


Usage with TanStack Start

How to use the library with TanStack Start

⚠️ This guide shows how to use the library withTanStack Start +Vite.TanStack Start is currently in beta. It is not yet recommended for production use.

Create a new TanStack Start project

  1. Run the following command:
pnpm create @tanstack/router
  1. Select the default options:
? Enter the project name: my-website? Select a bundler: vite? Select an IDE: vscode? Open the generated project using vscode after creation? yes

Add the library

  1. Run the following command:
  1. Add theToaster to theroutes/__root.tsx file:
import { Link, Outlet, createRootRoute }from "@tanstack/react-router";import { TanStackRouterDevtools }from "@tanstack/router-devtools";import { Toaster }from "@pheralb/toast";export const Route = createRootRoute({  component: RootComponent,});function RootComponent() {  return (    <>      <Outlet />      <Toaster position="bottom-right" />      <TanStackRouterDevtools />    </>  );}
  1. Use thetoast function in your components or pages:
import { createFileRoute }from "@tanstack/react-router";import { toast }from "@pheralb/toast";export const Route = createFileRoute("/")({  component: HomeComponent,});function HomeComponent() {  return (    <div className="p-2">      <h3>Welcome Home!</h3>      <button        onClick={()=>          toast.default({            text:"hello",          })        }      >        Click me!      </button>    </div>  );}

Add the styles (optional)

The library exports a CSS file that you can include in your project. Only use in cases where the toast styles do not render correctly:

💡 Add the following code to theglobalsrc/routes/__root.tsx file.

// 📄 src/routes/__root.tsximport pheralbToastStylesfrom "@pheralb/toast/dist/styles.css?url";export const Route = createRootRoute({  head: ()=> ({    links: [{ rel:"stylesheet", href: pheralbToastStyles }],  }),  component: RootComponent,});

✨ Ready.

On this page

