Welcome to TkDocs
Thanks for visiting TkDocs, which has been set up to provide a highly selective resource for people learning and using Tk to buildgraphical user interfaces.
As you'll see from theTk backgrounder, Tk has been around for a very long time, and so has gonethrough a lot of changes, not the least of which is the introduction of an entirely new widget set in Tk 8.5 (December 2007).Like a lot of fast-moving open source projects, it's hard to keep a wide range of documentation in sync, and this iscomplicated by the myriad ways Tk is used.
Developers first wanting to learn Tk can be overwhelmed at the range of documentation out there, much of it incredibly out of date.Even Tk experts have a hard time keeping track of which are the right tools to use. And because Tk can be used from so many differentprogramming languages, finding information relevant to your language of choice is even harder.
What you can Expect
This site will most decidednot be a repository of all known information about Tk, or attempt to catalog every possiblechoice of widget, extension, technique or application that is out there. In fact, we want this site to help younot need to makechoices, by providing you with a highly-opinionated and biased take on what we think mainstream developers should know to buildmainstream desktop applications. Ifsoftware can beopinionated, so can documentation.
As much as possible, we'll aim to providelanguage-neutral information. While there is naturally a tight bond betweenTcl and Tk, it's a natural match for so many other dynamic languages. Part of what we want to do is deliver as much informationas we can that directly fits your language of choice, and failing that, do what we can to help make information from otherlanguages easy to adapt.
Of course, the real goal is to bring closer together the community of Tk developers, who are too often hidden in language-specificsilos. The more we can all share our ideas and help to improve things together, the better off we'll all be. And if that helpsstimulate additional new Tk users, all the better!
Site Developers and Contact Info
This site has been developed byMark Roseman, who has been using Tk for both open sourceand commercial software on-and-off since about 1992. For any site questions, comments, corrections and contributions, please feel free to emailmark@tkdocs.com.
There is also aTkDocs mailing list on Google Groups.
Additional Credits
This site has benefited from contributions and comments by many people. Included among these are Dmitry Bushenko, Joe English, Donal Fellows, Mike Griffiths, John Hamill, Jeff Hobbs, Mike Ignatoski, Steve Landers, Andrew Matthewman, Tom Maynard, Mojca Miklavec, Bryan Oakley, Nemanja Peshovich, Guilherme Polo. Ben Smith, Janko Stamenovic, Pat Thoyts, David Trudgett, Larry Virden, Kevin Walzer, and Jayson Williams. Thanks also to various authors and contributorson both the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup and the Tcler's Wiki.
Site Changes
As we add to or change material on the site, we'll keep ourchange log updated, so that you can keep trackof what material is new on the site.
Site Copyright
All material on this site is Copyright © 2007-2024 Mark Roseman. This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.If you have any questions regarding the use of the material on this site, including possible uses not covered by the license, please don't hesitatetoemail Mark.