016-08-16 23:18:04

Tweet an emoji 2@NYPLEmoji & they'll tweet back an image from the collection! 🎵➡️ Music for#harpsichord by#Handelpic.twitter.com/SIth19AwYS
2016-08-19 03:26:17

What?!Yessss!New York Public Library's new bot returns images from the archive when prompted with emoji@NYPLEmojipic.twitter.com/2HXxzyVo1y
2016-08-17 22:35:18

LOVE@NYPLEmoji Bot! Such an engaging way to share digital collections.pic.twitter.com/so6oX0mwLH
2016-08-17 07:55:57

絵文字ってツイター用の絵文字であって|д゚)←AA(アスキーアート)じゃないんですよね多分。。。 https://t.co/YxPN5YCOU7
2016-08-22 13:07:28